
The Mythic Heroes

The world has been at war for over 500 years between the Rebellion and the Empire. With both sides win and lose men, there was no telling who would win until one day two babies were born. One was born on the Rebellion side and was pleased by the gods and is the last descendant of the Pendragon family, and the other one was born on the Empire side with no memory of his father or mother, all he knows is to fight. Over the years, the two boys will learn and fight for their side until a day they meet to fight to the death, but instead they both see what both sides are do is wrong and right. So the two decide to fight together to make the world a better place for the ones that can't fight for themselves. Icibis Pendragon is a man with a big heart. He believes that everyone is the same and that no one, even with nobility, should stand above the others. His goal is to make everyone in the world to feel safe and be at peace. Alek Noblesse is a man who doesn't know anything about himself or where he came from. All his life, he was told to kill, and that is all he has done for the past 12 years. Until he meets a boy by the name Nor that changed everything for Alek. Alek never had a goal or a dream, but when Nor told Alek what his goals and dreams are, Alek wanted the same thing.

Asutashi · Fantasy
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38 Chs

My Apprentice

<p>As Alek is glad that he can help Nor out and has offered to take Nor back to the Kingdom of Zusian to get away from the knights of the Kingdom of Scottsgate. Alek still has one big issue that he has to deal with so Nor can come back with him alive. Alek looked around him, and Nor to see if he sees anyone around them, then he goes into a long thinking process.<br/>("The knights from the Kingdom of Scottsgate will not be an issue for me, I can probably take care of them in my own, but what I am worried about is my team and how they would react when they see Nor. Will they kill him? Or would they listen to me first? I know Subun and Sir Ranperuji would maybe hear me out, but Maho and Josei would 100% try to kill Nor the second they see him. What should I do? Come on, think Alek.")<br/>Alek started to walk back and forth with his right hand on his hip and his left hand on his chin. Nor looked at Alek with confusion and was curious what Alek was thinking about.<br/>"How Alek what you do? You seen lost a little.<br/>Alek stopped walking and looked at Nor and spoke.<br/>"O, it is nothing. I just got lost in my own mind, that is all.<br/>"Okay if you say so."<br/>("There is not much I can do from here. I have to gamble on my luck and hope that they will hear me out. The last thing I want is for this boy to die the same way that little girl did.")<br/>As Alek looked up at the blue sky, he continued thinking even more, Nor stood up and asked Alek a question.<br/>"Alek if you can get me into the Kingdom of Zusian for some reason it is understandable and if you can't. Can you train me on how to fight?"<br/>Alek stopped thinking, then looked back at Nor.<br/>"I can see you have a sword, so I figured that you know how to fight. That is why I asked you to train me."<br/>Alek snapped his fingers and spoke.<br/>"Nor, that is a great idea, and know what? I will make you my apprentice." ("That is right I can use that as the reason I keep Nor alive is because I believe he can become a strong member to our team in the future. That has to work.")<br/>Nor was excited to hear Alek reply, that he yelled out.<br/>"YES!!! I will get to know how to fight with a sword. Come at me now knights of Scottsgate."<br/>("You're something else, kid. You have goals, dreams, and beliefs. As I have none of those.")<br/>As Alek was about to say something to Nor, but his skill called (Aura Sense) activated. As Alek felt that someone was behind him and before Alek could turn around to see who it was, a spear was thrown on Alek right side, and it was aimed for Nor. Alek was fast enough to push Nor away and to catch the spear because of his skill (10th Dimensional Speed). When Alek looked up at who threw the spear. As Alek can see Subun walking out from a trees shadow. <br/>"Alek, why did you do that for that hurt a little?"<br/>As Nor looked up at Alek and seen the spear in his right hand and a guy standing about 40 feet from them.<br/>"Nor can you move?"<br/>"Yeah. What is going on, Alek? Who is that?"<br/>"I will explain later, but what I need you to do is just say behind me, and if I tell you to run, then run."<br/>"What do you mean, Alek..."<br/>Before Nor could finish his sentence, Subun started to ask Alek some questions.<br/>"What is this, Alek? Did you go find one of the villagers hiding in the woods? Even I would not have thought any of the villagers would run to the woods, but even I am wrong sometimes."<br/>"Listen to me Subun, this boy is not from the village. He is from the City of Lopool. He was on the run from those knights that I and Sir Ranperuji saw earlier.<br/>"You talking about the knights from the Kingdom of Scottsgate? And why does it matter if the boy is from another town,city, kingdom, or country, we have been order to kill, so we kill."<br/>"We was order to kill only the villagers at that village because they saw us."<br/>"And your point is Alek? The boy has seen you. Just like that little girl did."