

Disclaimer All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s). Lost. Stranded. And boned. These are the thoughts of many normal Joes lost in the Multiverse whether it was intentional or not. Such a story for our protagonist accidentally wandering too far off from his home reality. However, such is fate. Yet... it seems that Mash Bastion has met the right man to assist him with the tools needed to travel the Multiverse to find his home universe with modified abilities of [THE GAMER] across worlds in the unforgiving territories of the MULTIVERSE.

Jovami6729 · Anime & Comics
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117 Chs

Chapter 63: [Fox Sin of Greed]

Chapter 63: [Fox Sin of Greed]

~Mash B. POV~

Returning to the Boar Hat Meliodas soon introduced Ban wearing clothes that he had stolen from someone in a confident manner, "Now then guys, allow me to properly introduce you three. This is the [Fox Sin of Greed], Ban."

Ban is a very tall, muscular man with pale tan skin, who possesses a set of well-developed abdominal muscles and usually has a slouch. He has short, spiky, pale blue hair thin black eyebrows, and scarlet-red eyes. On the left side of his jaw and extending down to his neck, he has a large scar given to him by Meliodas. He is shown wearing a red leather jacket and pants with metal studs sewn into both alongside shoes of a similar, yet darker color.


[Ban Lv.? Fox's Sin of Greed

Description: Ban is the Fox's Sin of Greed of the Seven Deadly Sins. The current Fairy King decides to join the Sins. Ban bears a strong grudge against the Demon Clan for killing Elaine. Ban is planning to get the [Horn of Cernunnos] located under the Kingdom of Liones' castle to revive Elaine, he was planning to save the kingdom and be given the horn as a reward rather than stealing it for unknown reasons.]

Ah… so where in this stage already with Ban. That reminds me… I have a white-winged devil that needs to be destroyed within the [Horn of Cernunnos].

But soon my attention returned to Ban as he greeted himself in a casual tone with me busy cooking for everyone, "Well, well. Nice to meet you."

That was when Meliodas commented at Ban where he finally got the stolen clothes from with a deadpan expression, "Hm? What's with those clothes? I don't seem to recall you having any money to buy them."

Ban nonchalantly deflected his questioning with a casual grin sitting down on one of the chairs inside the Boar Hat Tavern moving his attention to Diane, "I'm not about to go half-naked in front of the princess. I just happened to find these lying around. By the way, it's been a long time Diane."

Diane being a tsundere turned her head around eyes closed in a casual tone with Ban, "I wouldn't have cared if I never saw you in 100 years."

Elizabeth soon greeted herself pleading to ask for Ban's assistance in saving her Kingdom in a kind tone, "I'm Elizabeth sir Ban. I'm sorry to ask of you this but can you help us save this Kingdom from the Holy Knights."

Ban in a surprising turn of events bowed in a respectful tone to Elizabeth with a casual tone, "Not at all, your Highness. Where the Cap'n goes I go besides it sounds like fun. We Sins don't care about such formalities. I hope the five of us can get along."

"There's six of us!"

Ban looked around to try and see the source assuming it was the Bossman only to deny such a claim as Hawk's voice began to get louder, "This guy's such a nut-job. After getting separated from his team, he goes and lets himself get thrown in prison for fun! And then breaks out the moment he hears his comrades are still alive… leveling the place in the process. You sure he doesn't have a screw or two loose?"

Ban soon glares at me thinking I said those words as I remain unfazed getting close to my face, "Who said that? Was it you cook?"

I shook my head pointing my finger down and gesturing to Hawk in a neutral tone, "Nope! Take the complaints to our resident talking pig."

That seemed to make Ban freeze as Hawk soon yelled out with a snoink, "Me! SNOINK!"

It was hilarious to see Ban freaked out about seeing a talking Pig skidding back from Hawk's ability to talk in a shocked tone, "A TALKING PIG?!! A pig that can speak like a person?! That's absurd!! I thought you were Diane's meal or emergency food!!"

Hawk took offense to his words yelling out loud offended by his claims distinguishing himself in a proud tone, "Why do people assume I'm just for eating all the time?! For your information, I'm no ordinary pig! I am Hawk! The leader of the Knighthood of Scraps Disposal!"

I couldn't help but chuckle responding to Hawk's delusion with a grin messing with my co-worker in a wistful tone, "And we've got one pig who's starting to get fantasy mixed up with reality. But anyway…"

[<Cooking > LEVEL UP!]


Using my [Unseen Hands] I prepped everyone a meal that they wanted to their preference doing my best I could with my [Cooking] skill leveling up with a grin on my face, "… It's time to eat everyone! Don't hesitate to ask for seconds! I managed to raid the Baste Dungeon Food storage so please go ahead and ask since we have enough!"

My words seemed to make Meliodas happy taking the plate and giving me a thumbs up, "Ah thanks Mash for your humble donation to the Tavern! I knew you were a good cook but not better than me!"

Everyone replied in a deadpan tone from Meliodas's words except Elizabeth, "Right… sure…"

Meliodas pouted feeling bullied seeing everyone knows his cooking is God awful so he went to recover his emotional damage by groping Elizabeth. At the very least they can eat happily with my cooking and the teachings I got from Rem.

Ban took a bite out of the food I made giving me a thumbs up and being judged by him, "Hmm… pretty good meat pie. I have to thank you for being able to cook and not Cap'n over there. Our stomachs thank you for your time weakling."

