
The Next King!

True peace was achieved after one hundred years of devastating world war that was called Armageddon; which means no more crime, no more violence, and most importantly no more evil in the world. The world has been living in its true peace for hundreds of years. But it doesn't last for long. The year 248 AA. Adam, a young man that's seeking revenge for his father who he watched dying with his own eyes when he was little. Now at the age of nineteen years old, he finally able to enter the game where his dad had died on "The King's Game". Will he be able to avenge his father? What is The Kings Game? What kind of obstacles that he will run into? Read to find out!

WorldLight · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
138 Chs


"There's a package in front of the door." The red-eyed rat masked man said while walking inside the Rat Pack apartment which was filled with dozens of grey clouds of smoke. He walked inside the apartment while looking towards the living room, where three rat masked men sat down together with a tall stack of colorful cigarette boxes right in front of them.

"Finally a request!" The yellow-eyed masked man shouted while walking out from the kitchen with a bottle of beer that was half empty. The red-eyed rat masked man and the yellow-eyed masked man walked towards the living room, while the green-eyed rat masked man sits straight up after throwing an empty box of cigarettes to the table.

"We finally got another chance to redeem ourselves after those bastards humiliate us! Give me that box." The green-eyed rat masked man looked towards the red-eyed masked man who instantly gave him the box.

The green-eyed masked man grabbed the black box and quickly inspected it, he saw a small yellow note taped to the top of the box that has "gift" written on it "Why does it say gift? What does that mean?"

The green-eyed masked man took out a knife from his jeans pocket and stabbed the box, he tears the box open and found a letter that has five syringes underneath it. He grabbed the letter and looked towards the five syringes that have different colored liquids which were red, yellow. green, pink, and purple.

He puts the black box on his lap and quickly opened the letter "We have watched your third game and saw that the five of you have failed to kill the Beasts. I'm sure all of you must be really angry so here's a helping hand from us, each of their heads is worth fifty million crowns so go wild!"

"Very interesting! Here! Each of you takes one of these syringes! We will hunt those wild animals once again! This will be FUN!" The green-eyed masked man laughed while handing out the syringes to his teammates.

"HEY! ADAM! Take a rest dude! You have been running for ten hours straight!" Bull shouted towards Adam who suddenly stopped in the middle of his obstacle course and suddenly jumped down. Adam ran towards Bull while looking towards his watch and saw that his watch was bright red while showing "One thousand and two hundred times."

"Thank you for reminding me Bull, I finally managed to hold one thousand and two hundred times for four hours straight," Adam said while standing right beside Bull, he puts both of his hands on top of his knees and slowly catches his breath.

"Congratulations and here take a drink," Bull was holding Adam's green water bottle and gave it to him. Adam grabbed his water bottle from Bull's hands and quickly drank it while looking around the Obstacle Area.

BOOM! BOOM! SWOOOSH! SWOOOSH! BOOM! Crow was busy spinning around and shooting all of her guns a couple of meters away from Roo who was punching his last punching bags as he blew up all of his punching bags while his hands glowing dark red "This place has gone insanely busy."

SLASH! "I know right and their training looked way more interesting than mine." Adam and Bull suddenly turned their heads to their right side and looked towards Bunny that was a couple of steps away from them who slowly cuts her right leg off.

"I was about to look at you." Adam smiled towards Bunny while she pulled her right leg and connected it back. Bunny puts down her large shiny combat knife to the ground and jumped up while looking towards Adam and Bull.

"How much more do we have to train to get to the level of that thing that attacked us or the King's guardian?" Bunny asked as she stopped between Adam and Bull.

Adam looked towards Bull and Bunny and shook his head "I don't know, but if that's the best out of the best I want to be as strong as them. So, I have to train as hard as I can."

"We're still young, we have so much room and time for improvements. I'm sure we can get as strong or even stronger than them." Bull said while looking towards Adam and Bunny who instantly nodded.

"I'm going home now, I need to rest for tomorrow's training." Adam looked towards Bull and Bunny who nodded while smiling towards him.

"Bye Lion! See you tomorrow!" Bunny waved towards Adam who suddenly stopped right in front of the Obstacle Area's entrance. Adam turned his head around and waved back towards Bull and Bunny who were sitting next to each other on the ground.

"Hey Bunny! When is the next game?!" Adam shouted while looking towards Bunny.

"IN A WEEK! SO BE PREPARED!" Bunny shouted while holding both of her hands in front of her mouth.

TOOOOOOOOOT! Adam entered the shiny silver train that was waiting on the train station of Playground and sat down on a chair that was a couple of feet away from the door. He took a deep breath and looked around the empty cart that he was in.

"How do I improve myself from now on, I can't seem to get any faster now," Adam asked himself while looking down at his belt. The train that he was on suddenly stopped and he walked out of it. He ran through the busy Downtown-D and quickly arrived at his apartment.

