


I was getting ready for school and when I was getting dressed I was woundering what today would be like at school today. So when I was finished getting dressed I went down stairs and got myself a bowl of cereal and got some milk out of the fridge and opened the milk and put some on my cereal and put away the milk. And I sat down with my cereal and said "good morning papa." ( I always sit down in the morning with my dad and say good morning). "Good morning papa" I looked up and noticed my dad is not at the table like he always is. So I got off my sit and walked down the hallway to my dads room. And I saw dad still in bed so I walk over to my dads bed and shook him "dad wake up you are going to be late for work." "Dad come on you better not have been up all night dad." "Wait please no no nonono wake up wake up." I ran out of my dads room ran down the hallway. Straight to the phone and put 000 the phone rung no answer. "Come on come pick already finally." "Yes what's your emergency" "my dad his not breathing please send someone to get here." "Ok miss just tell me where you live and I need you to leave your dad where he is and don't move him and stay calm sit with him ok." "Ok."


I was sitting next to my dad in his room waiting for the ambulance to arrive. "Dad if you can hear me you will be alright I promise" I said. Until I heard a knock knock on the door. Their here so I quickly get up and ran down the hallway open the door and say "he's down the hall."  "Ok thanks" said one of the hospital people. "Ok we need to lift him on three one..two..three.....ok needed to get him in the ambulance now."


"Cadence I need you to stay out here" said the hospital lady. "Is he going to be ok" I said "I am not sure that's why I need you to stay out here for now I will come and get you when we are done ok" said the hospital lady. "Ok" I said "just sit down here ok and"...."WE NEED HELP IN HERE"..."WHATS HAPPENING." "Miss you need to sit down and let us handle it do you have a brother or sister you can call to know your here." "Yes but my brother left his phone at home" "ok then how about your mum." "She.....she died when I was little" "oh...sorry I didn't know I.." "WE NEED MORE HELP IN HERE WHERE LOSING HIM." "Please don't let him die" "we can only do our best." "I know...it's just that he.." "I know he means the world to you but you know if we lose him you still have your brother" "yeah but it's not the same" "Sorry to interrupt but we can use some help."

A man said who was screaming a lot in the room. The hospital lady looked away. "Yes right." She turned around and looked at me and said "just sit down and stay here ok." Then she turned back around and went in the room " READY....CLEAR." Then the door closed. I sat down and started to think what would happen but then I shook my head. "No I'm not thinking about that chance it's not going to happen a second time I hope." "I should call Bell she might be able to help me out she's my friend after all she's the first friend I call to tell something to." So I called Bell straight away the phone rang and then I hear Bell say "hi Cadence what's wrong you know I need to finish my homework I need to finish before tomorrow since I slept in where are you."

"Yeah sorry but I'm down at the hospital." "WHAT...I mean what happened" "you know how I always say good morning to my dad in the mornings." "Yeah I do" "well he was not at the table and I went to his room and he was in bed still and...he...stopped breathing " " I am sorry do you want some company I can come over there." "His not died not know but he won't and no you have to do your homework remember." "You are more important then my homework and I am not leaving my best friend in the whole world for my homework ok." I nod "Ok thanks you are the best friend I could have" "I am on my way now see you soon bye and hang in there." "Ok bye" so I hanged up and waited for Bell so while I was waiting I started get hungry.

But I didn't move I stayed because what happens if I get up for food and and they call me and I don't come I thought. "So I staying by my dads side all the way by staying here." "Cadence" I heard my name being called I looked around then I saw Bell running towards me. "Are you all right is he still in there" "yeah he's still in there" "But are you alright" "no I'm scared Bell what if he die's who will I have as my family I will have no one." "Yes you will you have your brother" "It's not the same he doesn't care about me" "well I do and I will be there for you like I am right now." "And because I got you food because you didn't want to move for reasons I am guessing right" Bell said. "Yeah thanks I am glad I have you." " Me too" Bell said "Your like a big sister to me" before Bell could say anything we were interrupted "excuse me" we heard a voice me and Bell turned our heads to listen to us. "Yes" "I'm sorry" "No this he...he cannot be...he's died first my now my dad he had a lot to live for why it's not his time not now it...it...it can't be." "There's more" "what do you mean" Bell said.

"Well Cadence was right he wasn't meant to die umm" "what what is it" I said. "Well...he was poisoned" "WHAT" I said "by who" Bell said "that's the thing we are going to find out but it might take two weeks or so." " NO YOU.." "Bell stop" "but you need to know who did it" "I know but my dad is somewhere looking over me with my mum and right now I am just going to think about that till then and when I end up finding out who did this to him I will worry about that ok" I said to Bell "Ok" Said Bell. "Here's my phone number if you need it" I said to the hospital lady."