
The Monkey Kings Legacy In ATG[Old]

Xia Ye was the son of a man named Xia Hongyi. His birth was unexpected and strange as he had arrived into the world with no warning. His features were abnormal, having a tail but looking human. He was neither beast nor human or anything else the world had ever seen before. Slowly as he grew, so did the mystery surrounding his birth. Having a strange personality, he wished he could live life how he saw fit; however, too many things shackled him. He was incapable of cultivating due to the fact he was not born with Profound Veins. And compared to his loving family he was worthless. However, on his fifteenth birthday, all of that changed. An incident that could be considered one of both good and bad fortune had occurred, which finally unlocked the truth behind his existence. It was on that day that the world had begun to change, and Xia Ye began to rise under his new title, 'The Monkey King.'

Aizen_Dleitch · Anime & Comics
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29 Chs

The White Tiger

Wen Zhong might not have been able to react, but his friends most certainly were. Staring at Xia Ye, who was walking away, one of them reached for the spear on his back. Everyone watched as the spear released the Profound Strength equaling that of the True Profound Realm. Xia Ye stopped in his tracks as he sighed.

'I don't even know why I bother giving them a chance. They only understand one thing.' Xia Ye reached for Ruyi Jingu Bang, the spear-wielding cultivator behind him, unleashed an attack towards the back of his neck. "World Crossing Thrust!" Despite being over forty meters away from Xia Ye, his Profound Energy created the illusion of his spear extending.

The thrust was lightning-fast, cutting through the air and nearly blinding as even some of the spectators with similar cultivation levels "Heh." A cruel laugh entered everyone's ears as a shockwave swept over the area. The ground cracked while clouds of dust and debris were sent flying into the air. Seeing the aftermath, some shook their heads while others acted indifferent, in the end, it was Xia Ye's fault for walking into this selection without cultivation was suicide.

"All that confidence while turning your back against a Disciple of the Crushing Spear Sect, but in the end, you died so easily." However, just as he finished speaking, his eyes widened as his gaze locked on the position Xia Ye was just standing in. Holding a golden staff in a defensive position he had clearly been pushed back but was unharmed.

"Talk, talk, talk. Maybe if you spent as much time cultivating and practicing as you did goading, that attack would have landed properly." No one really understood what just happened. Clearly, the attack had hit, but Xia Ye had managed to block it? None of them had even sensed any Profound Strength being used.

On top of that, with an attack from a Spirit Profound Realm Cultivator being used outside of one of the arena's multiple people had their attention was attracted. "Seems someone is causing a commotion. We've already finished our matches today. Should we check it out, Senior Sister?" Dressed in the Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace attire, a girl was speaking to the other two girls standing next to her.

"Hmm, this might be our only chance to get move around outside of the Palace for the next few years. Besides im interested in who has the nerve to cause trouble in a city like this." Hearing their Senior Sister, the other two agreed as the three of them began making their way towards the commotion. Of course, they weren't the only ones who were interested.

Meanwhile, at the fight, Xia Ye's attacker recovered from his shock after hearing the crowd around him. "Tch, so your not as weak as I thought." Suddenly he felt a hand on his shoulder as he turned his head. Wen Zhong was standing there with the red mark from Xia Ye's tail still on his face.

He had fully recovered from his shock, and now only seething anger was left. "Wen Fuyei, leave him to me." Fuyei felt his shoulder being pressed down on as he nodded and retreated back. "Looks like he's really angry." The other Disciple of the Crushing Spear Sect looked at Wen Zhong while speaking.

"Heh, that guy might be hiding his strength, but there's no way he's winning against Wen Zhong. Though this is a good chance for everyone to marvel as our Sects Spear Profound Arts." His friend agreed as they prepared to watch the show. Wen Zhong pulled the golden adorned spear from his back, swiping it through the air.

"You should have run the moment you got the chance. I'll fill you with so many holes no one will recognize you." Lowering Ruyi Jingu Bang, Xia Ye smirked as he replied. "Im not into guys but thanks." Hearing that, Wen Zhong's eyes widened before narrowing down even more. "Whatever a dead man's prattle holds no weight."

