
The Most Satisfied Reincarnate

After years of perpetrating heinous acts, our main character becomes weary of his violent path. Yearning for a normal existence, he embarks on a journey to shed his old ways, only to be thwarted by the whims of destiny. Through an untimely demise, he is granted a remarkable opportunity: a second chance at life in an entirely new realm—a realm where magic reigns supreme, tightly controlled by a formidable Wizard who holds the threads of fate in his hands. This unfamiliar world teems with diverse races, including Demons renowned for their prodigious physical strength and Elves who command unrivaled mastery over magic. Even the most ordinary creatures have evolved to harness formidable magical abilities. However, our protagonist is reborn as a human—the frailest and most vulnerable of all the races. Can he navigate this tumultuous realm, where peril lurks at every turn, relying solely on the wisdom garnered from his past experiences? "To survive in this world, I will do whatever it takes, even if it means wiping out an entire race."

DragonKnov · Fantasy
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376 Chs


In the morning, above the North Kingdom's vast sea, the sky was adorned with the graceful flight of pelicans. 

They soared in a synchronized dance, their wings beating rhythmically as they scanned the waters for their elusive prey.

The elegant birds glided effortlessly, casting fleeting shadows upon a medium-sized ship that traversed the waves with a steady pace near the kingdom's border.

The ship, neither sluggish nor swift, boasted a spacious deck capable of accommodating around one hundred passengers. Various crates and packages found their place on the quarter deck, waiting to reach their intended destinations.

As a gentle breeze filled the ship's sails, propelling it towards the border, a young adult man stood at the forefront of the deck. His form was draped in a flowing azure coat that billowed gracefully in the wind. 

With a hat perched confidently atop his head, it was evident that he held both ownership and captaincy of this vessel. 

His eyes momentarily flashed a striking shade of crimson, offering an intriguing glimpse into the depths of his being, as he surveyed the expanse of the sea before him.

"The invigorating scent of the salty sea mingling with the warmth of the morning sun never fails to captivate me during my daily ritual," the young captain spoke with genuine appreciation. 

His words were imbued with sincerity and reverence for nature's beauty.

With a towering height of 190 cm and a robust physique, the captain possessed an undeniable charisma that set him apart from the average young man. 

His short, chestnut-brown hair framed his face, while vibrant green eyes sparkled with a hint of mischief. Adorned in his attire, he exuded a magnetic charm that effortlessly drew attention.

"Captain, the madam is summoning you," a booming voice tinged with exertion shattered the tranquility of his contemplation, interrupting the enchantment of the natural world.

A crease formed between the captain's brows, momentarily marring his handsome visage. He turned to face his panting crew. 

"Understood," he replied tersely, and together they made their way towards the lower deck. However, just as they were about to descend, the captain halted abruptly and queried, "In my quarters?"

"Yes, captain," came the reply, accompanied by a nod.

**-The main deck-**

Descending to the lower deck, one would witness a multitude of compartments, each occupying a considerable space of around 300 cubic meters. 

However, only a single chamber nestled amidst them all could truly be designated as the captain's domain. Its opulent embellishments set it apart from the rest.

As the captain and his crew reached the entrance of the captain's quarters, a mellifluous humming voice greeted their ears. 

The melodic notes cascaded through the air, revealing a gentle soul with a gift for song. The ethereal quality of the voice hinted at the woman's undeniable beauty, even before one laid eyes upon her.

Prior to knocking on the door, the captain cast a meaningful glance at his crew and gestured for them to depart. "Darling, is everything alright? May I enter?" he inquired, his expression betraying genuine concern.

A woman's heart is a complex enigma. Since their marriage, the captain had learned that his wife's humming could signify either a buoyant mood or an unspoken grievance directed at him.

"Please, come in, Bastian," the reply wafted from within the cabin. The tone carried a sense of tranquility and contentment, eliciting a sigh of relief from Captain Bastian.

Upon opening the door, Bastian's gaze fell upon his wife, gracefully reclining on the bed. Her slender silhouette was accompanied by flawlessly arranged ebony tresses that framed her face. 

Her captivating magenta eyes gazed at him with adoration and tenderness.

Whenever Bastian laid his eyes upon his wife, a surge of gratitude and love washed over him, making him feel like the most fortunate man alive. 

Not only did she possess breathtaking beauty that inspired envy in other women with her fair complexion and graceful features, but she also exuded a gentle and compassionate spirit from within.

In a sudden playful gesture, a diminutive figure leaped at Bastian from the side. Acting on instinct, he swiftly caught the shadowy form in his arms, inhaling a delightful fragrance that mingled with the air and filled his senses.

"Be careful, my sweetie. How is your mother?" Bastian's voice carried a tender warmth as he directed his attention to his daughter. A gentle smile graced his lips as he affectionately stroked her hair.

"See for yourself, hmp! You never seem to care about me. You're always asking about Mom when I'm right in front of you," the little girl huffed, pouting in an adorable display of displeasure.

Her emerald green eyes mirrored her father's, a testament to their shared bond. While her hair was originally inherited from her mother, black as ebony, it had been playfully dyed silver, adding a touch of whimsy to her appearance.

