
25. My Little Headache

"I don't see what the big deal is. It's just a massive book." "Heh, shows how culturally aware you are. This magnum opus is going to change science and epistemology as we know it." "Episte-what? Sounds utterly boring to me." "Boy, the wrong people get to go to university," I muttered under my breath.

Lord Hastings had stopped by on his way to his usual den of pleasures for the evening- only to annoy me, I'm sure. He'd been extra-clingy since we met Prince Frederick; not that I'm complaining. Only it wouldn't be so bad if he didn't complain….. Like all of the time. The duke literally had nothing nice to say about the prince nor his lovely gift to me.

I watched with half-hearted annoyance as he balanced Kant's book in one hand. We were in Father's study where I was supposed to be writing a letter to Mary Shelley. But nooooooooo- can't have that. Lord Hastings just had to interrupt me again and be all obnoxious about it too. He finally set the book down and rolled his eyes.

"Why are you wasting precious time on this brick when you could be engaging in more….. refining pursuits?" He rolled his eyes for emphasis. "Oh yeah? Like what?" I asked annoyed. The duke paused here for a moment to think, as if he hadn't been expecting me to ask that. "Uh….. I don't know. Womanly things; feminine accomplishments. You already spend enough time on Latin as it is." "Forgive me, my lord. Not all of us are content to waste the days away with frivolity." His eyes sharpened onto mine unimpressed. "You have no idea what being a duke of a fiefdom is like," there was irritation- and a sprinkling of playfulness- in his tone. My smirk returned. "No, I suppose I don't. Ladies aren't burdened with such…. realities." "All the better for it. Now would you hurry up? I wanna get going soon." "I already told you- you can leave the manor without my escort. You know your way around the place by now," I sighed, rolling my eyes and turning back to my letter. Lord Hastings took a step towards the desk where I was sitting.

"It's bad manners for a hostess to dismiss her guest so casually, and I won't have my fiancée acting so indecorously." "Your fiancée? Last I checked, our engagement was annulled, your grace," I paused again so to look at him. This cunning smirk crept back on his lips as his eyes lowered. "I never consented to that." "Well, would you already? The situation might get…. awkward if you don't." "You don't tell me what to do- I tell YOU what to do. And I'm telling you to put down that god damn pen and come walk with me." God, this man….. This Adonis. My mouth opened to counter this, but we were interrupted by a knock at the door. It opened and Jennings brought in an envelope on a silver platter. "This just arrived for you, Miss." "Thank you, Jennings," I picked up the envelope which had a letter inside on royal parchment. My eyes lit up as a read up, grabbing the duke's attention.

"Who's it from?" "Prince Frederick. He'd invited me to tea with him in the palace gardens this Friday." The duke immediately scowled. "Shouldn't he have written to me first?" "Perhaps he did, but you weren't home to receive his invitation," I quipped back, earning a harsh glare. "Never mind. You may write him back confirming that we'll attend." "You're serious when you said that he and I could never be alone?" My eyebrow raised at him. His look at me just now said it all; the full front of his body was facing me straight on now. "Do I have to repeat myself- again?" "No, I'm just wondering why…..? You have no issue with the two of us being alone like this."

"That's because I know nothing bad will happen to you while I'm…"

His words trailed off as he quickly caught himself. I, meanwhile, was staring back his way with gigantic eyes. Wait a minute. What did he just say…..? I don't think he meant to say that out loud, judging by the horrified look on his face just now. Trying to rescue his dignity, he cleared his throat and straightened his back as tall as it would go. He fixed his coat for good measure.

"W-What I meant was that of course nothing will happen between us anytime we're alone. Sorry, but I don't find myself overwhelmed with temptation in your presence," Lord Hastings felt the need to tack on a smirk to convince me. It did not. I grinned gently at him from where I was still sitting, resting my arm on the back of the wooden chair. "Well, we'd be delighted to have your company anyway. I'm sure his majesty won't mind," I paused here momentarily to gather my thoughts. My eyes drifted downwards a bit in a contemplative fashion. "I should think of a gift for Prince Frederick, to thank him for his thoughtful present. I really….. really want him to like me."