… I don't know if I should feel offended or appreciated. Meliodas looked towards me giving Ban a deadpan expression as I used [Telepathy] to ask the Bossman, 'You want to cook for his meals from now on?'

He gave me a silent nod replying using my skill his answer with a cheeky grin, 'Way ahead of you. Did you have any laxatives while raiding the remains of the Prison by chance?'

Way ahead of you Bossman.


After eating and Ban having a bad case of his anus getting destroyed, we returned to Meliodas mapping the locations we've been getting Ban up to speed on the situation, "This is where Elizabeth, Mash, and I first met. Then we reunited with Diane in the Forest of White Dreams."

Opening the map of Britannia Hawk chimes in pointing at our current location, "Now we're on the mountain path headed east from Dalmary, right? SNOINK!"

Placing his finger spreading the map Ban pointed to the capital in a curious tone, "I thought we were heading for the capital, so we ought to head southwest on the main road."

Bossman placed his hand under his chin making a point to avoid the Kingdom for a little while in a serious tone, "Uh-uh. Let's put some space between us and the Kingdom for a while. We've destroyed both Fort Solgres and Baste Dungeon. The Kingdom and its Holy Knights are probably on high alert."

I nodded agreeing with Bosman's words leaning my back behind the cabinet of ale and alcohol mugs in a neutral tone, "We should avoid anything to catch their attention. If they managed to trick Bossman and Diane, then it's best to avoid any fight if possible attracting attention."

I say that but… my eyes soon turn towards Diane outside listening to Ban saying with his hand over his chin, "Yeah… kind of hard to not attract attention. We already attract tons of attention."

Hmm… I wonder if I should use my Authority of Lust [Disguise] on Diane. I mean I never tested it on something bigger other than myself for quick change but…

Before I could ponder on the idea some more Meliodas soon interrupted my thoughts as he announced our next destination, "Right. Our next destination is The Capital of the Dead. We're going to look for King here."

Hearing the news Ban grabbed the wanted poster of King in his fat ugly man form commenting on it as he messes with his wanted poster, "Don't be funny, Cap'n. Didn't you hear that damn fatty's dead? I was the one supposed to kill him, you know."

Patting the wanted Poster of King onto the wall Meliodas gazed at him scolding the bandit for messing with the wanted Poster, "It's our only lead, so why don't we just try it out? And quite messing with his wanted poster."

Letting the duo do their own thing I approached Diane giving her an offer piquing her interest, "Say Diane are you interested in becoming small?"

Blinking at my sudden question she raised her eyebrow at him but nodded her head providing me an answer, "Becoming small? If you have the means, Magic Man, then I'm all for it. I always dreamed of becoming small to fit in you know? But if you had the means how come you never offered?"

Being embarrassed I scratch the back of my head explaining myself with a light blush on my face never thinking this would come up, "Ugh… right. To be honest it kind of went over my head and never brought it up. The reason why is because I never tried it on a Giant before so I wasn't sure if it would work or not. So… no promises if this would work."

Diane simply shrugged her shoulders allowing me to try my skill on her trusting me with a smile on her face, "In that case go ahead. I mean you did save me and Captain from getting trapped or worse killing one another. You earned my trust and besides if it doesn't work it doesn't work no harm done."

Feeling pleased she trusts me this much I sucked in some air and exhaled using my Authority of Lust [Disguise] to change my target Diane into a human size of herself in a happy tone, "Okay then, since you trust me this much let's see if I can grant your wish to become small."

Touching her finger I let my Authority work its magic. Swallowing her in a black shadow substance catching everyone's attention I smirked seeing Diane shrink. Seems like my skill [Disguise] works a lot more than I thought.

Although... why do I suddenly feel someone jealous of me for some reason? Meh. Might be nothing.


~Third POV~

Elsewhere residing in the proclaimed area of where the Capital City of the Dead is located inside a home away from Tala Village Gilthunder arrived to deliver the news to someone floating above with a pillow, "I come with good news for you today. Following the destruction of Fort Solgres, both Baste Dungeon and the Weird Fangs were demolished. Meliodas, Diane, and Ban have been united."

Gilthunder spoke to a young boy with short brown hair, a high forehead, thin eyebrows, and brownish-orange eyes. He wears a long orange and an aqua sweatshirt with a hood and navy blue sleeves, quarter-length navy blue pants, and short boots with large buttons matching his hoodie. He also carries a green leopard pattern pillow which is a transformation of his spear [Chastiefol].

The person whom Gilthunder spoke to was none other than King the [Grizzly's Sin of Sloth] replying to Gilthunder's report in a bored tone, "Hmmm. I wonder why they've decided to make a move now. If he'd just stayed good and quiet… I wouldn't have to be targeting him now."

Gilthunder merely side-eyed King in a neutral tone not trusting him to do his job, "Please don't betray my trust. King."

King hearing this felt his eye twitch at his words before answering in a lazy tone bobbing around in the air, "Trust? Sorry, but keep that between you humans. I'll do what I want to do. Yaaawn. Won't that be more convenient for you guys anyway? Just tell your useless Knight dogs that if they get in my way, I'll tan their hides."

Gilthunder merely nodded his head leaving King along as a Black Hound named Oslo petting his friend yet felt a chill down King's spine thinking to himself suddenly, 'Why do I have a bad feeling of chills? I don't get sick... and why do I feel like that feeling needs to die a thousand times? Nah. It must be nothing.'