At just three years old, she possessed an exuberant energy that surpassed her young age, bounding around with the liveliness of a child twice her size. 

But what truly captivated those around her was her ability to wear her emotions so vividly on her sleeve.

"No, Sweetie. I will always love you," Bastian reassured her, showering her with affectionate words as he enveloped her small frame in a warm embrace, rubbing his cheek against hers. 

It was said that a father's love for his daughter was boundless, while a mother's love for her son knew no bounds.

The little girl's initial scowl softened as she basked in her father's praise, though a hint of stubbornness still lingered on her cherubic face. 

"If you want me to forgive you, then you have to give me extra ice cream at dinner," she declared, holding her father's gaze with a mix of playfulness and expectation.

Cradling his daughter's slight form in his arms, Bastian gazed at her intently, a fond smile playing on his lips, causing her to avert her eyes. 

"Sweetie, it's alright to enjoy some ice cream. Just remember not to overindulge, or else you might end up feeling uncomfortable," he advised, concerned for her well-being.

"Alice, listen to your father, or you'll find yourself without any ice cream in the future," chimed in Bastian's wife, unable to resist interjecting as she observed the endearing interaction between father and daughter. 

Though their exchange filled the heart with warmth, she did not wish for their daughter to develop unhealthy habits.

Alice snorted playfully, her expression defiant. "You think I'm a fool? I'll prove you wrong, Father. I won't get fat," she declared with unwavering confidence before promptly heading towards the kitchen.

Turning his attention back to his wife, Bastian beamed at her. "So, honey, how are you?" he inquired, his eyes sparkling with adoration as they met hers.

Lying beside Leona was their newborn son, Desmond, with his tousled brown hair and his eyes closed, awaiting his father's touch.

"Say hello to Papa, Desmond," Leona cooed, gently poking the baby's cheek with her slender finger and then tenderly guiding his tiny hand to wave at Bastian. 

The baby, who had momentarily closed his eyes, blinked them open, revealing a pair of bright, curious orbs, and erupted into joyful laughter at the sight of his father's face.


Meanwhile, within Desmond's budding consciousness, before his entry into the world, he had spent a considerable period meditating within the vast, boundless void. 

Unaware of the passage of time, he had focused solely on the comforting warmth that enveloped him, a sensation that remained etched in his nascent mind.


[Status Updated!]


Name: Desmond

Gender: Male

Age: 1 Month 2 weeks -> 9 Months

Race: Human

Trait: Selfishness

Unique Energy: 0.01 -> 0.27]

"So it has been nine months. After nine months, my energy has only increased by +0.27. Even if I were to absorb energy tirelessly, I would only gain +0.001 per day. With this rate, it feels incredibly slow," he pondered, a tinge of disappointment coloring his thoughts.

[Warning!! The Host will be born in 10 seconds]

Upon seeing the notification, Desmond's excitement mingled with nervousness. "The Saint world, huh?"

[Host Will Be Born in 5 seconds...]

[Host Will Be Born in 4 seconds...]

[Host Will Be Born in 1 second...]

As the countdown reached its end, the darkness that enveloped Desmond's vision began to distort and fade away, replaced by a brilliant light that momentarily blinded him.

Once the light dispersed, the first person he laid eyes on was a woman dressed in maid attire, her face adorned with a warm smile.

"*&*))@))@#)()#()." The maid uttered a string of incomprehensible words that puzzled Desmond.

"What did she say? System, can you translate the language for me to understand?"

[Scanning the Language...]

[Scan Complete | Language: Saint Language]

[Translating to Host's Mind]

[Translation Complete]

"My baby, come here," the maid called out, but before Desmond could comprehend her words, another voice beckoned him. He felt his body being gently carried, gradually drawing closer to a beautiful young woman lying weakly on a bed.

Even Desmond, who had encountered countless beauties in his world, found himself momentarily stunned by her appearance. Compared to the beauties he had encountered before, the woman before him seemed like a divine goddess.

However, a conflicting thought emerged in his mind as he contemplated the possibility of this woman being his mother.

"A beauty can bring solace to the soul, yet it can also invite various troubles," he mused, recognizing the potential complications that could arise if this woman indeed turned out to be his mother.

While he did not mind having a beautiful mother, he understood that in a world where an individual's strength could determine the fate of ten, unless his mother possessed power of her own, she would invariably attract trouble.

[System is now initiating upgrade...]

[Estimated time left: 1 day, 2 hours]

"My son, you're so handsome, just like your father. Your brown hair from him, combined with my magenta eyes, makes you utterly adorable," the beautiful young woman couldn't help but reach out and affectionately tousle Desmond's hair.

"One day, he will surely become a great merchant, just like his father," the maid chimed in, a playful chuckle accompanying her words. She had been the first person Desmond laid eyes upon in this new world, right after his birth.

"Alright, alright, enough with the praise. Go fetch my husband," the beautiful young woman, undoubtedly his mother, hummed softly as the maid bowed and left the room.

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