
The Mythic Heroes

The world has been at war for over 500 years between the Rebellion and the Empire. With both sides win and lose men, there was no telling who would win until one day two babies were born. One was born on the Rebellion side and was pleased by the gods and is the last descendant of the Pendragon family, and the other one was born on the Empire side with no memory of his father or mother, all he knows is to fight. Over the years, the two boys will learn and fight for their side until a day they meet to fight to the death, but instead they both see what both sides are do is wrong and right. So the two decide to fight together to make the world a better place for the ones that can't fight for themselves. Icibis Pendragon is a man with a big heart. He believes that everyone is the same and that no one, even with nobility, should stand above the others. His goal is to make everyone in the world to feel safe and be at peace. Alek Noblesse is a man who doesn't know anything about himself or where he came from. All his life, he was told to kill, and that is all he has done for the past 12 years. Until he meets a boy by the name Nor that changed everything for Alek. Alek never had a goal or a dream, but when Nor told Alek what his goals and dreams are, Alek wanted the same thing.

Asutashi · Fantasy
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38 Chs

The Battle Between Kingdom Of Havoc And The Empire (Part 2)


Tristen was about to take off running when Icibis grabs his arm.

"Icibis, you need to let me go. I need to see if the Princess is okay."

"And what will happen to you. Look, I understand what you're feeling right now, but we need you here."

"But Princess Vita needs me to. I can't let your dreams die away like this."

Tristen has tears coming from his eyes, and he fails to his knees, not knowing what to do.

"Tristen. I..."

"Reinhart, stay still. I will stop the bleeding."

Icibis turns around and sees Reinhart bleeding out from his right arm that is no longer there.

"AAAWWW. What the fuck was that."

"I don't know but you will be okay, you just need to calm down and let me stop the bleeding."

Reinhart looks at Rose as she is shaking in fear and looks like she might go into a panic. Reinhart grabs Rose's hand and looks at her.

"It will be okay, see I am still alive just with one arm, no big deal."

"It's kind of a big deal because you're my knight, so losing your arm is a big deal. Rose let me take care of Reinhart arm. Go see if anyone else needs help."

"O, okay."

Icibis starts to rap Reinhart arm tightly as Rose goes looking for others that survived the attack. Icibis looks back at Tristen, who is still on his knees.

("What now. We just got attacked by something that we couldn't even see, and it was not even magic, or I would have sensed it, so it must be a power that the Empire has. But the real question is, now. Do we even have a chance to win after an attack like that.")

Icibis continues to rap Reinhart arm and thinking of what to do, all 4 of them hear a voice in their heads.

("You giving up already? If one attack like that can make you quit, then you will never have a chance to win.")

"Who was that?"

"Who is speaking."

"I don't know, I don't see them."

"It is the man that tells me things before they happen. That is how I know what is about to happen. But why didn't you tell me about the princess?"

("Because I told her myself. The princess is fine, I told her to leave the castle right after you and Icibis left to come here.")

"So, the princess is still alive?"

("Yes, but you will not be if you just stay there and cry all day for nothing.")

"So, what do you want us to do then. Do you think we can win this battle?"

("Trust me, you might not have the numbers to win, but you do have the power to.")

"What the hell does this voice mean by the power. Did it not see what just happened to everyone a second ago."

"I don't think you have realized this, but I don't think we can survive another attack like that."

("Yes, I know that but the same time you can't see the outcome of this battle like I can.")

"He has a point. If what you say is right and the princess is still alive, then I will continue to fight."

Tristen stands up and wipes off the tears from his eyes, then turns and looks at Icibis and Reinhart.

"So, what do we now mystery man?"

("Well, the game plan is simple, really, but it is probably best I explain everything to you'll.")

As the mystery man explains to Icibis, Tristen, Reinhart, and Rose in the distance, seating in the tree still is Madison and Maria.

"That is weird. They stopped moving."

"Is something happening?"

"No, everything is all good."

