
The Night Parade of a Hundred Demons

Life…life is a cold mistress isn’t it? I mean, this man that has lived his life the way society wanted him to, a lawful man who does not dabble in crime and sin. Yet, after being walked over and beaten his entire life, he is rewarded by being sent into a void for countless years, by himself with his own thoughts. Is that fair? Is it fair that MONKEYS get to live their lives in peace even after hurting and abusing others? Why was it him that was sent to this hellhole? As he wallowed in his thoughts, he was offered a second chance as his favorite character in the world of DXD. He of course took it, even if it was a perverse world. Follow him on his journey of enlightenment and excitement as he relearns how to care for other human beings and not think of them as trash.

TheRealMonke1212 · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs

Chapter One: Wake The Fuck Up Samurai





















That was all I could feel right now. There was no light, no sound, no smell, just darkness. The only way I could even try to describe this nothingness would be as a deep, all-encompassing void that devoured a person's senses and sanity.

There was no darkness in the world that could compete, let alone comprehend, with this void. But...in a very sick and disturbing way, it was nice.

Not nice, like getting a good grade on a test, but like getting a good nap during a long day. But the cons far outweighed the pros.

My own thoughts were louder than any bomb mankind could produce, any noise an animal might make, even louder than the destruction of a star. I could not see my body, if I had a body. Either I have no body or my eyes are completely shut. I couldn't even feel anything at all—not the ground, not the breeze, or anything of a physical or semi-physical nature.

But I must say, floating around in this...place wasn't particularly pleasant. Is this what space is like? If so, I feel bad for any astronauts who have to feel this. The only ones who could like this are those into sensory deprivation or weirdos who need someone to...reeducate them. I will gladly volunteer for it as well.

Speech, even for entertainment purposes, was completely impossible. Not only was there no matter in this space, I couldn't even tell if I was moving my mouth, if I had a mouth, or even made the proper motions needed for any sound.

I stopped feeling my body a long time ago, if time even exists here.

In life, many people take many basic functions for granted. I, and possibly many others, have taken my senses for granted, I couldn't feel my own body let alone sense anything else that even struck the nervous system.

This was definitely equal to the worst of hells, I wouldn't wish this on my own worst enemies. A gang of racists and rapists could take turns beating and torturing me and I still would have preferred them over this...hell.

My perception of time is practically gone, I couldn't even tell if I had been here for a year or a second. For all I know, I could have been here for hundreds of millennia, maybe even Eons, and I wouldn't have even known.

While my initial fear is long gone, I still felt my overwhelming curiosity and something else...maybe sadness? No, it's more akin to rage...maybe frustration? Yes, that's what I felt. I felt frustrated at my predicament, frustrated at my foolishness, and frustrated at my inability to act for myself...

Why was I the one forced into this situation, when so many more people deserved it more than me? Why was I so foolish in life when I thought I could be happy if I followed basic societal guidelines? By doing everything that could be "right" in this world? Why...why was I such a coward and easily manipulated tool?

This was a true hell that was forced upon me unjustly. Why did I have to face such treatment? Why don't the people who harm and inflict all sorts of chaos on others get treated like this? Why don't the trash and monkeys of the world get this punishment? Why me?

This was truly unfair.








My entire life was unfair. I followed all the rules, yet, this is my reward?

I never deserved such consequences. After I was born, my mother died due to complications. Soon after my father passed away on my seventh birthday. I was adopted by my grandparents but they also passed away when I was sixteen.

After my father's passing, I began to study twice, nay, thrice as hard as my peers in school. I worked so I could make my late parents proud, even if I wasn't the brightest, I was at least on the smarter end of the spectrum.

After my grandparents passed, I begun working two jobs just to keep myself alive. One was at a food truck and the other at a clearance store. Both were places where I was ridiculed and belittled for cultural or economic differences.

But, it seems like it was all for not. The biggest mistake I did was trying too hard, too often, and I was too kind.

My entire life consisted of me being kicked into the dirt. When I tried to get up, to be above the filth of society, I was kicked down once more and with more force. Whenever I did something, I was spat on and met with ridicule and disgust. Yet...they should've been in the wrong, right? I was the one doing the right things, following the law, being kind, actually trying in life...yet, I was the one being pushed down into the dirt as if I was a fucking monkey. Yet, I was the one in this Godforsaken place.

Where did I go wrong in life? What did I do wrong?! Why, damn it?! Why was I here!

Seems as if life decided to have the last laugh before I died and sent me here. To this place. This void.

