
The Mythic Heroes

The world has been at war for over 500 years between the Rebellion and the Empire. With both sides win and lose men, there was no telling who would win until one day two babies were born. One was born on the Rebellion side and was pleased by the gods and is the last descendant of the Pendragon family, and the other one was born on the Empire side with no memory of his father or mother, all he knows is to fight. Over the years, the two boys will learn and fight for their side until a day they meet to fight to the death, but instead they both see what both sides are do is wrong and right. So the two decide to fight together to make the world a better place for the ones that can't fight for themselves. Icibis Pendragon is a man with a big heart. He believes that everyone is the same and that no one, even with nobility, should stand above the others. His goal is to make everyone in the world to feel safe and be at peace. Alek Noblesse is a man who doesn't know anything about himself or where he came from. All his life, he was told to kill, and that is all he has done for the past 12 years. Until he meets a boy by the name Nor that changed everything for Alek. Alek never had a goal or a dream, but when Nor told Alek what his goals and dreams are, Alek wanted the same thing.

Asutashi · Fantasy
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38 Chs

The Battle Between Kingdom Of Havoc And The Empire (Part 4)

Rose and Reinhart are stunned to see Tristen alive after what happened to him. As Rose looks at how Tristen is able to hold the rock giant's arm with his bare hand.

("How is that even possible for a human to stop a creature from striking them with just one hand, let alone the ability to regenerate. Tristen Welshock, you are one gifted human.")

"If this is what the empire has to offer, then I am kind of embarrassed."

With just his hand, Tristen crushes the rock giant's hand and with his right hand, Tristen punches through the rock giant's stomach. That makes the rock giant fall into a bunch of little rock pieces. Tristen turns and looks at Rose then at Reinhart.

"It is best you two catch up with your prince."

"What about you?"

"We can't leave, you have to fight them all on your own."

"What do you mean? I have the soldiers of Havoc here, to give me a helping hand."

"What if that is not enough. We have seen so far that we don't stand a chance to win, if we just rely on the soldiers. There are only some that can fight on our level but even then, that is not enough to win this fight."

Tristen gives Reinhart a smell as he starts to walk towards the other rock giants.

"To be honest with you, I have always been a little different than other humans, but at the end of the day we are all the same."

Rose and Reinhart look at each other with confused faces, then they both look back at Tristen.

"What I am trying to say is. Never underestimate your allies or your enemies. Because even the weakest can always become the strongest. With the right encouragement and effort, anything is possible over time. So always believe in everyone."

Tristen takes off running at the empire army to help the Havoc soldiers, as both Reinhart and Rose decide to run into the forest to get around the main battle and head to the rear of the empire's army, in the far distance Madison and Maria have finally made it to the locate that will make it easier for Madison to shoot the main force of the empire's army. Madison pulled back his bow and spoke.

"Rainbow Arrow, flying needles."

As Madison shoots the arrow, it flies over 5 miles before the arrow turns into thousands of needles. As the needles rain over the empire's army, killing hundreds. Madison starts to shoot over 20 arrows that all do flying needles.

 "Madison, what does the battle look like?"

"Well Maria, the battle is looking okay so far. But I see us winning this fight."

Madison looks up in the sky and sees a black crow.

("That is weird. I thought crows only seen in the empire's domain. The best we get moving") "Hey Maria lets go…"

As Madison turns around, he doesn't see Maria, but a woman all in black that is standing where Maria was standing. Madison gives the woman a serious look before saying.

"And who might you be?"

"Oh, you are not going to ask what happened to the little girl."

"No, because I believe she is still alive. But you still didn't answer my question."

"Sorry but I don't answer questions from a dead man."

The woman charged at Madison with her shuriken, making Madison pull his bow back and speak.

"Rainbow Arrow."

As the two start to battle, Icibis is still holding balance on any empire soldiers that are up to 3,000 feet from him.

("So, any updates on the main battle?")

("Yes, everything is going to the plan so far, and it seems like Tristen is back in the fight.")

("What do you mean he is back? I watch Tristen die right in front of me.")

("Like I said you have to trust me. I will explain everything when we meet in person.")

("You better.")

As Icibis stands there holding his sword in the ground, he can hear something running his way.

("What. Balance is not working on them. It has to be the rock giants then.")

Icibis draws his sword from the ground and gets ready to strike whatever comes around the rock. Before Icibis could swing his sword, the voice spoke.

("Don't swing. They are your allies.")

Once Icibis hears that he sees Reinhart and Rose come around the rock. They both see Icibis holding his sword ready to strike.

"Good it is only you guys. You scared me for a minute."

Icibis lowers the sword and sits down on the ground with his back against the rock. Rose instantly crouches down to check on Icibis, as Reinhart looks at the sword then at Icibis.

"You were going to swing on us, warrant you?"

"Icibis would never do that to his followers."

"Yeah, I was. I didn't know it was you guys. I am sorry."

"Don't apologize to us. We are the ones that decided to run over here in the first place."

