
The Multiverse Jumper

What happens when a perfect child, that grew up with a perfect childhood, in a perfect family, finds out it was all a lie and gets one of the biggest cheats in the multiverse? Guess you'll just have to read to find out. *WARNING: I don't own the cover, I just like Psylocke in that picture. *Another WARNING: This story will get gory/18+/maybe smut later in the story, so just a warning. My dude is just gonna do whatever he wants really, with a few goals here and there. Also, any and all feedback is read, so tell me all the bad stuff, good stuff and stuff I can improve on, but just telling me it's trash, well, I won't care about it unless you provide an explanation of what's trash. Enjoy~

Slammeron01 · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

6 - Tangled (1)

O.O Tangled (1) O.O

The official first world is here. Just using the system name Gate to the Multiverse, because it works and I like it, belongs to the original owner ZeusMos. Enjoy~

Grammarly premium says I have 42 mistakes, can you find them?

Word count: 1628


'So let's see, how do we start up the system.'

"Hello? Testing, testing, 1 2, 1 2, do you copy, Star Command?"


⪡ Gate to the Multiverse ⪢

- Your system to help you traverse the multiverse.


'Guess this is it. Now how do I use it is my question.'


⪡ Gate to the Multiverse ⪢

⫦ Choose ⫣

⪧ Anime/Manga/Hentai

⪧ Cartoon/Comic

⪧ Game

⪧ Novel

⪧ Other


'Simple and elegant. Confirmed, I like this system as much as I like the book. Let's choose: ⪧ Cartoon/Comic.'


⪡ Gate to the Multiverse ⪢

⪧ Enter the title of your chosen world: …


'So I don't have to speak my choices aloud, what a great system you are. I choose Tangled.'


⪡ Gate to the Multiverse ⪢

⪧ Reincarnation/Transmigration: Your choice: …

⪧ Reincarnation/Transmigration: Protagonist

⪧ Traverse


'Well… I'm obviously crossing out the second option, don't want to experience life as a girl just yet, but maybe in the future when I feel more experimental. So that brings me to ⪧ Traverse and ⪧ Reincarnation/Transmigration: Your choice. The last one will be more helpful in the future worlds when I want to keep my main body, so the first option it is.

'Out of all the characters, let's stick to the male that Rapunzel fell in love with, so Eugene Fitzherbert aka Flynn Rider it is.'


⪡ Gate to the Multiverse ⪢

⪧ Choose your time: …


'Let's just leave out all the work I'd have had to do if I went before he met Rapunzel, so the time he woke up should grant me the least amount of work I want to have.'


⪡ Gate to the Multiverse ⪢

⪧ 'Tangled'

⪧ Transmigration: Flynn Rider

⪧ 'Trapped by Rapunzel's hair, while he's in the chair.'


'I'm ready, now let's go.'

As he lost consciousness, the soul that once took up a place in the dimensional rift, vanished, being sent to another world. As his body was found in his homeworld, it too disappeared, reappearing in a magnificent mansion, more beautiful than any Disney castle or intergalactic empire. Or that could be just a personal preference, for this was the mansion of Samael, located in his soul world, protected from the sins that had now grown calm since their last visit.

Transported to a mattress, so soft and silky, that could put even sleeping beauty's to shame, as it awaited an audience to enjoy its company.

So finally, Samael Avakala has begun his adventure. {I might change his name in the future, doesn't roll off the tongue as much as I thought.}


Woah, my head hurts, and so does the rest of me, but why is my ear wet? Right, that should be Pascal the chameleon's doing, but whatever is binding me, feels so… soft and silky. Wait, what happens—

"Aaahh!" I screamed as memories flashed before my eyes. The life of Flynn Rider, or as he was called at the orphanage, Eugene Fitzherbert.

"Eeee!" What the… Oh yeah, Rapunzel should be up near the ceiling at the moment, if we follow the hair up the ceiling… God, that's a lot of hair.

"St-struggling… struggling is pointless…" A feminine voice echoed from above, a bit shaky, and with more confidence continued, "I know why you're here and, I'm not, afraid of you."

As the person attached to the voice wearily made its way into the light, a beautiful teenager, emerged. Thin rounded eyebrows and large green eyes beside a cute button nose, followed by curved down lips slightly vigilant, pale cream skin with a healthy blush upon her squishy, slightly chubby cheeks. Long golden hair like it could light up like the sun at any moment, as her body gowned a purple nightie with light golden embroideries and light pink sleeves. What stood out the most though, was her pure golden hair, longer than even the tower she was kept away in. {Why is it so annoying to describe a beautiful girl?}

"Who are you and how did you find me?" She asked, as her grip tightened around the frying pan handle she held like a sword. Still, a bit dazed as the memories begin settling in, and I understand that I'm in a cartoon I watched as a child, while everything is animated, not a thing looking like what I'm used to. Even I look animated after glancing down at my body. This is going to take a bit of time to get used to, but I guess I can probably survive a 20-foot tall mountain drop onto rocks, yet still, get cut by a sharp knife.

