
The night camp

Shelly Bill, a governor's daughter hated her friend twin brother for something he did in the past. She couldn't let go, so they became rivals. They were never friends at school, always finding fault in each other. John in the process liked Shelly, but couldn't see the possibility of anything happening between them because she hated him and he was nothing more than a rival to her, so she was never interested in him. The more she treated him badly, the more he liked her. She was also focused in her future, she was not the best but was working toward that when this new girl came and everything went down. The new girl was in a competition with her, she needed to fight to become the best; was she going to survive it. There was usually a night camp that holds every three years, it was usually held at south Africa. They were later forgotten at the night camp, they faced a lot of terrible situations, not knowing what to do, where to go and how to find help. They faced a lot of difficulties. what Will be their fate, read to know more.

obiparadise_purity · Teen
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100 Chs


John ran to meet Rita. "Where is she going to," he asked. "I don't even know" she answered. "Let's just wait for her," John said and they stood there waiting for her.

Shelly came back after a few minutes. "Girl..... where did you go, did you know you scared me," Rita said. "Sorry about that. Where have you been" she said pointing to John.

"I've been with peter" he answered. "Anyway, I went to meet professor Nelly Adam" she screamed excitedly. "So what's the point," Rita asked. "I shook hands with her and we even talked for some minutes before her attention was needed, such a great honor," she said smiling.

"Is that the reason why you ran away like something was chasing you?" Rita said pushing her in the head. "I didn't want to miss the opportunity and I'll tell my dad to support her organization," she said.

"Defender of all, helper of the helpless" Rita said and they all laughed. "Leave her alone," John said. "I didn't put your mouth" Rita answered. They continued to discuss as they walked. The day was finally over and they went home.

John got home, and after doing all that needed to be done, he laid down to rest. He thought of asking Shelly to dance with him at the school Christmas party. He knew she would never agree because she hate him. He did not know what to do, he was still thinking when he fell asleep.

On Monday, Shelly Rita, and John are seen going to the library. "Next two weeks is our exams, and after that the Christmas party, Yay," Shelly said. "Why are you this excited" John asked.

"Why shouldn't I be happy, I mean this is our first Christmas party" she answered. "So who are you going to be dancing with?" Rita asked. "Well myself, I'm going to be dancing with myself," Shelly said touching her head and looking up in the sky.

"Shelly! what's wrong with you? You have John" Rita said. "Um, I hate him and I can't dance with someone I hate" she answered. "Must you say it in his presence, now you'll make him feel bad" Rita said looking at him.

"This and backbiting, which do you prefer," Shelly said. "John don't mind her, she would get over it one day," Rita said comforting him and he smiled as if he has not been hearing their conversation.

Soon exams began, and everyone tried their best to study very hard, they all prayed for the exams to be over soon.

"Thank God today we have one subject, and by next week Monday we'll be true," Rita said to Shelly and Peter. "These past few days of exams have not been easy," Peter said.

"The principal couldn't tell us that this year there would be no examination," Rita said and they laughed. "What! what do you mean, maybe in your dreams" Shelly said.

"All they could say is we have a Christmas party," Rita said mimicking the principal's voice. "Rita who offended you," Peter asked. "No one oh, I'm just tired" she answered. "Don't be lazy my friend, you can do better than this" Shelly said patting her in the back.

"Shelly don't let me call you school mother oh, better take your time," she said and they all laughed. Exams were over for that week and their last paper was on Monday.

Shelly got home that day, as she was going to the kitchen to get her food, her phone rang. It was Joan calling, she suddenly remembered that she has not been talking to Joan. She knew she would be angry, so she hesitated a little before she picked up the call.

"Shelly I'm angry with you," Joan said in an angry tone. "I'm sorry girl, but I forgot to keep you updated. I've been very busy, from the guy that was bullying us to the club, the seminar, and now exams" Shelly said softly.

"You sound stressed out and what did I just hear you say, you were bullied," Joan said. "Yes, but I handled it" she answered. "See the more reason why you should have called and informed me, I would have helped out," she said sadly.

"Sorry, but it's not my fault," Shelly said. "Maybe I should come back," Joan said. "No! don't come back because of me. I'll take care of myself and I promise to always call you" Shelly said.

"Okey but what did John do in this whole situation," Joan asked. "Nothing, he just sat down like a dummy while I fought for the class, I don't blame him" she answered.

