
Chapter 12:

Author's Notes:


After a few hours of journey, Kenichi, Tsunade, and Shizune will stop at a clearing. While looking around, Kenichi said:

This is a good place to stay and wait. (Kenichi).

Listening to Kenichi, Tsunade understood what he meant.

This was where Kenichi wanted to fight the Konoha Shinobi.

Kenichi, we can keep moving and avoid a confrontation. Why would we fight them? (Tsunade).

Because I don't want us to spend our whole lives running away from the village my great-grandfather created. (Kenichi).

It's much more practical to massacre everyone who follows us now and avoid being hunted all the time (Kenichi).

Listening to Kenichi, Shizune who has been silent so far, hesitated just before saying.

- Do we really have to face Konoha? (Shizune).

Looking at Shizune with calm eyes Kenichi said:

-I'm not the one who started this situation, Shizune. It was Hiruzen and his advisors. (Kenichi).

-At that point he's probably freed Danzo and the other two sealed counselors and reinstated them. (Kenichi).

And they're definitely coming after us with murderous intent. And I'm going to make a point of repaying them with the same intent. (Kenichi) said , looking into Shizune's eyes.

-Right now several clans are coming after our lives. (Kenichi).

I've never done anything against any of them. Nevertheless, they chose to support a man who tried to kill me simply because he wanted to. (Kenichi).

-I had no grudge against Danzo and the counselors yet they tried to kill me. Now several clans are trying to finish what they started. (Kenichi).

And I'm going to kill every one of those who come after me without exceptions. No matter who they are, what clan, or what their motives are. (Kenichi) said with eyes as cold as ice.

Shizune seeing Kenichi's cold eyes shrank a little when he said:

-But if you kill all of them, Konoha will surely lose in the next war. (Shizune).

- The efforts of all those who died for Konoha will have been in vain. (Shizune).

- All their sacrifice, all the blood that's been shed, all the hopes, all of this will have been in vain. (Shizune) said emotionally.

-And why should I care? (Kenichi).

The moment Tsunade and Shizune heard Kenichi both widened their eyes, not expecting him to say anything like that.

Looking at the two, Kenichi said:

- Don't get me wrong. I understand the feelings you may have for Konoha. (Kenichi).

- But the same doesn't apply to me. (Kenichi).

-You see Konoha as a treasure that was created by Hashirama Senju and has been defended for several generations with the blood, sweat, tears, and lives of tens of thousands or perhaps a few hundred thousand lives. (Kenichi).

-I, on the other hand, see Konoha as a rotten tree that has a beautiful appearance. (Kenichi).

- This tree looks beautiful and strong on the outside. In reality, it's rotten inside. (Kenichi).

-All the sacrifices that have been made so far represent nothing. They died for a Konoha that no longer exists. (Kenichi).

-Honestly, I doubt my father would sacrifice himself the way he did if he knew Konoha would try to kill me and my mother just so some elders could profit from it. (Kenichi).

-And even if he still knew he was sacrificing himself, then he's an idiot of unimaginable proportions. (Kenichi).

-How can you say something so cold? (Shizune) said angrily.

While Tsunade only looked at his son with sadness.

As much as she wanted to deny, Tsunade knew she couldn't. She knew Dan very well. If he knew that's how things would happen, he would have ceased to be a Konoha Shinobi long before he died.

-Cold? (Kenichi).

Looking at young Shizune who was 9 years old, Kenichi laughed a little when he said:

Shizune, you seem to be getting something wrong. (Kenichi).

- I'm not cold, I'm realistic. (Kenichi).

-All these years living in Konoha might have blinded you on how that village works. Konohagakure is an abominable place that basically brainwashed children for the benefit of some pieces of crap. (Kenichi).

-You won't understand what I'm saying now. You're still innocent and haven't seen the worst side of them yet. (Kenichi).

-And how can you know so much more than I do when you're only six? (Shizune) said, grinding her teeth.

-I can see more than you because when I was only 4 years old, I was almost murdered by the elders of the village that my own Great-Grandfather created. (Kenichi).

-I watched this same village turn against my mother. The woman who won the second great Shinobi war for Konoha and saved tens of thousands of shinobis lives from the village, for mere rumors. (Kenichi).

