
The Mother Of Spirits

"I look more like a ghost than a human" Those were my last words. My last words before jumping off a building. Turns out that im really a ghost now... Fuck! A story about an ex-depressive person who is discovering a new world of fantasy with monsters, magic, action and intrigues.

San_Martins · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
21 Chs

Horror Movie!

A woman slightly glowing white could be seen in a dark purple forest.

I kind of get it now, I just need to focus the energy on a place and it works like putting points, which is convenient.

Oh! I forgot to test something.

I float toward a tree and I stand my fingers touching it slightly.

I flinch when my fingers touch the tree.

For some reason, I find it a little bit uncomfortable.

Well, I passed quite some time without touching anything maybe thats why.

I take my hand out and continue to float.

Let me see Fire Spear.

I stand my hand forward.

It was like a formula, put MP here and there.

A red circle starts to appear in the palm of my hand, but it is still incomplete.

I can feel the flow in my body like a river of bright blue mist.

I think about Fire Spear and her composition and letters start to appear on the circle.

Hmm? Why it is blue?!

I take a closer look and see that the circle is blue with shiny blue letters.

Maybe because of spiritual energy being blue?

The circle is ready but nothing is coming out.

What do I do now? Why is it not going?

I shake my hands a little but nothing.

Hmm... maybe it is like I need to say an enchantment or something.

"Abra Kadabra" I say with a confident tone

Nothing happens.

Sigh... this is humiliating.

"Just get out already damn Fire Spear" I say with a hint of angriness

When I said fire spear it worked and a spear made of blue fire went forward hitting the tree and making it burst into blue flames.

Wow! This is beautiful.

It has something to do with spiritual energy then it is because of my psionic abilities maybe.

Argh! It is so frustrating, I have no information about anything!

Sigh... Nothing I can do, anyway time to float.

My Spiritual senses are much better.

I float lost in thoughts.

Now that I think about it, I could level up my Spiritual Senses by deepening my understanding of how the skill works and getting used to it.

Then I should try doing the same now.

But I dont know where I should start.

Well, I will find out somehow.

I could just open a bunch of portals to get closer to the forest entrance.

But Im scared of that bunch of humans.

If I find them I will lose control and try to kill them all.

I might die because of that.

Sigh... but it is going to take days for me to get out of this forest just floating.

I will do it! last time they got me off guard but now with portal creation and fire spear I can at least cause them some damage and them run away haha!

Actually! I had a crazy idea.


Jey and company POV.

A group of adventurers are about to leave the purple side of the forest.

The sky is almost dark.

They all look tired and thoughtful.

Thinking about the last night, about the ghost that ran away while the others attacked them.

Jey, Irilda, and Hiundal are walking together alongside another adventurer.

Jey opens his mouth.

"Ok... since no one is bringing it up and it is killing me inside, what the hell happened last night?" Says Jay dissatisfied

Irilda let out a heavy sigh.

"It is killing me inside too, I have no idea, I never saw something like that, my theory is based around the ghost that escaped I think that it might be an abnormality but that makes no sense, it should be a wraith" Says Irilda lost in thoughts

Hiundal proceeds.

"That was scary, I never saw so much of them, and with the cold, they were giving I thought I would die" Says Hiundal with a hint of fear

Another adventurer walking alongside Hiundal speaks.

"We need to report this imme-" The adventurer was saying

A hole opened underneath them and they fell into it.

They fall into multiple holes until they arrive at a place surrounded by purple dark trees.

"What the fuck!?" Says Jey grabbing his curved sword from his waist

They all look confused and look around trying to understand what happened.

All of a sudden, they feel cold.

A woman passes in the corner of Irilda's eye.

"Fuck!? someone else saw that?" Says Irilda looking to everyone pointing toward a tree with a fearful tone

Everyone says that they didnt see it.

Irilda wonders if she is just seeing things.

They are all on their guard, looking around like maniacs.

Soon they start to hear a whistle in every direction.

It is whistling a melody, it is coming from all directions.

Cold sweat fell on the group's foreheads.

The melody slowly gets more accelerated and closer to the group.

"Fuck this!" Yells the random adventurer in fear

The random adventurer who fell with the group broke the formation and started to run in fear and confusion.

"Dont do this! we have to stay together!" Says Irilda trying to stop him

Irilda tries to hold him but the adventurer pushes Irilda and runs away.

Irilda falls but Jey manages to catch her before she hits the ground.