Rose grabs Icibis hand with both of hers and speaks.

"Do you mean, Tristen told us to run over here. He must have known that I must be with Icibis at all times."

Reinhart looks at Rose with a blank look on his face.

"I don't think that is even close to what Tristen meant."

Reinhart walks over to Icibis and looks down at him and Reinhart can see that Icibis has been pushing himself with his balance.

"You need to rust up Icibis. You have overused your balance. Take a break and we will handle it from here."


Icibis stands up and looks at both Reinhart and Rose.

"I must continue to fight, because if I give up now then that just shows our enemies that they have won. So, I must keep pushing on."

"But my prince you sho…"

Reinhart stops Rose from speaking and puts his hand on Icibis' shoulder.

"Well, if you keep pushing then we must keep pushing."

"Thanks Reinhart."

"No problem. By the way, how is Madison and Maira doing?"

"I don't know, they are out there somewhere, giving us supporting fire."

"I see."

"I hope Maria is okay."

Reinhart looks back at Rose.

"She will be fine. She has Madison with her."

"Yeah, you're right."

As the 3 catch up with each other, they hear the voice again.

("Icibis, Reinhart, Rose. Y'all need to head east to the other side of Havoc castle. And do it quickly.")

All 3 of them looked at each other before Icibis asked the voice.

"What is going on?"

("Princess Vita, is over there with her royal knights.")

"That is a good thing. Right?"

("No sir Reinhart it is not.")

"And why is that?"

("It is because I can't see the future for the princess anymore.")

"Do what."

All 3 of them look at each other again before they start running to the princess.

"How much time do we have before you stop seeing the future?"

("Up to 5 minutes.")

"We can make it in time."

"What about Tristen? What is he doing?"

"Yeah, shouldn't he be the one to save the princess, not us?"

("Tristen has his own fight, that only he can handle.")

"I see and what about Madison. Is he able to see the princess?"

("Yes, he can but his hands are full at the moment.")

"What does that mean?"

"That means it is up to us."

"Can you tell us what attacks the princess?"

("That is the thing. Whatever it is, it is stopping me from using future sight for everyone in that area.")

"How is that possible?"

"I don't know, but we are able to find out."

As the three continue to run to princess Vita, as Vita is standing behind 5 of her royal knights as they are trying to protect her from the 2 enemies in front of them.

"Who are you? I see you're not wearing the empire symbol, but I can tell you're fighting with them."

"Princess Vita, you need to run."

"I will not leave my knights to die."

"We can take them, so don't worry."

"You can take us. Hahaha. Now that's kind of funny."

As one of the enemies walks closer to the 5 knights. The man pointed at princess Vita and spoke.

"Princess Vita, right?"

"Yes, that is correct."

"Great. I need you to come with us, and don't worry we will not kill you. We have been ordered to keep you alive."

"We will not let you take her."

"You will have to get through us first."

The man looks over to his comrade that is sitting on a tree branch.

"Hey Hoshiki, you okay if I take these guys on by myself."

Hoshiki looks at the knights then back at the man.

"Yeah sure, just don't go to crazy Alek. And make sure Vita doesn't get injured."

"Yeah, yeah. Don't worry, I am not Malos."

"Yeah, I feel bad for the soldiers on the battlefield right now."

Alek draws his katana and charges the knights, as on the battlefield Tristen and the Havoc soldiers have almost eliminated all the rock giants and over half of the empire's army.

"At this rate, we will win."

10 more rock giants start to charge at Tristen, as Tristen takes a breath.

"Water Style, running wave."

Tristen used a sword style to easily cut down all 10 rock giants in one strike.

"Too easy."

As Tristen puts his sword away something hits the ground hard and fast behind him. Making Tristen turn around and draw his sword again. As the dust cleared a monster with armor stood there looking at Tristen.

("What the hell is that…")

Before Tristen could react, the monster hits Tristen into the ground, then the monster grabs Tristen and throws him at the Havoc soldiers.

"If he was your strongest, then this will be easy for me."

The monster started to kill all the Havoc soldiers it could find.

"This is fun."

"Wait please, I have kids."

"Oh, is that so?"


"In that case."

The monster pulls out a grant claymore.

"I have a sword that I will kill you with and your kids. How about that?"

The monster does a downward strike on the soldier. Right before it hit, the monster felt the sword hit something else and the monster saw Tristen blocking the strike with his sword. Tristen then pushed up the monster sword, then kicked the monster 30 feet back.

"Are you okay?"

"Yes, Sir Tristen."

"That is good. Now get going."

The soldier runs off as Tristen walks to the monster. As the monster started to stand up Tristen spoke.

"So, who are you? I know you're not a normal empire soldier but a more elite one."

The monster picks up his sword and looks at Tristen.

"I am Malos, the one that will kill you today."

"I think you have that a bit backwards. I will be the end of you. Malos."

Both Tristen and Malos charge at each other and start their big battle.