
The Mythic Heroes

The world has been at war for over 500 years between the Rebellion and the Empire. With both sides win and lose men, there was no telling who would win until one day two babies were born. One was born on the Rebellion side and was pleased by the gods and is the last descendant of the Pendragon family, and the other one was born on the Empire side with no memory of his father or mother, all he knows is to fight. Over the years, the two boys will learn and fight for their side until a day they meet to fight to the death, but instead they both see what both sides are do is wrong and right. So the two decide to fight together to make the world a better place for the ones that can't fight for themselves. Icibis Pendragon is a man with a big heart. He believes that everyone is the same and that no one, even with nobility, should stand above the others. His goal is to make everyone in the world to feel safe and be at peace. Alek Noblesse is a man who doesn't know anything about himself or where he came from. All his life, he was told to kill, and that is all he has done for the past 12 years. Until he meets a boy by the name Nor that changed everything for Alek. Alek never had a goal or a dream, but when Nor told Alek what his goals and dreams are, Alek wanted the same thing.

Asutashi · Fantasy
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38 Chs

Tristen vs Alek

Tristen waited for a couple of seconds before taking a step, and when he did his speed was even faster than before. Alek sees this and has to use 10th Dimensional Speed to move even faster, but even with 10th Dimensional Speed, Noblesse sees that Tristen is almost moving at the same speed.

("How is he moving as fast as I am? That ability of his has to be giving him amends power, to be able to keep with my speed.")

As Tristen tries to attack Hoshiki, but Alek steps in front of Tristen and at the same time grabs Hoshiki's backup sword to us, to fight with. As Alek blocks Tristen's attack with his Perfect Sword Defense, Tristen uses his strength to grab Alek by the arm, and throws him into the forest, making Alek fly into some trees, before Alek lands on his feet and looks out.

("If he thinks he can win he has no id…")

The second Alek looked up, Tristen was right there in front of him. As Alek goes to take Tristen's head off, Tristen ducks under Alek's attack, then roundhouse kicks Alek right in the face, sending Alek flying deeper into the forest. 

("Should I head back to the princess?")

("No, keep fighting that one.")

("If you say so. But will the princess be alright.")

("Don't worry, help is on the way.")

("Okay, I am trusting you.")

Tristen takes off after Alek, as Alek slowly gets up from the powerful kick that Tristen landed on him. Alek can feel that his jawbone could be broken.

"For a human, you are really strong. To be honest I feel like I am fighting someone with supernatural physical abilities. I can see now why Malos lost against you."

Alek looks up the hill above him and sees Tristen standing there looking down at Alek.

"Malos was strong and gave me a good fight, but the second he knew my name, he lost the fight. And for the record, I don't have demonic powers. What I have is gifted by the gods and my princess."

Tristen jumps to the ground, costing the ground to cave in and all the trees to fall down, and all the rock to crack and crumble to pieces. As Alek had trouble keeping his balance, Tristen instantly went for the kill on Alek, but Alek was just fast enough to block the attack with his sword. After blocking the attack, Alek elbows Tristen in the face, to make some space between them, as Alek grabs a piece of a tree from the ground and throws it at Tristen, making Tristen to dodge the piece, as Alek lands a attack on Tristen from the side that Tristen dodge on. Alek kicks Tristen, as the kick sends Tristen flying into the ground a couple of feet back, giving Alek time to rethink his next plan of action.

("There has to be a drawback for using that ability, but what can it be? Maybe…")

As Alek finally comes up with a plan to take down Tristen, Alek picks up half of a tree and throws it at Tristen and runs to the left. Tristen sees the tree coming and thinks.

("It is too big to dodge, so that leaves one option.")

As the tree is about to hit Tristen, Tristen cuts the tree in half with his sword. As the two sides go around Tristen, the half of the tree on Tristen's left has a blade coming through it, as Alek stabs through the tree piece to catch Tristen off guard. Before Tristen could dodge the blade, Alek puts all his physical power behind the sword, as the sword goes through Tristen's neck. 

("Yes, I got you. You bastard.")

After the sword goes into Tristen's neck, Alek kicks in Tristen's knee, then pushes down on the sword, to cut him open. Tristen's tries to stop Alek from cutting him open ever more but before Tristen could move Alek already has the sword going down his chest. Alek stops the blade at the end of Tristen's chest and takes it out and stabs the sword back in Tristen's left eye, as Alek takes some steps back. Alek looks at Tristen's sit there life last, as Alek can feel his back almost give out, when he loses a lot of blood from his back.

"Damit, I almost forgot about that stab wound that the other one gave me. I still can't believe I didn't feel that one move. I guess I'm getting rusty."

Alek looks around for something to tie his wound up for now, but as he looks, he looks back over at Tristen's body and sees that Tristen's body has disappeared.

"Wait. Where did…"

As Alek stands there confused, Tristen comes from behind him and hits Alek on the side of the head with a big rock that breaks on impact. Send Alek flying into another tree nearby. Tristen drops the piece of rock that he still had in his hands and starts to wake over to Alek, as Alek is now bleeding from his head and is having a hard time standing back up. Alek tries to get up and Tristen sees still and speaks.

"Just stay down. If you want to live to see another day."

Alek smiles at Tristen's words.

"Really, is that coming from my enemy? Are you offering me a chance to live, even though I was trying to kill you."

"Princess Vita, wants this world to be a t peace, and to do that we must show others, even our enemies that death is not the only option, that together we can accomplish more if we just stop fighting."