<br/>"Yes, that is true, but this is different. I am telling you, Subun."<br/>As Subun and Alek are talking, a fire ball was shot at Nor, but Alek ability (Cancellation) activated and canceled the fire ball. As Maho comes around tree behind Subun and spoke.<br/>"What are you doing, you little brat? Why did you stop my fire ball attack?"<br/>Alek looked at Maho and spoke.<br/>"Sorry Maho, but the kid is off limits. So if you can do me a big favor and just go fuck yourself that would be great."<br/>"What did you say to me you little brat?"<br/>"Do I need to spell it out for you?"<br/>"Do you think your a smart ass or something."<br/>"That is enough. If Sir Ranperuji finds out you two are fighting again, there is no telling what he would do."<br/>("Would do I do now? At the moment, it is only Maho and Subun, but no sign of Josei or Sir Ranperuji, and on top of that, I'm not in a good position to protect Nor. I guess I will wait for an opening or something to make my move.")<br/>Alek looks back at Nor and gives him a smile to make Nor feel more comfortable and not to worry about anything. As Alek is doing this, Maho is thinking of taking this to his own hands.<br/>("He is looking at the kid at the moment. That gives me some time to get off a spell to kill that kid, but I will need Subun to deal with Alek when I cast it, so he doesn't cancel it like last time.") "Hey Subun, I got an idea."<br/>"What are you think of doing, Maho?"<br/>As Maho walks over to Subun to tell him his idea, all four of them can hear a loud voice coming from the tree line.<br/>"ALEK!!!"<br/>It was Josei, as she landed right between Subun and Alek.<br/>"O, Alek, you have to let me eat the boy's souls. Please."<br/>Alek closed his eyes and took a deep breath than spoke.<br/>"Yeah, not happening, Josei."<br/>"Come on, Alek, you don't even think about it."<br/>"Okay, let me think about it, and yeah, my answer is still the same not happening."<br/>("This is my chance. Josei got him described, so my plan should work.")<br/>Maho started to move around the trees as Alek and Josei argue about Nor. When Maho got close enough to take a shot, he did.<br/>("Sorry kid, but I just love killing.") "Fire shot!"<br/>When Maho shot the fire shot at Nor, he thought it would hit the boy, but instead, it didn't even get 5 feet from Maho. As released that Alek was right next to hit on the other side of the tree that Maho was behind.<br/>"When did you get there, you brat?"<br/>"I don't know, maybe it is when you were trying to sneak over here with that loud armor. You old geezer."<br/>When Alek said that, he punched Maho with a right hook, making him take a couple of steps back, allowing Alek to activate his skills (Supernatural Human Abilities) and (10th Dimensional Speed). After the skills were activated, Alek unloaded a full-out bet down on Maho, throwing left and right punches on Maho, where Maho couldn't keep up or even fight back. Alek was punching Maho through trees and some small hills before he tried to do the final punch on Maho, when Ranperuji caught Alek hand and spoke.<br/>"I will only ask this one time, Alek. Why are you beating the shit out of Maho for? I know he deserves it sometimes, but you better have a good reason for this."<br/>Alek took a step back, looked down to the unconscious Maho that is lying on the ground, then looked back at Ranperuji and spoke.<br/>"I can explain everything, Sir Ranperuji. But first, I have to check on someone that I left behind..." ("Shit I left Nor with Josei. What was I thinking.")<br/>As Alek tries to go back to check on Nor, Ranperuji grabs his shoulder and spoke.<br/>"If you're talking about the boy, I already know. Subun told me everything, and don't worry about Josei, I told her not to touch the boy."<br/>Alek took a deep breath of relief.<br/>"But I would like to know why you decided to protect that boy from your team for?"<br/>Alek looked at Ranperuji right in the eyes and spoke.<br/>"Well, Sir, my aura sense went off when the boy was neat me.<br/>Ranperuji was kind of surprised to hear that from Alek.<br/>"Really, and what level was he skill or ability. If you can give me an estimate?"<br/>"I would say around Ultra or Ultimate. It is as strong as my cancellation or even stronger, but I will say that I think it could be even stronger than Ultimate if the kid is trained to use it the right way."<br/>"I see. Do you know if it is a skill or ability."<br/>"Sadly, no, I wish I could tell. That would make it a lot easier on me."<br/>"Yes, that would."<br/>Alek and Ranperuji stood there next to the unconscious Maho, thinking of what the boy might have, until Ranperuji spoke.<br/>"What about this, Alek. We take the kid back with us and let Lord Haro decide what to do with the kid?"<br/>Alek looked up and down, thinking if that was a good idea or not. Then Alek looked at Ranperuji and spoke.<br/>"That could work, but my biggest fear is that Lord Haro will kill him."<br/>"You think too much, Alek."<br/>Ranperuji put his hand on Alek shoulder.<br/>"Relex and stay come. The more you think about something, the higher chance it will come true."<br/>"You're right, Sir Ranperuji."<br/>"Good, now grab Maho and drag him back to the others so we can go home."<br/>"But... he... yes, Sir."<br/>Ranperuji walked back to the others as Alek started to drag the unconscious Maho behind him.</p>