
The Mythic Heroes

The world has been at war for over 500 years between the Rebellion and the Empire. With both sides win and lose men, there was no telling who would win until one day two babies were born. One was born on the Rebellion side and was pleased by the gods and is the last descendant of the Pendragon family, and the other one was born on the Empire side with no memory of his father or mother, all he knows is to fight. Over the years, the two boys will learn and fight for their side until a day they meet to fight to the death, but instead they both see what both sides are do is wrong and right. So the two decide to fight together to make the world a better place for the ones that can't fight for themselves. Icibis Pendragon is a man with a big heart. He believes that everyone is the same and that no one, even with nobility, should stand above the others. His goal is to make everyone in the world to feel safe and be at peace. Alek Noblesse is a man who doesn't know anything about himself or where he came from. All his life, he was told to kill, and that is all he has done for the past 12 years. Until he meets a boy by the name Nor that changed everything for Alek. Alek never had a goal or a dream, but when Nor told Alek what his goals and dreams are, Alek wanted the same thing.

Asutashi · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
38 Chs

Save The Princess

"Icibic, should we get help."

"It is best if we run there straight away, Rose."

"Yeah, I get that, but still."

"We keep to the plan, and Princess Vita to safety."

Rose and Reinhart look at each other as they keep running and both speak at the same time.


As Icibic, Reinhart, and Rose are running to Princess Vita, Princess Vita and her knights are having a big problem with the enemies that they are facing.

"Stand back, or I will have to cut you down. Do you hear me?"

Alek looks at the knight then back at Vita.

"If you can give me one second, beautify. I have to take care of something, just stay there like a good girl. Now then."

Alek turns to the knight and starts walking towards him, as the knight charges at Alek, Princess Vita speaks.

"Don't do it, it's a trap."

The Knight looked at the princess as he quit walking, then he started to think for a second.

("Why can't I move, is the enemy soldier stopping me with his ability or something?")

The soldier kept looking at Princess Vita, as she gave him a smile and spoke.

"You fought with all your heart, I thank you."

The knight's face looks at Princess Vita with confusion, as he hears Alek's voice from behind him.

"I guess you're smarter than a normal princess, aren't you Princess Vita."

As Alek puts his sword in his sheath, the knight's head rolls off of his body, as it hits the ground.

"I see a little now why our lord wants you now."

"Who are you? What is your name?"

Princess Vita looks at Alek with a face of curiosity on who is or what he is. Both Alek could take another step, one of the other knights uses earth magic, and places an earth wall between the princess and Alek.

"My lady, Vita. We have to get going now."

"We can hold him off from here."

"I can't leave y'all here just to die."

One of the knights grabs Princess Vita by the hand and started to pull her away from the fight.

"Let go of me at once."

"Please princess, we have to get you to safety."

"Yes, but what about the people and the others that are fighting? Are we just going to leave them?"

Before the knight could say anything, both him and Princess Vita heard Alek's voice from behind Princess Vita.

"The only one that is leaving anyone here is Princess Vita, and don't worry about your army. My friend Malos will take care of them in a very painful way."

They both turn and look and see Alek walking with a head to one of the other knights in his right hand. As the knight tried to pull Vita behind him, he noticed that his hand was cut off and Alek was now right behind him. Before the knight could even move or think, Alek uses Blade Art with his 10th Dimensional Speed and cuts off his head then looks at Princess Vita, with a smile on his face. Alek puts his sword away and walks over to Princess Vita, as Vita starts to walk backwards to get away from Alek.

"Why, why did you kill them all? You only wanted me, so why kill?"

Alek stops and scratches the back of his head.

"You really like to talk a lot and ask a lot of questions."

"As the princess to the Havoc Kingdom, I must protect my people and everyone that believes in me."

"Yeah and look where that got you. How many have died so far, princess?"

Princess Vita turns and sees Hoshiki walking up on her left.

"Look, if you just do what we want, then we will quit the killing."

"Do what, Hoshiki?"