[Xia Ye, you should be cautious.] He didn't need Sun Wukong's reminder as he remained silent and focused. His strength hadn't increased much since his last fight, and he couldn't be as reckless as when he fought the Burning Heaven Clan. Despite only being one realm stronger than Fen Yuange, Xia Ye had felt the full impact of that thrust, and it actually shook him a bit.

As for Wen Zhong, who was even stronger, he couldn't risk making a mistake. Suddenly one of the soldiers managing the arenas called out. "There is no fighting allowed outside of the-" Before he could even finish, Wen Zhong snapped at him. "If you want to keep your head, I advise you shut up! I couldn't care less for your city's laws."

The soldier went quiet as his gaze landed on someone stepping out of the crowd. "Well, that's a shame, but I would appreciate it if you would show us some respect." A calm old voice came from behind Wen Zhong as he froze and turned his head. 'It's him.' Recognizing the old man, everyone else also recognized him as one of the advisors running the selection.

Despite being calm, the full force of his Profound Strength fell onto Wen Zhong. At his level, an Earth Realm Cultivator could crush a Spirit Profound Realm like Wen Zhong without an issue. However, this suppression was enough to make everyone clam up. The old man's gaze fell on Xia Ye for a moment before smiling.

"Although I can see you don't care for our laws, I hope your willing to reconsider your words. As Advisor, I can't possibly let anything happen to this selection while our Lady is still absent. Of course, if you must fight, then you can do it officially." Wen Zhong tightened the grip on his spear as beads of sweat rolled down his face.

"Of course…" Laughing awkwardly, Wen Zhong stood up straight. "I was simply testing him, but of course, I am willing to follow your city's laws. Forgive me for being caught up in a moment of anger." Wen Zhong's tone shifted as Xia Ye practically rolled his eyes. 'I feel like I've experienced this scene before.'

"Appreciated. My name is Advisor Ju Min. Since you were so kind to listen to this old man's words, I'll personally oversee the match between you two." The lie in his words was clear, but no one pointed it out. Everyone saw Ju Min was obviously hospitable, especially after what Wen Zhong had said.

Clearly, he had a very high tolerance for disrespect but was also extremely passive-aggressive. "Im willing, of course, but Im not sure if this stray is." Xia Ye looked at Wen Zhong after hearing him called a stray. "Fine by me." Some people were surprised by how quickly Xia Ye accepted. This would have been a perfect chance for him to escape the encounter altogether.

But instead, he accepted Wen Zhong's challenge meaning the fight was going to happen no matter what. A murderous glint appeared in Wen Zhong's eyes as Ju Min glanced at Xia Ye once more. 'I was hoping to give him a chance to back out. To have a Profound Art allowing one to fly without being in the Sky Profound Realm is a rarity. I could only imagine how useful it could be, but now...'

Soon both Xia Ye and Wen Zhong had moved onto a nearby unused arena. The spectators who had been watching originally had moved with them, and some new faces were there as well. "It's almost as if you've been doomed to die. Using a staff against its superior weapon is already foolish." Wen Zhong's Profound Energy was fully unleashed as he prepared to attack.

Xia Ye also took a lax stance as Ju Min standing outside of the arena, and Profound Formation raised his hand. "Normally, we wouldn't use these areas to handle personal affairs. However, seeing as this is a case, Im, handling myself, I'll permit it. Are you two sure you wish to fight?" Ju Min was trying to give Xia Ye another chance to back out; however, the two of them nodded, practically glaring at one another.

"I swear the younger generation is so hot-headed."

"He might be hiding his Profound Strength, but he was pushed back from that thrust before. I doubt his cultivation is beyond the fourth or fifth level of the Spirit Profound Realm."

"Against a stronger opponent, I doubt he will be able to hold his own."

