
The Next King!

True peace was achieved after one hundred years of devastating world war that was called Armageddon; which means no more crime, no more violence, and most importantly no more evil in the world. The world has been living in its true peace for hundreds of years. But it doesn't last for long. The year 248 AA. Adam, a young man that's seeking revenge for his father who he watched dying with his own eyes when he was little. Now at the age of nineteen years old, he finally able to enter the game where his dad had died on "The King's Game". Will he be able to avenge his father? What is The Kings Game? What kind of obstacles that he will run into? Read to find out!

WorldLight · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
138 Chs

Fifth Game

"Time to get my upgrade." Adam smiled while he tied his shoes as he sat down in front of his apartment entrance. Adam stands up, took a deep breath, and walked out of his apartment where Alice was waiting for him with a big smile on her face.

Adam walked out of his apartment and saw Bull and Roo standing in front of a large black SUV while talking to each other. Adam waved towards both of them who instantly waved back and he quickly looked around "Where are Bunny and Crow?"

"They're late this time, do you want some candy?" Roo asked as he extended his right hand that was filled with colorful clear shiny candies towards Adam. Adam grabbed a piece of candy while Roo looked towards Bull with an angry expression as he grabbed three pieces.

SWOOOOSH! SWOOOOOSH! "We're not late! We're up here!" Bunny shouted while Adam, Bull, and Roo turned their heads upwards.

Woooosh! Woooosh! Bunny was flying a couple of meters above Adam, Bull, and Roo and slowly descends using her wide angle-like wings. A large shadow slowly moved behind Bunny and it suddenly turned into Crow, who was flying right behind Bunny using a wide pair of black feather wings.

Bunny and Crow landed beside Adam, Bull, and Roo and their wings slowly folded on their own while Bunny smiled towards Crow who was smiling wide "How does it feel Crow? Flying for the first time?"

Crow reached to the side of her suit and took out her notebook which she quickly wrote on using a small black pen, after a couple of seconds Crow quickly showed her notebook to Bunny " IT WAS AMAZING! I LOVE THE VIEW FROM UP THERE!"

"I'm glad you enjoyed it." Bunny smiled and puts her left hand on Crow's right shoulder. Bunny's wings suddenly glow bright white and blew up into small balls of light and disappeared as they touched the ground, while Crow's wings burst out into pieces of black feathers that disappeared as they touched the ground.

"That looks awesome Bunny! Can you make everyone a pair of wings?" Roo excitedly asked while looking towards Bunny who nodded.

"Yes, I have leveled up quite a lot recently and I can make various things now. But I only want to make special wings for Crow." Bunny smiled while looking towards Crow.

"Let's go to our fifth game." Adam looked towards everyone who instantly nodded. The six of them entered the car and it quickly went around Downtown-D.

The car went out from Downtown-D and entered a nearby forest, it went around the forest for a couple of minutes and stopped in front of a large boulder that was surrounded by tall pine trees "Why are we in the middle of a forest and not in the city?"

"We have taken countermeasures because of the attacks that were sent from outside of the Kingdom so we're going into a different elevator," Alice explained while looking towards Bunny who slowly nodded.

GRRRRR! GRRRR! The side of the large boulder suddenly slides down for a couple of seconds and the car quickly went inside the boulder. The side of the boulder lifted back up from the ground and the car slowly descends.

The car descended for roughly fifty-five minutes and it suddenly stopped. Bull looked out the window and saw seven hundred and sixty-nine was written on the wall in red "We have gone really really deep for this game."

"Yes. It's for the safety of the contestants." Alice answered.

The wall that was in front of the car slowly lifted and the car went through a long and tight hallway that the car barely fits. The car went through the long hallway for almost half an hour passing dozens of colorful doors and suddenly stopped in front of a small red metal door, that has the number eighty-eight painted in black in the middle of it.

The six of them went out of the car and stands in front of the door while the car drove away and left them. They looked towards each other and nodded together with a wide smile on their faces "Let's go."

Roo pushed opened the door and the six of them walked inside the lounge where every single contestant instantly looked towards them. The door behind them closed on its own and Bunny quickly scanned the waiting area, she pointed towards a large and empty pink couch that was beside a vending machine and looked towards Adam "Let's take a sit there."

"Okay." The six of them entered the waiting area and walked through a wide path towards the pink couch. Large colorful couches were on the side of the path and they were filled with many contestants who were staring towards them intensely.

They arrived right in front of the pink couch and sat on it instantly filling it. Crow reached to the side of her suit, took her notebook, and wrote down on it which she quickly showed towards everyone "I'm thirsty after the long car ride, anyone wants a drink?"

"Can I have a tea?" Bull asked while looking towards Crow who nodded. Crow looked towards the other and they shook their head while smiling towards Crow who nodded.

Crow puts her notebook back to the side of her suit and left the couch, Roo suddenly stands up and ran towards Crow "Crow! Wait for me! I'm hungry!"

"I'll send you the one hundred thousand crown after the game, I thought he already ate before we went here." Bull sighed while looking towards Bunny who smiled widely.