-I watched this same village turn against my mother and me for refusing to accept that the men who killed my father and tried to kill me openly would go unpunished. (Kenichi).

-That same village that wants to kill us simply because we're not the puppets of a bunch of stupid old men. (Kenichi).

-That same village that forced us out of the house and we had to run like dogs with our tails tucked between our legs. (Kenichi).

-That same village that framed my father and branded him as a traitor even after he died a hero for her. (Kenichi)

-And all this because of a man, who was my mother's teacher, and a group of greedy old men ,who would sell up their own children if it benefited them, wanted me to be their pawn in the games they play.(Kenichi).

-This whole shit is happening because Konoha is rotten at the core. Because the people who lead Konoha are rotten themselves. (Kenichi) said practically screaming at that moment.

Shizune listening to Kenichi had tearful eyes as she shrank with a fear.

She's never seen Kenichi in this state before.

Calming down a little, Kenichi said:

-These people will not hesitate, when they are going to hurt us, they want our death. (Kenichi)

-I'll probably die on the spot, but do you have any idea what they'll do to you and my mom? (Kenichi)

-You are Shizune women, and the union of a Kato with a Senju generated me, someone, who can threaten the balance of power in the world. (Kenichi)

-The most likely is that Konoha capture you and my mother, and take them to Konoha by force and put my mother in a seal of temporal ecstasy after that just wait for you to mature, force you to become pregnant with a strong Shinobi to give birth to a man. (Kenichi)

-Once that happens, they will make this man rape my mother so that another child like me can be born, and even if they fail, the child would probably be incredibly talented. (Kenichi)

-This is the most likely destination that awaits you if Konoha wins. (Kenichi)

-In other chances, they kill us all, capture you and use to breed like rabbits, break the minds of both and force them to be people with no will of their own who are nothing more than mere puppets, and the list goes on. (Kenichi)

-In any of the scenarios, if Konoha wins, they will destroy our lives, and the option in which we suffer the least is in the case of Dying fast. (Kenichi)

-And don't think that just because I prove to be stronger than them, Konoha will leave us alone. (Kenichi)

-They will come after us as many times as they can, in order to kill us, because after they get me expelled from my clan and House, and dirty my father's name and honor, there is no more chance of peaceful reconciliation, and they know it. (Kenichi)

-They are fully aware that the only way for me and Konoha to reconcile, is going to be about the corpse of the Hokage, of the councilors, and of all who approved this shit. (Kenichi)

-And Konoha will not turn against them, for us. (Kenichi)

-I'm sorry to shout at you, Shizune. (Kenichi).

-But I want you to understand, that pitying the enemies is cruelty to what one loves. (Kenichi)

-I'm not going to spare any of those who attack us. Anyone who approves of what the Hokage is doing and helping him is someone who has no salvation anymore. (Kenichi).

-I can postpone the death of some figures, but it's only because it will make things easier for us afterward. However, they will still pay with life. Sooner or later they will die by my hands. (Kenichi).

-There are no fools among the high-level ninjas. Each of them must have already understood what Hiruzen is doing. Those who come are enemies and will be treated as such. (Kenichi).

Listening to Kenichi, Shizune looked at him while he lowered his disheartened head.

Tsunade, seeing his son this way, felt very sad.

She didn't want to believe that her son saw the world that way.

A child should never have to see the world that way.

Moving calmly, Kenichi made a few hand seals which then created a house of wood:

-I'm going to start setting traps and defenses around the house. (Kenichi).

-I intend to face them away from the house but I can't guarantee that I'm able to keep all of their attention on me. So I want you to start preparing to defend yourself as a last resort. (Kenichi) said, telling a lie.

Couldn't make everyone that would stay close to him safe?

What a joke.

Kenichi was more than capable of ensuring that no one would even get less than a mile from the house if he wanted to. He was just using an excuse to keep Tsunade away from the confrontation.

Hearing the son Tsunade said:

-Kenichi, I'm going to fight alongside you. (Tsunade).

-No, you can't go. (Kenichi) said in a strict tone.

-Mom, I really love you. I understand that you're strong but one of us needs to stay and protect Shizune. (Kenichi).

