
The Mortal God of Olympus

Born to an Archangel and a God, I always knew my story wasn't going to be simple. Especially in a world full of rival gods, scheming Devils, vengeful Angels, and monsters who would love nothing more than to chew upon my bones. But hey, atleast I had a trusty Gamer system by my side. I was literally born to be overpowered, what could possibly go wrong? Dark Mc, Gamer Mc/OC Mc *This is a crossover fic between Percy Jackson series and highschool Dxd. I'm also posting this on fanfiction site under the same name.

Robs511 · Book&Literature
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71 Chs

Chapter 8

My mother and her guest had stopped talking as soon as I started climbing the stairs, probably aware of my wakefulness. The stairs themselves were quite interesting, as white as my wings and spiralling upwards, with small glowing graffiti designs carved upon them. There were lit up torches stuck on the wall which gave more evidence to this being some ancient cavern. But as I finally reached up, I had to admit I was quite wrong.

It was a church. A freaking church with Christ's crosses and big bells hanging from the ceiling. I was standing on some raised platform and a huge wooden cross was standing at the centre of the stage.

I couldn't observe the church more, because my face was suddenly pressed into my mother's shoulders.

"Thank father you are alright! You scared me so much, kael." She whispered softly, her hands tightening around me in a desperate hug.

"I'm fine, mother." I comforted her, patting her head. But my eyes were fixed on the male figure who was sitting on one of the church benches, grinning towards us like a fool.

He was a tall man, standing at over 6 feets atleast. With a small gotee on his sharp chin and black hair with blonde bangs in front, he would probably be considered a handsome man. The guy was dressed in a violet coat akin to heath ledger's joker. And matching violet pants with a dark brown dress shirt. Yep, he was definitely cosplaying joker alright. Well...except that we were still in 1990s and the movies hasn't even been made. But still!



Race: [Fallen] Angel [12-Winged]

Tier: 7 (Minor God)

Level: 625

Holy Power: 6,000,000/6,000,000

Stamina: 6,320,000/6,320,000

Health: 6,140,000/6,140,000


Strength: 620

Speed: 649

Dexterity: 632

Endurance: 610

Constitution: 614

Mental: 65

Spirit: 610

The being was powerful, on the same tier and rank as my mother. I should've felt some respect for him considering he can crush me like a bug, and normally I would've. But as his eyes leered at my mother's behind, annoyance filled me up. And then the bastard met my eyes and gave me a grinning thumb's up.

"Who's the clown mum?" I asked irritatedly, and took no small amount of satisfaction as the fallen angels smile was wiped away in a gaping shock.

"Oh, of course." My mother murmured, but instead of releasing me she picked me up completely and settled me on her hips.

Not wanting to argue in front of this weirdo, I just slipped my arms around her neck and held on.

"This here is my younger brother, Azazel." The man waved at me, getting over his shock. "He is now the leader of the fallen angels, and the one providing us with a house in this city."

"I see." I replied as unenthusiastically as I can.

But luck did not seem to be at my side because my mother decided to leave us alone and go create us some food.

With just each other for company, I expected us to pass it off in awkward silence. But the man had some other plans.

"You have no idea how lucky you are my young friend." The blonde-banged cretin exclaimed, his eyes scanning my mother as she left us. "But you will know one da—argh!"

The man screeched as my hand shot towards his left ear, twisting it with all my strength. Which was a lot after that tier upgrade.


"You will not look at my mother like that." I hissed at the bastard, dragging his face to look him in the eye. "Or I swear I will rip your eyes out of your pathetic goat face!"

"Alright alright, I got it!" The fallen being replied, raising his hands in surrender.

With a huff, I let go of him.

"I get it, you don't want me to look at your mother." The fallen started again, a teasing glint in his eyes as he whispered quietly. "You want to hog her all for yourself."

He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively.

I looked the being in the eye and nodded seriously. "Damn straight."

"...What?" The man gave me a blank stare before realisation set in, and with narrowed eyes he gave me an appreciative whistle. He then came close to my ears and whispered. "You really are his son aren't you? Pining after your own mother when you are not even ten yet. Your father must be proud."

