
The night camp

Shelly Bill, a governor's daughter hated her friend twin brother for something he did in the past. She couldn't let go, so they became rivals. They were never friends at school, always finding fault in each other. John in the process liked Shelly, but couldn't see the possibility of anything happening between them because she hated him and he was nothing more than a rival to her, so she was never interested in him. The more she treated him badly, the more he liked her. She was also focused in her future, she was not the best but was working toward that when this new girl came and everything went down. The new girl was in a competition with her, she needed to fight to become the best; was she going to survive it. There was usually a night camp that holds every three years, it was usually held at south Africa. They were later forgotten at the night camp, they faced a lot of terrible situations, not knowing what to do, where to go and how to find help. They faced a lot of difficulties. what Will be their fate, read to know more.

obiparadise_purity · Teen
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100 Chs


"You can't be serious" her mother shouted. "Mum, that's my passion I don't want to go into something I'll regret one day," she said calmly. "It's a no for me, you're going to study what your brother is studying" her mother lashed out. "Dad! mum why are you taking this seriously" she called out. "Because I won't have my daughter, my only daughter to be seen on the internet doing what is not meant for her" her mother yelled.

"Honey calm down, did you bother to ask her what's she going for in the entertainment industry" her father finally spoke up. "I don't care, all I know is she's not entering into the entertainment industry," her mother said.

"There's nothing wrong with singing and why are you behaving like this?. It is my decision to make about my career path. You of all people should know this by now, I know you're educated" she said talking to her mother. "Shelly how dare you talk to me like that, honey better do something before I deal with her," her mother said.

"Mum you want to beat me up right because I told you my choice of career. You can beat me but one thing for sure is that you cannot change my mind" she said. "Shelly when have you become like this" her mother yelled standing up.

"Honey sit and Shelly stop talking" her father commanded and everywhere was silent for some moment. "Now Shelly listen, I think your mum has a point, you should think about what you're saying and it's not a good reputation for a president's daughter" her father explained.

"Dad you too, so you're on mum's side. Let me tell the both of you, as my parent you're supposed to stand by whatever decision I make and guide me not forcing your opinion on me. By the way, I never wanted to become the president's daughter so that's none of my business. I don't care about what people would say" she said with tears in her eyes.

"Honey I didn't mean....." her father was saying when she cut in. "Dad, you don't have to explain, you're on mum's side," she said and stood up. "Young lady where do you think you're going we're not done with this discussion" her mother yelled.

"You all should leave me alone" she shouted and ran upstairs. "Shelly! Shelly! come back here" her mother continued to shout. She shut the door hard enough for it to break and locked it, she went to her bed and sobbed. As she was crying she heard someone knocking at the door. "Go away, I don't want to speak to anyone, I'm not in the mood" she shouted. "It's me James, please open the door," he said still knocking.

She likes James, so as he kept on knocking she had no choice but to let him in. she slowly got up and went to open the door. After she opened the door, she went to sit on her bed and he followed her from behind. He went to sit close to her.

"I heard everything," he said. "But why don't they want to allow me to choose my course," she said. "I understand you but you should also see reasons with them," he said. "Are you supporting them?" she said. "No, but you should think about what they're saying, and also no matter what just know I'll stand by you no matter the decision you make," he said.

"Thanks," she said and hugged him tightly. "It's okay, you'll be alright," he said as he pats her hair softly. He stayed with her for some time before he left.

"What do I do now," she said as she lay down on her bed. "I should call Joan," she said, sat upright, picked up her phone, and called Joan. "Hello Joan," she said. "Hello the other voice answered and she knew it was not Joan. She waited for a minute before he continued. " John is that you," she asked recognizing his voice. "Yes it's me" he answered. "But this is Joan....." she said and he cut in.

"Yes, this is her phone, she went out and she'll be back very soon," he said. "Why would she leave her phone at home?" she asked. "I told her to take it but she insisted she'll not be out long," he said.

" Oh why," she said sadly. "You sound sad, what's the problem," he asked. "I'm having troubles at home," she said. "Is everyone alright?" he asked. "Yes can I see you tomorrow by 1 pm at star rise restaurant," she asked. "Yes but why?" he asked. "I'll tell you everything when we meet I got to go now, bye," she said and ended the call not allowing him to say anything further.

She also called John Billion and told him to meet her at star rise restaurant and he agreed. After the call, she slept off. She woke up the next morning which was on Saturday. She took her bath, brushed her teeth and she refused to leave her room. "Miss Shelly, breakfast is ready. Your parents require your presence at the dining" the maid said knocking at the door

"Tell them I'm not hungry" she shouted. "But miss," the maid said. "No but, you can leave now," she said and soon she heard her footsteps fading. "The maid got back to the dining. " Sir, ma, she said she is not hungry, that she does not want to eat" the maid reported. "What! this is the first time she refuses to have breakfast. I'm going there right away" her mother shouted standing up.

"Honey calm down, let her be," her father said and she sat down. " You may leave," her mother told the maid, then she bowed and left. Shelly refused to go out of her room. She was eating snacks while in her room. When it was 1 pm she got prepared and sneaked out of her room and as she was about to go out of the house someone asked her where she was going.

She turned around and it was James. "I'm going to meet my friends," she said. "You didn't eat this morning and you're sneaking out," he said. "Aren't you supposed to be at work?" she asked. "Yes, but I took a leave today because I'm not very sound. The only way I'll allow you to go out without informing your parents is that when you come back you'll resolve the issue and also eat dinner" he explained.

"But.....okay I agree," she said giving up. "You can go," he said and she went out. "Why is he monitoring me" she whispered as she entered the car and her driver took her to the restaurant.

When she got inside, she saw John waiting for her. He stood up as he saw her and Shelly hugged him before they sat down. "So what's the problem," he asked. "Wait," she said checking her wristwatch. "Are you expecting someone?" he asked. "Yes I'm waiting for John Billion," she said.

"You called him, he asked surprised. "Yes, I just want him to be here when I'll be making the decision" she explained. "What decision," he asked. "Oh here he comes," she said. He walked to their table and sat down and she shook hands with him. John and John Billion looked at themselves and she noticed the eye contact between them and she broke the silence.

"John Billion this is John my friend and John this is Billion. I know you know him" she said and they shook hands. "Now to the main reason why I called you both here, I need your advice about the problem or trouble I'm having at home about my career path," she said. "You have finally told your parents," Billion said. "Yes, and their reaction wasn't good as expected," she said.

"Let's hear what you have to say," John said. She told them everything that happened. After her explanation, John told her that he has an idea after thinking for some minutes after she told them everything.