
The day the mystery begins

Chapter 1

"Good morning Cadence!" Bell yelled happily from my front gate. "It's such a sunny day!" She span around happily.

I closed my front door and locked it behind me. "Hey Bell, how are you this morning?" I asked politely with a smile.

"I'm fantastic!" She giggled. "Guess what happened last night?" She said playfully. She ran over to me and bent over slightly to be at my height.

"You had a great dinner, played games, flirted with boys and went to bed?" I asked sarcastically. "You're close." She smiled and stuck her tongue out.

I've always thought Bell looked like an anime girl with her thigh length purple hair and natural red cheeks, big breasts and a stunning figure. Sometimes I referred to her as 'anime girl.'

"You found another boyfriend, didn't you?" I asked annoyingly. Bell pouted and stood tall again. "Oh don't make it seem like a bad thing. Cadence "She complained. "I thought you'd be happy for me." She turned her head away and pouted...Just like an anime girl.

"I am happy for you but this is the third boyfriend this month. Give it a rest." I wasn't happy for her. I knew what she was going to do. Some guy would ask her out, be romantic and lovey dovey, free food and gifts, then she'd get bored and dump him before he could ask for sex. Same story every time. Honestly, I don't know why she bothers.

Clearly she doesn't like men. She turned towards me again and pet my head three times. "You'll approve of this one." She smiled. "Who is it?" I asked confused.

-One hour later, outside Cadence's locker "My brother?!" I yelled angrily as the two of them held hands

"He's just so sweet to me Cadence." She said in a cute voice. Something I should mention... Bell has this thing where if she uses a cute quite tone then people will think she is innocent, cute and irresistible. That's how she gets away with dumping so many men, because they think they have been too friendly or rash and scared her off. "Bell, you've spoken normally around Kyo before. Why are you being cutesy now?" I rolled my eyes. "I don't know what you are talking about Cadence." She continued to speak in the cute tone. I was annoyed. She shouldn't have to change her voice, appearance and hobbies to get someone to like her. I think she looks fine the way she is.

The "Oh you're so cute!" Kyo blurted out. He grabbed both of Bell's hands and looked out a window with her. "Bell, I promise I will make your life a living paradise. We will travel the world, get married and Cadence can take care of the kids while we relax and watch the sunset." He stared out the window happily.

"Don't get me involved in your fantasy just because I'm your sister." I moaned. "I don't like you two being together..." "Aww why not?" Kyo whined. "But I thought you'd approve of my relationship this time. You can keep an eye on him and make sure he does right." Bell giggled and kissed Kyo on the cheek. "But he's my brother!" I yelled. "If I invite you over, you're going to want to spend time with him. I can't watch Anime's with you if you're wrapped around my brother!" Kyo started smiling like a pervert. I am glad I can't read minds. I don't ever want to know what he is thinking. I really didn't want Bell and him to date. It would be too weird. It would. I don't want anyone touching Bell. She's like a sister to me. She's always been there and I've always hated seeing her getting hurt by men or smothered even. "But he can watch anime with us." Bell said softly. "You don't understand..." I said softly. Tears began to form in my eyes. Doesn't Bell realise she is the only person I watch anime with? It is our thing. No one else's. "Kyo, can I please be alone with Cadence for a moment?" She asked in a hearty tone.

"She's my sister, I'm going to find out eventually anyway aren't I? We shouldn't keep secrets from each other." He said in a happy daze. "Get lost Kyo!" I shouted. "You are not dating my best friend!" I shoved him and he fell to the ground. He stayed there for a moment and waited for Bell to protect him. She didn't. She just stayed silent. "Nothing to say Bell?" He asked in slightly angry tone. Bell just turned away from him. "I'm sorry Kyo. I didn't think it all through..." He stood up and looked at her. "I didn't like you anyway..." He said casually. "I only wanted to court you so I could take your innocence." He said as he turned around. "That's the only reason anyone wants to date you, you know?" He walked off. I looked at Bell with soft, calm eyes. She was hurting. She never showed her sad emotions... She was always ecstatic but now? She was frozen on the spot. No emotions on her face at all. She just looked at the floor with a blank stare.

"Bell?" I asked. "You did this..." she whispered.

"What?" I asked softer. "You did this!" She turned and yelled. "I actually thought I might have a chance with Kyo and you ruined it because you want to protect your brother!" She screamed. Tears formed in my eyes again. "It's... That's ... But..." I couldn't get out a sentence. I didn't know what to say. "Why don't you ever approve of what I want Cadence?" She snapped. "Do you despise my relationships because you're jealous you can't get a boyfriend?" "Bell..." I wiped away my tears but they kept coming back. "Tell me Cadence! Why do you keep hurting me?" "Because you're hurting me!" I yelled. Bell stopped. She looked at me for a moment in anger and then was confused. Before she could say anything I ran off. "What did I just say?" I cried to myself as I ran down the streets. "Why am I crying?" I asked myself. I turned into an alleyway and ran the short cut towards my home."I am not jealous of her boyfriends, so why does it keep hurting?" I then made it home I opened the front door to my apartment and slammed it behind me running up my stairs to my room and unlocked the door. I threw it open and ran to my room. "What's wrong with me?!" I yelled. I fell to the floor and cried. That's an understatement, I bawled my eyes out. I was hurting more than ever and I didn't know why. It wasn't because Bell liked Kyo.

I didn't know. I struggled off the floor, laid on my bed and cried some more until I fell asleep. What's that noise? I thought. I opened my eyes and it was late in the afternoon. The sun was beginning to set. "I slept all day?" I asked myself. I might as well now I remembered the events from earlier. My chest tightened. I skipped an entire day of school. I picked up my phone. It's had twelve messages and seven missed calls...All from Bell?. Then I look up from my phone to look out the window to see the the night sky I then decided to ignore Bells messages and decide to go back to sleep.