
18. High Above Me

The duke and I strolled along the park's pathway together, side by side but making sure our arms weren't linked or touching. I'd come to walk with Lady Danbury, which we did for a while. She went to speak to some nearby friends of hers who were also at the park, leaving me alone with my fiancé.

"To be honest I'm surprised you even came. Aren't you usually busy in the mornings?" I asked him in a light voice. The spring air felt so good, and the sun just lit up my cheeks. "I had some time today and Lady Danbury asked me to escort her to the palace." "She did? Awe, that was nice of you. You didn't have to stay and promenade with us though. I won't be offended if you leave now." "Believe me, I'm tempted. Why do you ladies always insist on walking before noon? You don't even have the heat of the day yet," Lord Hastings gazed up at the sky, and I gazed over at him. "Mornings are the best time for me to walk. It's too hot in the afternoon and exercising in heat isn't good for my condition. Besides, Father wouldn't let me go out in the evening." "Can't blame him for that. As for me, night is my favourite time to stroll about." "I bet it is," I slyly said, adding in a grin. He gave me one of those looks- you know, the "unimpressed but bemused" looks. Classic Lord Hastings.

My eyes soon lowered over to his wound. "How's your hand, by the way? Does it still hurt?" "It never hurt that much. Stop worrying like an old woman." "Don't you like having someone fret over you?" "Don't be ridiculous. I have my god mother for that," he rolled his eyes. "She doesn't seem like the type to concern herself with much," I countered. "Quite right, Miss Bridgerton. You could learn a thing or two from her," the duke smirked, clasping his hands behind his back. "I'm sure I could learn a lot from her," my grin returned. Softly closing my eyes, I drew in a long breath of the warm spring air. Ah, I love this; it feels so good.

I hope the air in Prussia is just as nice….

My eyes reopened after a minute to gaze forward. They widened when I spotted Lord Bertram in the distance. He was smiling and throwing a stick for his dog- a happy looking thing which fetched the stick eagerly. It took him a second to notice me walking there with the duke. But the instant he saw me his face lit up and he gave me a friendly smile and hand wave. I smiled and waved my hand back. Lord Hasting's gaze moved from him over to me; his eyebrow lifting up slightly.

"He sure looks pleased about something," there was a tartness to his tone. I let out a brief sigh. "Lord Bertram is nothing but a gentleman, and a kind one at that. YOU could learn a thing or two from him." "What? Like pestering somebody else's fiancée? In front of her intended too?" "Why should that bother you? It's not like you're ever going to bring me flowers," I remarked truthfully. To my surprise he didn't shoot me a glare at this, simply sighing in response. "You miss the point. It's the principle of the matter. A man does not flirt with a lady with her fiancé present- at least not before he has his permission to do so." "Oh, I see what you were upset about! It's not the fact Lord Bertram brought me flowers that bothered you; it's that he didn't ask you if he could beforehand. I see now…." "Oh, you think so? And let's say you're right- purely for argument's sake. What do you think I would have told Bertram if he asked me if he could bring you a bouquet of roses?" "You would have said "yes" obviously. I can't see any reason why you wouldn't." The duke didn't reply to this; he merely looked at me from the corner of his eye and kept his mouth shut, which I didn't take to be a bad sign at the time. I sighed blissfully to myself, shutting my eyes again. "Don't worry, my lord. I doubt any man will ever bring me roses without asking you first. The next gentleman who seeks your permission will remember to do so I'm sure….. And then I'll put the flowers in a vase somewhere I can see it," I breathed with a grin. I'll put the roses by the window, so I might think of the prince often…..

Lord Hastings snorted, rolling his eyes yet again. "You sound so confident that'll happen. What if I'm the next man who brings you roses?" "You wouldn't do that, would you?" I asked surprised. "Course not. Again, it's the principle of the matter. I don't court ladies, and I certainly don't buy them flowers like some love-struck dandy," he uttered under his breath, pushing his glare off to the side in disgust. "You mean you never buy your mistresses flowers?" I blinked at him curious. "I don't want to discuss my extra-marital affairs with you," he shot back with even more disgust. "Why not? It's no secret; I know you're seeking the pleasures of love elsewhere. Why can't we talk about it with each other?" "Uh, maybe because you're my fiancée?" I considered this a moment, lowering my head a little. "Ok. Well, maybe don't talk to me like I'm your fiancée. Talk to me like I'm your friend." "And are we friends, Miss Bridgerton?" His eyes flew back onto me, and not in a nice way. "I don't think so? Why? Do you think we're friends?" The duke tisked, glancing away. "I'm not going to dignify that with a response." "Whatever you say, your grace," I grinned to myself. That means "no"….

