
The Mythic Heroes

The world has been at war for over 500 years between the Rebellion and the Empire. With both sides win and lose men, there was no telling who would win until one day two babies were born. One was born on the Rebellion side and was pleased by the gods and is the last descendant of the Pendragon family, and the other one was born on the Empire side with no memory of his father or mother, all he knows is to fight. Over the years, the two boys will learn and fight for their side until a day they meet to fight to the death, but instead they both see what both sides are do is wrong and right. So the two decide to fight together to make the world a better place for the ones that can't fight for themselves. Icibis Pendragon is a man with a big heart. He believes that everyone is the same and that no one, even with nobility, should stand above the others. His goal is to make everyone in the world to feel safe and be at peace. Alek Noblesse is a man who doesn't know anything about himself or where he came from. All his life, he was told to kill, and that is all he has done for the past 12 years. Until he meets a boy by the name Nor that changed everything for Alek. Alek never had a goal or a dream, but when Nor told Alek what his goals and dreams are, Alek wanted the same thing.

Asutashi · Fantasy
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38 Chs

Ash vs Madison

"Rainbow Arrow."

Madison shoots off an arrow at Ash, as Ash uses her thread wire magic to tie up things around her and Madison that she can see with her eyes. As the arrow hits Ash, the arrow becomes a cloud of smoke, as Madison jumps back to aim another arrow at Ash when she runs out of the smoke.

("How did she get behind me? Where did Maria go? Did Maria turn into this woman? Nothing makes any sense. It is probably best to capture her, and ask her questions, then I can worry about Maria.")

As Madison is aiming at the smoke, Ash uses her thread wire magic to tie Madison's arms together from behind him. Madison turns and looks where the threads come from and sees Ash standing there.

("How did she get behind me.") "You quick on your feet, I see."

"I can't say the same for you but do tell me. That arrow of yours, it looks like another arrow but instead it became smoke, why is that?"

Madison smiles before using the arrow in his left hand to cut the thread and then quickly shoot another arrow at Ash. Right before the arrow hit Ash, the arrow exploded like a fireball. 

"Well, you see my arrows are just special, that is all."

Madison looked at where Ash was standing, but she was no longer there. Madison then shoots another arrow to his right at a tree, when Ash jumps out of the way. Ash looks at the hole the arrow made then back at Madison.

"So, you saw me more, that is a bit troublesome."

Madison turns to look at Ash, then aims another arrow at her.

"To be honest with you, I didn't see you do anything. But my all seeing eye saw you do your little teleport trick. Now with that, I can easily hit you now with my arrow." ("I will have to use rainbow arrow, to shoot a lightning arrow, and make it split before it gets near her.")

"Is that so? You're all seeing eye." ("I wonder if he is from the Asahin clan.") "Where did you get that eye from?"

Madison looks a bit confused from that question.

"I was born with it. What kind of question was that?"

("That means he is a part of the Asahin clan, but it could be only by blood. But I do wonder.")

Ash looks at Madison's eyes, as Madison shoots the arrow at her. Has Madison less the arrow fly, Madison watches closely to see where Ash will teleport to when, Ash uses swap to swap places with Madison, as the arrow hits Madison making him fly into the trees. Ash walks over to the edge of the cliff and looks into the trees to see if Madison survived the hit from his own arrow. On a tree branch, Madison slowly starts to move again, as he looks around for Ash before looking at the arrow that is in his side. Madison pulled the arrow out and slowly got back on his feet. As Madison leans his back against the tree, he starts to think on how Ash is able to do what she is doing.

("If I didn't deactivate the rainbow arrow it would have killed me, but the real question is, how did she teleport me and her at the same time? It just doesn't make any sense. I am not feeling mana when she does. Could it be something she got from her heritage? Or could it be…")

Before Madison could finish thinking, Ash appeared in front of him and threw three shurikens at him. Madison is able to dodge them but jumps over them and then Madison shoots another arrow at Ash, but the second he shoots, Ash swaps with a small branch that was above Madison. Ash throws 5 more shuriken's at Madison from behind him, then she uses her thread wire magic to tie the shuriken's to Madison, so she couldn't miss him. As Madison feels the magic threads get tied to him, he aims his arrow to his left and shoots it. Ash watches the arrow fly then looks at Madison.