The only thing keeping me sane was my frustration, my anger, my hate. Without them, I doubt I would've had stayed even slightly sane.

It was the only thing that connected me to my memories, my sense of self, my soul, and my mind.

I don't doubt that I was sent here because life was unfair. It was only natural. Life was a cold mistress. But even so, why me?

Maybe because I was weak. Maybe because I wasn't selfish enough. Maybe because I wasn't smart enough. Maybe because I wasn't a filthy fuckiNG MONKEY!?

It doesn't matter how good, how morally correct, how kind, or how reasonable you are. All that matters is strength and charisma. Without that, you are nothing. Only an ant to be trampled upon. The only reason these concepts, these things we choose to abide by, exist is because the Almighty Creator called God said so. Proof that strength and charisma rules all. Proof that those rules mean nothing when someone stronger than you can just crush you and take everything you held dear.

Morals, rules, emotions, and ethics mean nothing the moment someone better and stronger than you comes around and pries your hopes and dreams away from your cold, dead hands.

All that matters is power...

Power is truth...

Power is right...

Power is just...

Power is all...


I want power...

I want it so I will never be hurt again...


































[Congrats! You have just earned a second chance at life! You filthy ape!]



After so much time in complete darkness and contemplation, I saw a blue screen appear in front of my face. After I finished reading the text, I was shocked. I looked at it for a few more seconds in slight disbelief before I began cackling like a mad man. Is this how God decided to reward me? By giving me a second chance? To live my life properly? If so, then I will gladly say yes. But...why the hell did it call me an Ape?!



[That doesn't matter! What does matter is that you'll be reincarnated into a new world due to achieving sufficient requirements!]



Requirements? What are the-, no, I shouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth. This is the perfect opportunity for me to live my life how I want.

'What type of world will I be in?' I thought. It probably had telepathy if it responded to my reaction from being called an ape, which I disagree on.



[You are correct! And you'll be in a world full of magic and magical species! A world where gods still roam and the heroes of old are real!]



'Will I have powers? What will my race be?' If I was gonna have a new life in a world of gods and demons then I won't let others have a chance at ripping it away from me.



[Of course you dimwit! You'll receive a new HUMAN body with extra benefits! You'll also be getting the powers of your favorite character Suguru Geto, isn't that great!]



Rude...hmph, it is quite interesting though. Anyway, I wonder what it means by "extra benefits". At least I get a powerful ability, from Geto no less! He was my favorite character in JJK and was extremely strong! With this, I can rise to the top easily!

'What world will I reincarnate to?'



[That doesn't matter! Anyway, see you later, bye!]



'Wait! I still have questions!' I yelled in my head as my body began to tear itself apart and disintegrate, it was horrendously painful.



[The world is Dxd btw! You horny monkey!]



'Huh!?' I thought as I was fully erased and fell unconscious.












As my consciousness returned, I opened my eyes before quickly sitting up. My body and mind were incredibly tired and in pain, but I slowly but surely recovered. I was breathing erratically, but soon calmed down. Once everything settled, I began to stare at my body. My body—my fleshy, human body.

I-I was alive! It was real! It wasn't some cruel joke or a dream!

I soon began to laugh like a psychopath while shedding tears of joy.

I was free! They didn't lie to me!

Soon, I got a hold of my emotions and noticed I was in a simple yet cozy single-person bedroom and sitting atop a very comfortable single-person bed.

'This feels amazing, but where am I? Wait, didn't the thing say I was in Dxd? FuuuccckkkKKKK!!!' I yelled in my head.



[World-line: DXD]

[Location: Kuoh]



'Huh? So, I really am in Dxd, and I'm in the same town as the MC, the same town as the literal sisters of the rulers of hell... Wait a damn minute, is that a screen?'

I finally realized that I was reading a blue screen, the same screen that I saw in the Void.

'Don't tell me I have a gaming system! If so, this makes my life so much easier!'

'Wait, if I'm in DXD, then that means I'll have to deal with literal Dragon Gods, which are the personifications of Infinity and Dreams, as well as the biblical factions, entire pantheons, Youkai, which might not be so bad since I think Cursed Spirit Manipulation works on them, and the Khaos Brigade, which is filled with the world's greatest losers and some very powerful people.'

'Some of these people could breathe, and my existence would be over.'

'*Breathe in* and *Breathe out*, I can handle this, with enough training at least. FuuucccckkkkKKKK!!! Of all the things I could have gotten, why didn't I get the powers of a Jujutsu Sorcerer like Gojo or a curse like Mahito or Sukuna!?'

