
The Monarch’s Beloveds

Ever wondered that maybe our dreams weren’t figments of our imaginations? What if they were adventures from different worlds or memories from our past lives? From the day I can remember I’ve always dreamt of such things. Flying with dragons, building an army, and spending time with beautiful women. Everyday I wish it was all true. But, as I made my way to my college class, a day to day norm. Something happened that changed my life forever. —————— In a world of gods, monsters, and magic. A group of talented college students was transported to this world. A beautiful goddess floated above their heads, and her soothing voice calmed their hearts. “Greetings everyone. I'm sure you're all surprised and are probably wondering what's going on. So please, ask me your questions." As soon as her words ended dozens of hands were raised. But one caught her attention the most. "Oh~ what is your question, Luke." As Luke was baffled from being chosen, he tried to come up with something to say… “Don’t be afraid, I’m here to—.” "Can I have sex with you." "…" "…" "…" ------------------------------------------------ Hello everyone, Luke here, this is a complete rework of Call Me Jester. I'm sorry to those that liked the original work, but I think with this new one you might like it even more. Expect to have chapters every day... hopefully, and thank you for reading my book! ............................................ Cover art is not mine, if it comes to I will take it down. This novel is currently run solo. Everything is done by me. If you want to support me, just give me reviews and tell me what it's like. Also the more readers the more chapters! It's a win-win! Webnovel original

Luke_Gnormin · Fantasy
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40 Chs

Can I Have Sex With You

"We're in a different world."

Everyone looked at me with the same confused look on their face.

"The fauna and minerals from the walls aren't from Earth. They appear distinctly similar, but from the overall texture and ecology, they're different."

A couple of my classmates who are botanists looked at the plants more thoroughly.

"He's right… some of these plants are also extinct."

"Yeah… nearly 70 million years ago…"

With their confirmation, everyone began to brainstorm ideas as to where we could potentially be. Some of the more imaginative types thought we were transported in the past. But was later dismissed due to the other plants looking remotely nothing like the ones on Earth.

Some plants were blue and weirdly shaped and some were purple with sharp hooks.

"Maybe we were kidnapped by aliens?"

"Hahh we're transported to another world, and the best conclusion we can make is aliens and time travel."

I looked at the one talking and sighed.

"Well, it's a lot more logical than anything we got Kevin."

"But aliens? Really?"

"What? you think it was gods that did this?"

Eve butted in our conversation, her attitude seemingly annoyed.

"I'm just trying to make sense of our situation… sheesh someone's on their period."

Kevin whispered that last part, but unfortunately for him, Eve heard everything.

I looked at her face contort abnormally to a wide grin.


Sweat covered Kevin's face as he looked in my direction for help. I mouthed to him 'A woman's wrath is like wildfire… It spreads.'

He looked at me with his despair-filled eyes, his hands praying to the gods.

"Tsk tsk tsk, may god lay mercy on your soul."

Laura sighed disappointingly.

Eve rolled up the sleeves of her gray hoodie which was nearly triple her size, and charged toward Kevin's direction.

"Kyaa! Help me!"

"You did that to yourself Kev… don't worry we'll decorate your tombstone nicely."

Eve ran toward him her speed abnormally fast in terms of where she started and the distance between them.

"Here I come!"


Eve jumped in the air her body in a perfect flying kick directly aimed at his face. But as her foot reached an inch away from his cheek, her momentum completely stopped, better yet, her whole body was frozen.

"Please no fighting everyone."

A voice reverberated in my ears like someone placed headphones inside my head. A light much like the one that brought us here brightened the middle of the field. I looked around to see everyone frozen, their breaths bated.

A figure floating in the sky appeared from the light and what I saw left everyone else speechless.

"Sorry everyone, I was a bit late while doing some preparations."

Her voice echoed once more, but this time everyone was listening intently. No matter the language or the race, we all understood her words perfectly. Murmurs all around began to break out.

"She's beautiful…"

"A real goddess…"

"Who is she…"

I listened to their opinions and I couldn't help but agree, she is beautiful. As I gazed at the figure in the sky, the woman who was in my arms a moment ago, tightly held onto my shirt. I looked down to see her face buried in my stomach. Sensing her jealousy, I placed my hand on top of her head and began patting it gently. Feeling her squirming in my arms I let out a wry sigh and looked to my right.

Yoimiya was looking at me with her brown hazelnut eyes, her light blonde hair messy and unkempt but tied into a ponytail. Despite her aloof and introverted nature, her body could be compared to models or celebrities. With a perfect hourglass figure, it still baffles me how antisocial she is.

