
The Monkey Kings Legacy In ATG[Old]

Xia Ye was the son of a man named Xia Hongyi. His birth was unexpected and strange as he had arrived into the world with no warning. His features were abnormal, having a tail but looking human. He was neither beast nor human or anything else the world had ever seen before. Slowly as he grew, so did the mystery surrounding his birth. Having a strange personality, he wished he could live life how he saw fit; however, too many things shackled him. He was incapable of cultivating due to the fact he was not born with Profound Veins. And compared to his loving family he was worthless. However, on his fifteenth birthday, all of that changed. An incident that could be considered one of both good and bad fortune had occurred, which finally unlocked the truth behind his existence. It was on that day that the world had begun to change, and Xia Ye began to rise under his new title, 'The Monkey King.'

Aizen_Dleitch · Anime & Comics
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29 Chs

The Selection

A/N: Sorry about the delay on chapters. I ended up playing FFXIV and got completely addicted. Completely lost track of time hopefully that won't happen again.


"Dammit!" Xia Ye cursed under his breath as he fell backward onto the bed. His breathing was rough, and his back and clothes were covered in sweat. "I still can't get past the fourth one. This might be the only time something youtube taught me has me stumped." The practice was one thing, and Xia Ye was willing to do it, but right now, his comprehension was too low.

[Like I said, it's no easy feat. I'm impressed you even managed to under the first three transformation formulas. It's a shame we don't have any time left.] Xia Ye frowned hearing that as he sat up. "What do you mean we don't have any time left! Two weeks have passed that fast?" He had completely lost track of time, and of course, Sun Wukong didn't bother telling him until the last second.

Quickly switching out of his clothes into new ones, Xia Ye rushed out of the tavern. The moment he took a step outside of the tavern's doors, however, he saw nearly a sea of people. Compared to before, the number of Cultivators and people, in general, had doubled if not tripled. 'I knew there would be a lot of people, but this is ridiculous. There must be thousands of cultivators here alone.'

On top of that, these people were the cream of the crop. Even if they're not from all over the Blue Wind Empire, they were at least from any cities and sects nearby. And that meant he would have to go against them when it came to retrieving The Purple Gold Red Gourd. 'Guess I'm following the crowd.' Making his way through the crowd, Xia Ye made his way to the front.

Everyone was gathering in the city's main plaza area in the middle of the city that also happened to be in front of a large building. This was the Crescent City's Capital Building, along with where its Military was mostly operated from. Guard's were lining the street, ready to act at a moment's notice.

Having the entrance being a staircase up from the ground, six people were looking down at the crowd below. Five of the six seemed to be older men, each being at different stages of the Earth Profound Realm for a city and not a sect; it was impressive. But what really stuck out, of course, was the women standing in front of them.

'Quan Hanying, General of their Military and at the 7th Level of Sky Profound Realm. She's just as strong as Chu Yueli.' She was what really kept Crescent City from being controlled by overbearing cultivators. As more and more people filled the Plaza, Xia Ye ended up being near the front.

It was there that he actually recognized one of the old men who was standing with Hanying. 'He was the one who was interested in my Nimbus Cloud. What was he doing outside of the city?' Xia Ye was beginning to feel like he should move to the back of the crowd. But at this point, it was too late for that.

Using Profound Energy to carry her voice, everyone heard Hanying when she spoke. "I would like to thank everyone for gathering here today. I know many of you have journeyed far from your own individual sects and respective cities. And of course, I am aware that is because of the rumor of the mist and the potential 'Artifact that lies within."

It only took her words and the mention of the Gourd to cause all chatter to cease. "And as such, I will tell you now that indeed those rumors are true." The confirmation of their reasons for coming here caused the crowd to kick up again. Cultivators, young and old, had their eyes shining with desire and skepticism.

