
The Multiverse Jumper

What happens when a perfect child, that grew up with a perfect childhood, in a perfect family, finds out it was all a lie and gets one of the biggest cheats in the multiverse? Guess you'll just have to read to find out. *WARNING: I don't own the cover, I just like Psylocke in that picture. *Another WARNING: This story will get gory/18+/maybe smut later in the story, so just a warning. My dude is just gonna do whatever he wants really, with a few goals here and there. Also, any and all feedback is read, so tell me all the bad stuff, good stuff and stuff I can improve on, but just telling me it's trash, well, I won't care about it unless you provide an explanation of what's trash. Enjoy~

Slammeron01 · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

5 - Preparations

O.O Preparations O.O

I'll be starting in the Disney princess worlds, because no one goes there, and they have serious OP powers if you dig through all the useless crap.

Grammarly premium says I only have 37 mistakes, can you find them?

Word count: 1223


What world should I go to first? Now I don't want anywhere too strong to start at, gotta get used to this whole reincarnation thing, but preferably a kid-friendly show or movie.

I got it! Let's try out the Disney movies first. Seriously, how has no one gone there in any multiverse fanfiction? Rapunzel as literal time rewinding hair, or that's I think it is, Elsa's a fucking ice spirit, and if you forget her emotional instabilities, she was able to make that big ass castle on a mountain with all the detail, I think people just instantly disregard it cause they're 'child' movies, but hey, not judging.

So let's go through what I can remember, and man did I have a thing for warning corrupt princesses. Good thing I remember all the ones I wanted or would be useful for later.

I'll go to the movie world first, then check out the other series after, so who can I remember that I want or need something from.

Rapunzel's got hair that can rewind the time of anything to it's most optimal state, it was just never tried on anything other than wounds or people in the movies. {Changed her powers, she now can do this.} Amazing adaptability, never being able to leave her tower, and then when she's out, quickly adjusting to the new world, like when she was able to magically swim out of that underwater cave, yet never knowing how to swim before that.

Elsa, physiology of the ice spirit, because that's what she is the ice spirit. So resistance to ice and cold temperatures will be very useful no matter where I go. Then she can manipulate ice like it's an extension of her body, with amazing control over it too, plus it didn't look like she had any sort of restrictions on how much she could control, so that's another good thing.

Then we got Ariel. Always wanted to fuck a mermaid, and she got some nice looking sisters too, wouldn't mind trying to bang some of that ass, plus they're all innocent, never having known about sex, so I'll just tick off that on my wish list. Back to their power, she's got the same adaptability as Rapunzel, being able to near-instantly walk and run on legs after getting out of the water after living under it for 16 years or so. Forgot her age, no matter.

Now her father, King Triton, is the ruler of Atlantica in Little Mermaid, so you'd expect him to have some more overpowered abilities. After some more research, from a nice little computer setup, absorbed into my soul, courtesy of my man End lord, I can do my research in my own soul space. My soul also is the place my main body will be staying every time I want to reincarnate or transmigrate.

Back on topic, this is what I can gain from him according to Fandom {I will be using Fandom a lot throughout the story because it's the easiest to use}. Superhuman strength, durability and speed; underwater breathing; aquakinesis: the power to manipulate water; thermal endurance: be highly resistant to extremely cold temperatures and environments; atmokinesis: the power to manipulate the weather.

Now what little Ariel can provide is also of interest. Aquapthy: speaking with aquatic fauna and flora. That can be pretty fun to use if I ever need it. Even Ursula has a fun way of bargaining, if they don't fill their end of the deal, they become polyps, an abnormal growth protruding from a mucous membrane. {I should be able to send a picture of it on the phone.} It's also suggested in Fandom that she absorbs their souls while transforming, making her more powerful in the process. Damn, I want that.

So I'm not going to Hercules yet, I don't want to try and contend with any gods as of this moment, Triton was just a ruler of Atlantia. I can probably go to Moana after as well, grab Te Fiti's powers— generate and control life, godly strength and virtually indestructible— being the goddess of life and as Te Kā, I can probably get elemental control over fire, lava and magma.

In Mulan I could probably get the durability of Mushu, he can survive quite a lot of big shit, avalanches, explosions, stampedes, yeah, I'll be taking that.

Now Maleficent, hot damn, she's strong. Fandom is so helpful providing me with all this information. Here it is:

"Maleficent is one of the most powerful villains in Disney history. She describes her skills as "all the powers of hell". Her powers are magic-based, and it is also implied during the christening ceremony that her magic was far more powerful than even that of the Three Good Fairies, at least individually, as they admitted they could not outright remove Maleficent's curse, but rather alter it. Using her staff she can conjure up her spells, for example, lightning projection, divination, and teleportation. Merryweather also implied that she was capable of summoning frost storms. She can even cast powerful dark magic spells like her forest of thorns. She was capable of hypnosis as she demonstrated on Aurora to make her prick her finger. She also conjured the spinning wheel and spindle which she used to prick Aurora's finger which shows she is capable of conjuration. She also implied that the sleeping curse's effects, even when not at full power, were sufficient enough to effectively halt aging so long as the curse was in effect. Maleficent was also capable of flying by conjuring energy from her staff similarly to a galaxy or a helicopter rotor. This was presumably used as an act of desperation, given the events that had her use it.

One of her most powerful abilities is to transform into a massive fire breathing dragon, with the flame blasts being strong enough to effortlessly knock away Phillip's Shield of Virtue, and her dragonhide in this form was strong enough to even withstand the Sword of Truth barring significant enchantments on the Three Good Fairies part. Also, her fangs in this form were shown to be venomous in Maleficent Returns, which ironically also led to her second defeat.

She also possessed some degree of divination and telepathy, as demonstrated when she was taunting Prince Phillip near the end of the film with the revelation that Briar Rose and Princess Aurora were the same. In the storybook sequel, she also was capable of petrifying people, which she demonstrated on Aurora's kingdom, including Phillip, her husband, shortly after her revival, and also attempted to do so on Aurora at the latter's request to save the kingdom, although her protection charm by the three good fairies prevented this from happening."

Aladdin, either the animated or real version, either one doesn't matter, take the wish-granting from the genie, and because I'm not restricted by anything, no restrictions on the wishes I can grant. That can work wonders combined with the binding contracts. Getting so excited just thinking about it.

This should keep me going for a while at least, so let's choose Tangled first, no other beings of power, no elements, just a plant that reverses any living organism to its prime state, maybe take that from one version, and Rapunzel from another. This sounds so fun.

The plot is about to start, I'll show you his multiverse travelling system next chapter. Also, I may have found a way for Samael to become aware of the fourth wall, thanks to Tamatoa, during his singing, he refers to the audience twice, and I'm going to have him go there anyway. So should I have it or not? Vote below.


Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!



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