
The Mythic Heroes

The world has been at war for over 500 years between the Rebellion and the Empire. With both sides win and lose men, there was no telling who would win until one day two babies were born. One was born on the Rebellion side and was pleased by the gods and is the last descendant of the Pendragon family, and the other one was born on the Empire side with no memory of his father or mother, all he knows is to fight. Over the years, the two boys will learn and fight for their side until a day they meet to fight to the death, but instead they both see what both sides are do is wrong and right. So the two decide to fight together to make the world a better place for the ones that can't fight for themselves. Icibis Pendragon is a man with a big heart. He believes that everyone is the same and that no one, even with nobility, should stand above the others. His goal is to make everyone in the world to feel safe and be at peace. Alek Noblesse is a man who doesn't know anything about himself or where he came from. All his life, he was told to kill, and that is all he has done for the past 12 years. Until he meets a boy by the name Nor that changed everything for Alek. Alek never had a goal or a dream, but when Nor told Alek what his goals and dreams are, Alek wanted the same thing.

Asutashi · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
38 Chs

The One Rule

As the girl was laying on the ground looking at Alek to help her, all he could do is look at her and spoke in his mind.

("I wish I could help but are one rule is to not have no witnesses, that can see what we do on our mission and if someone does see us, we must kill them on the spot.") "I... I am sorry. I will make it end quickly for you."

Alek looks at the girl and took his sword to cut off the girl's head in a very fast way so she couldn't feel any more pain. After Alek did this, Maho walked up to Alek grabbed him by the shirt and spoke.

"Hey why did you do that for Alek?"

Alek turns and looks at Maho as he removed Maho's hand from his shirt and spoke back to Maho.

"Because she didn't need to die like that, so I made it easier for her. I did the right thing."

"I was going to make her burn like she deserves to. Watching her burn alive would have been great. Haha"

As Maho started to laugh, Alek got a little upset with Maho way of thinking.

"And like I was going to let that happen."

As Alek got into Maho face and was ready to fight when Ranperuji stepped in."That is enough, we have to do what needs to be done."

Ranperuji breaks up Alek and Maho and looked at the team than the villagers and spoke.

"Kill all the villagers, Subun go tell Josei that she can start the killing."

"Yes Sir Ranperuji I will make sure she does what she does best."

"Good and Maho."

"Yes Sir Ranperuji?"

After Subun left to go tell Josei to kill the villagers that is with her. Ranperuji looked at Maho with an evil smile and spoke.

"Maho go have some fun."

"O you know I will."

Maho gets a big smile on his face and starts to run at the villagers that were standing near them. Ranperuji slowly started to follow Maho but heard Alek voice speaking to him.

"Sir Ranperuji, why are we having to kill them all if only a little girl saw us at first?"

Ranperuji stop walking and spoke to Alek.

"Because orders are orders and we will follow them, is that understood Alek?"

"Yes Sir Ranperuji."

Ranperuji walked over to Alek and looked at him with a confused face and asked Alek.

"Alek are you good, is something wrong with you?"

Alek looked at the head of the girl then spoke.

"No Sir Ranperuji, I am feeling just fine."

Ranperuji is confused with Alek's answer, but he turns and starts to head towards Maho to help with the killing of the villagers.

"Oh yeah Alek you go ahead and stay here, let us deal with this okay kid? I know this is your first time with this so don't worry about it."

As Ranperuji looks back at Alek still standing there looking at the girl's head and headless body.

"Yeah sure. No problem with that order. Sir Ranperuji."

As Ranperuji goes and joins Maho on the killing spree, Alek decides to take the girl's head and body to the forest to bury her body, but back in the village Subun has just told Josei to do her thing and Josei was more excited than ever.

"This is going to be so much fun." "Hehe"

As Josei activates her skill (supernatural beauty) that makes her look like the most beautifulest woman that anyone has seen.

"Okay boys who wants to have some fun with this beautiful woman?"

As Josei said that all the 40 men that heard Josei in the village looked at her and couldn't resist her beauty, so they followed her into a house. After Josei got them into the house she spoke.

"Well okay boys get ready the fun is about to begin." "Hehe"

As Josei activates her skill called (soul eater) and a creature comes out of Josei back and starts to eat all the men in the house. As the creature started to rip limbs off of the men in the house left and right, making a big blood bath.

