
The night camp

Shelly Bill, a governor's daughter hated her friend twin brother for something he did in the past. She couldn't let go, so they became rivals. They were never friends at school, always finding fault in each other. John in the process liked Shelly, but couldn't see the possibility of anything happening between them because she hated him and he was nothing more than a rival to her, so she was never interested in him. The more she treated him badly, the more he liked her. She was also focused in her future, she was not the best but was working toward that when this new girl came and everything went down. The new girl was in a competition with her, she needed to fight to become the best; was she going to survive it. There was usually a night camp that holds every three years, it was usually held at south Africa. They were later forgotten at the night camp, they faced a lot of terrible situations, not knowing what to do, where to go and how to find help. They faced a lot of difficulties. what Will be their fate, read to know more.

obiparadise_purity · Teen
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Mrs. Maria, after pairing them up, told them they had till on Friday to prepare their speech then she left the class.

John was so excited and happy, that he could not keep his joy. Shelly on her path felt like fainting, she did not know what to do, she quickly walked to where Rita was and dragged her outside. She could walk in such a manner because her legs were fast healing.

She told Rita she was doomed, saying she does not know how she would be able to cope with John, she wanted to cry.

Rita pampered her and told her it was going to do fine, that she should focus on the project and forget about other things.

She told her that if she wants to pass, she should cooperate with him for now, saying after the project she would then decide what to do. Peter went to meet John, John was happy like someone who has just won a coupon.

Peter told him to make hay while the sun shines, that it was a lifetime opportunity for him to repair everything that he has done.

He told Peter, he should not worry about it, that he would handle it. As they were talking Anthony came and told Peter they should go and share ideas of what they would be presenting.

Peter told John he would see him later, and that he needs to concentrate on his project.

Rita and Shelly later went to class, after a long discussion, on entering the class Rita whished Shelly luck and went to her seat to share ideas with Sarah her partner.

Shelly sat down, John knew she was not happy, there was nothing he could do to change it, and there was also nothing Shelly could do.

He prayed Shelly would focus on the project and forget about every other thing because he wasn't ready to fail.

"So what are we going to do concerning the project?" John asked. "I don't know", Shelly said still focused on the book she was reading. "We should meet up somewhere, maybe at a restaurant, a park, or my house," John said.

"what did I just hear you say, your house, I would rather fail than go to your house," she said. " If you have a better suggestion then tell me, because I'm out of ideas," he said.

They knew they had to make it work, so she told him they should meet at her house instead. They both agreed to meet at her house from 4 pm to 7 pm, every day till the project was over.

They only had Wednesday which was the same day and Thursday to finalize their preparation.

School closed, and everyone went home. later that day, John went to Shelly's house, as usual, the maid welcomed him wholeheartedly.

Mr. and Mrs. Bill was not around at the moment. He sat down in the sitting room, waiting for Shelly to come down. When she came down, she greeted him, he was surprised but he answered.

Shelly took him to her study area, where they would begin their project. As they got there, he was not surprised when he saw that the room was filled with a lot of books, he expected it.

They sat down, "em, where do we begin," she said. "Before we begin, I want to apologize", She didn't allow him to say anything further and told him he should forget about every other thing and focus on the project, for the sake of their test. He agreed and wondered why she was being nice.

They put their heads together and wrote a short piece about love. They continued to search for more lines, to add to their writeup to make it longer.

All these while of searching and putting lines together, they laughed, smiled, and played. He wished it would never end.

Together they prepared things for their illustration. If they needed anything for the illustration, they would go shopping for it. Money was not a problem because as young as Shelly was, she was a millionaire.

They were tired and it was 7 pm, it was time for him to go home, they bade each other goodbye and he left. Shelly thought to himself that once the project was over all the friendliness would stop.

On Thursday, everyone came to school looking happy, cheerful, and wonderful. They had math, first Period and their math teacher Mrs. Esther taught them very well.

They were all happy to see her, and because of her, most students started liking math. She gave them assignments and left the class.

Later that day Mrs. Maria came to class and asked everyone if they were doing fine concerning their project. she told them that the following day which was on Friday, everyone would be presenting their piece of writeup, saying she has informed the principal, that from the first period to the last period before break, saying they would be using it for their presentation.

Then she gave them heads up and asked them to buckle up, if any of them was lacking behind, she said and left the class. Many students saw her words as encouragement while others saw her words as punishment.

Rita went to Shelly and asked her how everything between her and John went. She told her it went well, and that they are on talking terms.

Her face instantly lit up as she said that, she saw progress and was happy, but did not know Shelly's intention. She told Shelly that she was coming and that she wants to introduce her partner.

She came with Sarah andi they both shook hands. They talked for a while then, Rita and Sarah went to their seat. "So where do we meet up today", John said. " Well let's meet at your house, this time ", Shelly said.

"My house! my house! remember the last time I said we should meet at my house, but you told me you'll rather fail than go to my house", he said. "Well let's forget about what I said, I was a bit unreasonable", she said. "Well it's okay by me if you insist," he answered.

They agreed to meet up at John's house. John was more than shocked. As school closed, he immediately went home to prepare for the project.

Before Shelly went home, she went to meet with Rita and told her that she would be meeting at John's house. Rita was happy and wished her luck before they both went home.

Shelly got dressed and went to John's house, as she got there, she saw John waiting for her outside then he took her in. He told her that they would be using Joan's room for the project.