("What does he think that will do for him? He should already know he can't hit me. So why even try? It doesn't matter, after this I can go help Alek and Hoshiki with their part of the mission.")

Ash watches the shuriken's fly at Madison, Ash starts to smile, then in the blink of an eye Madison and his arrow that he shoot, swap places. When they swap, the arrow explodes right in front of Ash, destroying most of the tree that they were fighting on. Madison turns around and looks at the explosion, then sees Ash with blood coming from her head and right arm, as she hangs on to another branch.

"I see. You even survived that. You are very skilled."

Ash pulls herself onto the branch that she was hanging on to and sits on her knees.

"Don't give me that crap. You just swap with your arrow just now. So do you have the swap eye too?"

"I don't."

"Then how did you swap then?"

Madison pulls out an arrow and spins it around his fingers.

"If I told you that my rainbow arrow is able to learn, would you believe me?"

("Learn? What does he mean?")

"See rainbow arrow, is an ability that I was born with. What it does is very simple, it is able to copy things that I see and understand. For example, fireball. I must understand how a fireball works then I must see one for my rainbow arrow to copy it. At first, I thought you were just teleport around, but then I remembered you using your thread magic to move smaller rocks around. I didn't think much of it, but right after you swap places with me, I figured out your trick. One of your eyes allows you to swap places with something or someone in your eyesight. Or am I wrong?"

("He figured out my eye, that doesn't matter he might know that one, but he has no idea about that other one.") "Yeah, you're right on the money."

Ash stands on her feet with her left hand holding her wound on her right arm.

"So let me guess, after you figure out my eye your rainbow arrow thing can now use swap?"

"That is correct. And before you ask what it can swap with, the answer is a simple one. Whatever it wants to, to hit its target."

Madison pulled back his bow and aimed the arrow at Ash. Ash stands there trying to think what to do next.

("Well, this is not the position I want to be in right now. Killing this man will be difficult to do, and with that rainbow arrow of his, has changed this fight fully around. If it was able to learn from my swap, it could even learn from my eye of eyes. It is best to find a way out of this fight and soon.")

"Don't think I will let you walk away that easily, because this fight just started."

Ash gets in a ready position, as Madison shoots his arrow at her. Ash swaps with Madison, as Madison shoots another arrow in the air above Ash that he swaps with. Madison then throws a knife at Ash that his first arrow swaps with, making Ash swap with a branch next to her. Making the arrow hit the ground. With Ash looking at the tree, Madison shoots another arrow at her from above.

("I got her, she is unable to swap with the tree and she has no time to look for something to swap with. There is no way she can dodge it.")

As the arrow is about to hit Ash, she swaps with the branch above Madison. Madison turns his head and sees Ash above him, putting fear in his eyes.

("How did she swap? She couldn't see anything from where she was standing. I even used my all seeing eye to make sure of it.")

Ash goes to pull out her ninja blade.

("He caught me off guard, he about killed me. If he was not using his all seeing eye, I would have never been about to swap with the branch. I had to use eye of eyes to see what he was seeing, but at the end of it. I will win.")

Right before Ash could pull her ninja blade fully out, she sees something from Alek's fight. As Ash thinks about what she is seeing with her eye of eyes, Madison quickly pulls out another arrow and shoots it.

("Yes, I got one more off.")

Ash gives Madison a smile and then a wink, then swapping with Reinhart. As the arrow hits Rainhart right in the chest, sending him flying into the tree.

("Was that Reinhart just now?")

Madison quickly claims the tree and when he gets to the branch, he sees Reinhart sitting there with an arrow in his chest.


Madison runs over to see if Reinhart is still alive, he starts to shake Reinhart, when Reinhart looks at Madison with a confused face, then looks around.

"Madison, where is Icibis?"

"What do you mean? You just got shot."

"I see that but where is Icibis? I was just with him and now I am here."

"Wait, how did she swap with you if you were not here?" ("Is there more to swap then I could understand?")

"Madison, we have to get going now."

Reinhart starts to look for a way down.

"Reinhart you need to slow down. You are hurt."

"Ues but Icibis needs our help. The fight he is in, is with an enemy that we have never seen before."