-And you're not strong enough to take on the whole village. (Kenichi).

- I on the other hand am sure I will be the one who prevails in this confrontation. (Kenichi).

Locking his eyes with Tsunade's:

-Mom, trust me. After today, no one's going to dare attack us again. (Kenichi) said looking seriously at Tsunade.

Tsunade looked at her son and said:

- If you think I'm going to let you fight alone, you've gone crazy. (Tsunade).

- I figured you'd say something like this. I truly do apologise for this. (Kenichi).

-Why are you apologising? (Tsunade).

-This is why. (Kenichi) said before disappearing and hitting Tsunade's neck hard enough to knock her out at an untraceable speed to the naked eye.

When Shizune saw Kenichi knocking out Tsunade, her first reaction was to scream but Kenichi knocked her out too. He then grabbed them both before they fell to the ground before sighing and muttering to himself.

I'm sorry, Mom, but I'm not going to let you carry the burden of killing people you love on your conscience. (Kenichi).

- You've suffered too much. Now, leave these things to me. (Kenichi) said with calm eyes.

Before taking Tsunade and Shizune into the house and gently placing them on the floor.

Quickly placing a huge barrier of Fuinjutsu, Kenichi made the house sink to the ground while completely masking any sign of existence. He then created another barrier using Senjutsu that allows air to enter but nothing else.

Kenichi had placed a sleeping seal on Tsunade and Shizune to ensure they did not awaken before the confrontation ended.

A few hours later.

While meditating in the middle of a clearing, Kenichi was quietly waiting.

After he had placed Tsunade and Shizune inside the house, he simply established some Fuinjutsu formations around the entire clearing and began to meditate.

This is a habit he acquired to keep his mind calm all the time in his life as Izuku.

The Fuinjutsu formations that Kenichi established were formations that would hold the entire Konoha army along with him.

Formations that would protect the house from any kind of Elemental attack.

Formations that would hide everyone inside house.

Formations that would prevent Tsunade and Shizune from leaving the house without him allowing it.

Slaughter formations he might need to use against Konoha.

And another formation he prepared for the even more unlikely case of him losing.

This formation would teleport the entire house to Katsuyu's location.

Kenichi had linked this formation to Tsunade's summoning contract. Thus being able to send the house with Shizune and Tsunade inside straight to Katsuyu's location if worst comes to worst.

He did this because living for more than 700 years have taught him to always expect the unexpected.

After a few more hours, Kenichi felt a large number of people coming and opened his eyes calmly before getting up.

Looking in the direction where Kenichi felt them approaching, he kept a calm and peaceful smile on his face as he waited.

After an hour, Kenichi saw a large number of Shinobis appearing. They were led by Hiruzen.

Seeing all of them Kenichi said quietly still with a smile on his face.

-Wow, what a beautiful formation of ungrateful Shinobis and hypocrites. Jiraiya, Orochimaru, Sakumo Hatake, Hiruzen Sarutobi, Danzo Shimura, Fugaku Uchiha, Shiharo Nara, Hiashi Hyuga, Torifu Akimichi, Minato Namikaze, and the rest. (Kenichi) said quietly looking around.

Where's Tsunade? (Hiruzen).

-Right now, she is in the Shikkotsu Forest. Along with Katsuyu and Shizune. (Kenichi).

-Lies! Tsunade would never abandon you to die fighting us like that. (Hiruzen) said by gnashing his teeth with hatred. If Tsunade escaped, he would be doomed.

At that moment Kenichi began to laugh as if he had heard the funniest joke in the world.


Recovering some of the breath and recomposing Kenichi, said:

-Old man, you should become a comedian if you survive today. Because with jokes like that, you will surely make a fortune. (Kenichi)

Hearing the sharp mockery Hiruzen said:

-What's so funny about your death? (Hiruzen).

Looking at Hiruzen, Kenichi smiled when he said:

- You think you can kill me with only 2, 000 Shinobi as a backup. (Kenichi) said in mockery.

Looking around Kenichi said:

-I'm going to be straight with all of you. Before we start fighting, those who choose to leave now are going to live, the ones who stay will be killed. (Kenichi).