"Why would he eat at home when he can eat anything that he wants here for free?" Bunny smiled while Bull slouched on the sofa. Adam looked around the lounge area and saw The Rat Pack who just arrived and was walking towards the waiting area.

They walked past Adam's couch and looked towards him with wide grins on their faces as they walked towards a couch that was a couple of meters away from Adam. Adam laid back on the couch and sighed while Bull and Bunny looked towards him "I have a bad feeling about this game."

"What's wrong, Lion?" Bunny asked while looking towards Adam.

"I don't know, just a hunch," Adam answered.

"Contestants please get ready for your fifth game which will begin in fifteen minutes, if you're in a team please gather your teammates and get ready." A man who was wearing a black suit and a blank black wooden mask said while a clear tube raised from the ground right beside him.

"The blank mask guy already came up, where's Roo and Crow?" Bunny asked while looking around the lounge area as she stands up. Bunny quickly found Roo and Crow who were running towards the couch while contestants walked towards the wooden stage.

The two of them arrived at the pink couch and Crow quickly gave Bull his cup of tea while Roo sat down on the edge of the couch. He was holding two large plates that were filled with food and Bunny quickly looked towards him while Bull smiled towards Crow "Thank you, Crow."

"Roo everyone is already lined up, we can't be late." Bunny looked towards Roo who took a deep breath and suddenly smiled widely.

"I have a diamond medal at eating fast, just give me two minutes." Roo smiled and quickly looked towards the two plates that were in front of him. Roo quickly ate all of the food that he took and just like he said it only took him two minutes to devour them.

"All done exactly two minutes! Let's go!" Roo stands up and walked towards the long line of contestants with his teammates behind him. They stopped at the back of the line and looked towards the tube where a couple of teams have gone up to the roof.

A couple of minutes passed by and it's finally their turn, Roo quickly ran towards the metal stand and scanned his watch while the blank masked man looked towards him "Beasts, please enter the tube and Good luck on your fifth game."

The five of them entered the tube and waved towards Alice, who was a couple of meters away from the tube waving towards them. Adam looked downwards and noticed that the floor underneath them was made out of glass, as it slowly raised upwards.

The floor stopped raising upwards and they were coated in darkness as a bright light above their heads turned on. The tube instantly moved around the darkness for a couple of minutes while the five of them looked towards the floor underneath them.

"Why the floor made out of glass?" Bull asked while looking towards Adam, Bunny, Roo, and Crow who instantly shook their head while raising their shoulders.

"Maybe the viewers finally chose a beach stage! They finally listened to my wishes for a beach stage!" Bunny excitedly said.

"What's the connection of a glass floor to a beach stage?" Roo asked while looking towards Bunny with a confused face.

Their tube suddenly stopped and the five of them quickly looked around as the tube standstill for roughly five minutes "What is going on here? Why is it taking so long? Is there something broken?"

"Probably for safety reasons Lion. Isn't that right Alice?" Bunny asked.

"Yes, it is one of the new procedures to keep everyone safe," Alice answered through everyone's earpieces and the tube suddenly continue moving around the darkness.

"I just got an email and the five of you have broken the record of the most waiting viewers in the history of not on the King's games but the whole lifestream industry in the world!" Alice excitedly told everyone.

"A plaque will be sent to all five of you within a week, congratulations," Alice added as the tube suddenly stopped.

"Contestant Crow please extend your hand outwards." A static voice suddenly came from the roof.

Crow extended her right hand forwards and a scroll fell from the roof to her hand along with a small white tote bag. Crow holds the scroll with her right hand while turning around towards everyone, she was holding the tote bag with both of her hands and looked towards it confusedly.

"Why did they give us that?" Bunny asked while looking towards the tote bag, she took a step forwards and looked inside of the bag. She reached inside the bag and took out a glass case that has a large pair of thick glasses inside of it.

Everyone reached inside the bag and grabbed a glass case each and looked towards it confusedly. Roo opened the case and grabbed the glasses that were inside of it "This is a sand-proof impact-resistant glasses."

"Why do we need this? Crow, give me the scroll I'll read it for everyone." Bunny looked towards Crow who was folding the tote bag, she quickly gave Bunny the scroll and opened her glass case while Bunny opened the scroll tube.

"An animal asked for the ability to speak and a powerful spirit gave it. But, it wasn't only gifted the ability to speak. It was given the abilities that can bring calamity to everyone in the world."

"Hey! Look! You guys better wear your glasses!" Roo shouted while pointing downwards as the metal floor that was below the glass floor suddenly opened up and all they can see were piles on piles of sands.

CLICK! VWOOSH! "NOOOOOOOOOOO!" Bunny shouted as she fell through the glass floor that suddenly opened up and ejected everyone out from the tube.


Oh! Hello dear viewers! It's the author here, WorldLight. o/

Thank you so much for reading my novel this far it means so much to me, thank you very much.

If you love The Next King! Please support the novel by giving it your precious review, your power stone, collect the novel, and keep reading the novel. Feel free to comment if you have any questions I'll try my best to answer them and once again thank you very much from the bottom of my heart.

Now I wonder what is the fifth stage...