
The Mythic Heroes

The world has been at war for over 500 years between the Rebellion and the Empire. With both sides win and lose men, there was no telling who would win until one day two babies were born. One was born on the Rebellion side and was pleased by the gods and is the last descendant of the Pendragon family, and the other one was born on the Empire side with no memory of his father or mother, all he knows is to fight. Over the years, the two boys will learn and fight for their side until a day they meet to fight to the death, but instead they both see what both sides are do is wrong and right. So the two decide to fight together to make the world a better place for the ones that can't fight for themselves. Icibis Pendragon is a man with a big heart. He believes that everyone is the same and that no one, even with nobility, should stand above the others. His goal is to make everyone in the world to feel safe and be at peace. Alek Noblesse is a man who doesn't know anything about himself or where he came from. All his life, he was told to kill, and that is all he has done for the past 12 years. Until he meets a boy by the name Nor that changed everything for Alek. Alek never had a goal or a dream, but when Nor told Alek what his goals and dreams are, Alek wanted the same thing.

Asutashi · Fantasy
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38 Chs

Princess Vita of Havoc

After Tristan and Icibis shack hands Tristan started to walk Icibis and the others to Princess Vita.

"I don't want to be raid but how did the princess get this many people to come to Havoc?"

"Well you see the princess has a heart of a goddess. What I am saying is that she doesn't know how to say no to people that needs help. It is not a bad thing."

"But not good ether."

"When it comes down to it, she has to be willing to help, but what does she want in return from the people that she saves?"

"To be honest, even I don't know that answer. She has never asked anyone that she has saved to do anything in return, sometimes she forgets that she has to take her own breaks."

"So what I am hearing is that she wants to do everything herself."

"Yeah, I wish she would trust others more, but I can understand that she doesn't want others to do her bidding for her but still she shouldn't have to do it herself."

"It sounds like you like that princess."

"Yeah, you got something for the princess."

"I wonder who else has a thing for a royal."

Rose gives Reinhart a death steer.

"No I don't have feelings for her. I already have someone."

Tristan gives Rose and Reinhart a smile.

"It is only right for a knight not to fall for the highness."

"Yes but it is known to happen here and there."

Rose starts to turn red and puts her hands on her head.

("does he know that i have feelings for him. If he does than what does that mean? No, no, no.")

"Hey Rose you good? Your face is turning a little red, and everyone is looking at you."

Rose turns and grabs Reinhart by the caller.

"If you tell Icibis about..."

Rose turns her head and sees everyone looking at her. Rose starts to turn even more red has she goes to the ground feeling like she was caught red handed.

"I am a failure."

"Why would you say that. Rose we don't have time for you and Reinhart to flirt, so when you'll two are done than catch up."

"Wait. Do you not. Never mind, we should get going."

"Yes, we should."

Tristen leads Icibis and Madison to her majesty, as Reinhart stands there looking down at Rose as she has a blank look on her face.

"Did Icibis just say that we are flirting. How stupid can he be."

"Hey you should be happy that he didn't catch on or it will be a little different."

"Yeah, but still. Dating you would be a nightmare."

"Do what. If anyone is a nightmare to date it, is you."

As Rose and Reinhart get into it with each other, Tristen lead the other two to her majesty Princess Vita. As they inter the room Madison and Icibis were amazed of the artwork that is in the room and all the different colors the room is.

"I haven't seen so many colors in one room before. Blue, red, maroon, yellow, green, pink, gold, purple, and even orange."

"Icibis Pendragon, allowed me to introduce you the princess of the Kingdom of Havoc, Princess Vita Havoc.

As both Icibis and Madison look forward, they see a woman with long pink hair and a beautiful purple dress walk over to them. Vita grabs Icibis hand.

"It is my honor to meet you in person, Icibis the last Pendragon."

"I am suppress you knew about that."

"Well it is one of my gifts that I was born with."

"I am guessing you can see the future."

"No quiet. I can only see a smile portion of someone's pass and future, but I must make contact with the person first."

"I see. Do you see what is about to happen or just a random event that will happen in the future and pass."

"Madison that is enough with the questions."

"Sorry my bad."

"No, it is okay. It more random than anything."

"That is how Lady Vita knew about the war and started to take action."

"That makes more since."

"I think we should talk more over some tea, don't you say so Icibis."

As Vita points to another room with two chairs and a table with two tea glasses on it.

"I see you got everything ready, like your two steps head."

"As a princess to a kingdom I must be always ready for anything, even if it is just teatime."

Icibis and Vita starts to walk to the room when Icibis looks at Madison.