-I'm going to give you all five minutes to choose and say prayers to your gods. After that, I'm going to start attacking. (Kenichi) said as if he were looking at a flock of helpless sheep.

None of the Shinobi have moved and everyone prepares to fight.

-If you think you're going to intimidate someone, you're very wrong. You're going to die here. (Danzo) said coldly when signaling.

As soon as he signaled a huge violet barrier was erected around the entire place.

Looking around Kenichi said:

- Four Violet Flames Formation, a smart choice that way I can't leave without using space techniques (Kenichi).

And your second barrier is one that distorts space above the Four Violet Flames Formation which would prevent me from using space methods to get out. (Kenichi).

Looking around he saw that 8 Jonin was keeping both barriers.

Danzo seeing Kenichi's calm in quoting the methods thought he had frightened the boy when he said:

-Scared now that you're in jail? (Danzo).

Listening to Danzo, Kenichi smiled mockingly.

- I think you're misunderstanding something. (Kenichi).

-And what would that be? (Danzo).

-I'm not locked in here with you.(Kenichi) said before popping his fingers and a much larger barrier encompassing the Four Violet Flames Formation.

-You're locked in here with me! (Kenichi)

-But of course for those who say in a loud and clear voice that they want to leave before the deadline, I will open my barrier and I will not attack them as long as they do not attack me first. (Kenichi)

After that Kenichi simply waited and when there were only 40 seconds left until the 5-minute deadline he simply looked around as he smiled calmly and said:

- You're really all idiots. Tell me what gave you the confidence that you all can take me down? (Kenichi)

Hiruzen seeing Kenichi's calm said:

-We know exactly what you are capable of, kid. Every technique, every detail about your capabilities, everything you can have in your arsenal, we are ready for anything. (Hiruzen) said while he was stalling for time.

Hiruzen noticed that the barrier Kenichi established was draining his Chakra. At that point, he was simply buying time for Kenichi to drain even more of his Chakra believing that the boy was simply being too arrogant.

And the Yamanaka made a mental connection with everyone and confirmed the matter. Every minute, 10% of Kenichi's Chakra reserves were consumed.

That's why he ordered everyone to wait.

What no one noticed, however, is that the Barrier itself did not use all this Chakra. Kenichi was dumping Chakra in large amounts on the ground and in the air while pretending that the formation was using it to maintain itself.

But it was not as if it could be avoided, Kenichi was a man with more than 700 years of experience in using Fuinjutsu and then received all the information on the subject from God.

He had become the supreme master of Fuinjutsu of all time. Hoping that a group of "amateurs" could figure out what he was doing was simply ridiculous.

-Is that right? (Kenichi)

- How interesting, and tell me who you got this "accurate" information from? (Kenichi) said with a bright smile as if he found everything amusing.

Orochimaru who saw that smile had a bad feeling. He didn't know why but his instincts were screaming for him to get out of there.

The same happened to all those present, their instincts were screaming for everyone to flee as far away from Kenichi as possible.

-Jiraya and Orochimaru have collected all the data we need. (Hiruzen) said quietly.

-I understand. In that case, let me ask you, would you show your Trump Cards to someone you don't trust? (Kenichi)

Hearing the question everyone's instincts began to scream even more.

-What do you mean by that? (Fugaku) said , narrowing his eyes.

-What I mean is that every ninja with the least intelligence always keeps a Trump Card up his sleeve. (Kenichi)

-I'm much smarter than most ninjas. Do you really believe that I showed everything I could accomplish to these two, knowing that a group of people in Konoha wanted to kill me? (Kenichi)

Listening to Kenichi all began to suspect where he wanted to go.

Seeing the morale of everyone being affected Fugaku said:

-Even if you really have a trump card that doesn't matter. We have over 2,000 elite Shinobis here and you're just one. Fugaku

-And all present here are from clans that also have trump cards, their threats are definitely not empty. Fugaku

-You're half right. Almost everyone among you are members of clans or elite Shinobi who have their own trump cards. But tell me Fugaku, are you sure you're not forgetting anything? (Kenichi).

- The Uchiha have the Sharingan as their Kekkei Genkai. (Kenichi)

-The Hyuga have the Byakugan as their Kekkei Genkai. (Kenichi)

-What is the Kekkei Genkai the Senju own? (Kenichi)

Listening to Kenichi and understanding the implication many among those present felt the blood cooling.