Raising her hand, signaling for everyone to quiet down, Hanying continued to speak. "We have launched countless expeditions into the mist over the past fifteen years. However, as the mist grows and covers a larger area and the number of Profound Beast rises, things are becoming perilous. That is why I let the news slip of the artifact's existence."

Xia Ye felt like he had a question answered. 'So, they were forced to do this. Alone they can't possibly hope to find the Gourd, so rather than it be lost forever, they rather increase the number of eyes looking friend or foe.' It was a fair choice considering if the mist continued to grow, it would eventually threaten the city.

No matter what, it was her job as General to keep the city safe, even if it meant giving the Artifact to another group when it's found. "Now then, as you know, I have done my best to keep the Mist at bay using a special Profound Formation. But even it won't last long, and I'm afraid deep within the mist, an even greater terror lurks."

Her words caused cultivators to frown as she continued. "As such letting, everyone here into the barrier would simply be chaos. So I will personally be holding a form of selection for the next week to lower the numbers of cultivators who may enter. I hope everyone here will cooperate." And that was what Xia Ye was waiting for; he knew there would be some kind of selection.

"Now then, before we move on, there are a few exceptions. From what I can see we three of the Four Major Sects joined us today. If you would all be so kind as to come forward." Xia Ye searched the crowd as he began seeing figures step forward. "We of the Burning Heaven Clan thank you for your kindness."

A voice filled with pride came from a woman who looked to be in her thirties. Her clothes, however, showed she was an Elder of the Burning Heaven Clan, so her real age was much older. Next to her was a more reserved old man who was also an Elder of the Burning Heaven Clan. Both of their Cultivation Levels were at the 5th Level Sky Profound Realm.

Alongside that, over twenty disciples stood behind them. "Of course." Quan Hanying nodded with a smile from the visible portion of her face behind the mask. Walking forward not soon after were also members of the Xiao Sect. "We also appreciate your generosity." There was only one Elder who took a step forward. However, his cultivation surpassed that of the Burning Heaven Clan's being at the 10th Level Sky Profound Realm.

Behind him were ten of the Xiao Sect's disciples. Once again, Quan Hanying nodded as her gaze turned. Everyone felt a slight chill go down their spines as four dazzling figures stepped from the crowd. Everyone held their breath because they knew who these people were. The Elder of the Xiao Sect acted respectfully as he gave a polite bow.

"I knew that Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace would be sending a fairy. However, I was not expecting them to send you Fairy Chu Yuechan." Chu Yuenchan's icy eyes were like jewels as she simply glanced at the Elder. She did not say a word because she did not need to. Although she and the two disciples behind her had their beauty hidden behind their veils, everyone still felt enamored.

[They're in the same Sect as your sister, correct?] Xia Ye gave a light nod as his eyes focused on Chu Yuechan. 'Her Profound Strength… It's at the halfway point of the Emperor Profound Realm.' He bit down on his lip just from sensing it. No matter how confident he wanted to be, the odds of him actually getting the gourd was getting lower by the second.

Quan Hanying spoke once all three of them made their appearance. "If all of you would please follow me, I made a matter I would like to discuss with you. To make thing's fair for the younger generation cultivators, only those below the Sky Profound Realm must participate in the selection. If you have any other questions, please ask my advisors, who will be supervising everything."

Hanying turned her head to the five people behind her. Seeing her looks, the old man who had spoken with Xia Ye stepped forward. "Don't worry, Lady Hanying, please go and treat our honored guest." With that, she nodded as she made her way towards the Burning Heaven Clan, Xiao Sect, and Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace. "This way, please."

It was clear those of the Four Major Sects were getting some type of preferential treatment in this matter. However, no one spoke out because who would dare to. In the end, only each sect's disciples were left, but no one approached them. Instead, everyone watched as the doors of the large building before them slowly opened.

"Those who are interested in entering the mist, please come this way." Hanying's advisors gestured to the crowd of cultivators below leading the way. 'Well, no turning back now. I'll just have to do what I can.' The building could easily accommodate the thousands of cultivators walking in its halls.

