
The night camp

Shelly Bill, a governor's daughter hated her friend twin brother for something he did in the past. She couldn't let go, so they became rivals. They were never friends at school, always finding fault in each other. John in the process liked Shelly, but couldn't see the possibility of anything happening between them because she hated him and he was nothing more than a rival to her, so she was never interested in him. The more she treated him badly, the more he liked her. She was also focused in her future, she was not the best but was working toward that when this new girl came and everything went down. The new girl was in a competition with her, she needed to fight to become the best; was she going to survive it. There was usually a night camp that holds every three years, it was usually held at south Africa. They were later forgotten at the night camp, they faced a lot of terrible situations, not knowing what to do, where to go and how to find help. They faced a lot of difficulties. what Will be their fate, read to know more.

obiparadise_purity · Teen
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100 Chs


She continued searching but could not find it. "Did you see it?" John asked. "Axiomatically not" she answered. "Are you sure you brought the money to school and what did you want to do with the money?" he asked. "I'm 100% sure it was in my bag and it is my lunch money throughout this week" she answered.

"We should ask everyone," he said. "I don't care about the money but I want to find out the person who did it," she said.

John went to ask everybody and Shelly went to ask Rita and some of her friends but they told her that they did not see it.

She went to report to the principal and told him that her money was missing. The principal followed her to the class and told everyone that if they see the money they should bring it to him, that if they saw anyone taking the money, they should bring the person to him and he left.

Shelly went to sit down and John assured her that they will surely see the person that took the money. John told her that he was coming and that he wants to get some books from the library. She said "Okey" in a sad tone.

He was going to the library and he saw Christian on the way but he tried to avoid him but to no avail. "John wait," he said and ran to meet him. "What do you want," John asked. "We are not quarreling, we can be friends you know" Christian acknowledged. "What did I just hear you say, friends? I don't want to be your friend and I don't like you" he answered walking away.

"I know you like Shelly," he said and John turned and went back to where he was. "What did you say," John asked. "You heard me right, I know you like Shelly, I'm a guy" Christian let out. "I don't" John responded.

"Don't deny it, I know, I'm a guy" he said. After much persuasion he confirmed it. "How did you know," John asked. "It is written all over your face, character, actions, and words," he said. "How, if I may ask," John asked.

"The way you defend her and the way you get Jealous when she is talking to another guy" he replied. "It's just a crush, it would pass," John said. "Yeah, I'm not sure, it's more than that if you ask me," he said.

"What do you mean it's more than that, what are you even talking about," he asked. "I'll tell you because you are a guy, let me ask you this question since when did this crush start," he asked. "Well since the beginning of j s s 1" he answered. "And you haven't gotten over it yet," he asked. "No" he answered.

"I was in a situation like this as you, I had a crush on a girl when I was in J s s1 and instead of the feelings going away it increased, it continued till I was in j s s 3, at some point I was not myself, I started misbehaving, friending other girls just to make her jealous until Shelly dealt with me before I realized myself.

I would forever be grateful to that girl and I would do anything for her. She left this school, and I stopped seeing her before everything died" Christian said. "So what do you call it then," he asked.

"I call it young love or more like fated love," he said and John laughed out loud. "I don't think so because the Shelly I know hates me to the brim, the only reason she is still talking to me is that she must support the class prefect," John said.

"Just give her time, she will get over whatsoever is making her hate you and she would begin to see you in a different light, and who knows she might probably like you," he said and John laughed out loudly. "Are you sort of a love expert now, see even in the next five years it would never happen" John said.

"The way I look at Shelly, she cares about you, but the constant reminder of what you did to her hurts her every moment, so she wants to watch you suffer and pay for whatever you did to her" Christian said. "You might be right, she use to be my friend in primary school before I messed up everything," John said.

"I may not know what you did, but you have to forgive yourself even if she is not willing to forgive you and let fate happen" Christian said. "I've forgiven myself already and am ready for whatever she might do to me in the future" he answered.

"That's more I like it but let me remind you it won't be easy because you will surely see guys around her and you might get jealous but you have to discipline yourself and let nature take its course," Christian said.

"Thanks for the advice, you are a great guy," he said and shakes him. "One more thing, let me give you a tip, no matter what she does to you always be nice to her, you hear me, be nice to her" Christian said. "I understand, I won't forget," he said and they shake hands before they went to where they were going.

He went to the library and collected the books and went back to class. Shelly asked him what took him so long, he told her he was talking with Christian. Shelly wondered what he might have told him.

"What did he tell you," she asked. "Nothing much, it's not vital," he said. "If you say so" she answered. A week passed and her money was still not found nor the person who took it, but they were still investigating the issue.

It was test week and everyone was studious as usual, as the test went on students started complaining that their money was missing, and the principal did not have a lead.

When test week was over, over 15 students' money got missing. A staff meeting was held and the principal told all the teachers to keep their eyes down and monitor each student's movement.

Shelly, Rita, Peter, and John were talking in the cafeteria after their last test. "If I get hold of the person doing this, the person will pay dearly for causing the students to suffer," Shelly said. "Who is even behind it" Rita questioned.

"Who would know and what is the school doing about it," Peter asked. "I don't even know," John said. "They better act fast or I'll involve my father," Shelly said. "No don't, just be patient and let the school handle it," Rita said.

"They should act fast, I hate delay. It's been one week" Shelly complained. "Don't worry, they will find whosoever is behind this" John said and they continued eating.

Shelly excused herself and told them she wants to get her money from her bag and that she needs to buy more food. "Shelly you are strong, when stealing is still going on you had the mind to leave your money in class," Rita said.

"If they try it" Shelly replied. "Drop all these pride, it's better safe than sorry," Rita said. "I don't blame you," she said and walked away.

On her way to class, she met Christian and they talked for a while, he followed her to class to collect her money because she promised to get him lunch.

When they reached the class, they saw someone searching Shelly's bag. "Hay, stop. What do you think you're doing" Christian shouted his hands were up and he turned slowly. "You!" Shelly shouted.

Who do you think the person is, if you don't have an idea comment anything you like. Thanks for all the support, much love.

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