I think.

Still, I felt the need to nip this in the bud; I'd be preoccupied with another man soon enough and he had to know I was alright if he did the same. "But seriously, my lord, you can be honest with me. I won't judge you too harshly; I won't judge you at all! I know what you're like." "Do you know how weird it sounds when you talk like that?" Lord Hastings rebuffed. "Why? What's weird about it?" "Oh, I don't know. Maybe that we're an engaged couple and women don't like sharing their men typically?" "Oh, you think I'm going to get jealous!" I gasped in realization. He tisked a second time. "I never said that, Miss Bridgerton." "Well then let me put you at ease. Look! There're some pretty ladies. Why don't you go talk to them?" I pointed to a cluster of women gathered under a large oak tree. "I don't need my fiancée being my wingman," the duke immediately frowned. "It's ok; I won't mind! I'll go find Lady Danbury," I offered but he still refused. "Like I said, this is something I certainly don't need your help with. And I'm not going to trifle with any old lady off the street." "You don't have to. You can have any girl you want," I encouraged. His eyes rolled once more. "I don't want just "any girl". My type is very particular: strong character, lots of personality, can handle her own. I like my women buxom and stubborn," he had to add a vain smile with this, making me roll my own eyes. I swear, this guy…. Hey, wait a minute!

"You never like it when I'm stubborn!" I cried suddenly seeing the hypocrisy in his words. "That's different. I can't turn you over my knee and tame you." Oh! Oh… That actually sounds amazing; I almost feel sorry he'll never do that to me. Is that what he does to other women? Lucky girls. Oh well, c'est la vie. I didn't notice the duke smirking at me now, analysing my facial reaction. "Or would you prefer me do that, Miss Bridgerton?" "Of course I would, but I'm your fiancé. I guess you can't just treat me like that." "No, I have to treat you like the proper, prim lady you are," he too sighed reluctantly and disappointed. My shoulders shrugged. "Ah well, you'll make some other girls happy." "Was that a hint of jealousy I detected in your tone, my lady?" He smirked in pre-mature victory. Oooooooh, it will be fun to tear that arrogance down. I flashed him an equally sassy smirk back. "Certainly not, your grace. It would un-lady-like to experience such emotions as petty as jealousy. Really! Me, jealous? The very idea…"

"Oh? So you don't want me to tame you then?" "Do you think I need taming?" I swiftly fired back saucily. His half-smirking, half-grinning head leaned in closer to mine. "I think you need it. I just can't be the one to do it. You're too high above me for that…. at least until we're married." "Our marriage will change that? I didn't know I could be brought down to your level," I felt almost bad how much I was smiling; I'd never been this bold before with well…. anyone. The duke brought out the cheekiness in me. Oh, and you should have seen the punishing glare he gave me just then; I had to hide a silent laugh with the back of my hand.

"What did you just say?" "Nothing; nothing. Nothing at all." "No, say it again. I wanna hear it," he demanded firmly. "I didn't say anything, your grace!" Meanwhile I was trying so hard not to laugh. "You think marrying me will bring you down off that little pedestal of yours," Lord Hastings accused me. "Of course I don't! I don't think I'm on a pedestal. You're the one who said I'm high above you," I teased. Only then did his smirk return after another moment of glower at me. He chuckled sinisterly to himself, arching his back a little. "God, I wish I could tame you… But it's true, what I said just then." "What?" I asked him, earning another smirk mixed in with a genuine pleasant grin. If I didn't know any better, I'd say the duke was smiling at me… "You are high above me. I do want to tame you, but I sorta like you this way. I wanna keep up there….

It gives me something to look up to."