The first floor looked as though it had been entirely remodeled as small areas surrounded by Profound Formations could be seen everywhere. "The way things will be decided is simple by process of elimination until the quota of two hundred is reached." Xia Ye blinked as he heard the number two hundred.

'But that would mean thousands of people will be eliminated in the course of a week.' Everyone shared in his thoughts as they murmured. "Everyone here will be able to sign up for the selection. Afterward, they will be paired with an opponent they will have to fight. If you pass your first fight, then you will come back the next day. This will continue for the week until the number of ideal participants is met. Those who lose will simply have to make up for their losses with more fights."

Basically, it was going to be a game of elimination. Instead of letting in a bunch of people with no hope of finding the artifact, they would weed them out. The best of the younger generation paired with, the older generation who were allowed to pass without fighting. "Damn, If I knew this was how it would work, I would have brought more of our disciples with me."

"Plus disciples of the Four Major Sects are here, which means they'll definitely be at the top of the list."

"They're guaranteed to pass then, right?"

Xia Ye looked around at all the different arenas and Cultivators as the advisors finished their explanation. "Now then, please begin. These arenas were originally used for training and sparring, and the formations will make sure no damage occurs to the world outside of them." No one needed to be told twice as quickly cultivators began spreading out.

'Where do I even start?' Xia Ye didn't do anything at first and began wandering around. There was some brief hesitation as people watched, trying to see how everything would run. There were soldiers at each Arena managing the fights and scheduling, and before long, people began participating. One by one, people began entering the arenas in duos.

And a few seconds later, the sound of fighting began to permeate through the halls. The selection process had officially begun. Walking up to one of the arenas, Xia Ye, two cultivators wielding swords, begin their fight. Both of them were nearly comparable to Fen Yuange. He began to think to himself for a few minutes as the fights taking place began to increase.

Walking closer to where Xia Ye was was a group of cultivators. There were three of them who wore white and silver clothing and silver spears on their backs. Just from their faces, it was clear they carried an air of supremacy about them. "Master told us to at least reach the top one hundred. But considering how weak everyone here is, I think the top fifty should be easy enough."

The cultivator in the center spoke to the two on his sides as they agreed. "If we manage to help Master get the Artifact before the Four Major Sects do, then I bet we'll be promoted to core disciples easily." As they were speaking one, another one of them glanced towards an arena to their right that was currently active.

"Hehe, hey, look. It seems a freak's wandered his way into the selection." Hearing him, the other looked over, and cruel smiles slowly appeared on their faces. "I guess a crappy city like this wouldn't have the proper security to even keep stray animals out. What do you think, Wen Zhong."

Talking to the young man in between the two of them, a glint appeared in his eyes. "Speaking of which, technically, we don't have to fight cultivators to advance. As long as they're in the selection." Hearing him, it only took a second to realize what he was thinking as they began changing directions.

Still thinking to himself, Xia Ye closed his eyes for a moment. 'As much as I would love to mess with the Xiao Sect right now, I suppose I should…' Xia Ye's eyes suddenly opened as he felt someone yank on his tail. He quickly turned around as he spotted three cultivators standing behind him.

His eyes turned sharp as he glared at them. "Did you just pull on my tail?" Wen Zhong standing there, suddenly put a hand on his head as if he was apologetic. "Oh, sorry about that. I saw a stray dog had wandered in a-" In the middle of him acting sarcastic, Wen Zhong felt something hit in the face turning his head a full ninety degrees.

Touching his cheek, a red mark had appeared stretching across his face. 'Did he just hit me with his tail?' The sound was so harsh and loud that practically every cultivator around them heard it. And some had even seen it for themselves but were still confused. Those who weren't spectating matches or were wandering trying to find an opponent began to gather around the scene.

"Touch me again, and you'll get off worse than just a bruise."