
The Monkey Kings Legacy In ATG[Old]

Xia Ye was the son of a man named Xia Hongyi. His birth was unexpected and strange as he had arrived into the world with no warning. His features were abnormal, having a tail but looking human. He was neither beast nor human or anything else the world had ever seen before. Slowly as he grew, so did the mystery surrounding his birth. Having a strange personality, he wished he could live life how he saw fit; however, too many things shackled him. He was incapable of cultivating due to the fact he was not born with Profound Veins. And compared to his loving family he was worthless. However, on his fifteenth birthday, all of that changed. An incident that could be considered one of both good and bad fortune had occurred, which finally unlocked the truth behind his existence. It was on that day that the world had begun to change, and Xia Ye began to rise under his new title, 'The Monkey King.'

Aizen_Dleitch · Anime & Comics
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29 Chs

The Reveal

A/N: For the people worried about the pace, don't. The story's speed will increase in a few more chapters.


The White Tiger acted passively for only a moment before it moved. Its speed accelerated to a point Wen Zhong couldn't keep up to in an instant. Despite it running straight towards him, it was like a shadow. "Oh no..." Having no time to even consider retreating and putting up a defense using his spear.

Appearing in front of him the next moment, he blinked. The White Tiger was towering over him with one of its paws raised to the sky. Slashing down its claws left a white trail of flames through the air. Wen Zhong felt his very bones vibrate when the attack hit his spear's shaft. The ground under his feet collapsed inward as he was pushed to the ground.

"Agh!" Letting out a cry as his back hit the ground, he bounced slightly. However, he was immediately pushed back to the ground as the White Tiger's paw slammed down once more. This time around, everyone heard a slight creak as Wen Zhong's spear began to bend. "Im- Impossible."

His spear was a True Profound Weapon, and at the same time, it had his own Profound Energy running through it. To be able to bend it like that would require even someone of his level to continuously try, let alone two hits. Staring up at the face of the White Tiger, Wen Zhong peered directly into his eyes, and from his bubbling fear also came rage.

Anything, when backed into a corner, would lash out, and humans were no different. Twisting his spear, he broke free from the White Tiger's palm and sprung to his feet, backing away. "I bet that bastard set this up! Trying to kill me using a Profound Beast because he was losing! Hehe, after I kill his pet, Ill hunt him down myself!"

His Profound Energy spiked through his spear as adrenaline rushed through him, suppressing his fear. "World Crossing Thrust!" Using the same technique his friend had used on Xia Ye earlier, he attacked. This time around, however, it was a lot more powerful. The wind seemed to twist and swirl around the head of the now bent spear, creating a hurricane around its tip.

"Hya!" Piercing out, a massive shockwave erupted before him, banging against the barrier of the arena. As sharp as the tip of a sword, Profound Energy tore through the world in front of him, destroying the ground as it rushed towards the White Tiger. Its intended target stood its ground as its entire body tensed up, and it lowered its head.

Everyone went silent as the flames on the White Tiger's back, and its very fur seemed to dull in color and intensity. The next moment it raised its head as a roar so violent and loud it made people temporarily go deaf escaped its mouth. Ripping apart the very air in front of it, a slightly transparent silver blast of energy shot out in front of the White Tiger.

The sound seemed to shake everyone no matter their cultivation and could be heard not only in the surrounding area but by everyone in every corner of the building. On impact, Wen Zhong's attack and the White Tiger's clashed; however, the clash only lasted a matter of seconds. His Profound Energy crumbled and dispersed as the blast punched through it.

"What?" His mind blanked as he saw his Profound Art absolutely suppressed, and in the next instance, it was his turn. The attack wasn't physical, but it felt as if it were a mountain and flew into Wen Zhong. The sound being carried with the attack caused his ears to bleed as he was sent hurtling through the air.

His body plastered itself against the barrier of the arena as it flickered under the pressure of the attack. Anyone watching could see he was on death's door. His Profound Energy was wavering, and he was hardly conscious. Running over to Mu Jin, someone yelled. "Advisor Mu Jin, you have to save Wen Zhong! At this rate, he's going to die!"

As Wen Zhong's friend begged, Mu Jin remained silent before he shook his head. "I am not allowed to interfere with matches that are in progress." His words stumped the young man as he looked into the arena. "What are you talking about! That bastard Wen Zhong was fighting clearly set this up somehow!"

Mu Jin had a strange look on his face as he explained something in a voice everyone could hear. "The Profound Formations in the Arena's works in a very simply. They will not deactivate unless either an opponent becomes unable to fight, leaves or surrenders. I manage these Profound Formations myself, so I know for a fact they are not faulty."

He clenched his fist for a moment as he continued. "Which can only mean one thing…" Wen Zhong's friend fell silent as he stared at the White Tiger within the arena. "But…" He could barely form a word as the White Tiger began making its way towards the barely conscious Wen Zhong.

As it walked, a mist began to envelop its entire being as its tail, and large build disappeared from view. "Tell me something. If me being a stray animal with no cultivation makes me trash. Then what do you call the person who lost to a stray animal?" Walking from the mist, Xia Ye appeared with Ruyi Jingu Bang in hand.

His hair was messy and covered in soot, and even his clothes were burnt yet again. However, aside from some light burn marks and cuts from when he had fought Wen Zhong before, he seemed fine. Some people were simply rooted in place, while others had their eyes nearly bulging in shock.

