
The night camp

Shelly Bill, a governor's daughter hated her friend twin brother for something he did in the past. She couldn't let go, so they became rivals. They were never friends at school, always finding fault in each other. John in the process liked Shelly, but couldn't see the possibility of anything happening between them because she hated him and he was nothing more than a rival to her, so she was never interested in him. The more she treated him badly, the more he liked her. She was also focused in her future, she was not the best but was working toward that when this new girl came and everything went down. The new girl was in a competition with her, she needed to fight to become the best; was she going to survive it. There was usually a night camp that holds every three years, it was usually held at south Africa. They were later forgotten at the night camp, they faced a lot of terrible situations, not knowing what to do, where to go and how to find help. They faced a lot of difficulties. what Will be their fate, read to know more.

obiparadise_purity · Teen
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100 Chs


Shelly was looking for a way to defend herself. "It's not me", she said. " How should we believe that", Andrew said.

"By the way, you never told us about your family and you also bear the same surname as them", Peter said. " That is just a coincidence", Shelly answered. It was getting tough for her and John decided to step in.

"I have known Shelly right from primary school, if she was the President's daughter I would have told you guys by now, I know her too well", John told everyone.

He told everyone that in life people are bound to have the same surname. Everyone was convinced, then they dropped the argument.

Shelly left where she was and went to her seat, and thanked John for having her back.

Each teacher that entered the class would encourage everyone to read well for them to pass their examination, saying it was not a joke.

They didn't give them breathing space, they never had free periods. They stopped going to their various clubs, and they were told it would continue in the second term.

In a class, there is bound to be lazy students. While others were busy studying, the lazy wagons were busy writing papers, which they would use to cheat.

Examination finally came and everyone was afraid, especially the j. s. s. 1 student, it was their first examination and they did not know how it felt like.

The principal told them in the morning assembly that he won't constitute any form of examination malpractice and that if anyone gets caught, they would be punished.

Before the examination started, Shelly went to the library and finished her research, before their first paper started.

Shelly went to class and it was a few minutes before their first paper, then she sat down. When everyone was fully settled, she turned to John and wished him luck.

Their first paper for that day was C . R .S and it was a work over for those who read, but it was tough for those who did not read. The teacher made sure there was no form of examination malpractice. Those that wanted to cheat were not bold enough to use it, knowing the implication.

The exam was finally over for that day, and everyone was happy. Rita and Shelly were discussing and John went to meet them, they talked about how the exam was a cinch.

Rita later left them and went to meet Sarah. Shelly and John walked to the gate together, without saying a word.

John asked her if he can come over to her house later that day, and Shelly agreed. John left and Shelly was standing at the gate waiting for her driver.

She saw it as a good opportunity to talk to Mr. Chuck the security guard. She sat down where he was, and asked him about his family and how they were doing, he told her everything was okay, but they needed money for their daughter's university fees.

Shelly told him not to worry and that when she gets home she would talk to her parents, and see what they could do. Mr chucks congratulated Shelly on her father's win as becoming the president and told her he was happy. She told him it was the lords doing.

She saw her driver coming from afar, then she bade Mr chucks goodbye, then she entered the car. She was searching through her bag and found John's note.

She wondered who put it there, she wanted to tell her driver to stop at John's house, but she saw there was no need because John would come to her house later.

In the evening, John came to her house as expected, and they went to the study area. John told Shelly that he was looking for his note, but that he couldn't find it.

Shelly told him that she found one of his notes inside her bag and then she brought it out. John told her it was the note he was looking for.

Shelly asked him if he was the one that put it there, but he told her, he was not the one. They both wondered who might have done it.

They studied for hours because their next paper was mathematics. Each time she looked at him, she would try to forget all the things that he did to her, but it would come back bouncing into her memory.

She excused herself and went to the bathroom. She wept convulsively, as she was crying, John followed her and overhead her crying, then he quickly went back to seat down as if nothing happened.

When she came back, she told him that she was tired and that he should go home. He agreed because he knew something was wrong. When he left, she continued to cry. She cried because she wondered why John would do such a thing to her in the first place.

When John got home, he called his sister and told her that he overhead Shelly crying, when he went for a study session with her. Joan promised him that she would find out for herself.

That evening, Joan called Shelly and asked her if everything was okay with her. On hearing her voice, she broke down in tears and started sobbing.

Joan kept on asking her what the problem was, and she finally opened up and told her everything. She told her she was badly hurt and can't find herself forgiving John, instead the hatred increased.

Joan knew what was going on and consoled her, by telling her it would pass and that she should not worry.

They talked for some minutes before she was finally relieved and went to sleep. Joan called John and told him what was going on, she blamed him for putting her in such a state and told him he should better fix everything.

The next day, Shelly came to school late. She wasn't feeling too well became of the cry. She sat down in class refusing to talk to anyone.

John was afraid to talk to her. She didn't even look at anyone. The mathematics exam started, in the process of writing, someone farted, and the whole class scattered. Some used the opportunity to cheat while others saw it as an opportunity to copy others' work.

Shelly was busy writing not minding the situation. When the class was fully settled, the teacher collected their papers. Shelly was already done writing, and so were John and other serious students.

When the exam was over for that day, Shelly took her bag and went home. Rita was shocked at what was going on.

She looked for John and asked him if he knew what was wrong with her, but he did not tell her anything, he lied he didn't know.

It was on Friday and they were having their last paper science, everyone hoped the exam would come and go because only a few students liked the subject.

The exam lasted for an hour and it was finally over. Everyone sang a song of joy. As soon as Shelly finished writing, she went to the school garden to cool her head.

Rita later went to meet her and asked her why she has been avoiding everyone. She apologized for her actions toward her and explained why she has been moody.

She consoled her and told her it was going to be fine, that it would soon pass. She wondered why everyone was telling her it would soon pass when there was no hope of that.

Immediately Rita left, John came. Shelly told him that he should not bother because anytime she looked at him, she hated him the more.

She told him that what was broken was broken, that he should forget about being friends with her, then she left.