Animated logic doesn't matter, cause I'm gonna completely stray from the original point from this point on.

"Who are you, and how did you find me?" She asked again, her expression twisting into morphing anger, the frying pan raising ever so slightly.

Time to introduce myself then. * Cough* "Not a clue, saw a tower and climbed it. Let's get this over then, shall we? After you introduce yourself, then I shall too. It's only proper manners to know the owner of the place I'm staying right at this moment. You do know that, right?"

A bit flustered and somewhat confused, yet still cautious, she stated, "My name is Rapunzel—"

"There we go, my name is Rider, Flynn Rider, but you can just call me Flynn. That's better, already on a first-name basis. Let's keep the ball rolling, what did you want to ask?" I cut in, obviously, I'm going to distract her from her thoughts and make me sound all the more familiar with her. She hasn't seen anyone in 18 years, apart from her god awful "mother," maybe I'll get some revenge on her later. Too many things to worry about, I'll decide then.

Less angry, but still cautious, she again continued, a little more aggression in her tone, not wanting to be interrupted. "Who else knows my location, Flynn Rider?" This time, her pan was swung in my direction. Leaning back, not wanting to experience that pain again, I narrowly dodged it.

"Alright, goldie—"

"Rapunzel," she corrected.

"… Goldie, here's the deal. I was in a situation, galavanting through the forest, I came across a tower, I climbed it, you knocked me out, end of story." Cutting it quick because I didn't want to end up knocked out again, cause animated logic is annoying, and it hurts.

"Soo, what did you want with my hair? To cut it?" She questions somewhat childishly, yet still acting seriously, as she began circling me.


"To sell it?"

"Noo! Listen, the only thing I want to do with your hair is to get out of it! Literally." Even if it is this silky smooth and I could just fall asleep in it.

Stop! Focus! You're falling into a dangerous pit here, don't do it.

"You— wait. you don't want my hair? Not at all?" Stopping, she asked weirdly, her previous caution now gone and replaced with confusion.

"As I said before, my situation caused me to end up here, chained by some seriously resilient hair." I actually do want it now, it's too perfect to resist.

Goddamnit Samael, way off track now. You're already too far in, don't continue, or your doom shall come.

"You're, telling the truth?" Wanting the truth, I gave it to her, just not my truth.

"Yes~" Adding some exhausted eyebrows for effect, and there she goes off to talk to her lizard.

Now to get out of these restraints. Can't break them with my grip, but I can just slip through them. How did movie Flynn not think of this? He was an expert thief, and he has had quite a few past experiences.

Moving on, just tilt my elbows a bit out, and wuala. My hands are free, let's just pull this one strapping my chest off, and then my ankles… Easy peasy, no need for Yeezy, I'm free.

*Sigh* "Okay, Flynn Rider. I'm prepared to offer you a deal— How did you get out?!" As she turned around, I was already leaning against the chair, a smile plastered on my face.

"Just slipping my hands out, no need for any magic, nor could your hair hold me. Now about this deal, you were saying?"

'I have my frying pan, I am safe,' calming down, Rapunzel then spoke again with more confidence. "Look this way." Walking around me her painting across the castle wall, she drew the curtain covering it, showing a wonderful painting of a small girl on her knees atop a tree, looking up at the lights covering the sky coming from behind the mountains. It was quite beautiful actually.

"Do you know what these are?" she asked in an inquisitive voice.

"The lanterns they send up into the sky each year? Yeah, so what do you want with them?"

"Lanterns? I knew they weren't stars," she whispered to herself, then spoke up again. "Well, tomorrow evening, they will light the night sky with these lanterns. You will act as my guard, and take me to these lanterns and return me home safely. Then and only then, will I grant you your satchel back."

"Well, I know my satchel is in that pot over there, and before you hit me, I'll still take you to see the lanterns, but we'll be going there my way," I replied, cause I was already planning on taking her away, even if I didn't have her consent. The fact that she offered like the movie is even better.

"Then off we go." Yet somehow, I ended up with the frying pan in my face. Fucking logic.

I don’t know how I wrote this, but my ideas are slowly coming together. I was eating some spicy nuts while writing, so yeah, spicy nuts are hot. Comment any suggestions and join the discord if you want, that’s where I’m most active anyway.

Discord code: awevXYU


Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.



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