
The night camp

Shelly Bill, a governor's daughter hated her friend twin brother for something he did in the past. She couldn't let go, so they became rivals. They were never friends at school, always finding fault in each other. John in the process liked Shelly, but couldn't see the possibility of anything happening between them because she hated him and he was nothing more than a rival to her, so she was never interested in him. The more she treated him badly, the more he liked her. She was also focused in her future, she was not the best but was working toward that when this new girl came and everything went down. The new girl was in a competition with her, she needed to fight to become the best; was she going to survive it. There was usually a night camp that holds every three years, it was usually held at south Africa. They were later forgotten at the night camp, they faced a lot of terrible situations, not knowing what to do, where to go and how to find help. They faced a lot of difficulties. what Will be their fate, read to know more.

obiparadise_purity · Teen
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100 Chs


As soon as they returned the books to the library, they went back to class. As they entered the class, she went to her seat and he also went to his seat.

"So what's your plan for this year's Christmas party,," Shelly said to John. "I don't know" he barely spoke up and she noticed it. "Are you not happy about the Christmas party?" she asked. "Maybe, maybe not" he answered.

"What is wrong with you, you're not usually like this," she asked. "Nothing" he answered. "Why are you acting up, don't be like this," she said. "What do you mean?" he asked. "You're usually cheerful and happy about the Christmas party but it seems you're sad," she said. "Don't know what you're talking about" he answered.

"What is it, you can talk to me," she said. "Just want to be alone," he said, stood up, and left. "What is even wrong with this boy" she whispered. "Anyway I should be thinking about what I would wear and everything else," she said happily.

When it was exam period that's when John came back to class, he didn't even talk to her. After the exam it was the last period to closing, he took his bag and left the class. Shelly tried talking to him but could not get a response from him.

When it was closing Shelly, Rita and Joan were walking to the gate together. "I don't know what is wrong with John" Shelly complained. "Yeah he seems unsettling today and he was not in a good mood" Rita also complained. "I will ask him when I get home," Joan said. "You should, he's making me worry," Shelly said.

"Don't worry your boyfriend is going to be fine" Rita said laughing. "Rita I don't know what to call you any longer," Shelly said. "Don't mind her, that's her personality" Joan said. "Sometimes you're just a pain in the neck, another time you're a darling," Shelly said. "She changes like the weather," Joan said. "I'm right here you know," Rita said. "Sorry we didn't see you, too busy jumping to conclusion," Shelly said and they all laughed.

"That reminds me, will you girls come to my house on Tuesday next week so we can go and shop for what we would wear to the dance,," Shelly said. "Why on Tuesday though, we can go today," Rita said. "Sorry but I'm spending time with Diamond today and tomorrow, while on Sunday and Monday my uncle and aunt are visiting that is Jessy's parents, so I'm spending time with them once I come back from school" she explained.

"That means you'll be very busy," Joan said. "Yes, and I don't want any stress from anybody" Shelly answered. "But we must go out on Tuesday," Rita said. "Sure, you have my words" she answered and they continued to talk before they went home.

Shelly was at home studying after she has eaten and done all the necessary stuff. Exams were over but she loves to read. When she was tired of reading, she went to her room. She tried calling John but he was not answering and that made her bother so much. "I would have gone to his house if not for Diamond, anyway I'll see him on Monday" she whispered assuring herself.

On Monday Shelly went to school late because they were no longer having classes. Classes stopped the previous week, they were coming to school just because of the preparation for the Christmas party.

As she entered her class, she went to sit down but John didn't ask her why she came late as he would always do when she comes late to school. "Good morning," she told him. "Yeah" he answered without looking at her.

Shelly did not want to think too much of it so she let it pass. He was like that throughout that day, hardly talks to her and she couldn't fathom why. Soon it was closing period and everyone went home.

On Tuesday after coming back from school, the girls went to the mall to shop for clothes and shoes. They were talking while shopping.

"Why is John doing this to me, what did I do," Shelly said talking to Joan and Rita. "I don't know, I tried talking to him at home but he didn't tell me anything," Joan said. "I can see someone's heart is broken," Rita said. "I don't know about that but what I know is that I don't deserve any of his actions," Shelly said.

"It will be okay," Joan said. "Maybe I'll go see him tomorrow since I'm free after school," Shelly said. "That will be a great idea but I'll not be at home," Joan said. "Where are you going to," Shelly asked. "I'm going out with my parents after school. John said he won't follow us, so he'll be the only one at home tomorrow" she answered. "I think it's even better that way," Rita said. "Tomorrow will tell," Shelly said and they continued to shop.

On Wednesday at school, his behavior towards her was still the same. When she came back from school and after eating and doing other things, she was set to leave. She told her mum she was leaving and her driver took her to John's house.

She arrived at his house and went into the compound. Before then John told the maid that if anybody comes to look for him, she should tell the person that he was not at home.

Shelly knocked on the door and she was told that John was not at home. "Tell him to think of another lie," she told the maid to tell him as she was still standing outside the door.

The maid went inside and when the door opened again John came out and closed the door behind him. "So let me guess, you vanished back here. I thought you said you were not at home" Shelly said. "What do you want," he asked. "What do I want, you didn't even welcome me into the house, how very nice of you. I wish Joan was here" Shelly said. "Welcome my foot," he said and hissed. "What is wrong with you!" she shouted.

"Nothing, why to bother me when you have a dance partner," he said. "I don't know what you're talking about," she said. "You think I didn't hear your conversation with Jack the other day when you told him someone has already asked you out," he said.

"Oh, so this is what all this behavior towards me is about. Let me tell you this I'm not glued to you, others have the right to ask me out and I'll give them a positive answer!" she shouted. "Really," he said.

"Yes and I don't blame you, I don't deserve any of your behavior towards me. Did you even bother to find out who asked me out? No, too busy jumping to conclusion, you know what' suits yourself I'm done here!" she shouted pushing him on the shoulder and angrily left.