-It's a bluff. (Fugaku) said frowning.

-You have 10 seconds left before I start killing all of you. (Kenichi) said with an innocent smile, but eyes colder than ice.

-If you want to give up, now's the time. (Kenichi)

While waiting for the 10 seconds to pass Kenichi continued to wait quietly.

Looking around no one gave up, and at that moment Kenichi said:

- With that, your time is up. Since no one has shown that you wanted to leave, I'm going to start attacking now. (Kenichi) said mockingly when red marks appeared around his eyes.

By the time Jiraya, Orochimaru, Danzo, Homura, Koharu, and Hiruzen saw the marks around Kenichi's eyes they had a single thought simultaneously.

"We're fucked."

Without waiting for anyone Kenichi joined hands in the Cobra's posture when he said mockingly:

-Let the extermination begin! Sage Art: Wood Style: Yggdrasil. (Kenichi)

The moment he finished speaking, everyone felt a huge amount of Chakra being used. Then a gigantic tree rose behind Kenichi at an unimaginable speed while exuding a huge amount of power.

Just looking at her everyone felt overwhelmed.

Another thing that caught everyone's attention was that the barriers that the Konoha Shinobis installed were destroyed as soon as the tree arose.

When the tree appeared everyone started moving, but it was too late.

When trying to launch a Jutsu or use the Chakra to strengthen the body, everyone found that they could not move the Chakra.

As soon as they noticed it all widened their eyes before a strong feeling of weakness amassed on all of them and each of Konoha's Shinobi fell to the ground without being able to move a single muscle.

They felt like their body weighed 100 tons underwater.

While they were immobilized, they all saw the branches of the trees going towards them and entering the bodies of each of those present except Kenichi.

They tried to move or use the Chakra however they could not move anything. At that moment, they heard Kenichi's mocking voice.

You won't be able to use Chakra or move anything but your head. (Kenichi).

Listening to Kenichi all saw him smiling mockingly.

-You see, Yggdrasil is a Jutsu that uses Senjutsu to temporarily block all my enemies' access to the Chakra while spreading a subtle poison that prevents the movement of anything beyond the essential muscles to survive and the head. (Kenichi).

-But this is just a side effect, the main effect of Yggdrasil is to drain the Chakra from you for something much more interesting. (Kenichi) said quietly.

- You really shouldn't have waited the five minutes to attack. (Kenichi)

But honestly, it didn't matter. If you all had attacked before that, they would have simply been brutally shot down. (Kenichi)

But don't worry, your deaths will be painless. And after killing all of you, I'm going back to Konoha and I will kill every adult in the clans who've agreed to be a part of this shit. (Kenichi) said with a bloodthirsty smile.

Jiraya seeing the smile on Kenichi's face said:

Kenichi, stop it. What's killing innocent people going to help you? (Jiraiya).

-I'm not going to kill the innocent, Jiraiya. Any child under the age of 10 will be spared because I'm not an irrational monster. (Kenichi).

-Those who will suffer before my fury will be the adults who have taken part with it.... (Kenichi) said before pausing and his eyes take on a cold tone.

All of them. (Kenichi).

Listening to Kenichi and seeing his cold eyes, everyone understood that their clans would suffer the consequences for their actions.

At that moment Fugaku said:

- My clan is not to blame for my actions. (Fugaku).

-It was my choice to come after you if you want to get back at someone else do this to me but leave the Uchiha clan out of it. (Fugaku).

Looking at Fugaku, Kenichi simply said:

- Would you have left my mother out of the matter? (Kenichi).

Hearing Kenichi's question everyone understood that begging wouldn't do any good, he wouldn't spare anyone.

But Jiraya still insisted on trying.

-Kenichi, not everyone in Konoha is guilty. (Jiraiya).

-Is that right? (Kenichi).

-So tell me, how many stood up for my mother and me when their beloved Hokage framed us, got us kicked out of our house, and chased us both to kill me and my mother just to protect Danzo, Koharu, and Homura? (Kenichi).