"He… Shap- Shapeshifting?" The word barely escaped a spectator's lips, but when it did, everyone repeated it to themselves. There was no Profound Art in the entire Blue Wind Empire that allowed one to change their form. Shapeshifting was something that only existed in folklore and legends you would read.

However, Xia Ye had just demonstrated something that broke all reasoning. Because not only did he shapeshift, but clearly, his strength had changed along with it shattered the idea of it being an illusion. People from all over the Blue Wind Empire looked on in shock. No matter who they were, even those of the Burning Heaven Clan, Xiao Sect, and Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace had no words.

[You overexerted your strength and Qi to deal with him. There was no reason for you to use the White Tiger transformation.] Xia Ye shrugged but agreed with Sun Wukong's words. 'True, but it left an impression on people. I'm hoping it will make them think twice and give me a chance to recover after this.'

Xia Ye watched as Wen Zhong's body began to limp over as it fell to the ground. His consciousness had finally slipped, and the barrier around the arena disappeared a moment later. "Well, that's that dealt with." Putting Ruyi Jingu Bang away, Xia Ye made his way off stage and began heading to the exit of the building.

No one blocked him or asked questions, and even Wen Zhong's friends hesitated to rush to his aid as they stared at Xia Ye's fading figure. However, despite their silence, his actions had most definitely caused a stir. Not long after he had left, almost everyone began to become animated. Some ran to tell their Masters or Sects of what had happened, while others directly sent Sound Transmissions.

Having done the minimum quota for the selection, Xia Ye made his way back to the tavern he was staying at. The moment he entered the room, he let the exhaustion he was hiding hit him. He laughed to himself as he hit the bed. 'Ok, maybe you were right. I didn't even get to practice using the 72 Earthy Transformations until that moment. Using the White Tiger off the bat was a little premature.'

Later into the day, while Xia Ye was still asleep, two people were talking amongst each other. "Shapeshifting? Is such a thing even possible?" In Quan Hanying's office, she was listening to Mu Jin with surprise. Standing there, he reenacted the events that took place, with everything sounding unbelievable.

"Everything I say is true. I've also seen him performing a strange Profound Art that allows him to fly on top of a cloud despite not being of the Sky Profound Realm. There is something strange about that boy." Xia Ye was an intriguing enigma in Mu Jin's mind, and now that had affected Quan Hanying as well.

"Hmm… I admit I'm really intrigued. Do you think he would be willing or capable of assisting us?" Hearing Quan Hanying's words, Mu Jin put his hand on his chin. "Possibly it depends on if he's hiding anything else though I can only imagine who the master of that boy is. He has such strange Profound Arts and strength equal to a high-level Spirit Profound Realm Cultivator at very a young age."

Listening to a smile grew onto Quan Hanying's face. "Alright then. Once this information gets out, he'll be targeted. How about we send Quan Ning to watch over him temporarily. We do need all the help we can get on this endeavor. If he can prove useful, then we have to keep him out of the hands of others."

Mu Jin nodded. "Very well, I'm sure he'll be more than up to the task." With that, he left the room, leaving Quan Hanying to think to herself. Elsewhere, however, a similar conversation took an entirely different turn. "If what you said is true, then I want you three to avoid him at all cost." Chu Yuechan was speaking coldly as she gave her warning.

The three girls in front of her from the Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace seemed confused by her words. "But I would imagine the ability to Shapeshift would interest anyone." The Senior Sister of the three-spoke up, causing Chu Yuechan to give her an answer. "His first mistake was revealing that ability in public. Too much attention will be focused on him now. It's best we avoid the ensuing conflict."

With that, the three of them didn't ask any more questions and simply listened to her words and took them to heart. Eventually, the next day came, and Xia Ye woke to Sun Wukong's voice. [Looks like I underestimated how interested the mortals of this world would be in the 72 Earthly Transformations.]

Xia Ye sat up, taking note of Sun Wukong's words. After getting ready, he left the tavern, and there were immediate signs. Cultivators who were just walking the streets glanced at him from time to time. And he could feel multiple eyes on him. 'Well, I guess that's to be expected.' He wasn't too worried due to how many guards were in Crescent City.

Even if they wanted to do something to him, they would need to get him somewhere isolated first. So as he walked, he completely ignored everyone looking at him. Of course, when he got into the area where the selection was happening, the eyes focused on him only increased. "I wonder how many of these people want to rob me right now."

He had whispered to himself, but a voice actually responded to him that wasn't Sun Wukong. "Probably all of them." Xia Ye jumped slightly as he turned around and spotted someone. He looked to be in his mid-twenties and had a fairly handsome appearance. His armor resembled the guards in the city; however, it looked even more intricate and cost worthy.

"That's Quan Ning…"

"Why is he talking to that guy of all people?"

"He's probably interested in Shapeshifting Profound Art."

"I still can't believe he's at the 8th Level of the Spirit Profound Realm."

Xia Ye's mind blocked out most of the chatter as he stared at Quan Ning. He wasn't expecting someone to actually talk to him. So many people simply watched him, but no one tried to interact with him. "You know I could hardly believe Old Man Mu Jin when he said you could shapeshift. I mean, I can't sense any Profound Energy from you at all."

Quan Ning looked Xia Ye up and down before saying something else. "So question. Can you turn into a girl?"