
The Monarch’s Beloveds

Ever wondered that maybe our dreams weren’t figments of our imaginations? What if they were adventures from different worlds or memories from our past lives? From the day I can remember I’ve always dreamt of such things. Flying with dragons, building an army, and spending time with beautiful women. Everyday I wish it was all true. But, as I made my way to my college class, a day to day norm. Something happened that changed my life forever. —————— In a world of gods, monsters, and magic. A group of talented college students was transported to this world. A beautiful goddess floated above their heads, and her soothing voice calmed their hearts. “Greetings everyone. I'm sure you're all surprised and are probably wondering what's going on. So please, ask me your questions." As soon as her words ended dozens of hands were raised. But one caught her attention the most. "Oh~ what is your question, Luke." As Luke was baffled from being chosen, he tried to come up with something to say… “Don’t be afraid, I’m here to—.” "Can I have sex with you." "…" "…" "…" ------------------------------------------------ Hello everyone, Luke here, this is a complete rework of Call Me Jester. I'm sorry to those that liked the original work, but I think with this new one you might like it even more. Expect to have chapters every day... hopefully, and thank you for reading my book! ............................................ Cover art is not mine, if it comes to I will take it down. This novel is currently run solo. Everything is done by me. If you want to support me, just give me reviews and tell me what it's like. Also the more readers the more chapters! It's a win-win! Webnovel original

Luke_Gnormin · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
40 Chs

I’ll Marry You

"And they'll soon reach Earth."

That last phrase lingered in the air. Our brains raced at the thought of the outcome of humans also sharing the same fate as the goblin.

Some weren't able to comprehend the devastating impact the abyss creatures can ensue on Earth. With their loved ones transforming into creatures of torment, their fates are worse than death. They soon fell into depression, their eyes void of light.

I looked at Persephone, her face reflecting theirs. Seeing her act like this, a feeling of anger boiled within me.

Releasing the two girls in my arms while reassuring them first, I walked toward Persephone with confident strides.

People began to look at me, their faces showing a tinge of fear. I ignored their gaze and continued my way toward the gloomy goddess.

I stood a foot in front of her, her body still floating in the air.


I called out her name, but she couldn't seem to hear me. I screamed one more time, louder than before.


Then finally she turned her head toward me. Everyone heard my voice their attention on me once more.

"Seph… why are we here."

My question struck a chord with everyone, finally getting some sense back into themselves.

Hearing my voice calling out to her, Seph came out of her reverie, her gloomy look alleviated and replaced by relief.

"Sorry, I didn't know what came over me."

"It's alright, it hasn't happened yet… right?"

As a prelude to her next speech, she answered my question with certainty.

"Yes, they haven't reached Earth yet."

Her words were like a dam that finally broke through. Relieving those who were stressed and frustrated.

"But, the reason why I showed you all this is to show you the reality of this world."

Her tone was serious, a heavy sigh escaped her lips as she remained silent for a moment.

"I know how exciting it is to able to use magic, but you're all here to save Rath'Nia, to save the Earth. Only the people that came from Earth have the ability to defeat them… permanently."

Her words were etched into their minds. It was a given that everyone here is a talented individual, but they were all once kids.

Children who were raised by their parents to be able to have an opportunity to study in a prestigious school. They all came to an understanding that without their family, going to such a place would've been a pipe dream.

Soon a fire ignited in their eyes, a revelation of how much they cared about their family. The dampened mood was relit once more, a burning drive to stop the abyss from reaching Earth.

I looked around me a visage of people who grew up with loving parents. I can't help but feel jealous of them. Although I was given life living in a dorm at the best college in America, it wasn't always the best.

Ever since I can remember, which for most would be around 4, I remembered everything since I was in the womb.


I remembered the voice of my mother, her voice strained from giving birth.

I remembered her tears as she held me in her arms. And I remembered the words she said to me.

"No matter where your life takes you… just know, that I love you…"

Her beautiful face was etched into my memories. The way her eyes moved and the smile on her lips. Her gaze was full of motherly love.

At that moment tears welled up in my eyes for the first time as I watch my mother pass away.

Her loving eyes were taken away from me…

The doctors were frantic, their bodies moving urgently to revitalize my mother. Yet with all their efforts, her life was still extinguished. To this day they still couldn't find the reason why she passed away…

Looking back, her last words seemed like she knew her life was ending.

From that day on I was sent to an orphanage. My mother didn't have any siblings and my father was deceased.

From there is where I met Laura, my childhood friend.

