
The night camp

Shelly Bill, a governor's daughter hated her friend twin brother for something he did in the past. She couldn't let go, so they became rivals. They were never friends at school, always finding fault in each other. John in the process liked Shelly, but couldn't see the possibility of anything happening between them because she hated him and he was nothing more than a rival to her, so she was never interested in him. The more she treated him badly, the more he liked her. She was also focused in her future, she was not the best but was working toward that when this new girl came and everything went down. The new girl was in a competition with her, she needed to fight to become the best; was she going to survive it. There was usually a night camp that holds every three years, it was usually held at south Africa. They were later forgotten at the night camp, they faced a lot of terrible situations, not knowing what to do, where to go and how to find help. They faced a lot of difficulties. what Will be their fate, read to know more.

obiparadise_purity · Teen
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100 Chs


Test week started as usual and everyone was studying. On Monday after writing two subjects, everyone was happy the test was over for that day.

"Jesus, this school wants to kill us, from one activity to another, since the beginning of the term, they won't even give us breathing space, I wonder if this is how they treated them while they were in school," Rita said in a complaining tone.

"You'll survive, this is what you get for attending a prestigious school. By the way, do you want the student's to say; They are not doing anything, so we deserve it" Shelly said. "Thanks for the encouragement" Rita said and both of them laughed.

John went to meet them; "hay," he said and only Rita answered. "Shelly are you still angry," he asked. "Obviously yes" she answered. "Why," he asked. "What do you mean why, when you are supposed to stand up for me, you don't? And now you come here to ask me why you're unbelievable" she said.

"But I've apologized," he said. "Sometimes, I even wonder if what she told me was true" Shelly murmured to herself. "Who told you, did anyone say anything," John asked. "Forget about it," she said. "Tell me," he said. "No, I won't," she said and ran away. "Oh John, what have you done," Rita said and ran after her shouting for her to stop.

In the morning assembly on Monday, the principal announced to them that they would be having a seminal, the following week. "Shelly, what did I tell you? Test week is ending on Friday and next week we are having a seminal, I will just die" she said. "Hang in there, okay," she said comforting her.

After the announcement everyone went to class, Shelly and Rita are seen discussing. "I wonder what the seminal would be about," Rita said. "I don't know, didn't you hear the principal, the topic will be announced on the day of the seminal" Shelly said. "I don't like the way our school always likes beating around the bush, can't they just go straight to the point," she said.

"That's how they are, so deal with it" she answered. "Shelly isn't it time you forgive John, I mean what did he even do, okay let's assume he did something, hasn't he apologized enough, why are you suffering that boy for goodness sake," Rita said.

"He should act like a class perfect that's all I want until he begins to act like one, I won't forgive him," Shelly said and they went to class.

John was thinking in his mind when Shelly walked in with Rita and she sat down, while Rita went to her seat. John thought in his mind. "Look at her so exquisite, I claim I like her but still can't come to her defense, what is wrong with you John, it's time to act like a class perfect". He made up his mind to start acting like one.

"Good morning Shelly," he said. "Bad morning" she answered. They wrote their first test for the day and when the teacher left the class, they thanked God and were about to rest when a teacher entered their class and everyone shouted; "Hay!".

The teacher was surprised and he told them he wasn't there for them, they were relieved on hearing his statement. " Where are the class prefect and assistant," he asked. Shelly and John raised their hands.

He asked them to follow him, that he has work to give them. Shelly stood up looking tired but they had no choice but to follow him.

He took them to J. s. s. 1 class and told them to supervise them, that he was going to get something saying it might take a long time. They agreed and he left. "I don't want to hear any noise from you, just concentrate on what you are doing," Shelly said.

A group of boys was discussing at the back and Shelly went there. "What is going on here, I thought I said no noise," Shelly said. "Who is even this one" a boy grumbled and Shelly heard him. Shelly tapped a girl close to him and asked her what his name is; she told her his name was Desmond.

"Desmond, stand up and follow me," Shelly said. He refused to stand up; "You want me to slap you, I say stand up, look at how you are talking to your senior rudely," Shelly said.

John went to where she was and asked her what was going on, she explained to him. "Follow me" John shouted at the boy and he immediately followed him.

He took him to the front of the class and asked him to stand there till the teacher comes. He was there, on seeing him every other person behaved themselves. When the teacher returned, they went back to their class.

"All these Junior are too arrogant, I wonder if they had any home training at all" Shelly said turning to John. "I don't think they have," John said. "It's now your acting as a perfect, keep it up," Shelly said smiling. "Thank you" he answered. "I forgive you for not acting as a prefect," Shelly said and went to meet Rita and they discussed for hours.

Soon test week was over. and it was Monday again. They made all necessary arrangements for the seminal and they were told that they would be using the hall for the seminal and that all the students in the school should gather there.

In the morning of the Friday, the day of the seminal they were told that they would lecture them on teenage life. "Oh, I told you, they should have just told us from the start instead of keeping us in suspense all this while," Rita said in a complaining tone.

"Rita, at least they have told us, so it is no longer a suspense, can you stop complaining it is for your good," Shelly said. "Continue defending them, school mother," she said and they laughed.

They all went to the hall after the morning assembly, Shelly, Rita, Peter, and John sat in front, the first row. Soon everyone settled down and the hall was silent.

The principal came out and said. "Thank you all for coming, this is the first seminal we are holding this year and we thank God for that. I urge you all to pay rapt attention and listen to the person that would be teaching you, so you can go home with moral lessons, thank you. With a standing ovation and with a round of applause, let's welcome professor Nelly Adam" he said and everyone stoop up clapping then she came on stage.

she started, "Thank you, everyone, I appreciate it. You may now take your seat, great students of L. H. A." and everyone sat down.