"You should go and make sure Reinhart and Rose are staying out of trouble."

"Are you sure that you don't need me here with you?"

"Don't worry about us, and Tristen will accompany you."

"Lady Vita is right, it is best to go find your friends and leave this two to their talking."

Tristen and Madison leave the room and start to look for where Reinhart and Rose are, as Icibis and Vita sit at the table. Vita starts to pore the tea in the glasses, as Icibis asked her a question.

"Is it worth it anymore? To fight against the Empire, at this point we have losted every kingdom and cities that was standing with us but now it is just a hand full that is left, and I don't what to do anymore."

Vita finish poring the tea and sits down. She takes a sip of the tea.

"That is good tea, you should try it."

"Princess Vita, I need you take this serious."

Vita stands up and walks over to the window in the room.

"Icibis, on your way here is saw all those follower fields that went for miles, right?"

"What does that have to do with this."

"Well, did you?"

Icibis take a sip of the tea and take a breath.

"Yeah, we did, but what does it have to do with this war."

"Take those followers as people..."

"Do what? People as the followers."

"Just listen Icibis."

Icibis stopped talking and started to drink more of the tea.

"Each follower out there in the fields are just sitting out there pulling in the wind with no death, no wars, no segregation between them, they are free, and my goal is to make everyone that believes in me into a follower that is free from the wars, deaths, and to become equals with each other. Everyone should not have to die because of other's actions. So, I will make the world into millions of follower fields with no more bloodshed."

"That is almost impossible to do, and we both know that."

"Yes, you are right it is if I do it on my own, but with your help our chances of making the world a better place is higher than it has ever been."

As Vita turns around and holds her hand out to Icibis. Icibis is looking at her like she is angle that come from heaven.

"But even with my help, that doesn't change the outcome that much."

"Yes you are correct and that is why we will get the rest of the team to make sure that we will win this war for good."

"And how do you know that they will join us over the Empire?"

"I have a hunch that they will join us over time, but the question is now. Will you join me to make this world a better place."

Icibis looks down at the tea glasses before looking back up at Vita that has walked over to him and was standing right in front of him.

"So what will it be Icibis Pendragon. Will you fight for the people that need you and for the people that believe in you or are you going to keep running away from who you are."

("What would my old man do. He would fight but I am not like him, at the same time I can't run away from my pass forever and I can leave all the people that I care about to die in this war for my sake.") "I..."

Icibis stands up in front of Princess Vita and looks her in the eyes.

"I will fight. Not because you ask me to but for the people that can't fight for themselves."

"I can respect that. I am glad to be working with you Icibis the king of dragons."

"I have not heard that name in a while. You really do know a lot about me."

Vita gives Icibis as she grabs her tea glasses. As Vita starts to take a drink, 6 assassins dress in all black teleport into the room with swords drown. Icibis goes for his sword but forgot that he left it on his horse.

("Shit I left my sword and Princess Vita can't defend herself like this. What do I do? I could us balance, but I don't know if I can activate in time to stop them.")

As Icibis tries to activate balance, as one of the assassins gets behind Princess Vita to take her head off. As the assassin is about slashing at Princess Vita neck, Princess Vita starts to smile. Making Icibis and the other assassin confused.

"Heaven Style, Heaven Walk."

In a spilt second Tristen cut off the heads of all 6 assassin. As it looked like he never even drawn his sword.

"My Lady are you okay."

"Yes, I am fine and you Icibis. How are you doing?"

"Wait. What just happened just now? How did they find us."

"I guess they have finally came for us."

"Yes I think you are correct."

"Who has came for us?"

"The Empire has made their move. Now it is our turn."

"The army is ready for you call to attack."

"Icibis will lead the army."

"I never agreed to this."

"But you did when you joined my side."

Icibis looks away and take another breath.

"If I run now, I will probably die, so fighting is my only choose. But I will only lead if my team is with me."

"I figure you would say something like that, so I made sure that they will be there with you on the battlefield."

"So your fast and you think quickly on your feet."

"Just a Welshock has to do."

"Tristen I want you out there with Icibis, fighting against the Empire."

"I can't leave you here all by yourself your highness."

"I will be fine and if things go south I will us the escape to a nearby city that will take me in."

"If you say so."

Tristen walks over to Icibis.

"We need to get going before the Empire attacks again."


Tristen and Icibis both leave the room to get to the frontlines to get ready for the battle, as Princess Vita looks out the window.

"So will he be here at the battle, or will he be waiting for the right time to show? Our first recruit for the new rebellion."