
The Monstrous King and his sweet Evil Queen

In the mysterious realm of Kalvon, where shadows whispered tales of Kings and Queens, none were as infamous as King Jetaime. Whispers echoed through the cobblestone corridors and darkened chambers of the palace, painting a macabre portrait of a heartless sovereign scarred by the cruelty of fate. His legs, so the tales spun, were lifeless appendages, and his face, a grotesque canvas of boils. His was a visage that struck terror into the hearts of those who dared imagine it. Yet, destiny took an unforeseen turn on the eve of a grand wedding night. Princess Jaelyn, cursed and hidden away within the confines of Malavon Castle, was the unwilling pawn in a malevolent game of power. Her name, synonymous with evil, and her every step marked by the devil's touch. However, as she stepped into the grand hall to meet her monstrous groom, a man emerged before her, shattering the grotesque image painted by gossip. King Jetaime stood not as the rumored monster, but as a vision of unexpected sweetness, love, and undeniable handsomeness. The discrepancy between the tales and the reality sparked a whispered question in the minds of those who witnessed this surreal union — had she unwittingly married an imposter, or were the rumors nothing more than twisted fragments of a darker imagination? As King Jetaime and Princess Jaelyn embarked on their tumultuous journey, the chessboard of power and revenge unfolded. Locked in a dance of secrets and hidden motives, the two found themselves entangled in a love that defied the expectations set by the world. The King, who had never allowed anyone close, now placed his heart willingly in her hands. Princess Jaelyn, driven by the flames of vengeance, found an unexpected ally in the man she was supposed to despise. Together, they navigated the treacherous waters of courtly politics, facing a power struggle fueled by conspiracies that threatened to tear them apart. In the battle between love and destiny, the question lingered like an ethereal mist — was their connection a mere human maneuver or a divinely fated love? As the story unfolded, the narrative wove a tapestry of twists and turns, challenging the very essence of their existence. Could love truly conquer all things, or were some cases destined to be eternally hopeless? Two empty hearts, two lives devoid of love, collided in a dance of darkness and light. A monster king and an evil queen united to become one, their journey unfurling like a forbidden scroll. The world watched with bated breath as the saga unfolded — a tale of love, betrayal, and the relentless pursuit of a destiny that defied the predetermined life. Cover by Java graphics.

Marianne_2020 · History
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61 Chs

Its Thursday

Jetaime watches Lyn finish all her food, "can I go now?" She mumbled standing to her feet and ready to leave. She was glad he didn't talk about her father again. She hates him to the core that she couldn't pretend to like him when he mentioned his name.

"Well yes. It's Thursday so you will be spending the night here in my chamber. I will tell Madam Yina to get you ready," Jetaime hissed with a soft smile staring at Lyn's confused face. Of course, she doesn't want to spend the night with him, in fact, she doesn't want him near her. She needs to hide her secrets.

"I'm not so thrilled myself but just to put madam Yina at ease and the rest of the council off my back," Jetaime thought to clarify the situation even so Lyn wish she didn't have to.

"If you could send the prime minister's daughter to a prostitute house who are the council members?" Lyn asked, after her wild imagination earlier she is more terrified to be anywhere close to him and she wasn't buying his lame excuse about the council members.

"Will you like to join her there? Since you worry about her so much and trust me, I can send you there to keep her company and you will have a lot of male companions," Jetaime mumbled walking close to her as he takes her breath in but kept a straight face.

He has fallen for her and he is losing his grip. He always wants to be around her. He is happy when he sees her, sad when she is sad, and he could burn the world and anyone in it, if she feels hurt or angry, he wants her for himself.

"I will excuse myself now your highness," Lyn said sarcastically with a gentle bow and walks out on him even before he could say another word or even excuse her.

"Hey," Jetaime tried to stop her but she was long gone. He asked the guards to send the plates and prepare the queen to spend the night in his chamber.

He smiled at the thought and walks out to look for Byron.


It's not so bad in here since everyone there was a girl she thought. "Hey," a male voice suddenly startled her, she abruptly turned and ran in the opposite direction.

"Beauty stop," the young male voice said, he was a scholar and very charming. Surprisingly it was three of them with the same faces. They were triplets.

One of them caught up to her first. He grabs her hand and turned her to face him.

"Come on, we are not going to hurt you, we just want to talk," he said in a sweet charming voice that any girl will fall for, too nice for a girl in a Kagon.

"I don't want to talk now let go of me," Asa yells. The other two brothers have caught up with her.

The three of them formed a circle around while Asa lifts her head up straight staring at all three of them, she couldn't help but stare at their handsome faces. One was a blessing, and three of them is heaven she thought

Judging from their clothes, they were high-profile people and if she could make all three of them fall for her, they will move the world for her at the snap of her fingers. She thought as she smiles.

"That's more like it, we just want to play a little if you are okay with it of course," the one in front of her said as his hand trailed up her sides. He stepped closer to her pining her against the wall.

The other two each grab one arm of hers then lean down and brushed his lips across her cheek and then up to her ear.

Asa thought it was best not to react since men like innocent girls, for this to work she has to appear pitiful. She suppressed every desire building up in her.

The one standing in front of her brought his nose close to her neck and kisses it passionately as she clenched her legs together trying not to react to any of it.

The other one on her side moves his hand down, and snuck under her short dress, as both their fingers grazed inside her pants, she flinch while he continued to kiss her neck and her lips she couldn't hold it up anymore as she responded to their kisses, she held both hands of the brothers to reach in and touch her. She wanted them to touch her, the two fingers simultaneously would be great.

She was about to tilt her open her legs apart so thy can gain more access if that was what stopping them she thought.

They froze and moved away from her together, "You want all three of us don't you? If we all touch you won't that be great," the one in the middle smirked walking back to her as her face was horrified. She thought she was in control but it seems she was wrong. they were in control and they were enjoying teasing her she cussed.

He snuck his hand into her pant and stares at her, "you are so turned on," he said and went ahead to touch her, he could feel his wet just when he was about to give her want she so wanted at that moment, Prince Dewey made his way to the fifth floor to witness the scene.

"Let go of her you bastard," he said pushing the two brothers away and punching the one standing close to Asa.

He holds his jaw and smirks. "Maybe some other time, gorgeous," he said folding his hand behind his back and walking away. It was fun teasing her.

"Are you okay Asa? Did they touch you inappropriately?" Prince Dewey asked concern while she looks at him with disgust. Never in her life did she think she was sleeping with her cousin. She thought sleeping with a soldier that commanded armies will give her great benefits so she asked no questions and didn't wishes to see his face it never mattered to her but instead she was deceived.

She lost everything because of a guy he wouldn't even look at twice on a regular day.

"I hate you, now get lost," she said.

"Please, I promise I will get you out of here, you need to take care of yourself and our baby," Prince Dewey muttered.

"Get lost! I wasn't pregnant, and even if I was after finding out you weren't Lander I would have killed it. you are wretched and your biggest achievement in your miserable life was having to sleep with me. you disgust me," Asa said angrily walking back to her room and shutting the in his face.

Prince Dewey didn't know what to say but left quietly he already made a scene which of course will soon reach the ears of the king and he won't be able to run away again. he wasn't hurt because he was aware of how his cousin felt about him, he thought she will change her mind after being with him as Lander.

He took off immediately.