"Look Alek, our job is to just bring her in. It never said to kill all the people in Havoc."

"So, what you're saying is. If I go with y'all my people will not be killed anymore?"

"Well, the ones that come with us will leave, the others that showed up before we did are not with us. I mean yeah, they are from the empire but not sent from our lord."

"I see. So how does leaving with you save my people?"

"It saves them from dying from our hands, if that makes you feel any better."

"Look princess, I have things to do. So just make this easier for us and come with us."

"What, you have to go and see that Nor is still okay or something?"

"Hey, give the kid a break, he has been through a lot."

"Yeah, yeah."

As Hoshiki and Alek are talking, Princess Vita stands there thinking about what she should do in this position.

("If I go with them, it doesn't promise that my people will be safe, but if not then more will die trying to save me. But if I do go, the people still have Tristen to look after them. Do forgive me Tristen but I must do what I can for the sake of the people and this war.")

Princess Vita takes a breath before speaking.

"Fine I will come with you both, but not because you want me to. Because I want to protect my people."

Hoshiki looks at the princess and gives her a nod.

"That makes it easier for me."

"I guess so, but I wanted to kill a little more."

"Oh, shut up Alek. You have done enough damage already."

Alek looked back at the knight's bodies and looked back at Hoshiki.

"I guess so. But not really."

Hoshiki walks over and grabs Princess Vita's hand and starts to pull her along with them. As they start to head back towards the Kingdom of Zusian, as they hear a voice from their right.


Hoshiki instantly goes to his knees and can't move. Alek looks over at Hoshiki, with a face of confusion.

"You good Hoshiki?"

("Why can't I move? Is it magic? Or can it be a curse?")

Hoshiki looks over and see Icibis stand there with his sword in the ground, as Reinhart runs past Icibis towards Princess Vita.

"Princess Vita."

"Wait, stop Reinhart, it is not saf.."

Before Princess Vita can finish her sentence, Alek gets in front of Reinhart.

"Hey now, where do you think you're going?"

"Get out of my way."

Reinhart goes for a downward strike on Alek, as Alek uses the skill Perfect Sword Defense, to block Reinhart attack with the hilt of his sword.

("He stopped my attack with his hilt. His sword is not even draw yet.")

"You seem to be more fun than the other knights were."

Alek looks back at Hoshiki and sees that he is still on his knees.

("Who is casting that spell? Is it the one holding the blade in the ground? It can't be this one, my cancellation would stop it from working if it was him. So, in that case.")

As Reinhart moves his sword to attack Alek from the side, as Alek disappears. 

"What? Where did he go?"

Reinhart looks around for Alek, and as he turns to look at Icibis, he sees Alek behind Icibis.

"Icibis, he's behind you."

Icibis tries to move but Alek is faster.

("Well, it was fun, but time to die.")

As Alek goes to cut off Icibis, Rose steps in and blocks the attack with her sword.

"I will not let you kill my prince."

"I see someone else showed up for the party." ("She said prince. What did she mean?')

Rose kicks Alek back and uses Sword Magic and shoots over 30 swords at Alek.

"Sword Magic, sword shoots."

As all the swords are about to hit Alek, they just disappear right in front of him. Putting shock on the others faces but Hoshiki. Alek takes a couple of steps towards Rose, as she stands there not knowing what to do.

"How is that even possible? Just how."

Alek dashes at Rose and punches her in the face. Making her fly into the tree behind her. 

"Well, that is one down. Who is next?"

As Alek turns Icibis is there with his sword and lands a hit on Alek, making a upward cut on Alek's chest.

("The one landed a hit on me, and I didn't feel his aura move from the spot that he was standing earlier.")

Icibis goes for a downward strike on Alek, but Alek catches the sword with his hand. Alek started to smile then looked Icibis in the eye and spoke.

"Not bad, not bad at all. But not enough power in the attack."

Alek then crushes the blade of the sword in his hand, then follows up with a knee to Icibis gut. Icibis hits the ground following on his knees, spitting out blood, as Alek looks down at Icibis then he hears Reinhart voice.