She got to Joan's room and it was looking different. He asked her if she wanted anything. She told him she was okay, that she ate before coming. Then they started working on the project, they continued from where they stopped the previous day.

They finally put the writeup together and it was perfectly written, they hands five as they finished it. They were both happy to the extent they hugged, Shelly coming back to her senses withdrew herself from the hug and apologized.

He told her it wasn't her fault, saying they were too excited. They finished arranging all the instruments for their illustration. She told him to come to her house very early the next day, so they would finalize everything and from there both of them would go to school together.

He walked her to the gate and bade her goodbye, he felt an inner peace that at least they were friends, not knowing she was in a truce with him because of the project.

Early the next day, he went to her house and they finalized everything and went to school together. Rita and Sarah were in school before them and Rita surprised to see them coming to school together. After the morning assembly, everyone in the class was busy preparing for their presentation.

Everyone was seen with their partner, Shelly and John were not left out. They were fully focused on what they were doing forgetting they were rivals.

Soon Mrs. Maria entered the class and asked them if they were prepared, they all shouted "yes". "Then let's begin", Mrs. Maria said.

First on the list are Stella George and Simon Benson. They came out and started their speech, it went like this: love is the greatest, it conquers all, it is neither proud nor boastful nor arrogant. Love is like the sun that brightens the earth. When there is love there is bound to be light.

They brought out what they would be using for their illustration, they brought out their lantern and a globe representing the world.

They told everyone that as the lantern represents light in their case love when it draws closer to the earth it becomes brighter and brighter till its beauty is seen.

So in a heart full of love, there is the light that reveals the beauty of the mind. They finally concluded their presentation and went to their seat.

The whole class cheered them for their wonderful performance. At that point, everyone saw them as one of the winners and didn't know if anyone would perform better than them.

Mrs. Maria called out the next group and they did their presentation. Every group took their turn, it was finally time for Shelly and John to present their work. They were the last, after them, the winners would be announced.

Shelly and John stepped out and began. "let's first talk about other love words, 1. Cherish: from the old French word Cherie, meaning " to hold dear" which is related to the more familiar French word cher, meaning deer. 2. Adore: from the Latin verb adōrāre meaning "to pray to". 3. Passion: from the Latin verb pati which means "to suffer", so passion is the act of suffering or enduring.

love is a friendship set to music, love is not an affectionate feeling, but a steady wish for the loved person's ultimate good as far as it can be obtained.

The most important thing in life is to learn how to give out love, and to let it come in. To love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance.

We are shaped and fashioned by what we love. Do you love, love what you do, and with all your heart give yourself to it?

True friends are those who come into your life, saw the most negative part of you, but are not ready to leave you, no matter how contagious you are to them, that is the power of love.

To love means loving the unlovable. Love is the major source of joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.

Each act of love is like a crumb of bread for the birds of winter, the offering is cheap to give and invaluable to receive.

Wandering down these pathways the wind on your face, the scent of delicate flowers in your nostrils, and sharing it with somebody you love put all else in life into perspective.

love is the purest of all acts, love is the noblest of all deeds, and love is the language of God.

There is no greater gift you can give yourself than to love freely and with your whole heart to live with love and equality between people. live in serenity, simplicity, and community.

Even amid chaos, pain, and dysfunction love is calling you to a higher experience and expression. Love, what a small word for such an enormous, expensive, exalted experience! love sees as God sees and with infinite wisdom has infinite pardon.

Love is like powerful lyrics when sang pierces into the heart and brings light. And above all divine love is rendered conspicuous, when it shines amid judgment. Fair is that lone star which smiles through the rifts of the thunder cloud, bright is the oasis which blooms in the wilderness of sand, so fair and so bright is love amid wrath," they finally said and concluded their speech.

For their illustration, they brought out a touch light and a dark pot, then they pointed the touch in the direction of the dark pot and the pot becomes brightened. " In this case, light represents love and the pot represents the heart of men," John said.

For their second illustration, they brought out something representing the sun and a flower, inside a flower pot.

They brought out two flowers, the one that has withered and the one that was still fresh. They told the whole class that they experimented on the two flowers, that they planted the two flowers at the same time, saying they kept one inside a dark room and the other one they kept under sunlight and watered.

They showed everyone the outcome, one was fresh while the other was dry. They told them the sun signifies love and the flower reveals the inward appearance of a man. When there is no love in the heart of a man, his heart begins to wither, until it dies completely.

But when there is love it remains fresh and continues to produce beautiful memories. "To conclude, don't let love die from your heart, make sure you renew it every day so that it will always be beautiful " they finally said and went to their seat.

Mrs. Maria was dumbfounded, everyone stood up and clapped for them, even Mrs. Maria.

It was time for them to announce the winners. Shelly and John came out first, Stella and Simon came out second, Peter and Anthony came out third, and Rita and Sarah came out fourth.

Then Mrs. Maria continued to call them out, group by group according to their position. The top three were awarded but Shelly and John were given a gold medal, a wrist watch, and a cap.

After the whole presentation, they completed all their remaining test and everyone thanked God test week was over.

Rita, Peter, Shelly, John, Sarah, and Anthony were standing outside after they had closed and were congratulating each other. " So, what do we do to celebrate?" Shelly asked. "It should be a movie night," Rita said.

Everyone agreed on a movie night and it would take place at Shelly's house. They would meet the next day from 3 pm till 8 pm because it was on Saturday.

Everyone left leaving Shelly and John, still standing there, they looked at themselves and smiled. She hugged him and immediately ran away to meet her driver.