
Finding Home - Chapter 1

Moon awoke and looked over to the beautiful man sleeping peacefully beside her. She still could not believe the incredible feeling she got every time she looked at him, or touched him, or heard his voice, or how he made her knees go week if he smiled at her, she never wanted that feeling to disappear, she loved the way it made her tummy flutter.

However Loup's peaceful sleep and Moon's ogling was suddenly and abruptly bought to a halt, there was a constant loud banging coming from somewhere in the castle that demanded their immediate attention.

Moon was up and out of bed before Loup could even properly open his eyes, she left the bedroom door open as she fled in the direction that the banging seemed to be coming from.

Loup jumped out of bed and sprinted towards Moon.

Loup: "Moon stop, please you do not know what awaits you when you find this noise, please stop you might get killed!"

Moon: "I have been so focused on you, I completely neglected my kingdom and its people. I need to rectify this immediately."

Loup: " You will not be able to do what you must if you are killed because you ran willingly into the enemies arms."

Moon: "What makes you so sure that the noise means danger? What if it is someone that needs help? Now please let go of my arm Loup, I do not want to have to cut it off!"

Loup: "Because I can smell them, its werewolves! They are here to finish what my brother could not, and I promise you that they have been given strict orders to not stop until everything and everyone is destroyed. I will not let go of your arm to allow you to go out there and get killed!"

Moon: "Loup I meant it when I said that I would cut of your arm. I am the Queen of this kingdom, it is my duty to protect my people, I will destroy anything in my path that prevents me from doing that!"

Loup: "Please let me go first to investigate, while you wait here?"

Moon looked Loup in the eyes and indicated that he go before her with her hand as she watched him walk past her towards the sound, she followed close behind him.

They knew they where getting really close now, because the noise was defining at this point.

Loup indicated to Moon that she should crouch down and be quiet, as they where going to have to round a corner before they reached the source of the noise.

Slowly and quietly the pair crept around the corner, only to be met by big heavy wooden doors that looked as if someone or something was trying really hard to break them down from the outside. To the left of the doors was a small window, Loup peeped out and was shocked at the sight that met him, outside the land was black covered with werewolves, they had all sorts of weapons and Loup could see them climbing up the outside of the castle walls, he turned to Moon and lift her up next to him so that she to could also look out the window.

As soon as Moon witnessed the ciaos outside she turned to Loup and said: "We need a plan, we need to go get weapons , and we need help!"

Loup: "Lets start with one step at a time, so since we are still not sure about the plan, lets focus on the weapons instead, are they here in the castle?"

Moon: "Yes follow me."

With that Moon turned and ran back into the castle, in the direction of the dungeons, but just before they got to the hall way that led to the dungeons they turned right into another darker hall way, it was a very long hall way, and Loup tried to imagine what room of the castle was above them, but since he had not had much time to explore the castle yet, he was not able to figure it out.

Finally it seemed as if they had reached the end of the hall way, because they where suddenly being blocked buy a steel door that looked like a safe door that you would typically find in bank vaults.

Moon turned the knob on the door, first three clicks to the right then two clicks to the left and then one click either way, and the heavy steel door popped open. When they step into the room, Loup's jaw dropped to the ground. Every weapon that Loup has ever imagined or have seen in really life seemed to be in this room.

Loup: "Moon this is insane, where did you get all these weapons?"

Moon: "This is a castle you know, and I do normally have a whole army full of soldiers to protect me! The castle's Armory normally consists of 300 men, I need to provide them all with weapons."

Loup: "Your smart mouth needs to be silenced, come here!"

As Loup said this he took one large step towards Moon, grabbed her around her waist and forcefully pulled her body towards his, when their bodies collided so did their lips. He forced his tongue into her mouth, very gently and slowly he started playing with her tongue and was rewarded with a soft moan from Moon, so he slipped his hand into her pants to find her sweet wet center and he flicked his finger over her already swollen pleasure button, he felt her legs shiver so he did it again twice, and she almost sank to the floor on her knees.

Loup pulled out his hand and ended the kiss. Moon was confused and very frustrated, he had made her all hot and bothered and now he was going to walk away, not finish what he started?

Moon: "Loup please don't stop now, I can feel myself throbbing for you!"

Loup was once again in her personal space, and put his hand behind her head drawing her face towards his as if he was going to kiss her, but instead he turned her head slightly so that he could whisper into her ear.

Loup: "Good that is exactly what I wanted! Is it your sweet, sweet center throbbing?"

Moon: "Yes."

Loup walked round her so that he was now standing behind her, and she felt his hands move over her buttocks rubbing them gently, his lips where kissing her in her neck behind her left ear lob, she leaned back her head onto his shoulder to expose more of her neck for him to kiss, and once again she felt his hands slip down the front of her pants towards her throbbing center.

Loup flicked his finger over her swollen clit again, and again he felt her go weak in her knees, then he moved his hand to rest just above her center. With his other hand he took a fist full of her hair and gently tugged her head back to expose her neck again, gently he started kissing his way towards her ear again, her moans were getting louder and her breathing was getting heavier, Loup again whispered in her ear.

Loup: "Do you feel desperate for release yet, my sweet needy Queen?"

Moon: "Yes, please Loup. Stop teasing me."

As she said this, Loup's hand that was resting above her center again grazed over her swollen throbbing clit, but once again he stopped after four small strokes.

It was at this point that Moon was seriously considering knocking him to the ground and jumping onto his penis, and just as she was about to turn around so that she could face him, he suddenly grabbed both her wrists in one of his big hands and pinned them firmly in the center of her back, with his other hand he again grabbed a fist full of her hair, and pulled her head back so that he could talk into her ear, and again he whispered to her:

Loup: "Are you frustrated? What dose it feel like, is it making you mad?"

Moon: "Yes, and I am seriously not impressed with this game! What are you trying to prove?"

So what do think Loup is up to?

Be on the look out for chapter 2 in Finding Home to reveal Loup's plan.

Adrianne_Noltecreators' thoughts