"I dare you to try something, and if you do, your friend here will die."

As Reinhart holds a blade at Hoshiki's neck. Alek looks at Reinhart with a death stare.

"You guys are a real pain in my but, but I do like a little challenge."

Alek was about to move to attack Reinhart when Icibis stabbed Alek in the back with the broken sword. Alek turns around and punches Icibis to the ground, then picks Icibis up and throws him into a tree. As Icibis hits the tree he feels his left shoulder break, as Alek takes his sword and stabs Icibis into the tree.

"You still got some fight in you. That is good but still not enough to take me down."

Alek starts to walk away as Rose throws her sword at Alek and follows up with her jumping out of the tree to stab Alek with her knife.

"Get away from my prince, you bastard."

Alek doug Rose's sword then grabs Rose's hand with the knife to stop her from stabbing him, as Alek punches Rose in the gut with his other hand, then Alek throws her over himself onto the ground. As Rose hits the ground, Alek steps onto Rose's chest, and then takes the knife from and holds it at her throat, then looks at Reinhart.

"So, what do you say, a life for a life. You give me both Princess Vita and my partner, and I will give you, your partners back."

Reinhart stands there not knowing what to do. As Princess Vita takes a step towards Alek.

"Princess Vita, what are you doing?"

Princess Vita looked back at Reinhart and spoke.

"We don't have time to decide. Look at them."

Princess Vita points at Icibis and Rose.

"The longer we sit here fighting, the last time we have to save them from death."

"But princess, we were told to save you. By the voice."

"The voice? Wait, that means."

Alek looks at them both talking as he starts to think about what Reinhart said.

("A voice? What the hell is that? Is it like a god that talks to them or something like that?")

As Princess Vita looks back at Alek, Alek smiles back at her, as Princess Vita feels a knife at her threat.

"Reinhart, what are you doing?"

As looks to see who has the knife at her threat, she sees Ash standing there instead of Reinhart.

"Who are you? Where is Reinhart?

"Don't worry miss princess or whatever your name is. I just swap places with your friend. He is probably catching up with his bow friend that I was just fighting."

"You mean Madison."

"About time Ash."

As Alek stands up and throws Rose's knife away and starts to walk over to Ash. Ash grabs Princess Vita's hand and speaks.

"You are coming with us."

Hoshiki slowly got back on his feet and grabs Ash's free hand.

"Now Ash be nice to her, she was actually doing what we asked her to."

Ash looks at Hoshiki.

"Wait really, that is your story?"

"I am just saying."

Alek looks at both Ash and Hoshiki fighting over Princess Vita.

"You guys always get into a fight over stupid things."

Alek starts to smile then instantly goes to a serious look in his eyes. Making both Hoshiki and Ash worried.

"Hoshiki takes the princess' hands."

Ash hands over the princess to Hoshiki and takes two steps to Alek. On the second step time freezes for Hoshiki, Ash, and Princess Vita, as Tristen is moving at 7th Dimensional Speed. 

("There is no way in hell that I will let you take Princess Vita from me. Now die.")

As Tristen draws his blade to cut Ash's head off, his time slows down. Making Tristen move in slow motion, as Alek appears next to Tristen's sword. Alek looks at Ash then at Tristen.

"Well, I never thought that anyone could move faster than the 5th Dimensional Speed, but I guess I was wrong. But you are not fast enough to get past my speed."

Alek punches Tristen in the chest, making Tristen fly back into the trees, as the time goes back to normal for the other. Tristen walks back out with a smile on his face.

"I guess I have to try a little harder, then I did against that big guy you sent to the battlefield."

Alek smiles back.

"So, you're not going all out? How dare you underestimate me like that. You punk."

Tristen activates his ability Eye Of Limitless. As Alek can see that, Tristen's eyes have turned from green to purple.

("I guess he activated a skill or ability. It is probably a physical boost, so my Cancellation will not work on it.")