"Are you okay?" Says Jey with a worried tone

Irilda blushes a little but soon remembers what is happening.

"Son of a bitch! when we get out of here that guy is dead" Says Irilda with an angry tone and clenching her firsts

Hiundal looked at them with fear in his eyes and a look of disbelief.

"Didnt you see that?" Says Hiundal with a low voice and fearful tone

Irilda and Jey were confused by Hiundal.

"What?" Jey asks slowly feeling Hiundal shock and fear

Hiundal is an old adventurer, if he is that shocked then something serious has happened.

Hiundal points toward where the adventurer ran while trembling a little.

With eyes expressing deep confusion and fear Hiundal says.

"He disappeared... as soon as he reached that tree" Says Hiundal in shock looking at that place

Irilda and Jey put on confused expressions slowly looking at the place he is pointing.

The trio swallows dry.

Jey talks in a fearful tone.

"The whistle... stopped" Says Jey breathing heavily

The forest is silent, only the sounds of their breath can be heard.

Soon the trio heard a grotesque sound behind them.

They all let out a scared scream and jumped to attack whatever was behind them.

But when they look behind the fear in their eyes turns into terror and disgust.

The adventurer's corpse is there, old and bony-looking, with gray hair with an expression of despair on her face.

Jey and Hiundal get lost in thoughts looking around desperately.

"Idiots! wake u-" Tries to say Irilda but she falls into another place.

Irilda POV.

Irilda is falling into multiple holes.

She finally arrives at some place in the forest, it is the same, a bunch of purple trees everywhere

Irilda is trying not to freak out.

"Shit Shit Shit! Who the hell is doing this?!" Scream Irilda looking everywhere in the forest

Whitish blue circles appear on her hands and she points in all directions fearfully.

Irilda then hears a voice, a soft voice coming from the woods.

"Hello" Irilda hears a woman's ethereal voice coming from the woods

Irilda turned quickly to face the direction this voice came from.

Then Irilda feels something behind her but it is already too late.

A blue spear made of fire pierced her knee making her fall to the ground.

"AAA!" Screams Irilda in pain

The spear disappears shortly after piercing her.

Irilda's magic circles disappear from the palm of her hands as she screams in pain.

Irilda struggles to get up but she cant.

All her thoughts are of pain confusion and fear.

But then a woman appeared from between the woods, slightly glowing white and floating.

Irilda thought that she was beautiful until she took a closer look and realized that she was not alive.

Irilda's expression twisted in terror.

Irilda thought that it was a white lady at first but looking more closely it is impossible.

She has a few features that resemble a white lady but she is different.

The spirit woman cleans her throat with a cough.

"Hmm... Hi there" Says the woman with a shy tone waving her hand

After Irilda hears this, she looks at the woman in terror.

"Abnormality" Says Irilda in a low voice and fearful tone

The spirit woman flinches at the word.

"Hey, that is so rude!" Says the woman in a slightly angry tone

Irilda put on a confused face, Irilda knew about abnormalities.

They are bound by their instinct, even if their intelligence is superior they still cant resist killing humans.

So why this spirit is standing and looking at her?

"First you and that other duo come into the forest to snitch on me, and then bring a bunch of other people who almost killed me!" Says the woman raising her voice a little with a slightly angry tone

Irilda's confusion just grew and she opened her mouth.

"What...?" Irilda let out in confusion and fear

The woman looks at Irilda with an expression that screams rage.

"Because of you and your people, I had to hear the cries of my fallen children while they sacrificed themselves for my sake" Says the woman with a low voice and a tone of rage

After hearing this something clicked in Irilda's mind and she understood, that the ghost from before was this woman somehow.

"Look okay, I know im not dumb, we are the monsters here" Says the woman with a calmer tone and letting out a heavy sigh

The woman starts to float toward Irilda on the ground making a calm expression.

Irilda is at a loss for words she cant even process what is happening.

"What are you?" Says Irilda with a tone of confusion and fear

The woman stopped by her side and bent down putting her cold hand on Irilda's head.

"The end" Says the woman with a calm tone

Bright blue lines start to appear all over Irilda's body like a river flowing toward her head and entering the spirit woman's hand.

Irilda didnt feel pain or discomfort, her body was growing old and her long black hairs were turning gray.

Irilda tried to fight back but for some reason, she couldnt move away.

Soon Irilda's life ends leaving only a bony and skinny corpse on the ground.