
The Monarch’s Beloveds

Ever wondered that maybe our dreams weren’t figments of our imaginations? What if they were adventures from different worlds or memories from our past lives? From the day I can remember I’ve always dreamt of such things. Flying with dragons, building an army, and spending time with beautiful women. Everyday I wish it was all true. But, as I made my way to my college class, a day to day norm. Something happened that changed my life forever. —————— In a world of gods, monsters, and magic. A group of talented college students was transported to this world. A beautiful goddess floated above their heads, and her soothing voice calmed their hearts. “Greetings everyone. I'm sure you're all surprised and are probably wondering what's going on. So please, ask me your questions." As soon as her words ended dozens of hands were raised. But one caught her attention the most. "Oh~ what is your question, Luke." As Luke was baffled from being chosen, he tried to come up with something to say… “Don’t be afraid, I’m here to—.” "Can I have sex with you." "…" "…" "…" ------------------------------------------------ Hello everyone, Luke here, this is a complete rework of Call Me Jester. I'm sorry to those that liked the original work, but I think with this new one you might like it even more. Expect to have chapters every day... hopefully, and thank you for reading my book! ............................................ Cover art is not mine, if it comes to I will take it down. This novel is currently run solo. Everything is done by me. If you want to support me, just give me reviews and tell me what it's like. Also the more readers the more chapters! It's a win-win! Webnovel original

Luke_Gnormin · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
40 Chs

First time* (18+)

"Can I put it in?"

With my words sending shivers down her body, she bashfully faced my direction. Her gaze locked into mine as if pondering for an answer, but without hesitation she said.

"Un… please put it in."

With her confirmation, It took me no time to respond. I leaned my head and kissed her tender lips once more as I slowly pushed my dick inside her narrow cave. The very tip of my penis stretched the inner walls of her vagina.

It took everything in me to not push my entire length completely inside her, but I know that will only cause her a lot of pain.

Fighting the cruel temptation, I pushed my rod slowly inside, inch by inch, as the tip reached a thin membrane.

I looked at her face wincing from the slight pain of her vagina being penetrated. I couldn't help but hesitate as I stopped myself from going deeper, a tinge of guilt welling inside me. Despite the immense lust overflowing in my body, by no chance do I wanna harm her.

Alone with my thoughts, I didn't notice Scarlett opening her eyes as she directed herself toward me.

"It's okay Luke… I'm fine. it doesn't hurt as much as I thought it would. You can keep going."

Her response left me a little confused as I look at the connection between us.

"Scarlett… I only put the tip in."

A shocked look was her face as she looked down at my cock barely even halfway in. Her eyes opened wide with a slight fear in her eyes as her cheeks profusely turned red.

"O-Oh… umm, please continue. I can handle it."

Seeing her put out a brave front I couldn't help but smile. A moment ago she seemed like such a strong independent woman, yet right now all I see is a woman who craves for my love. To comfort her I placed my hand on her cheek as I leaned in with a kiss.

Giving her a small peck I leaned back and said.

"I'll be gentle."

Feeling the sincerity in my actions a small smile formed on her lips as she awaited for me to delve deeper inside her.

With her consent, I pushed through the thin membrane, a small yelp came out of her lips as she wrapped her arms and legs around me. The tension between us disappeared as our bodies finally became one.

"Ah… Luke, I-I'm okay. Please continue."

With her words as a cue, I thrust my cock deep inside her. Reaching deeply into her vagina my tip touching the entrance of her womb. Intense pleasure courses through my body, every limb becoming numb from this new type of sensation.

"Ahnn~~ Luke~ It's so big…"

Hearing her cry in pleasure the man inside me relished in satisfaction from her words as I retracted my hips and plunged it deep inside her once more.

"Ahh! It's so good!"

"Hahhn~ eut~ eugh~ so deep~"

"Scarlett, hahh, you're so tight."

The pain from my entering inside her seemed to disappear as her moans grew louder and louder each time I went in and out.

The tightening of her pussy nearly made me release all my pent-up sperm.

"Hahh Luke~ Please do me more~"

"Hahh… haha, Scarlett you look way too hot right now."

Our breathing became heavy as I intimately moved my hips in a circular motion. Her breasts bounced up and down as my penis plunged inside her like a piston.


Her moans reverberated against the walls, a symphony of sounds for me to enjoy.


"Ugh me too!"

Feeling her pussy tighten once more her imminent climax was nearly there. From everything I've endured, I'm also on the verge of releasing.

With my penis throbbing incessantly inside her, she looked at me, her eyes crazed and obsessive.