"You will keep your mouth shut." I replied with a glare, but made sure to whisper as quietly as he did. These damned angelic senses really made keeping secrets a chore.

He pinched his own throat and nodded with a wink. "Your secret is safe with me dear nephew. Pinkie promise." He extended his little finger towards me.

I looked at the finger with disgust but in the end I stabbed at it with my own pinkie finger. "Whatever."

After that though, the man's entire demeanor seemed to change. "Now, I've heard your wings are quite unique amongst our kind." He still had small lackadaisical smile on his face, but there was a darker edge of thirst and curiosity in his eyes. "I'd love to take a look at them. You know, as payment for my silence." He winked again, trying to seem light and childish.

But I couldn't forget the slight touch of madness in his eyes; the way his eyes lit up at the prospect of something new. This man...he had a curiosity akin to a cartoonish mad scientist.

Still, I couldn't see any harm in showing off my wings. Afterall, who wouldn't wish to be graced by their beauty? I completely understood the guy.

With a push of pure Will, my wings flared out of my back in all their glory.

"Indeed.. she hadn't been joking." The man whispered absently, slightly touching the tips of my snow white wings before tracing the jet black stripes. "Beautiful. And unique. Truly amazing."

I preened under the attention, before a thought struck me all of a sudden. "Are there any more like me?"

"Hmm?" The fallen seemed confused for a second before his eyes lit up. "You mean with similar wings like you? No, there are none. The only being that comes close is your namesake, Michael. His wings are golden. But he wasn't born with them now, was he? No, in that, you are still unique."

I decided not to point out that technically I wasn't born with them either. I did unlock them just half a year ago afterall.

"I wonder..." The being continued to murmur absently. "Will they change further as you grow in power? Or perhaps...hmm. Interesting."

Mother came back by that time, balancing a hearty meal on her hands. Azazel hastily backed away, before straightening up like a gentle man, and I pulled back my wings in.

Gabriel shot him a suspicious look. "And may I ask what were you doing, brother?"

The fallen smiled charmingly and opened his mouth to reply, no doubt to spew some A-class bullshit.

"He was gushing at my wings." I answered before him, interrupting whatever lie he could come up with.

He looked at me in utter betrayal. I stuck my tongue out.

"Aza, didn't I tell you to stop with your antics?" Gabriel chastised.

The man gave me a killer look before a smirk found its way into him. "Yes well, see, Mikael here was describing me the levels of appreciation he has for you. Why, he seems quite eager to–argh!"

I pinched his arm from under the church bench where mum wouldn't see.

The man swatted my hands and shifted two feets away before shooting me an evil look.

Mother nodded in understanding at his earlier comment. "You shouldn't believe everything he says. My son gives me more credit than i deserve." She then gave me a sweet gentle smile.

I smiled just as brightly in return.

"That's not what I–urgh!?" I cut him off again by a quick kick to the shin.

Unfortunately I couldn't shut his mouth.

"Your son is Bullying me!" The leader of fallen angels whined as he scrambled away from me.

Of course, my mum didn't believe him for a second. She turned her stern eyes on her brother instead. "Aza, stop your antics. Now."

The former angel gaped in shock. "How could this happen to me?" He whispered.

I wanted to do a happy jig but that would probably get me busted. So I settled on shooting him a smug smile.

My mother was simply the best.

After that we sat together on a table conjured by mother, eating the generous portion that she made. The topic of conversation though, was starting to bore me as it changed into serious things, which i could barely follow.

"There is a reason I chose this city for you." Azazel started, much more serious than he was previously. "As of now, this city is held in balance through the coexistence of devils and exorcist. Unfortunately, it won't be long before it is broken."

He sighed tiredly, shoving a small file of papers towards mother. "The peace between the factions will not last long if this information comes out into the open. It will be too much of an advantage for the devils."

"King pieces?" Gabriel muttered absently as her eyes scanned through the text.