"It sounds like you princess is fighting for something of someone I know. What a small world it is."

"Then you understand how this world is not treating everyone the same..."

"Yeah, yeah. What next you going to say? That we need to join sides in order to take down the empire."

"War is that last thing that my princess wants. She just wants peace. Is that so hard to ask for?"

"I don't know, that is a good question to ask."

As Tristen and Alek seem to understand how the world is unfair to the weak. Alek can see what the princess is trying to do for the people of the world, but he has a job to do, to protect someone else, and so does Tristen. As Tristen stands there looking down at Alek, as he is trying to get up to continue to fight. The voice speaks to Tristen again.

("You're still alive. That is good.")

("Yeah, and the princess?")

("Don't worry. Madison took care of it. Now it is time for you, to make your leave.")

("I see. Where am I heading?")

("You will see.")

As Tristen is talking to the voice in his mind, Alek can see that all of Tristen's injuries and wounds are fully healed back, making Alek start thinking of what Tristen really is.

("How can a human heal a killing plow? I mean I stabbed him right in the neck and cut down his chest, then finished it off with a stab in his face, and he is still standing. He has to be a demon or something else down that line. He can't be just human.")

Alek finally stands on his feet and starts to walk his way to Tristen, as Tristen just looks at him with a face of disappointment.

"Just give up. I don't want to defeat you, when you're no longer at your strongest."

"What are you saying? I can't hold my own."

"No, I am saying, if we fight anymore. I would just be picking on the weak."

 Alek's face goes from normal to serious, when he hears Tristen call him weak.

"You are calling me weak?"

"I was not calling you weak, more like that you are not strong enough than me to take on seriously. That's why I can't go all out on you from the start."

"What?" ("He has been holding back. That is impossible. That ability he used earlier, was the only way he could keep with me. Or was it?")

Alek is lost for words as Tristen starts to walk away from him. Alek bits down on his lips.

("One more push, if I cut off his head. He couldn't regenerate back from that. There is no way.")

Alek takes off at Tristen, as Tristen turns and looks at Alek running at him, they both see an arrow flies between them, then Madison swaps places with the air and aims his bow at Alek.

"Tristen you good?"

"Yeah, it is good to see you're still kicking Madison."

"Same to you Tristen, and don't worry. Princess Vita is safe now."

Tristen gives Madison a pat on the back.

"Thank you, Madison."

"Don't thank me, thank the voice. He was the one who did all the hard things for us."

"I see."

Alek looks at Madison confused on what he means the princess is safe.

"You with the bow. What did you mean the princess is safe?"

"I mean, she is no longer around here. So, you can't take her with you now."

"And my team?"

"Don't worry, they are still alive, only because Princess Vita told us to let them live."

"Is that so?"

Alek runs at Madison, as Madison shoots Rainbow Arrow at Alek.

"Rainbow Arrow, lightning shot."

As the arrow flies, Alek starts to smile and think to himself.

("A magical arrow. The second it is about to hit me, my Cancellation will just turn off the magic and I will just dodge the arrow and kill this archer.")

As the arrow hits Alek's Cancellation, the lightning on the arrow goes from magical lightning to cursed lightning, as it hits Alek right in the gut. Sending him flying through 40 trees and into a giant rock. Tristen sees what just happened and looks at Madison.

"Was that needed?"

"No but, it took care of him. So, let's get going."

"Yeah, we should before more things get out of hand here."

As Madison waves his hand in the air.

"Okay, we are ready to go. Open the portal whenever."

Tristen looks at Madison with a confused face.

"A portal?"


A portal door appears right in front of Madison and Tristen. Then the door opened. Madison walks into the door as he looks back at Tristen.

"You coming or what?"

Tristen looks back at the Havoc Kingdom and can see that the kingdom has fallen to the empire.

"I guess I have no other choice."

Tristen walks into the portal, right behind Madison, as the portal closes behind them. When Madison and Tristen get to the other side, they are in a giant library that goes on forever, as they both see Icibis, Reinhart, Rose, and Princess Vita all there waiting for them. Tristen runs over to Princess Vita with tears in his eyes to see that Princess Vita is okay and is still alive.

"I am sorry Princess Vita."

"Sorry for what Tristen?"

"I failed you and couldn't live up to your expectations."


Princess Vita gives Tristen a hug.

"Now listen, you have never failed me, if anything I failed you, and couldn't protect you or the people of Havoc."

"That is not true, Princess Vita."

Icibis walks over to the princess.

"If it was not for you. I would still be on the run."

"I guess so, but something tells me that you would have joined just down the road if not now."

"You might be right about that."

"Well, I think it is time."

Princess Vita starts to walk down a hallway in the library. Everyone looked confused and Rose spoke.

"Time for what."

Princess Vita looked back and spoke.

"You will see. Now come along."

Everyone starts to follow Princess Vita as Princess Vita walks over to a door in the library and opens it. In the door was an office with a man sitting in a chair, who was waiting for them to show up. The man sees them enter the room and he stands up from the chair and gives them all a bow.

"It is about time we finally meet in person."

They all look at him with confusion but Princess Vita.

"Do we know each other from somewhere?"

Tristen then remembers that the man sounds just like the voice that they have been hearing this whole time.

"No wait. You're the voice, Aren't you?"

"That is correct, but please call me Lloyd for now on. It is an honor to finally meet you all in person."