
The night camp

Shelly Bill, a governor's daughter hated her friend twin brother for something he did in the past. She couldn't let go, so they became rivals. They were never friends at school, always finding fault in each other. John in the process liked Shelly, but couldn't see the possibility of anything happening between them because she hated him and he was nothing more than a rival to her, so she was never interested in him. The more she treated him badly, the more he liked her. She was also focused in her future, she was not the best but was working toward that when this new girl came and everything went down. The new girl was in a competition with her, she needed to fight to become the best; was she going to survive it. There was usually a night camp that holds every three years, it was usually held at south Africa. They were later forgotten at the night camp, they faced a lot of terrible situations, not knowing what to do, where to go and how to find help. They faced a lot of difficulties. what Will be their fate, read to know more.

obiparadise_purity · Teen
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Every single word of hers stung. The words were spoken out of her innocent mouth. He stood there and let her go because he knew her too well, if he tries to stop her things might get worse.

"What have I done" he whispered to himself. "I will have to look for a way to apologize to her because she didn't deserve any of my behavior towards her," he said as he went back inside.

Shelly got home and angrily went to her room, she covered her head on the pillow and screamed herself out. When she was done screaming, she sat upright. "So that's why he was acting up, just because of what he heard," she said.

"But he could have just asked me before acting. He's jealous, oh lord why does this boy have to make me go through this all the time" she thought as she heard her phone ring.

She looked at the caller and it was John calling, then she ignored the call. He kept on calling and calling and she picked up the call. She didn't even allow him to talk. "See don't call me, I'm angry" she shouted and ended the call. Then she switched off her phone.

"I'm not going to school tomorrow, after all, we're not doing anything. I'm not ready to face that boy yet" she said and switched on the TV set to get her mind off what was happening.

The next day everyone was in class but Shelly did not come. John was sitting in his seat waiting for her but the first period passed and she didn't show up. Rita was also looking worried.

"Did you see Shelly" he turned to ask Rita. "Why do you want to know, thought you didn't care about her. Your behavior towards her has not been good" she answered. "I know but I tried calling her, but her phone was switched off," he said. "Same here, tomorrow is the Christmas party and I'm worried that she might not come," she said and Joan walked into the class.

"What did you do," she asked John. "Nothing" he answered. "What do you mean nothing, she told me she was going to see you yesterday and now she's not in school. What happened?" she asked raising her voice when her phone rang.

She brought out her phone from her mini purse and it was Shelly calling. "It's Shelly," she said and Rita with John stood up and went to where she was and she put the call on loudspeaker.

"Hello, why are you not in school?" Joan asked her. "Sorry, I'm not ready to face John. I'm calling just to let you know I'm alright. I won't attend the Christmas party tomorrow, I'll be traveling this evening to meet Jessy" she said.

"What!" Joan shouted. "Tell Rita I'll call her, please don't bother to ask why but I'll be staying with her for a week. I'll see you when I come back. Tell John not to bother about me, I need some time to clear off my head" she said. "No, you can't do that," Joan said. "Sorry I need to go, talk to you later," she said and ended the call.

"No...!!!" Rita exclaimed. "See what you've caused!" Joan said pushing her brother on the shoulder. "I'm sorry," he said. "Save your apology, you should be telling that to Shelly" Joan responded. "See if you know what is good for you, you better stop her from leaving If not!" Rita threatened him and left the class.

"You better make her not leave, if she leaves don't bother talking to me. This is unbelievable" Joan said angrily and left the class.

He stood there not knowing what to do or think. "What have I done" he whispered as he went back to sit down. He couldn't wait for school to be over. As soon as he heard the bell for closing, he rushed home not waiting for anyone.

As soon as he got home he did everything quickly and rushed to Shelly's house. When he got to Shelly's house, he took a deep breath before he entered the compound. He approached the front door and knocked softly.

One of the maids he knew opened the door. "I'm here to see Shelly," he told her. "Sorry, miss Shelly is not at home" Jenny the maid lied. "I know she is in," he said. "Wait here," the maid told him and left.

She went to Shelly's room and knocked on the door. "Who's that" Shelly answered from inside. "Miss it's Jenny, John is here to see you" she answered. "Tell him I'm not at home, I told you that before," she said. "He knows you're in," she said. "Then tell him I don't want to see him and that's final, you may leave," Shelly said and she left.

She went back to meet John who was still standing outside. "She said she doesn't want to see you," the maid told him. "Please I'm begging you, just allow me to wait for her at her door please" he pleaded. "Okay just because I know you and want her to be happy," the maid said and let him in.

He went to her room and knocked severally but she did not open the door. He told her that he was the one and that he was there to set things straight but she did not open the door.

She later thought he had left because she did not hear anyone knock again when she was convinced he had left she arranged her traveling bag and when she came out of her room, she found him sitting on the floor close to her door and his eyes were shut. She quietly rolled her traveling bag and walked passed him and he held her hand. She turned back and saw that he was not asleep.

"Let me go," she said trying to remove his hand from her hand. "Please I'm begging you, let's just talk. Probably let's take a walk and after that, you can decide to travel or not" he said pleading. Shelly stood there for a while thinking. "Be fast about what you want to do. It's already 5 pm and I'm supposed to be at the airport by 6 pm" she said.

He was relieved and he led the way signifying for Shelly to follow him. She left her traveling bag in the house. They got outside and he decided for them to go to the park, on their way they didn't utter any word they walked silently. After walking for a few miles, they were at the park and they sat down at an empty bench they saw.

"I'm sorry for the way I acted, I shouldn't have done that," he said. "Hum" she hissed. "You were right I don't have any right to be angry at you because someone else asked you out and you accepted. I'm very sorry, please forgive me" he said sadly. Shelly saw that he was truly sorry. "I forgive you, it's not your fault people get jealous and do some unpleasant things," she said and he smiled. "Thank you for your understanding," he said. "Yep, it's understandable," she said.

"So who is the guy that asked you out?" he asked. "Are you kidding me, no one asked me out. I only said that to get him off my back" she said. "Really" he answered. "Yes, I was waiting for you, I just can't help myself to be angry at you no matter what you seem to do, I even like you more," she said laughing.

"I'm such a fool," he said. "Don't call yourself that, let me tell you this, no matter what just know I'm always with you. No matter the interaction from the opposite sex know that nothing is going on" she said. "I'm very sorry," he said and they hugged tightly.

"Will you follow me to the dance?" he asked still hugging her. "Yes but you'll have to bribe me," she said and he freed her. "I know how to do that," he said and stood up signifying Shelly to follow him and they held each other's hand and they entered a taxi. He took her to Santa's village. When they came down from the taxi, she was extremely happy and they entered inside walking hand in hand.

They did a lot of fun things, they played and laughed. They entered the merry - go -round and they were not afraid of height but Shelly always screamed when it becomes too fast and they would laugh. They build a snowman and ate different types of dessert and they went ice skating. They went on different rides and played all the games. After having so much fun, he took her home. As she got home, she bade him goodbye and he left. She eventually canceled her flight.

The next day everyone went to school dressing elegantly and looking happy. Shelly and her friends were discussing. "Shelly I thought you travelled" Rita said. "Em, I Changed my mind, is that a problem" she answered.

"No o, just saying. I'm glad you are here" Rita said. "I'm glad seeing you two like this, I know you guys are matured enough to solve any issue you have" Joan said. "Yes, I'm happy too" she answered. "The party is about to start, let's go and meet the rest" Rita said.

As the party started, everyone danced their lives out. Rita came with John Billion funny enough. It was a memorable day for all of them and they went home happy.