'And I obviously can't skip town; they probably already know I'm here! Shit! No, calm down; you can get through this; you just have to think properly and check the system.'



[Starter Package for MONKEYS]

+ Skill Book: ID Create

+ Skill Book: ID Escape

+ Skill Book: Language

+ Item: Jujutsu Kaisen Manga Vol 0-3

+ Weapon: Wooden Bat


Items, weapons, and skill books have all been added into the USERS inventory system.



'Hmmm, I have read many Gamer stories in my life and they usually all follow the same outline. If that's the case then, STATUS.'




Suguru Geto

Title: Monkey!

Level - 0

HP: 100 (10 HP/min)

CE: 100 (10 CE/min)

Race: Human (Can be EVOLVED)

Tier: Low Class (GRADE: 4)

Sacred Gear: [None]

Class: Sorcerer - [LV. 0/100]

Vit: 10 (Health and regeneration rate.)

End: 10 (Stamina and physical defense.)

Str: 10 (Physical Strength.)

Agi: 10 (Dexterity, Speed, and Flexibility.)

Int: 10 (Mental Processing Power and Energy Potency.)

Wis: 10 (Ability to retain and recall information and energy capacity)

Luk: 10 (You're not the MC.)


(!)Tutorial: Skills can be gained through leveling up your class or by performing special actions. Skills can also be gained through {Skill Books} and quests.

• [Cursed Energy Manipulation]-Allows you to utilize and manipulate Cursed Energy.

• [Inherited Technique: Cursed Spirit Manipulation] (Locked)-This allows the USER to control vagabond cursed spirits. Dominated curses are absorbed into small black orbs that the USER must ingest orally in order to use. If the difference in grade is more than two GRADES, the USER can absorb a curse with no consequences. The USER is also able to absorb other sorcerer's curses as long as he kills the master first.


[Gamer]-Allows you to interact with reality as if it were a game



'Ho? How interesting, it seems that due to being a former Jujutsu Sorcerer, Suguru Geto, it translated into the [Sorcerer] class. Interesting, but would have preferred if it was the [Sorcerer] class from DnD, would've made my life easier. It also seems to have made my MP, which would have been normal for a normal [Sorcerer], into Cursed Energy or CE.' While I was contemplating the Status Menu, I soon saw my skills, more specifically, my [Inherited Technique], which was sadly locked.

'Shit, well this makes my life a whole lot harder. Hopefully the Dungeons or whatever have Cursed Spirits in them when I unlock this skill. Don't wanna have a completely useless skill in a world with literal Gods. Anyway, show me the basic description of the [Sorcerer] class.' I asked in my head.




[Sorcerer - Lv. 0/100 ]

An individual capable of harnessing and utilizing {Cursed Energy} to perform sorcery or "Jujutsu".

Stat Gain per level:

+1 Strength

+1 Vitality

+2 Endurance

+1 Dexterity

+3 Intelligence

+2 Wisdom

Class Skills:

[Cursed Energy Manipulation]

Allows USERS of this class to utilize and apply cursed energy.



While I don't know if this is a "Good" or "Broken" version of the standard Sorcerer class, I do know that this is, at the very least, a decent class to start with. However, the main problem with this class is that using cursed energy is very complicated and requires a lot of time and effort to even begin to utilize and understand the basics of Jujutsu. There's also the concern of items or other things that could help me with training in this world, if there are any.

While the standard class would have been preferable, I can still work with this. Certain cursed techniques can be extremely overpowered and they're by no means weaker than magic or other magical abilities in this world.

[Innate Technique]'s make up approximately 80% of a Jujutsu Sorcerers combat abilities. I can also just learn magic, get a Sacred Gear, or just learn Touki, if I couldn't unlock CSM or gain one of my own. I say this since most if not all sorcerers need extremely thorough and specialized training as well as advanced mathematical knowledge to master Jujutsu and their techniques.

(A/n: CSM is Cursed Spirit Manipulation.)

Of course, due to Jujutsu Sorcery and its energy being unknown in this world, it gives me a very strong advantage over others. The only thing I would have to be careful of is Senjutsu and Senjutsu users. If I remember correctly, Senjutsu is similar to Jujutsu, at least on paper, where Senjutsu is the power to control the flow of life energy or ki in living beings, similar to users of Jujutsu.

The main difference between the two is that Jujutsu Sorcerers manipulate Cursed Energy which is Negative in nature, meaning that they can't heal themselves while Senjutsu users can. Their healing capabilities remind me of Reversed Cursed Energy which tells me that the Ki produced by people is similar to Reversed Cursed Energy. Meaning they can most likely see and interfere with my Jujutsu due to its nature but that can also be applied vice versa.