Madison reaches back and gives Maria a pat on the head. Right after that, Madison instilling turned around and looked the direction where the castle is. Madison eyes opened wide with a look of fear on his face.

"How... how is this possible."

"What is it, Madison?"

Madison looks at Maria.

"The castle has fallen, and most of the army is gone, or should I say that they are..."

"Is Reinhart and Rose, okay? Tell me."

Maria grabs Madison by the shirt caller and looks him in the eyes.

"They will be fine. Trust me, they are a lot stronger than they look. But."

Madison moves Maria's hands from his shirt and looks down towards the ground.

"I would like to know how you found us without me knowing until now."

"Who are you talking to Madison."

Maria and Madison look down they see five Empire solders trying to hide behind some trees.

"If you're trying to hide, you should maybe not hide right under us."

"O yeah, I think you should come down a..."

As the solders look up the tree, they see Madison point his bow at them and shoot lightning arrow at them. As the arrow hits the first solder, then the lightning arrow travels from him and hits the next one, until all five solders got hit with the lightning arrow.

"Well now we have to find a new hiding place. Let's go Maria."


As Madison and Maria start to find a new hiding place, Tristen and Icibis are going to try to make a play to change the tie of the war.

"Icibis, remember if you over do it, let us know, okay."

"Yeah, you got it."

Icibis walks forward over the crater in the ground to see the Empire army better, as he looks over the crater Icibis can see that they last well more than half of their army to that attack.

"So many have dead to bring us peace and for that I will not forget them."

Icibis looks at the Empire's army running towards him. He stabs his sword into the ground and holds out his hand, then spoke.


As Icibis aura expanded around the Empire's army, they all started to follow to their knees and not able to move. As the rest of the Havoc army starts to attack the Empire solders Icibis looks back at Tristen, Rose, and Reinhart.

"It worked. I can't believe it."

"I guess we owe that one."

"He is the man that told me about the first attack and now how is helping us again." ("Who is this man and why is he helping us and not the Empire?")

As Everyone is talking Icibis starts to bleed from his noise.

"Icibis you're bleeding. You need to stop what you're doing. You're over doing it."

"I am okay Rose. It is only a little bit of bleed see."

Icibis wipes off the bleed from his nose.

"What did I say and besides if I stop now, we can still lose this battle. So, I must push myself to give us a higher chance to win."

"But if you do that then..."

"Rose. If Icibis wants to do it, we must let him. Besides if it comes down to it we can just drag him away so he can't get hurt."

"I guess you right Reinhart but still."

As Reinhart is talking to Rose, Tristen hears the voice again.

"Tristen! You have to push Icibis out of the way."

("What do you mean.")

("Don't ask question just do it.")

("What is going on. You not making any sense.")

("If you don't then Icibis is going to die.")

Tristen eyes go big as he moves the fastest he can and pushed Icibis to the side.

"Tristen what are you do..."

As Iscibis looks back at Tristen, he sees that Tristen upper right side has disappeared as blood starts to gush out has his body hits the ground.

"Tristen?" ("What the hell just happening here? Who just did that? Is it the same guy that made the giant hole in the castle and killed over half of our solders earlier?")

("To answer your question, Prince Icibis. Yes, it was the same guy, and he is known has the First Lord.")

("It is you again.")

("Look I know things are not looking to good, but Tristen had to save you, or you will lose this war.")


("I will sure that I will tell you who I am after you win this battle.")

("How can we win if they have a guy that can make us disappear in a blink.")

("I can understand where you're coming from, but I will sure everything you need to know when the time is right, and that guy is no longer here on the battlefield.")

("What you mean he is not.")

("He has left the battle.")

("Why is that?")

("Don't worry about why, just get ready because this next bit of the battle is what will decide who will win it. If you follow what I tell you, you will win the battle Icibis.")

Icibis takes a breath and looks at Roes and Reinhart as they stand over Tristen's body.

"Okay fine you have my attention, so what do you need us to do."