We grew up together, slept together, played together, and even bathed together. But when we turned 10 a family came in and adopted her.

I looked at the two people picking her up. They seemed like nice people and from the way their dressed they seemed to be rich.

At the time I was hiding my intelligence, afraid that I won't be like the other kids, afraid that I won't have a home.

Having a family was every child's dream in the orphanage, so I thought that was what Laura wanted. But as I stood there watching Laura crying in their arms, her voice was gone from screaming.

Her outstretched arm reached out to me, waiting for me to grab hold.

But… I didn't.

I looked at her, a forced smile on my face.

"You'll have a better life now… goodbye Laura."

Hearing my words of goodbye, she broke down even more. I don't know if they were tears of sadness or determination, but she looked back at me and her words were etched in my brain.

"I'll be back! I'll find you! And when I do… I'll marry you!"

I chuckled at her thinking of it as a childish retort, but I can't help but hope for what she said to be true.

"Okay… then I'll marry you too."

From then on, Laura and I never saw each other again. Every day was boring without her, her childish behavior and heated attitude were fun to be around. And at that point, I made a decision, to meet her again.

After some time I revealed my unnatural intellect. And it wasn't until 2 years later, Professor Lucille Mourn found out about me. He took me into his college amused by my nonchalant attitude toward his tests.

During the first few days the other professors didn't agree to allow a 12-year-old to attend their prestigious school, but as they began to test me their jaws dropped to the floor, and hailed me as the school's prodigy.

I was happy of course to finally be acknowledged and accepted, but at the end of the day, I was still alone.

Alone for a couple of days that is. It was then that I met Yoimiya. Her simple introverted personality made her isolated from other kids her age. And what's worse she lives with her mother, the head dorm manager.

Since I was still underage, I had to live in the women's dorm. So from there, I got to meet Yoimiya. Every day I would spend time with her and to my surprise she too was also admitted to this college. Apparently, her mother was allowed to home-school her with the added resources of the school.

Yoimiya explained to me that some unknown patron was helping them out. I was suspicious at first, but days went on and nothing seemed to have happened.

Years went by and I finally turned 18. I was already attending college, but I didn't want to graduate in hopes I get to meet Laura again. So when the day arrived when new students came in.

I found Laura standing beside me.

I stood there frozen from the overwhelming emotions I held for all these years finally being released.

She looked at me with her bright blue eyes. Her voluptuous figure stood a meter in front of me with all her features grown and well-endowed.

I stared back at her, my gaze full of longing. The previous Laura is now gone. Her childish demeanor was nowhere to be found as her body turned mature.

Or so I thought.

"Hehe~ are you flustered?"

Hearing her words my mouth couldn't help but smile.

"Me? Flustered? Your face is red, maybe you should get that checked out."

"Grrr! Luke!"

And my life was once again filled with color.


Seph looked at me reminiscing my life, seemingly understanding the things I've been through.

Finally getting herself together she floated high above the sky for everyone to see.

With her mind reinvigorated her voice came out strong and determined.

"Everyone! With your help, our battle against these creatures will save Earth! Save everybody! And save your loved ones!"

A vigorous roar came out of our mouths. Our spirits ignited.

Seph snapped her fingers and a new screen popped up in front of us showing a wide array of words and numbers.

"This screen in front of you is called the Zenith system. It numerically evaluates your skills and talents to help you grow stronger."

I shot a glance at the people around me, the gloomy look gone replaced by wide smiles. But soon turned serious recalling the horrendous video, but rather than feeling down their eyes grew determined.

I turned around at the two women behind me. My gaze was soft but a light burning within.

The desire to keep these two safes is enough for me to fight them, abyss bastards, alone.

But before I headed toward them I finally took a look at the screen in front of me.

[User Name: Luke]

[Level: 10

[Class: Monarch]

[Title: @#$%#$***, Lord of $#@#**, *********]

[Bloodline: Human?, %*#&*#*

[Health: 1,000/1,000]

[Mana: 690/800]

[Innate abilities: Will of the Monarch (1/5), Blade of Entropy (1/10), Skin of Eternity (1/10)]

[Skills: Soul link, Mana control, Enhanced senses, Anti-Mana.]


[Strength: 40]

[Stamina: 80]

[Agility: 50]

[Intelligience: 200]

[Dexterity: 200]

[Dominance: 1,000,000]

[Storage: Empty]

[Summons: Leviathan, Smaug, Trigon, Eternal army (Unable to summon)]

I looked at my stats and I couldn't help but say.

"What the fuck?"