Sighing to himself, Ju Min lowered his arm while speaking. "Alright then. Begin!" With no more restrictions or anything holding him back, Wen Zhong let his rage show. Charging forward at full speed, he clearly meant to kill Xia Ye on the spot. The tip of the spear cut through the air as Wen Zhong aimed straight for Xia Ye's head.

Everyone saw the attack was coming within mere inches of Xia Ye's head and expected death the next moment. However, in what seemed like an unreal event, Xia Ye's speed exceeded that of Wen Zhong. Dodging to the right, the attack missed Xia Ye completely as he pivoted on his right foot.

Holding Ruyi Jingu Bang, he swung at nearly full force towards Wen Zhong's side. "Huh?" Still caught off guard by Xia Ye's burst of speed, Wen Zhong could use the shaft of his spear to defend himself. The impact shook the air as he was sliding across the ground sideways. 'How the hell did he manage to dodge that?'

He had attacked at full speed in hopes of killing Xia Ye before he could fight back. But he had actually managed to dodge him? "Fine, then keep dodging! I want to see how long you can last!" Recovering from Xia Ye's attack Wen Zhong rushed forward once more. Jumping into the air above Xia Ye, he roared. "Die!"

Falling towards Xia Ye like rain Wen Zhong's spear seemed to have duplicated itself. It was like an endless barrage as Xia Ye began swinging Ruyi Jingu Bang in countenance. Like a roof experiencing a violent storm, Xia Ye began deflecting every thrust that came within inches of his body. Meanwhile, the ground around him was beginning to crack and be torn away.

Both the attackers and the defenders had their movements become blurred. Soon the only thing people could hear was the sound of metal clashing dozens of times over in a matter of seconds. "What the hell is he actually holding his own against Wen Zhong?" The disciple from the Crushing Spear Sect that had attacked Xia Ye initially was dumbfounded.

Xia Ye, on the other hand, deflected yet another two strikes as Wen Zhong suddenly smirked. The Profound Energy that was originally limited to his body flowed into his spear. And at its tip, it began to change its form as a raging flame engulfed the entire spearhead. "Huh?" With Wen Zhong suddenly changing the tempo of his attacks, Xia Ye was caught off guard.

"Land Scorching Strike!" Attacking with nearly three times the strength he was using before flames practically erupted, engulfing the arena below him. Like a dragon's breath, the flame's engulfed the floor of the Arena in its entirety. Even with the barrier in place, everyone could see the intensity of those flames and could almost feel the heat as well.

"Looks like that's the end. I was expecting something a bit more interesting considering all the commotion." One of the Disciples of the Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace was watching from the sidelines with her sisters. They had all come to see what was happening but were surprised to find it was just some normal spout between cultivators.

The three of them prepared to leave, seeing as Xia Ye had most likely died under those flames. However, just as they did, something entered everyone's ears, causing their hearts to shake. But just as he did, everyone outside of the arena heard something. It was a low growl; however, the sound itself felt like it demanded attention.

It carried a strange aura no one could comprehend, and it felt as if they were being pressured by something. "What is this feeling?" Ju Min standing outside of the arena, frowned as he watched the scene unfold before him. Landing on the Wen Zhong was the person most affected by this growl as he felt his body nearly freeze up.

The next moment, however, everyone had seen what caused that noise. It was easily two times the size of an adult, and each step it took was loud and powerful. Its predator-like blue eyes seemed to pierce the heart of everyone who saw them. "A… Tiger?" A confounded word escaped on the Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace disciples as they stayed at the creature that had appeared.

It had white fur that seemed to resemble a mix of mist before its tips turned into blue flames. It walked slowly out of the fire around it as it stared at Wen Zhong. Raising its head, it let out a ferocious roar that shook the very air itself. A shockwave swept over the arena's floor, cracking it like glass as the flames were blown away and dispersed.

"What- Where did…." Wen Zhong, who was on stage, seemed absolutely terrified as he saw the White Tiger begin to approach him slowly. Its eyes had locked onto him as if it was staring down its prey. No one in the crowd had made a sound to had even reacted yet. All of them seemed to be entranced.

That was until the beast finally made its move.