A pregnant pause fell over the room. Lord Hastings let his false smirk slip away. "Why are you worried about that? The man brought you a book; a really dull book, but one you like apparently." "Does that mean…. he likes me?" I blinked to the duke hopefully. He rolled his eyes and shook his head. "For someone so smart, you can be really ignorant sometimes." "Hey!" "What? It's true. Obviously when a man gives a woman a gift, he's saying "I care about you"." I mulled this over for a minute; yeah, that made sense to me. "Huh….. I guess you're right. Explains why you've never given me anything," I couldn't resist adding a cheeky smile, which he did not appreciate. "I don't need to give you anything. You're my fiancée." "How long are you going to keep calling me that? Isn't the purpose of me courting Prince Frederick to marry him?" My eyes rolled exasperated. He smirked. "People court for several different reasons. Hence why you need me as an escort." "Oh please! I trust the prince, and we'll never be by ourselves regardless." "Yeah? Well I don't. Look, your safety and wellbeing are legally my responsibility until I say otherwise. So would you drop it already? I'm going and that's final. Heh….. Then there'll be at least one man there you like," he said under his breath, making my finger twitch in rage.

"What did you say?!" I loudly demanded. His smirk grew even wider. "You heard me. It's clear you're not attracted to that man," he cooed, coming to stand right up beside my chair. My hands balled into unconscious, upset fists. "How dare you suggest such a thing?! Of course I'm attracted to…. to…!" Snickering, he brought his forefinger and thumb up to my chin when I couldn't finish my sentence. "Lie to me again. See what I do," the duke said with the roguish, heart-stopping smirk of his. I frowned, having way too much fun; much more fun than this should be. Christ! Why does he have to be so hot like that? Of course the prince isn't going to compare with…..

My mental kick to the brain stopped that train of thought in its tracks. I yanked my face out of his grasp and frowned directly at him. "You can't talk to me like that anymore!" "The hell I can't," he replied teasingly, straightening his back once more. "Honestly, why do you care how I feel about Prince Frederick? It's no concern to you; you're only our escort." "Wrong- I'm your fiancé, and like it or not, what I say goes. Though heh, I know you do like it….. The prince can never make you blush the way I can," he smirked triumphantly. Watching him a moment, an idea suddenly struck my mind like a lightning bolt. It was so shocking that I audibly gasped in realization. Oh! Oh, I think I see what's going on…..

"Wait, are you….. jealous?" I couldn't help but add a delicious grin onto that. I was smiling; the duke, as you probably guessed, was not. Not anymore- not even a hint. "If you suggest such a thing again…" He began to threaten, and I had to supress a laugh. This was WAY too much fun, toying with him. How's it feel to be on the other side, my good sir? But alas, I was too polite to relish my victory for long. Still supressing a giggle, I closed my eyes and sucked in a deep breath. "There's nothing to be jealous over, my lord. Prince Frederick and I barely know each other. And I'm not jealous of the ladies you want to keep on the side!" I announced with confidence. Lord Hastings, however, looked like he was ready to pounce on me. "I'm not jealous!" He yelled a little bit too intensely. Uh huh, sure.

Not wanting to lose this verbal brawl, he smirked yet again, forcing his shoulders to relax. "Why would I be jealous of him? He's got to spend the summer dealing with you now." "Oh! So the prince is "dealing" with me, is that it? Well if I'm so hard to deal with, why don't you just leave me in his hands then? Wouldn't you be relieved to be done with us, as you originally wanted, your grace?" I got out of my seat, standing mere feet away from him. The duke grinned cleverly, closing the gap a little between us. "Plans change, Miss Bridgerton. You'd better get used to having me around….. I've never taken care of anyone before, but this'll be good practice." "Take care of? I thought you tamed women, not tended to them," my arms folded, and my heart was doing cartwheels. He chuckled, lowering his head slightly. "It might surprise you to learn that I can do both. I meant what I said: you're still my responsibility until I say so… And don't get me wrong- you are a migraine. Nothing but one headache after another…

But you're my headache from now on."