
The Mythical Children:The Flamed Illusionist

A Jamaican boy after being wrongfully accused, at least so he thought. Tries to clear his name while proving his worth to try to avoid execution. Magic, Supernatural, Mythical being may be too much for someone to grasp within a week before he is placed to death. Will he make it, will he find out what happen to the missing children in time to save his own neck.

Wyatt_Joansy · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Turned Around

As the seconds ticked by, each one stretched into an eternity. I found myself caught in the mundane task of waiting while the anticipation of something extraordinary tingled in the air; yet the silence surrounding me was deafening. With each rock back and forth on the creaky chair, I couldn't shake off the sensation of restlessness that crept into my bones. It was thrilling and exciting.

The room felt, as if the very walls were conspiring to keep me in suspense. My eyes darted around, searching for any sign of movement, any glimmer of hope to break the monotony. But all I found was that ugly picture seeming to watch my every move. Granted she was actually very beautiful. Her long straight black hair floating in the water above her. Her chest covered my a light yellow almost bone white top and her tail, long and covered in scales shimmered a turquoise blue.

I tried to distract myself, to focus on anything other than that god awful painting but I found it very hard. Not even the impending revelation I yearned for kept my mind from drifting back to it. I showed that painting my middle finger many times.

With each passing moment, my impatience grew when all of a sudden the clone's knowledge rushed into me, flooding my mind with memories. images, feelings, and sensations. Everything scurried by and it was hard to distinguish, what I did from what the clone did. In such a short time, he, and I, had gone through so much.

I took a minute to catch my breath and process the emotions that suddenly flooded my mind. I had no doubts. I knew for sure that I could cast fire magic, but it came with such a bittersweet feeling. Was this going to be a constant feeling each time I made a clone of myself? I had the power to cheat death but it came with a bitter consequence. It's as if im looking at the two sides of one coin. Avoiding deadly situations but still being able to feel the effects of those exact situations as well. I rubbed my forehead slowly and sighed, attempting to push the major thought from my mind. It made no sense to dwell on a problem I may not live long enough to contemplate.

I thought about breaking the seal but took notice of where I was exactly. She could be on her way back this very moment and I was not strong enough to even attempt fighting her off without the ring. Also trying to control fire in a place with so many flammable items didn't seem like such a good idea after all.

I pocketed the box and closed the drawer, leaving a clone of it behind. I caught another look at the painting on the wall and thought that it wouldn't be a bad idea to let the spell run wild but I "kissed my teeth" and exited the office, ensuring it was closed.

I made my way out of the waiting room and into the Chamber with the ten doors. I found the door to the passage and with a hesitant hand, I pushed the door open, expecting to find myself back in the corridor made up of damp walls and balls of light, I had just left. But to my astonishment, I was met with a scene entirely different from anything I had encountered before.

Before me lay a large room with many trees running through the floor. Many cages hung from the trees and in and around them flew different type and size birds. Lush greenery filled the room, the air alive with the chorus of birdsong and the gentle rustle of leaves. An orb shun down like Sunlight filtered through the canopy, casting dappled patterns on the forest floor.

I stepped through the threshold, feeling the thin layer of earth beneath my feet and the wooden flooring.

With each step, I ventured further into this strange and wondrous room. A table sat in the middle of the room with paper and pens of different colour. On further inspection, I noticed that there was a tunnel build along the walls of the room that seems to lead out but it was very small, just big enough for the birds.

I went back to the door and opened it again.

Before me lay a vast chamber, illuminated by flickering torches mounted on the walls. Racks of gleaming swords and shields lined the room, their polished surfaces reflecting the dim light. In the center of the chamber stood a wooden training dummy, its surface scarred from countless blows.

I stepped into the room, my heart pounding with excitement and awe. As I explored further, I discovered shelves filled with ancient manuscripts and scrolls, detailing the art of swordsmanship and the code of chivalry. Dusty banners hung from the rafters, their colors faded but their emblems still visible. On one of the tables in a tray, I found a sheet of paper rolled up and when I opened it all it had written on the top was map. Suddenly new words appeared in the middle of the paper. New Registration Complete. I was shocked but all I saw appeared next on the map was a room with two footprint in the center. Deciding it was useless. I folded it up and placed it in my pocket not wanting to keep it but not wanting to give it up either. I went back to the door again.

It was similar to the first passage after leaving the Colosseum. Stone walls with light orbs close to the ceiling. I opened the door again only to find myself in a very dark room. I stumbled around touching and feeling everything around me. The room was filled with boxes and Barrels that were stacked upon each other. I turned back to the door and opened it again. This room was brighter. I was so confused, shouldn't I be seeing the passage I just came from?

