
The Mother Of Spirits

"I look more like a ghost than a human" Those were my last words. My last words before jumping off a building. Turns out that im really a ghost now... Fuck! A story about an ex-depressive person who is discovering a new world of fantasy with monsters, magic, action and intrigues.

San_Martins · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Racism Is Bad!

Damn! This new Soul Steal is awesome.

I can feel her power inside me.

It's a shame that it only works at close range now but is 2 times faster than before at least.

And humans are delicious! Their souls are so much better than monsters, and this woman here was the best, much better than the other guy.

I think it is because they train their energy.

But! Im not a maniac, and I will not succumb to the delicious, tasty, powerful human souls!

A slight drop of saliva falls from my mouth while I think about it.

Yes definitely not succumb!

Fear inducement is useful against humans too, I didnt get the skill before but I kind of can use it.

It is like a natural thing that comes when you want.

I understand my children, it is fun scaring humans.

They are only children! Dont blame them for liking something!

And I think that I got a new magic from this woman too, and now I might know how it works.

The last ability the creature uses stays marked on her energy, and when I suck her soul I can see the formula.

I dont know really why but it probably only works on selected types of abilities, I didnt get anything from that black minotaur after all.

Let me see, a bit of mana here more around here think about composition now the circle has letters.

And it is complete! I look at my hand it has a whitish-blue color circle.

It should be a spell called Ice Spike, but what happens if I drop a little bit of spiritual energy on it?

I try and the letters from the circle glow bright blue now.

"Ice Spike" I say while pointing my hand toward a tree

An ice spike gets out of my hand at high speed piercing the tree.

I feel something different about this ice the same I feel with the blue flame but I cant grasp what is the difference between the normal version and this.

I put my hand on my waist and made a thoughtful expression.

What do I do now? I dont want to kill everyone, im scared of turning into a maniac!

Killing two was enough to calm me I guess.

But I killed two people hm... I feel nothing at all, and feeling nothing after this makes me feel bad sigh...

While lost in thought I look at the woman's corpse and see a book on her waist.

I look curiously and bend down to grab it.

Sorry! I know it looks like im a super grave robber but im not!

I take I look at the book in my hand, it is a purple book with Encyclopedia written on the cover.

I opened it in the middle and saw a bunch of information about monsters.

I make a surprised expression.

Damn! Finally some information about something, all I had to do was kill two people, this world is ruthless!

When I have time I will take a look, for now, let me get out of this forest.

I could sneak out into the woods to kidnap them so I think I can sneak between them again to get out.

And after draining this woman my energy is good enough too.

I put my hand up and made a happy expression.

Time to go out! Oh!


Jey and Hiundal at the forest.

Tension is not even the right word to describe what they are feeling.

It is a mix of fear, worry, shock, anxiety and more.

Hiundal and Jey are back to back trying to look in every direction.

Their heavy breath fills the silent forest.

Soon a voice breaks the silence alongside the grotesque sound of a corpse falling in the ground.

From behind a tree, a woman with white hair and a black dress appears taking a peek at them curiously and shyly.

They cant see all her body only a part of her dress and a little of her head.

Jey and Hiundal are scared and point their weapon at her in fear.

Jey was about to scream in rage but the woman spoke first.

"Hey hm... we are even now so hm... if you want your friend's corpse to bury or do whatever people do to corpses here hm... have it ok?" Says the woman in a shy tone trying not to make eye contact with the group

Jey and Hiundal dont even know what they should express here, they are so confused that nothing comes out.

Hiundal wakes up and screams in rage.

"Why are you doing this?! Who the hell are you?! Maniac where is Irilda?!" Scream Jey in a mix of rage and fear pointing his sword toward the woman

The shy woman makes a scared expression.

The woman shyly points at the duo.

"Thats all your fault! You are the maniacs here not me!" Says the woman in a slightly angry tone

"How does this even make sense?! You show up and kidnap us then kill our friend!?" Says Jey almost jumping to slice the woman but Hiundal stops him

Hiundal with a suspicion and careful look whisper to Jey.

"She is not human, im not talking about strength, take a closer look at her" Whisper Hiundal

Jey set his rage aside and looked at the woman closely.

Her skin is so pale that it glows a little, the smoke coming out of behind the tree, her eyes bright blue eyes with no pupils, and her dress and hair being blown by a wind that doesnt exist.

Jey shallows dry and looks at the woman in shock.

"Look, this is racism! I didnt do this because Im a monster! Argh unbelievable" Says The woman with a dissatisfied tone

After this, the woman disappears.

Jey and Hiundal run toward the tree and see an old and bony corpse with the same clothes as Irilda. 

Sadness befalls their expression, Jey falls to his knee and grabs Irilda's hand slightly.

The duo grieves in the forest at Irilda's corpse side.


Back to Ghost.

Finally! I found the exit.

I look around and dont see anyone around, I guess looking for another exit was better than try using the same as that bunch of humans.

That was really awkward too sigh... man I just wanted to do something nice!

Im not good at communication, and when that guy screamed at me I really felt scared.

I was introverted and depressive ok? I dont know how to handle that type of thing!

But now what do I do? I cant just float on the road at night, I will be robbed for sure!

Jokes aside, im a monster I cant just float around when there is racism everywhere.

I will follow the woods alongside the road.

If needed I can cross the street too.

I float for quite some time singing a little in a low voice.

The sun is almost rising on the horizon while I float, I had to cross the road too.

I need to go west to rescue my children but for how far that signal was it will probably take a while until I get there.

Ah! I completely forgot to read this book, I lost myself while singing sigh...

While floating I open the book and read it a little.

Oh! I found my race.

Let me see, after ghost, there are 3 options.

Im a white lady but I dont know really I look too different from other white ladies.

I pass through a bunch of other evolutions and in the end I will be a banshee it seems.

Haha, you thought I would read all my next evolutions? that would be spoilers!

Who im talking to? I think im starting to go crazy sigh...

There are weaknesses too, seems like spirits are weak to holy fire and holy water and there are talisman things that work on undead creatures too.

I pass the pages and take a look at other species.

There are a bunch of well-known species hm... things with a bunch of heads, things with a bunch of legs, things with a bunch of arms, things with a bunch of teeth, and the list goes on.

Kind of useless, I wanted something about non-monster races. 

There are our cousins too, undead, there are zombies, draugr, and others.

They have the same weakness as spirits.

Wow! Even vampires, but where it says that they are intelligent and are not considered monsters, but they are evil.

Looks like a classic racism move here.

I guess I will have to know a vampire to figure it out.

I close the book and put it under my arm.

And with a smile, I start to sing in a low voice while floating alongside the road.