"Cum…cum inside me~"

Her words were like a command as I plunged my rod deep inside her womb releasing buckets full of sperm inside.


"Ah Scarlett!"

My dick nearly pierced through her cervix as her body arched from the immense pleasure. Our climax continued for a long time, our bodies relishing in our communion.

Her arms and legs were still clinging tightly on my back forcing my dick to guard the semen from seeping out of her pussy.

We stayed in this position for a couple of minutes until her body finally loosened and let go of mine.

Finally free I moved my knees back to marvel at the glorious view in front of me.

I watched the semen slowly pour out of her sacred cave and before I knew it my cock was standing back in its full glory.

"Scarlett… I'm still not satisfied~"

"Gulp* W-Wait Luke give me a few minutes… l-let me recover a little bit."

"Sorry Scar… I don't think I can hold it anymore."

I pounced on her once more with reinvigorated vigor, my lust was unrelenting yet my body instinctively moved with her pleasure in mind.

"Scar I'ma put it in."

"…Okay, but be gentle."


With her affirmation, our love-making continued once more. The passion between us stronger and more intimate than before.

Hours have gone by until exhaustion finally hit us as our minds drifted into sleep.


Waking up I found myself looking at the ceiling. I felt rejuvenated as if my body was reborn. Remembering the love-making from earlier a satisfied smile came to my lips.

I looked to my side and my utmost joy, the woman I made love to was giving me a lap pillow.


"Fufu~ morning."

At this moment I felt as if a piece that was lost within me was put back once again. I couldn't help but wonder about the immense satisfaction of deeply connecting with someone.

Watching me being deep in thought, she chuckled and gave me a quick kiss.

"Luke, I think you should go back now. They're probably waiting for you."


Completely forgetting why I went here in the first place, I instantly jolted up from her lap.

"Scarlett, I need to leave will you please come with me."


"I know you probably have some duty to stay here, but I want you to… wait did you say okay?"

"Fufu~ yes."


"I was waiting for you dummy~. To finally pick me up from this lonely place."

A solemn look was on her face as she said that last part. I instantly wrapped my arms around her body.

"Thank god… I didn't want to lose you."

"I know, me too…"

"Well then, let's get out of here."

"Give me a sec, I have one more thing left to do."

Scarlett snapped her fingers and the luxurious room disappeared.

I found myself standing back in the pitch-black darkness, but I can see Scarlett standing in front of me.

I watched her move her hands in the air, her fingers moving intricately whilst drawing lines in the air.

The lines soon converged turning into a sunset-colored ball.

She gently placed the orb on her palm and whispered something to it. As soon as she stopped the orb exploded into tiny particles of light.

The light magically moved toward me its path in my heart.

I didn't question at all what she was doing as I stood there patiently.

As soon as the last light particle went inside my chest, a screen popped up in front of me.

{Sub-space obtained! Rarity SSS+!}

I looked at Scarlett, a baffled look on my face. seeing my reaction she let out an amused chuckle and said.

"It's a gift for you~ As a token of my love."

Her words struck my heart and I couldn't mr help but hug her once again.

"Thank you."


We stayed like that for a while until I remembered that we have to meet back with everyone.

"Let's head back quickly. Gwen might still be missing and they could be in danger."

"Don't worry, time flows differently in a sub-space, at most 5 minutes have passed in the outside world."

"Wow, that's convenient."

"Yes, very convenient."

Scarlett snapped her fingers once more and we soon found ourselves standing inside the cave. The large door was nowhere to be seen.

I traced back my memories from where I went to and walked back with Scarlett behind me.

I kept my pace steady, but it seems she can catch up pretty easily. Knowing that she can keep up, I picked up my pace even further.

Reaching the fork in the road where I told Seph to stay back, I looked around to see if they were waiting.

But unfortunately, they weren't there. Panic began to set in as my mind began to race.

'Dammit, where could they be?'

'I hope nothing happened to them.'

As if answering my prayers a blonde woman stepped up from the shadows beside me.

Following behind her were the rest of the girls.

"Seph! Thank god you guys are safe."

I sighed a breath of relief seeing my girls are okay. I walked up toward Seph to hug her, but.

"Who is she?"

"Where were you?"

"Why do you seem different?"

A barrage of questions came out of her mouth. I stood there silently trying to come up with an answer, but how am I gonna explain that I found her, made love with her, and now she's mine?

I opened my mouth but closed it immediately.

'Shit, I can't save myself from this can I.'

To my salvation, Scarlett stood in front of me. Her stance was confident and domineering.

She placed her hand around my shoulder and the other on my chest.

"Who else but his woman."