"What!, I thought he was the class prefect," Joan said. "Yep, he is...I guess he was afraid, that's all" she answered. "John! afraid! I'll talk to him later" she said. They talked for a while before she ended the call.

"She interrupted my lunch, hum," she said and went to the kitchen to continue from where she stopped.

Joan later called John and she advised him of the role of a class prefect and told him to buckle up. He told her that he has already made the decision before, and he also thanked her sister for the advice.

It was Monday and they were true with their last paper, everyone thanked God. Preparation for the Christmas party started, and everyone was busy.

Shelly was not left out, she was told she would be singing at the Christmas party, so she was hardly seen. She was coming from the library and Rita went to meet her.

"Girl, I've been looking for you, where have you been?" Rita asked. "Sorry I've been at the library, I was asked by Mrs. Angela to collect some A4 paper that they would be using for the order of event" she answered. "Okey, but can I come over to your house today so we can select an outfit for next Friday for the Christmas party?" Rita asked. "Yes you can come," Shelly said and Rita happily walked away.

Later that day Rita came to her house and they selected an outfit. Rita went for shining jeans trousers and a beautiful shirt with sneakers, while Shelly went for a long beautiful gown, it was very beautiful like the one worn by a princess, and heels with a tiara. The tiara was exquisite, sparkling with gems and polished metal.

The preparation went on soon, and the d -day came. The grand hall was well decorated with Christmas lights, tinsels, and many other Christmas decorations. There were Christmas trees everywhere, well decorated with Christmas balls, Angles, and other mini decorations. Balloons were hung everywhere and also mistletoe.

John, Peter, and Andrew were already in the hall, but Shelly, Rita, and the other girls had not arrived. John was in the complete suit and Andrew the same, while Peter was on Jeans trousers white top, and sneakers, he dressed casually.

Shelly's driver brought her to school in a limousine with Rita. As she stepped out of the car everyone mistook her for a princess. They walked to the grand hall, as they entered they sited where Peter and the rest were and they went to meet them.

John seeing Shelly, couldn't take his eyes off her even for a minute. "Hay guys" Shelly and Rita chorused. "Hay" they answered. "Shelly I must say you look stunning, who dressed you, the queen of England," Andrew said and they all laughed.

"Thanks for the compliment and it was not the queen of England, but rather my stylist," Shelly said. "You two look beautiful," John said. "Thank you" they chorused.

The principal drew their attention and welcomed all of them with a short speech, he told all of them to enjoy themselves and dance and he wished them Merry Christmas.

The D J started playing Christmas songs and some students started dancing. Shelly and Rita were standing close to the window discussing, then Peter came and dragged Rita to the dance floor and they danced.

Shelly was there alone, she felt as if Peter has just taken a precious relies on her. "Hay, why are not dancing" Andrew went over to where she was and asked her. "Oh, I'm not in the mood," she said. "Come on, you must dance" and he dragged her to the dance floor, Shelly had no option but to dance to a fast Christmas song.

John saw the whole scenario and walked to where Andrew was dancing. "See me outside," John said tapping him. He walked away. "Where are you going to," Shelly asked.."I'm coming " he answered.

Andrew went outside then John bribed him with some money to step down so he could dance with her and he collected money.

Shelly saw John walking back alone, she did not see Andrew with him. "Where is Andrew," she asked. "Too bad, he's not coming back" he answered. "I'm not dancing with you," she said. "Yes, you are" he answered.

She was walking away when she stepped on her dress and wanted to fall but John held her and the spotlight was on them. Then the D. J switched to a slow Christmas song " silent night ".

She had no other option than to dance with him, she didn't want to embarrass anyone. They danced and all eyes were on them.

He held her hand and twirled her around and they continued to dance. Shelly wished it would end, she avoided eye contact with him while they were dancing but for John, it was a moment of Joy. Soon the dance ended and everyone cheered and clapped.

Shelly was called upon to sing, as she sang her voice was splendiferous. She sang a popular Christmas song "We wish you a merry Christmas". She also sang a Christmas song she composed herself, everyone cheered as she left the stage.

All this while as they were dancing, Rita video them without them knowing. They were given gifts by the so-called Santa clause, they took pictures with him. They did other activities and everyone danced in a group. The occasion came to an end and everyone went home.

Shelly got home and removed her dress because it was getting tiring. School was over and she would see all her friends when they resume the second term. She opened her phone and saw a notification tagging " Prince and princess", she opened it and shouted "Rita!!!".