- I'm going to take a guess. Probably the number was at most 5 people and that at best. (Kenichi).

At that moment Hiruzen said:

-Kenichi, I know you must hate me but the will of fire burned in the heart of the Clan Senju for several generations. Kill me if you want but spare the others. (Hiruzen).

- They're not to blame for my decisions and they couldn't act against me. (Hiruzen).

Looking at Hiruzen, Kenichi smiled mockingly.

And why should I listen to you? (Kenichi).

-Do you want all the sacrifices your clan has ever made to be in vain? (Hiruzen).

-My clan? (Kenichi).

-As far as I can remember, I no longer have a clan. The Senju kicked me out and my mother because of what you said and promised them. (Kenichi).

-Isn't that right Hokage-Sama? (Kenichi) said in an extremely mocking tone.

Hiruzen hearing Kenichi at that moment deeply regretted it. He had bet everything on this attack and failed miserably to underestimate the opponent.

And worst of all, all of Konoha would bear the consequences of it. Hiruzen could already imagine Kenichi killing his entire clan.

Orochimaru who was silent so far quickly said:

-How about we make a deal, Kenichi? (Orochimaru).

-What would that be? (Kenichi).

-You save my life in exchange for me bringing your father back to life. (Orochimaru).

And how exactly do you plan to bring my father back to life? (Kenichi).

- Using a Jutsu named Edo-Tensei. (Orochimaru) said with a little joy at seeing Kenichi consider.

And why would I need you? (Kenichi) said with mockery.

Smiling even more Kenichi decided to mock a little more when he continued.

-I do not know if you understand Orochimaru, I can easily use this Jutsu myself. After all, it was something created by my great-grandfather Tobirama and I have access to it. (Kenichi).

-If you learned, I can too and if you look around you will see that what is not lacking for me are human sacrifices. (Kenichi).

-Yes, you certainly can but finding Kato Dan's genetic material is another story. (Orochimaru).

-His body has been destroyed and Konoha's blood banks no longer have any of his DNA. The only person who still has anything that can be used for Edo Tensei is me. (Orochimaru).

-You spare me and I'm going to give you this. (Orochimaru).

Hearing Orochimaru negotiating to save himself, everyone was shocked by how slippery the man was.

Looking at Orochimaru and thinking about his mother a little, Kenichi said:

-It's not enough. If you want me to spare your life, I want blood samples from Miito Uzumaki, Hashirama Senju, Tobirama Senju, Kato Dan, and Nawaki Senju. (Kenichi).

-If you have them, only then can we negotiate on how I can spare your life. (Kenichi)

-I have all the samples with the only exception being that of Miito however I can easily get a sample of her too if you give me 24 hours of time. (Orochimaru)

- Excellent, it looks like you're going to live to tell us about what happened here after all. (Kenichi)

Approaching Orochimaru, Kenichi put his hand on him. Soon a complex form of Fuinjutsu spread through his entire body in a moment, before sinking into his flesh and merging with his bones, Chakra's net, and his blood.

After seeing that ninjutsu was in place Kenichi controlled Yggdrasil to release Orochimaru and removed his Chakra which was preventing him from moving.

Looking at him Kenichi said:

-What I put in your body is a Bomb-type Fuinjutsu, no matter where you are, how you try to stop it or how many times you change bodies. (Kenichi).

-As long as your Chakra network, bones, blood or organs are from your current ones, I can activate Fuinjutsu wherever you hide and kill you with it. (Kenichi).

-You have 72 hours to bring me the DNA of Kato Dan, Hashirama Senju, Tobirama Senju, Nawaki Senju, and Miito Uzumaki. If you don't come back to this location within that time, you will die. (Kenichi).

-No conversations, no second chances, no negotiations. Bring me the DNA sample on time or explode. (Kenichi).

-After I receive the DNA and confirm that it is their DNA, only then will I free you from this Fuinjutsu and leave you aside for this betrayal of my mother's trust. (Kenichi).

-It's all right. (Orochimaru).

After that Kenichi opened his barrier and let Orochimaru out.

As soon as Kenichi opened his barrier, two other people tried to use something to leave however they were intercepted and fell dead.

Kenichi had prepared for other people's attempt to leave the barrier as well.