Azazel leaned back, waving his hands at Gabriel. "I believe you are the key to achieve true peace, darling sister. You are the most beloved amongst the angels. Even now, they remember you as someone who defended them from the Olympians unwanted attention instead of viewing you as a fallen. Even my own faction has been excited to receive you for the past six years now, and I speak for all the fallen angels when I say that. Upon this, you now have an in with the devils. Yes, you may be a stray currently but that could be easily resolved."

He leaned towards the table, his eyes alit with fire. "Never has this ever happened in the history of our pantheon. A being so closely bound to all the three factions. You, Gabriel, can single-handedly lead the three factions to peace. Just like you always dreamt about, your dream can now come true."

I could see that the words affected her. She looked hopeful and excited for the next few seconds before her gaze met mine and the hope and excitement was replaced by fear and worry.

"I'm sorry, Aza. But I cannot." She pushed back the papers towards him.

The fallen looked genuinely shocked at her gesture. "May I ask why?"

Instead of responding, she stood up from her seat and approached me. I knew what she wanted, and let her hug me to her chest without any protests.

"The old Gabriel was a selfless naive girl who only wanted the best for our world. I'm not her, aza. I'm selfish...and a coward..and I don't wish to face the threat that task will present."

I wanted to protest her harsh words but something told me to keep quiet. To let her throw out everything in her heart. So I simply patted her back and tried not to be discomforted by her massive globes. Now wasn't the time.

"My safety matters little to me, but that is not the only thing I will need to worry about should I take this endeavour. You know the devils– some may be decent, but there are many who will target anyone who is close to me, just to bind me with a leash. And there is only one who truly matters to me. I cannot, aza. Not even the world means anything to me before my child."

My heart clenched at her words, doing cartwheels through my body. I hugged her even closer, kissing her cheeks tightly.

Azazel himself stood quietly. I couldn't see his face, what with my face being burried where it was, but the silence in the air was so thick, you can almost hear the lack of noise.

"...Not even father?" He asked evenly.

Father...God. I almost feared the answer but a part of me knew it was obvious.

"No, brother. Not even him." She spoke the words without a single hesitation.

Could someone die of sweetness overdose? Can anyone get a heartattack by feeling sickening levels of love? Well...my heart was on the mission to find that. So to protect my heart and mind, i focused on azazel instead.

"I see." The man replied calmly. "It's a good thing I never said anything about risking his life then, eh?"

I could literally hear the smugness in his words and cursed him with all my might for breaking such a holy moment as mother abruptly turned towards him.

'No! Give your attention back to me! He doesn't deserve your focus!'

"What do you mean?" Gabriel asked him, ignoring the silent whine my heart gave.

Azazel on the other hand, looked like he was about to tell us his evil master plan.

"Mikael will leave for olympus when he turns eight, will he not?" The fallen asked rhetorically. "No devil is foolish enough to tangle with the greek gods. He will be safe there. As safe as one can be around Greeks of course. But until that time comes, you are free to live in this city. Between the devils and the exorcists, you shall remain hidden."

My mother started contemplating the offer. She turned to glance at me, her eyes silently asking for my input.

"I'm fine with whatever you choose mother." I said with a smile.

But inwards, I just wanted her to reject the offer and be done with it. I did not want my mother to risk her life for others. But I didn't say that out loud because that'll be similar to spitting on her dreams of peace.

Thankfully, mother still looked conflicted. Maybe I can subtlety push her to reject...

Of course, the goat faced bastard took that moment to open his uncontrollable trap mouth.

"Kuoh is also home to one of the best schools in Japan. It will be good for Mikael to spend some time with children his age. Plus, with my magical barriers around the city, Mikael will not attract unwanted attention."

'No. No no no no, please mum no.' I desperately prayed in my mind.

But I knew I'd lost when her eyes twinkled like shining stars. "Very well, azazel. You've convinced me."

God damnit.

"You'd like that wouldn't you, kael?" She cooed at me.

"Of course, mother." I replied, gritting my teeths in annoyance. "It's just fabulous to spend time with six year olds."

I glared at azazel as I spat the words out. The fallen looked at me unrepentantly, a satisfied smile fixed on his face.

"Revenge is good." He mouthed the words before giving me a thumb's up.

Stupid bastard.