"Yes my love eat up all the souls, eat a way." "Hehe."

As everyone outside the house can hear screaming and men yelling for help and slowly dying in the house, a woman see Subun show up outside of the house and decide to ask him for help.

"Sir Subun, we need your help. The men in the house are being killed by Josei for some reason. Can you do something to help them?"

Subun looked at the women and put his left hand on her shoulder and spoke.

"Yes of course I will help, and actually I will help you'll with the issue at hand."

As Subun gives the women a big smile, she looks at him with a happy face and spoke.

"Thank you so m...u...c…u...oh..."

"Is there something wrong? Miss, it sounds like you are having trouble talking?"

As the other villagers can see that Subun has put his right hand in her chest and pulled out the woman's heart, then he looked at them with a smile and asked them all.

"So does anyone else want to thank me for taking their life from them, if not than I will just kill you anyways."

As the villagers started to run for their lives, Subun used his skill called (Mind Control) and focused the villagers to kill each other for fun. As the villagers are killing each other, Subun can hear a voice coming for the house behind him.

"Their souls hit the spot for me. Wait, are you not done playing with you bit yet, Subun?"

As Josei comes out of the house with a head in one hand and an arm in the other with blood all over her body. Subun looked at her and spoke.

"I can see you had your fun Joesi."

Josei started to blush and smile even more.

"Well I do love eating souls for fun and I will always eat more souls when I get a chance to."

"I see, well I think we are done here and we should meet up with the rest of the team."

"Yes I agree with you there, I hope Maho has not killed everyone yet, because I want more souls to eat."

As Subun uses his ability called (Soul Summon) to summon all the rest of the surviving villager's souls, that killed all the rest of the villagers in seconds. After finishing that Subun and Josei started to head to Maho and Ranoeruji, where Maho was having a free for all with the other villagers.

"Well now I am having fun, we should do this more often."

As Maho was burning villagers to death with his skill called (Fire Magic) and Ranperuji was using his skill called (ghost blade) cutting off villager's hands and legs, left and right, without actually drawing his sword. As they both were slowly killing them without thinking twice.

"Maho don't overdo it, we have to make sure no one knows that we are the ones that did this."

"Yeah I hear you loud and clear Sir Ranperuji."

As Maho and Ranperuji finish killing off all the last villagers, Subun and Josei show up.

"No, I missed out on the fun here."

"I guess you just need to be faster."

"It seems like all the villagers have been killed Sir Ranperuji, so what do we do now?"

"We get Alek, and we head back to the Kingdom of Zusian to report everything back to Lord Haro."

As the team started to head into the forest looking for Alek, Alek finished digging the girl's grave. Alek skill called (Aura Sense) sense and strong aura from his left and noticed a boy to his left, laying on a tree. As Alek got closer to the boy the boy is wearing rip up clothes and looks like he has not eaten in days. When Alek got about 10 ft from the boy, the boy finally notices Alek on his right and looked at Alek with fear in the boy's eyes.

"Are you from the Kingdom of Scottsgate?"

The boy asked Alek, as Alek looked back at the boy with confused on what the boy means by that question.

"No I am from the Kingdom of Zusian, all the knights for the Kigdom of Scottsgate was killed in the battle of the ogres."

The boy looked at Alek with a refreshing face and spoke.

"That is good to know. they were looking for me to kill me."

("That does explain why they were here fighting the ogres before we got here.") "Why would they try and kill you for? The Kingdom of Scottsgate is a very helpful kingdom."

The boy looks down at the ground and spoke.

"Yes that is true, but I am form the city Lopool, and for the past months they have about killed us all of that lived in that city."

("That makes more sense, Kingdom of Scottsgate stared to overtake the city of Lopool two months ago, but I don't know that they killed the people that lived there.")

Alek walk tours the boy and crouch down and looked at the boy with a smile and spoke.

"Well sense you're from the city of Lopool why don't you just come back with me to the Kingdom of Zusian. I feel like you would like it there."

The boy looks at Alek with a smile on his face and spoke.

"Really. you would take me back to the Kingdom of Zusian with you?"

"Yeah kid. O yeah, I'm Alek, Alek Noblesse what is your name kid."

"My name is Nor, Nor Goldenday."

Alek puts his right hand on Nor's hand and spoke.

"Well Nor it is nice to meet you, and I promise you that everything will be okay for now on. You have my word."