
The Mythic Heroes

The world has been at war for over 500 years between the Rebellion and the Empire. With both sides win and lose men, there was no telling who would win until one day two babies were born. One was born on the Rebellion side and was pleased by the gods and is the last descendant of the Pendragon family, and the other one was born on the Empire side with no memory of his father or mother, all he knows is to fight. Over the years, the two boys will learn and fight for their side until a day they meet to fight to the death, but instead they both see what both sides are do is wrong and right. So the two decide to fight together to make the world a better place for the ones that can't fight for themselves. Icibis Pendragon is a man with a big heart. He believes that everyone is the same and that no one, even with nobility, should stand above the others. His goal is to make everyone in the world to feel safe and be at peace. Alek Noblesse is a man who doesn't know anything about himself or where he came from. All his life, he was told to kill, and that is all he has done for the past 12 years. Until he meets a boy by the name Nor that changed everything for Alek. Alek never had a goal or a dream, but when Nor told Alek what his goals and dreams are, Alek wanted the same thing.

Asutashi · Fantasy
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38 Chs

The Battle Between Kingdom Of Havoc And The Empire (Part 1)

When Icibis and Tristen got to the army they met with Rose, Reinhart, Madison, and Maria that was standing behind Reinhart.

"So is that the girl that you were talking about early."

"Yeah this is Maria."

Reinhart step to his side as Maria stood there no knowing what to say.

"She didn't want to leave Reinhart side, so he brought he with him."

"She was scared and had nowhere to go, so of course she is coming with us."

"But for a girl at her age should never see the battlefield, but that is up to you Icibis."

Icibis walks up to Maria and got on one knee.

"So, your name is Maria right. I am Icibis, Icibis Pendragon."

Icibis put his right hand on Maria's head.

"If you want to be up here with us then you can, but it will be dangers."

Maria gives Icibis a smile.

"Thanks, Icibis. It means a lot. I will just stay behind Reinhart."

"No Maria I have to make sure that Icibis is safe, so it is best you stay with Rose. It is not going to be safe where I will be."

"What do you mean. I will be the one protecting Icibis."

"As the stronger knight it is my job to make sure he is safe."

"Who said you're the strongest."

"That is enough of that. Maria will stay with me since you both want to protect Icibis, that is the safe place for her."

"Actually, the safest place is in the back of the army not in the front lines with us, but the same time you are at a good range from the fighting."

"I think it is best for Maria to stay with Madison because he will keep her a good distance from the battle."

"That is fair. Are you okay with that Maria?"

As everyone looks at Maria, she looks away from everyone.

"If you promise that you will not die to fat... Just don't die."

"Yeah, I can promise you that."

("Did she almost say father? What did she mean about that.")

"So where is Conner at Tristen?"

Icibis puts his hand on Tristen.

"O, he should be somewhere around here. We should go looking for him."

"I agree. Madison makes sure you take care of that girl."

"Okay we have to get going, stay out of trouble now."

"We should get going to so we can get a good place to watch the battle from."

Maria gives Madison a node and follows him, has she looks back at the others walking the other way.

"So, who will be the one to tell me about the girl and how she has joined up on this battlefield."

Icibis looks back at Rose and Reinhart that are following right behind him. Reinhart starts to scratch the back of his head.

"Well you see, there was this guy and he..."

"It is a long story so it can wait, right now we need to take care of the issue in front of us."

"Yes, you are correct again Tristen."

The four of them walk to the middle of the army where they see Conner give order to take fire with cannons and catapults.


As Conner yield out fire over 400 catapults and 600 cannons fired at the Empire army that was in the distance. As all the cannon shots didn't make it to the Empire army, the 400+ catapults shot all hit as bodies go flying off the ground.

"Good hit men. Now reload and get ready for the second shot."

"Yes captain."

As the soldiers are running around to get all the cannons and catapults reloaded, Tristin, Icibis, Reinhart, and Rose walk up to Conner."


"I see you came Tristin, and you brought Icibis and his friends but where is your archer at."

"He is doing his job has the archer."

"I see you trying to slow down the Empire army, but I don't know on how long that will work."

"We can only hope we can make the army small enough so we can have a chance to beat them in close quarters."

"Are you saying I can't take them on my own."

"Please Tristin, we both know you probably could but to be on the safe side we can't take that chance on losing you."

"I see."

"If you can make the army size smaller than I could maybe use my balance on them to weaken them."

"That is true but if you take in too much power you will die Icibis, and I will not a loud that."

"Same going for me Icibis. It is a good idea but if you die by doing that then we lose are best weapon against the Empire."

As the group start to discuss on how they are going to take care of the Empire army, as a giant fire explosion happens right in the middle of the Empires army.

"What was that. Who took that shot."

"It was not a cannon or a catapult."

"Then what was that."

"Don't tell but was it who I think it was."

"That is Madison."

"Your archer?"

"Who knew that he had that type of power."

From a fair distance away from that battlefield, Madison is seating in a tree what Maria on the branch next to him.

"How did you hit that from here. We are so far away."

"It is because of my eyes. I am able to see very fair and I can't miss."

Madison pulls the bow string back as the air starts to turn red and begins to burn.

"Rainbow Arrow, Phoenix shot."

As Madison shots the air at the army that is almost 2 miles out. When the air the ground where the soldiers are walking it exploded on them kill even more.

"At this rate, we will win."

"Yes, but that is if Madison is not found before he kills most of them."

"I don't think anyone can find him, and if they tried, he would know."

"Yes, but at the same time, we don't know what kind of power they have. Remember the Empire was able to wipe out all their enemies all at once, so I know they have to have something that could turn this battle around on us."

"He is right. We must be ready for the worst."

"Captain, all cannons and catapults are ready to fight."

"That is good."

Conner walks over to the right to get a better look of the battlefield.

"Alright, men, aim."

"Hey, Captain Conner, I think you should..."

Reinhart starts to walk over to Conner, as Tristin hears that voice again.

"Stop, Reinhart. Stop him now, or he will die."

Tristen grabs Reinhart's left shoulder and pulled him back as Captain Conner and all the catapults and most of the cannons disappear right in front of their eyes, leaving a giant crater where everything once was. As Reinhart looks down and sees that his right arm is gone to.

"What, was that. Wait. Icibis, I will leave you here with the army. I must take the princess to safety and get her out of the castle."

Tristen turns around and looks at the castle behind him. When he does, he sees that most of the castle has been destroyed by something that no one can understand.

"Princess, PRINCESS!!"