KNOCK! KNOCK! KNOCK! A loud knocking sound echoed Adam's apartment while he slowly sat down on the side of his bed and wore his mask. He ran out of his room and stopped in front of his apartment door "Who is it?!"

Adam opened the door and saw Micheal who was smiling towards him while standing in front of his door. Micheal was holding a large brown box with both of his hands and Adam quickly looked towards Micheal "Good morning Lion, have you had breakfast?"

"Good morning Micheal, I haven't had breakfast yet, I just woke up. Come on in." Adam smiled towards Micheal and quickly move to his side giving Micheal space to walk in.

Micheal walked into Adam's house, took off his shoes, and quickly looked around with his mouth slightly opened. Micheal continues looking around Adam's house as he walked towards Adam's living room while Adam closed his front door "Wow, this isn't what I imagine how your apartment would look like. You're a really clean guy."

"Thank you, Micheal. I tried my best to clean up every day." Adam smiled and walked towards Micheal who sat down on the sofa and puts down his large box on the table.

"I got you some breakfast here but I forgot to ask for some utensils, get some for yourself I already ate before I come here." Micheal pointed towards the large brown box while looking towards Adam who nodded.

"Thank you, Micheal." Adam smiled and walked towards his kitchen. He grabbed a spoon and a fork while Micheal looked around Adam's apartment.

Adam ran out from his kitchen while holding two glass bottles that were filled with orange liquid, and sat down right beside Micheal who looked towards him while he opened the large brown box "Lion, can I see your belt?"

"Yes, wait a minute let me get it from my room," Adam said as he stands up and walked towards his room while his apartment was filled with a savory smell. He grabbed his belt from the side table that was beside his belt and ran out of his room.

Adam gave Micheal his belt and sat down right beside Micheal while staring towards the opened box with a wide smile. Inside of the box were bacon, sausages, eggs, black pudding, baked beans, toast, tomatoes, and mushrooms "This looks delicious!"

Adam ate his breakfast while Micheal took a closer look at Adam's belt using a pair of glasses that has green-tinted glasses "What's your highest speed multiplication?"

Adam swallowed the food in his mouth and quickly looked towards Micheal "The highest that I have ever reached is one thousand five hundred times but, I only can hold it for a couple of seconds and after that, the gem became unusable for roughly half an hour."

"That's really high," Micheal said while looking towards Adam who nodded and continued eating his breakfast. Micheal took a closer look at Adam's belt for a couple of minutes and puts it down on top of his lap as Adam finished his breakfast.

"You have reached the limit of this thing, you need an upgrade." Micheal looked towards Adam who wiped his mouth using a paper napkin. Adam quickly crumples the piece of napkin, closed the now empty brown box, and quickly looked towards Micheal who pocketed his glasses.

"There's a limit to that gem?" Adam asked while pointing towards his belt.

"Yes. There's a limit for empowerment gems and your gem is one of the rarest gems to have its limit reached, there's only a handful of people throughout history that reached the limit of this gem and you're one of them." Micheal smiled towards Adam while he drank from his glass bottle.

"You have to get the secret of the next game, I have a really big upgrade for you waiting in my factory. There's this gem that can make you so fast that you can be in two places at the same time but there are two problems with it." Micheal explained while looking towards Adam who looked towards him with a serious expression.

"You have to have a really strong physique and a large amount of luck to use it. The first time I saw you I didn't think you would reach the limit of this gem, but look at how wrong my first judgment is." Micheal smiled and looked towards Adam's belt.

"The gem that I will be giving you if you found the next game's secret is one of the gems that none has ever reached its limit. There was one crazy guy who managed to pull three thousand five hundred times out of that gem and he managed to be at two places at the same time. He was a blur at both of those places and after a couple of seconds his legs shattered and turned into dust." Micheal explained as he slowly stands up and put down Adam's belt on the table while Adam looked towards him.

"That's all I'm going to tell you for now. You're my favorite contestant in this year's game and I see a lot of potentials for you to grow, keep training as hard as you can and find the secret of the next game. I will do my best to help you become stronger." Micheal smiled and walked towards the entrance of Adam's apartment.

"I've got some business to take care of see you later Lion and good luck." Micheal smiled and waved towards Adam before he went out of Adam's apartment.

"There's a way to become stronger, I have to get the next game's secret." Adam smiled as he stands up and walked into his bedroom.

"You're early today Lion! Aren't you tired after yesterday's training?" Bull asked as he walked into the Obstacle Area while looking towards Adam who was stretching his legs.

"Good Morning Bull. I need to train as hard as I can now because I need to get the secret of the next game." Adam smiled as he looked towards Bull who nodded.

Bull smiled while putting his hands to his sides while looking towards Adam "Okay! Let's go train as hard as we can together!"