
The night camp

Shelly Bill, a governor's daughter hated her friend twin brother for something he did in the past. She couldn't let go, so they became rivals. They were never friends at school, always finding fault in each other. John in the process liked Shelly, but couldn't see the possibility of anything happening between them because she hated him and he was nothing more than a rival to her, so she was never interested in him. The more she treated him badly, the more he liked her. She was also focused in her future, she was not the best but was working toward that when this new girl came and everything went down. The new girl was in a competition with her, she needed to fight to become the best; was she going to survive it. There was usually a night camp that holds every three years, it was usually held at south Africa. They were later forgotten at the night camp, they faced a lot of terrible situations, not knowing what to do, where to go and how to find help. They faced a lot of difficulties. what Will be their fate, read to know more.

obiparadise_purity · Teen
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100 Chs


On Monday evening, they were all gathered at Joan's house for the sleepover that they talked about. Everyone was on their night wear and Shelly came with her big teddy bear.

They were all in Joan's room talking, they also video-called Peter, so he was also there. "Thank God your girlfriend video called you if I was the one he he he," Rita said talking to Peter. "What is wrong with you," Shelly asked Rita.

"Don't mind her, she's just jealous" Joan said. "Jealous of what, when I have John Billion," Rita said boasting. "Now you have the power to boast, I don't blame you," Shelly said jokingly. "You girls like to talk," Peter said.

"Don't go there" Rita fired back. "It's true, ever since we came here you girls have been talking without break," John said. "What do you want us to do?" Shelly asked. "Our mouth was created for us to talk," Joan said.

"Okay oh" John and Peter chorused in defeat. "How is your relationship with John Billion? Shelly asked Rita. "It's fine" she answered. "What about you Joan," Shelly said and Joan looked at her without uttering a word.

"So you are now shy," Rita said. "It's okay," Joan said. "Anyway I have five million subscribers on YouTube," Shelly said and they all clapped. "You're so lucky," Joan said. "Thank you" she answered.

"You are forgetting something," Rita said. "Which is," Shelly asked. "You and John duh," she said. "Oh that, pretty boy is doing alright," Shelly said. "What's that?" Rita asked confused. "Baby girl please explain to them, seems Rita is confused," John said

"That's what I call him and that's what he calls me" Shelly answered. "Oh seems we were too busy to know how you too have gone far," Joan said. "You call pet name far?" Shelly asked.

"Yeah, I jealous you two" Peter said. "The way you two act sometimes is too cute," Rita said. "Awwwnnn, you all are making me shy," Shelly said laughing. "I didn't know you guys are that observant," John said. "Well we all like the way you two behave, everything about you two is real," Peter said.

"Okay thank you everyone, but can we talk about something else? Enough of John and I" Shelly said. "Okay" everyone chorused and laughed.

After they talked for hours, they played various types of games until they were all tired. "I think I should give you girls space," John said. "Me too" Peter added. "Your wish is granted," Rita said.

"Bye," Peter said and ended the call while John stood up and left. "So what do we do?" Shelly asked. "There's this high school show I want us to watch," Joan said. "Okay, I'm in," Rita said. "I'm also in" Shelly supported. Joan stood up and turned on her TV switching to the show.

Joan went to bring popcorn and then they sat down and started watching the movie. They watched the movie for almost two hours before it ended.

"Oh my God, that movie was long!" Rita exclaimed. "Yeah, what's the time?" Shelly asked. "It's 8:30 pm" Joan replied. "And we arrived here at 5 pm," Rita said more like a rhetorical question. "What did we even do?" Joan spoke in the same line as Rita. "Talking and watching" Shelly answered.

"What do we do?" Rita asked. "Can I go and meet..." Shelly said looking at the both of them. "You can go and meet him, I know you want to" Rita answered. "What about you?" Shelly asked directing the question to Joan. " You can go but next time we're not having a sleepover at my house" she replied. "Thank you," Shelly said and left.

She got to John's room and knocked on the door. "Come in" he answered. She went to him and saw him on his reading table. "What are you reading?" She asked as she sat on the bed. "Some books" he answered. "Read well so that you'll become a supreme court judge," she said. "Yes ma" he answered and went to sit with her.

"So the girls gave you permission to come to see me?" he asked. "Yes but Joan said we are not going to be having a sleepover at your house next time" she answered. "Fair enough," he said and they both laughed.

"Would you like to play a game?" he asked her. "Yes, I would like to" she answered. He stood up and took a key that was on his desk. "Come with me," he said stretching his hand and she gave him her hand then they left the room.

When they got to a door he stopped and opened the door and they went in then he turned on the light. "Welcome to my game room," he said. She looked at everywhere surprised. "I never knew you had a game room," she said still shocked.

"Yeah I know, it belongs to Jimmy and I," he said. "Wow, this place is big, bigger than your room. I love it, there are a lot of games to play" she said. "Glad you do but let me guess, you don't play PS," he said. "No, in my opinion, those are for boys" she answered.

"Would you like to play a game in visual reality?" he asked. "Yes but don't put a scary one" she answered. They went to where the game was and they set everything and she wore it.

"I told you not to put a monster game," she said. "You'll be fine and remember everything you'll see is not real," he said. At first, it was interesting and not as scary as the monster came one by one. It gradually became scary.

"Help me, it's scary, I will faint oh, it's scary, mum, dad, John help me" she continued to say. It was becoming too much for her, her screaming was getting louder.

John went to her back and held her, then removed it from her eyes. She was crying and he was surprised then he hugged her tightly. She was there for a few minutes before she stopped crying then he released her.

"Wait you were crying because of a game?" he asked laughing. "It was so scary and it looked real, it was as if the monster was going to eat me," she said. "I'm sorry, I never thought it would scare you like that. I'm very sorry" he replied.

"It's fine, next time listen to me," she said. "I will let's play twisters," he said. "Okay sure" she agreed. After playing twisters, they played different types of games before they went back to his room.

"You should go and meet the girls," he told her. "Yes," she replied. "We'll see tomorrow," he said and gave her a peck on the cheek. "See you tomorrow," she said and left.

She went to Joan's room and saw them looking at something and laughing, they were laying on her bed. "What are you girls looking at?" She asked as she went to join them. "See for yourself," Rita said giving her the phone.

She looked at it then she looked at the both of them. "Really?" she said and gave her the phone. "We just wanted to laugh," Joan said. "So you used John and I to laugh right?" She questioned. "We just wanted to see some old pictures," she said.

"Since that is the case let me show you girls some of the recent pictures we took together," Shelly said and brought out her phone and showed them. "Awwnnn so cute, when did you take this" was the comment that came out of their mouth. After everything they went to sleep.

The next morning Shelly went home early to get prepared. At around 8 am they arrived at the airport, then they entered John Billion's private plane and it took off. That was not their first international travel but it was the biggest.

Sorry guys for not posting for a long time now, was very very busy but from now on I'll post regularly.

Don't forget to check out our new book "Demon Blood" it's a good book for all ages.

Note this book will soon come to an end, so stay tuned as we ride along the remaining chapters.

Love you all my lovely readers, remain blessed.

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