But that's a worry for the far future, right now, I need to find out what the hell is happening and get my priorities straight.




Suguru Geto, age 10. Has been an orphan for most of his life so far. Was adopted at age 7 but his adoptive parents have passed away and left him a home and a couple hundred thousand dollars as inheritance. Was a former childhood friend of Issei Hyoudou and Irina Shidou.

Today is January 1, 2004 and Canon will begin in 6 years as of now.



Thank God that, well, God gave me at least enough time so I can get decently strong and maybe even gain a considerable amount of influence in the supernatural world.

'Now that I know my current situation, I should explore this place more.' I thought before getting up from the bed and began walking around the house with the hopes of getting familiar with its layout. The drawers and wardrobes in my room had a good amount of clothes in them, I'll be set for a while.

It was a pretty large household having a master bedroom and two guest bedrooms, each having their own bathroom. The house also contained a kitchen, a bathroom, a living room, an empty storage space, and a small basement.

The house was completely furnished with all the basic needs a human being would need. The tv was the most important as I would need it for the beginning stages of my training.

If I want to survive in this world, especially this town, I'll need as much training I can get. I just pray that I don't get the two kings of hell's sisters attention while I'm here.

As I am now, I would be outclassed in EVERY category. A simple breath they make could kill me.

Now that I think about it, wasn't there a thing called [Heavenly Restriction] in JJK? If I remember correctly, they would give you a boost in certain areas while either lowering others or having a negative impact in general.



[Would You Like To Obtain A Heavenly Restriction?]

[Yes]                      [No]



No. I'll get one later, I don't have a specific reason for one right now.

As much as humans have very poor modifiers and abilities in general, the possibility of being crippled for life is simply too high. I'll only get it when I'm certain that I'll survive or when I absolutely have to.

After all, those that are overly prepared and cautious will always be the ones who survive the longest.




The Cautious Man is Not a Dead One: 50% increase in dmg and atk speed against surprise encounters and sneak attacks.

• The user gains a passive 20% increase in their regular senses and any skills that deal with the users senses.

• The user gains a 20% increase in damage and success when the user attempts a sneak attack on enemies.



While I didn't accept the [Heavenly Restriction] I at least got something that was still damn helpful. This will surely prove useful in future endeavors.

At the very least, no pesky devils, fallen, or any other creature of relatively low levels can sneak up on me that easily.

For now though, I should begin on trying out my cursed energy and get a grasp on it.

I quickly say down on the matted floor and got into a lotus position.

Cursed energy is completely compromised of negative emotions and is produced by all things, specially humans, subconsciously. Even so, it must be understood that to utilize cursed energy one must activate and manipulate it themselves otherwise it will not go anywhere.

And so, I began reminiscing about my life. From my childhood to my early thirties. Remembering each and every time I was put down or used by others. Every time I had my hopes dashed and my dreams spat on. The unquantifiable hatred and rage that I carried within my heart that seemed to only get stronger by the second. My closed eyes shut themselves even harder and my teeth began to grind into each other.

And then, I remembered the void. The place that I appeared in after that place. Oh how I loathed my stay in there. How infuriating it was. How powerless I was.

I could feel the blood in my veins boil even more, burning hotter than any star. My rage easily multiplied with each passing moment. The disgusting weakness of man and the sins of my kin truly was something truly extraordinary. The feeling of being less than human, to have no power, and to be less than even an animal was something that I loathed yet something I will truly remember to my dying day.

Recalling such memories, remembering and refilling my heart with such emotions truly lit a spark within my body, mind, and soul. And so, I focused on it, not letting those emotions go for even a moment, and redirected it all into my fist.

As my eyes opened, I both saw and felt the black and blue flames that radiated hate and rage cover my fist. The power inside felt so...surreal.

My excitement didn't last long as I felt my reserves drain at a rapid pace and my control began to flicker. Soon, the flame vanished, leaving no trace of its existence in the world.



[CONGRATULATIONS! You Have Just Unlocked Your Cursed Energy!]

+5 Wisdom

+5 Intelligence



'Sigh...well we gotta start somewhere, right? At least I had a average Cursed Energy Pool. Thank God that I wasn't reincarnated with something that was below average, godforbid none at all. Though, I definitely would have preferred larger a pool.'

Well, this did put a wrench in my plans but not by much at least. Thankfully I was average and with enough time and training I could surely reach the level of Suguru Geto...right?