
The mysterious Mr Arrogant jerk.

Daoist_Mamu · Urban
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10 Chs

chapter 3

I stormed inside my room throwing my cellphone on the bed. I took off the jacket, tossing it on the couch I make my way to the bathroom.

Turning on the faucet, the warm water touched my skin washing away the fatigue and stresses I went through today. My mind drifted to Bella..

She's so different from other human beings, she has a different smell, attitude and confidence but she's really bad at lying. I remembered the way her thick black hair fell to cover the side of her face. It was beautiful. Her beautiful baby face with hazel doe eyes compliment well her sun kissed skin.

I turned off the faucet, tying the towel around my waist I walked out with water dripping from every angle of my body.

The door to my room flew open, Mom walked in with hands against her chest. I held on to the towel to secure it where it is.

"Mom... Why don't you knock!, some privacy please!" I said exasperatedly, incase you didn't know, it's a bad habit of hers to just walk in on me. that's why I don't bring girls in the house Never!.

"Ohhh..! cut it out Enzo, I've seen so much of that when you're a boy" I rolled my eyes at her daily reply. we really go through this almost everyday.

"It's past midnight and you were supposed to be here like fourty minutes ago, was my boy on a date by any chance" she spoke while wiggling her brows.

"Mom.. geez No!, I was just finishing up at the hotel". she pouted her lips like a five year old showing off her disappointment. Mom has tried so many times to set me up with so many girls, from high society snobby models to her friends daughters and anybody she ever approved. I lacked interest in most of them. not because I wanted to, but because I just Can't. Who I am or what I am doesn't favour me with such choices

"Enzo, when are you going to give it a chance?. When are you going to understand that there's more to life than just work.....Please don't become like your father"

Mom didn't give me a chance to explain as she turned to exit the room. she always makes a big deal about this. she wants to see me settled down and I can understand that but it's way out of my hands. A ware wolf and human being don't stand a chance and even so I haven't found my mate yet. How can I make her understand, At the same time I have to protect them from Black fur our greatest enemy.

I love mom more than my biological mother, she took me in given me the love and affection. I never missed a thing under her care. sometimes I wish I was normal just an ordinary kid. not a big dog with a large tail and sharp teeth who barks to every full moon night.

I wish I could tell her but I'll be putting her more at risk if she knew especially if it will become complicated after that since I can't anticipate her reaction after learning the horrible truth about me.

I slip my sweat pants on not bothering to wear anything else, I sit on the edges of the California king sized bed preparing myself to sleep. I turn off the light on the night stand to call it a night.


I rushed to take a shower before the water suppliers cut it. Almost fifteen minutes to time and I took the quickest shower ever. The cold water stinged the bruises I got last night from mother.

Ever since Dad left us three years ago, she has changed. she stopped working, she's become Into alcohol drinking excessively and on top of that she has been maltreating me.

She would always blame me for what Dad did. although I have little knowledge to what led to their separation I'm suffering dearly for it.

I haven't met him ever since and I hope I don't.

I've learned to hate him for whatever is happening between me and mom.

some neighbors urged me to report her to the authorities because she has been getting too physical with me but I can't bring myself to do it Because she was all I had and deep down whenever she hurts me, it was hurting her too.

I dried my body with a towel, blow drying my hair at interval times. I iron dry the collar of my dress shirt since it was still damp from washing off the champagne last night. I quickly put on my uniforms and leave my jet black locks to flow freely to hide the bruise that formed itself at the side of my neck. I didn't want to raise people's awareness with it.

I got to the bus station, waiting for my usual bus to commute to work. I look for my phone in my purse to call my best friend Eva to ask her to clip my morning routine for me incase I run a little late.

My hand kept moving inside the purse with no sign of it being there, I was frustrated. How can I forget my phone at home at a day like this. I was really running late I can't go back. And the bus began moving I found my seat settling down I checked again and cursed inwardly after finding nothing.

I walked in the lobby saying hi to Lilly the same girl at the reception. I rode the elevator to the last floor. I went to my locker opening it to ditch my purse and take my badge.

Grabbing the clip board, I began inspecting the rooms and it's arrangements. My job was supervising the housekeeping staff, coordinating the housekeeping needs with the mangers and performing cleaning tasks when the workers are short-handed.

I was almost done checking when I found myself inside the same room as yesterday night.

Flashes of what happened in here yesterday night came floating back. How Mr Enzo dropped me off a kind gesture from him Which earned me a couple of bruises. I don't blame him, I didn't expect mom to be awake at that time.

And my Phone!

I face palmed myself hard. How did I forget to ask for it when he dropped me off. OMG. what now? How I'm I going to get it back?. But then again he didn't have to snatch it away! and that was no manner of asking a girl to give her a ride. Everything about Enzo Bianchi is pure jerk-ish!.

The real question is How do I see him again to ask for my cellphone? if I do it the formal way it's gonna cost me a lot of rumours and gossip. like how did my phone end up with Mr Enzo without Me sleeping with him being slid in the middle. I can't afford that inconvenience right now.

I can't call him, ofcourse since I don't have a phone with me what do I do?.....

I completely forgot the task I had in hand, preoccupied with the figuring ways to get a hold of Mr Enzo.

Mr Benson!!!! yes Mr Benson would understand and I'm sure he'll help me get my phone back. I turn around with a goofy smile walking out the room to quickly finish checking to go see Mr Benson.


After the breakfast, I rised to leave for work not before placing a small kiss on mom's forehead and making a lot of excuses and apologies for yesterday night.

she was already over it, but I felt the need to apologize she just wanted the best for me.

picked the keys from the table making my way out to the driveway where I left the car yesterday I didn't bother parking it in the garage I was too tired for that.

On my way to work, I was hearing weird vibrations thanks to the high sense of hearing. at first I thought it was my phone, I glanced at it to see it was not ringing. The vibrations got more and more annoying and I stopped to search the car. I found the old I phone six version in the back seat hidden under the car seats.

I pressed the home screen button for it to buzz on me for rejecting my finger print, but I got a glimpse of a funky photo of Bella with another girl staring back at me.

She looked cute in this photo and for some reason it got me attracted. I didn't know why I was reacting like this to a girl I just met yesterday.

The phone buzzed again, This time it was ringing and my thumb pressed the green button on its own.

"Bella May Andrews!!, You are in a serious trouble girlfriend!!!"

A girls voice screeched at the other end of the line. I didn't dare speak for a moment I felt like I have invaded her privacy urging myself to end the call.

"Why weren't you answering my calls or replying to my texts, do you know how worried I was?"

Her voice changed to one of care and worry. I was now sure that I had to end the call before I pressed the red button to decline the call she said something that froze my body instantly.

"Did she burn you again.....??" The voice faded from my ears as my thoughts went back to her conversation with her mother yesterday night. I didn't think it was serious. strict mothers are all over the planet but this was a whole different story.

was she being Abused? by who... her mother? the questions bugged my head and I forced myself to ignore them.

I heard the shuffles from the other side and a door being opened ..

"...Thank god! Eva I was looking for you everywhere.."

That voice... I know who it belonged to.

"Bella???" I heard the girl I was on the phone with shout in surprise. I quickly ended the phone putting it in my pants pocket after switching it off.

"Did she burn you again...." it kept repeating itself in my head. the phrase being impossible to ignore.

Bella May Andrews... you're beyond interesting.