"This is strange, I went into the room and closed the door to find a room with metal beds, almost like what you would expect at an army camp. I got a great idea when I saw the stack of uniforms on one of the tables. I closed the door and picked out a uniform that best matched my size.

In only a few minutes, I heard footsteps behind me. I pulled up the pants quickly and dragged the hood over my head and the attachment across my face.

"Wasn't that Brutal, I kinda feel sorry for that mortal" One voice said.

"Why, he stole from The Seven. He got what he deserved" the other voice replied.

"But to die in such a way and front of everyone" " the first voice continued.

"Now persons will think twice about stealing from them again", the second voice quickly interjected.

"Will it deter anyone though, ".

"What do you mean?".

"I heard some of the other guards whispering, you know they don't talk to me just around me. Well, I heard them saying that the kid was saying that it wasn't him".

"What, Lies!".

"They said that he stuck to his story to the very end" " the first voice added.

"Wow, That's crazy", the second voice replies.

"So the real thief could be out there lurking even now".

"Dat nuh right".

"Yeah..., Hello?" the first voice said after noticing I was in the room.

"Who are you?", the second voice asked.

"Are you new?" The first voice asked puzzled.

"Yes I am, I just arrived" I quickly answered.

"Could he be Perruitt's replacement?" the figure belonging to the first voice said. He was a very tall boy with a medium build. Larger than myself. Was everyone in this world huge? He was dressed in black which I've come to realize is the guard's uniform, what I was now half dressed in.

"Isn't that a little too quick" the second voice whispered back. He was about an inch shorter than me, had brown skin, and was toned, not muscular but not flabby either.

"This whole day has been moving by quickly, plus you know that HE didn't seem to like Perruitt all that much," The Tall one said. "He was extra hard on him than the rest of us".

"and HE put us through the wringer" The shorter one added still whispering.

"I can hear you both". I said and the tall one laughed

"With the kind of supernaturals here, whispering is a wasteful task". Anyways, Do you know where you are assigned" he asked.

"No, I was told, I should join two guys called Chris and Orion" I said barely remembering the two guards' names I heard.

"That's us, I am Chris and the grumpy one is Orion"

"What's your Name?" Orion asked.

"Jere..... Jerome" I corrected quickly.

"Nice to meet you Jerome, We currently have to patrol the Night room, I just came to grab my flashlight. I can't see in the dark as well as Orion.

"That's cool, So I'll be joining you guys?".

"Yes," Orion said in an annoyed tone. I got the impression he didn't want me along.

"Do you need a flash.." Chris started to ask but Orion interrupted."What are you by the way?".

"Orion, you know you're not supposed to go around asking people that question".

"What's the Harm," he said throwing his hands up. "I am a Shapeshifter, I take the Form of a Great Wolf" Orion proudly said.

"and I am half that ..," Chris sheepishly added.

"He's Half Shifter and Half Water Spirit. When he shifts it so Fucking cool" Orion said with such excitement, I thought he was a different person.

I blinked twice and looked at Daniel and I saw a large wolf with very sharp claws, yellow eyes, with a grey coat along with some black streaks throughout. Daniel wasn't lying, when I looked at Chris I almost fell over from the shock.

He was a large wolf. With the color of the morning sea. His body shimmers like that of the ocean, like the room I first heard them in. His tail was solid one moment and not the next. It swayed like water.

Are my eyes improving, I can see so much now but if I can see what they are. Are they able to see what I am? Will they attack me soon?

"Are you not able to tell what I am on your own?" I asked hesitantly.

"You mean the sight,".

"Pupa Jesus, Dont you know only powerful supernatural have the power to reveal one's true identity".

"Some use other methods like smell or aura or even spirit but none of us possess those capabilities. You would have to come into contact with something to know how to identify it and your scent is foreign to me".

"Where are you from".

"I was stationed in the human world but was transferred here".

"Is that true...wooow" Chris asked excitedly.

"we won't be able to go into the real world for another year".

"It's an age thing, plus serving two years as a guard".


"Right, but I know Orion and I will pass it, No problem".

"We will. Now hurry and get dressed, so we can leave".

"I am fully dressed".

"Oh boy, I can tell you're going to be a pain in my ass today. You have to activate the armor before we leave out. I'll do it for you this time but try to memorize it for next time".

" Thanks, will do".

"As I take up the mantle as a guard

To protect those who cause no harm. Protect me that I may prevail

With the strength of Ten when I Inhale.

"I weird sensation flowed all over my body and the armor that was once a little loose, fit tightly to my body.

" A perfect fit, wow".

I walked towards the door and opened it firmly with purpose and belonging. Stepping as if I was here from inception, that I have been a part of whatever this is. I stepped to move through the door and ran into the one person I never wanted to see again.

"You!!!". He shouted.