Everyone kept a fixed gaze at her, she was beautiful, tall, and in a well designed suit. She was light - skinned and she looked rich, everyone admired her long hair.

She continued; "I am so pleased to be standing here today, encouraging the young generation. It was tough for me to get this far but I thank God I'm here today. As your principal has just said, I'm professor Nelly Adam from the Teenage Hope Foundation, a non - governmental organization founded by me. I have gone around the world to impact the lives of children and today I'm here. Thank you all for giving me this great opportunity" she said and everyone cheered and clapped.

She continued, I'm going to be telling you the story of my life, I hope it would encourage you into a brighter tomorrow. Let me assure you that no condition I'm life is permanent, I can say it was not easy for me" she said almost in tears and continued.

"Now I begin, when I was a child, I had great potential to become an educator, it was written all over me, that was my destiny.

As young as I was, people refer to me as an orator. I would teach my classmate and educate them on anything they don't understand. I was not rich, but sometimes we had to struggle for food.

After my primary education, we relocated to a new environment where I was given a scholarship. My parents stayed back while I was in secondary school alone, I was the only child of my parents and they supported me in any way they can.

I entered secondary school and in two weeks I was already known all over, things were walking well for me, I knew that one day I will become one of the greatest speakers.

The whole trouble began when I met Ray a guy from my neighborhood, he would constantly persuade me to be his girlfriend but I declined, he won't leave me alone. In my senior year, he finally succeeded in raping me, although he was arrested and jailed, the most shocking part of it was that I became pregnant.

At that point I knew my whole life has ended, my future dashed. I did not know what to do, getting pregnant at my teenage age was not my plan at all but what was done was done.

My mother disowned me and my father stood by me. My mother told my father that I should not stay in her house and she drove me away with all my belongings.

My father stood by me and rented a small apartment for me in another part of the town. I was so devastated, that I would cry both day and night. My dad always comes to give me money for my upkeep without my mum knowing.

I finally gave birth at the age of 17, but before that time, people laughed at me, they told me I was a nobody and that my whole life has ended.

I was looking haggard with the pregnancy, I would walk from place to place begging for money to eat before I finally put to bed.

After giving birth to a baby girl, how to cater to her was a major problem. It was tough for me, we turned to beggars in the street, as the little money my dad gave me was not enough. I had to struggle and train her with petty trading my dad opened for me.

I trained her until the primary level with the support of my dad. I later heard that Ray had an accident and died after coming out of prison, and things became unbearable for me.

When I finished training her in her primary education, I met a guy who offered to help me in school, he was rich and he saw great potential in me. I was happy that my life was getting back on track. He trained my daughter and also trained me.

I finished university and went for the highest degree. After coming from the institution, I knew I had fulfilled my dream and my daughter was doing well.

The media got interested in my story, and I was invited to a lot of places to tell my story I was given several awards for being a brave woman. I later got married to Melody the guy who God used to turn my life around, we now have two children together.

He got married to me even after hearing my story, he is no other person than Doctor Melody Adam. He is not here with me today but you'll see him one day and my daughter is outside the country now and still studying.

I am rich, blessed with a loving family and a beautiful daughter. What more can I ask from God, looking back on all I went through, it was not easy at all, especially with the pregnancy.

I thank God for his divine mercies upon my life and today I'm standing here. When people told me it was over, I never gave up. I was determined, and resolute to reach greatness, and here I am today.

I want to encourage you all to focus on your dreams no matter what you go through and know that God is always on your side. I came here with my dad today, please welcome him as he comes on stage" everyone stood up and clapped then sat down.

She continued; "Thank you, dad, for always standing by me, I know you will ask where my mum is but sadly she died a few years back. But she was alive to see how great I've become and continue to strive hard". She continued to encourage them before she was finally true and went to sit down.

The principal came and told them to go out for a short break and after that, they should come back into the hall.

Everyone's eyes were filled with tears after hearing her story, all this while Shelly made a song out of her story.

They all went to get lunch. " So you mean this woman kept us inside the hall for 3 hours, I mean who does that, I'm even tired," Rita said. "Must you always complain, didn't you learn something from her story?" Shelly asked. "I did but," Rita said " But nothing," Shelly said.

"It was quite encouraging," John said. "On seeing her who would know she went through a lot, it must have been very tough for her" Shelly said and they nodded in agreement.

Their short break was over and they went back into the hall. A few speeches were given and they stood up for closing prayers. After the closing prayers, the principal told all the students to wait.

"Oh, what is this, isn't it enough for one day? I want to go home" Rita said shouting. "Calm down, the day is not running," Shelly said. "School mother, please don't talk again, you are making matter worse for me," Rita said and they all laughed.

"Attention everyone," the principal said and everyone turned to look at him. "I just want to inform you that at the ending of this term, you would be having the school Christmas party" everyone shouted on hearing his statement. He told them to get prepared and he dismissed all.

"Shelly I told you that they won't give us breathing space they should just kill us," Rita said bending down. "Stand up my friend, I don't know what you are complaining for. It's good news, you should be thanking God we will be having a Christmas party this year" Shelly said.

"School mother, I thought I told you not to talk again," she said. "Don't call me that name again" Shelly said. "Why not, you've never told Christian to stop calling you that name, have you," Rita asked and Shelly did not say anything. "That's what I thought," she said.

Shelly ran away; "Wait, where are you going to" Rita shouted.

How do you see the Nelly Adam story and also why did Shelly run off. Let me know what you think in the comment section below.

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