I looked at her once more, her lips quivering anxiously whilst glancing at the figure and me. I'm not that dense to know she has a crush on me, I've always seen her in all the tournaments I went to alongside Laura. And it's not like I'm not interested in her, although Laura and I were childhood friends, I've known Yoimiya for a while since she lived in the dormitory with her mother, the head dorm manager.

Seeing her fidget with herself, I couldn't help but also extend my hand out toward her. Seeing my outreached hand, her face immediately brightened and approached me wearily. Laura moved her head up from feeling my arm move and saw me stretching my hand out toward Yoimiya. Her face instantly turned sour, her lips pouting.

I looked at her in amusement before spilling everything I knew about her. Knowing the situation we're in, I think it's better for me to be honest now than to wait things out.

Seeing my expression not changing, she looked at me with her face saying, 'You're gonna two-time me?'

Knowing her antics I steeled myself and said.

"I know you like me and I know Yoimiya likes me too. You and I grew up together and it was easy for me to tell the difference between your teasing and flirting."

With my sudden truth bomb, her face has never turned red as it is now. She instantly buried her face in my shirt again and began murmuring.

"How long have you known…"

Her voice was muffled but I can still hear her just fine.

"When we were 6?"

She hugged me even tighter, her arms wrapped around my waist.

Although I've known about their crushes for ages, I never took it upon myself to actually progress our relationship. It was me who was afraid of moving on. Just a feeling that if things don't work out… the thought alone made me not want to think about it. But as I was contemplating about my feelings for these two girls I watched Yoimiya looking at us hesitating to get closer. Ignoring the obvious jealous glares around me, I turned my head toward her and motioned for her to get closer.

Although I'm afraid about progressing our relationship, knowing these two girls aren't gonna be with me was something that I can't imagine happening.

Knowing the unknown dangers we might face here, I can't help but keep these two with me. Call me possessive, but that's just how I am.

She reluctantly resumed her steps only stopping an inch away from my arm. I shook my head from her hesitation, her cute face ignited a desire to coddle her with my heart's content. Ignoring my inner thoughts I grabbed her shoulder and pulled her to my side.

A cute yelp came out of her as I squeezed these two beautiful women in my arms.

Laura reluctantly gave some space for Yoimiya to also huddle with me and I couldn't help but smile at her. Feeling welcomed, Yoimiya squeezed in, her large breasts pressing on my body. I was ignoring Laura earlier cause I couldn't really feel it because of her bra, but I looked at Yoimiya, and to my surprise, she wasn't wearing any.

She too didn't realize that she was going commando until she felt her nipples pressed on my stomach.


Laura looked to her side questioning the weird noise that came out of Yoimiya's mouth but found nothing unusual. Good thing she was wearing black otherwise her nipples could be seen through.

"Umm, Luke…"

I looked at Yoimiya trying to hide her flustered expression.

"I can feel it."

My brain quickly processed what she said, and the warmth of my pants became hotter. A pillar rising from the deep. As I was about to explain the anatomy of a man's body. The figure in the sky spoke once more.

"You all must be very confused, unaware of where you are and who I am."

"Please, don't be afraid. My name is Persephone."

I shot my head toward her direction, an unsettling pain throbbing in my head similar to when Professor Mourn began speaking.


A name unconsciously came out of my mouth.

The ladies in my arms quickly took notice of my sudden change in tone and let go of my embrace. I looked at them their gaze seemingly in mutual understanding.

Persephone hovered her eyes toward my direction as if acknowledging what I said.

She then closed her eyes and opened them with a renewed look.

"Everyone if you have a question raise your hand. I'll do my best to answer all of them."

I focused on her voice once more and instinctively raised my hand. I didn't even realize the speed my arm was raised, but something within me was telling me to do it as soon as possible.

To my surprise, Persephone took notice of my raised hand amongst the hundreds around me.

"You're pretty fast aren't you."

Her voice was filled with childish joy but somehow, I know, that hidden beneath it was sadness.

"Do you have a question?"

I looked at her eyes seemingly waiting for me, not for my question, but for me.

I opened my mouth but no words came out.


Like the scene before me when I arrived here, I had a dream of me standing in front of an army and a beautiful woman at my side. I can't help but recall the absolute mess I was with my stuttering in front of Nyx.

Persephone seemed to understand my dilemma and chuckled at my hesitation.

I felt happy hearing her laugh. These emotions I'm feeling aren't from me… But I know I care about her, that I love her.

I don't understand what was going on, but as I stepped toward her, the weight on my chest lessened.

I stopped to realize that she was standing a few meters ahead of me.

Both of us understand that our actions and feelings are mutual.

I looked into her eyes, my heart feeling light and my head clear.

But, as words of my longing for her touch were about to come out of my mouth, to my dismay.

"Can I have sex with you..."


