
The Monarch’s Beloveds

Ever wondered that maybe our dreams weren’t figments of our imaginations? What if they were adventures from different worlds or memories from our past lives? From the day I can remember I’ve always dreamt of such things. Flying with dragons, building an army, and spending time with beautiful women. Everyday I wish it was all true. But, as I made my way to my college class, a day to day norm. Something happened that changed my life forever. —————— In a world of gods, monsters, and magic. A group of talented college students was transported to this world. A beautiful goddess floated above their heads, and her soothing voice calmed their hearts. “Greetings everyone. I'm sure you're all surprised and are probably wondering what's going on. So please, ask me your questions." As soon as her words ended dozens of hands were raised. But one caught her attention the most. "Oh~ what is your question, Luke." As Luke was baffled from being chosen, he tried to come up with something to say… “Don’t be afraid, I’m here to—.” "Can I have sex with you." "…" "…" "…" ------------------------------------------------ Hello everyone, Luke here, this is a complete rework of Call Me Jester. I'm sorry to those that liked the original work, but I think with this new one you might like it even more. Expect to have chapters every day... hopefully, and thank you for reading my book! ............................................ Cover art is not mine, if it comes to I will take it down. This novel is currently run solo. Everything is done by me. If you want to support me, just give me reviews and tell me what it's like. Also the more readers the more chapters! It's a win-win! Webnovel original

Luke_Gnormin · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
40 Chs


"A kobold!"

"Luke behind you!"


I quickly turned around as I let go of Gwen and pushed her to the side. Scarlett was already on guard as she took a stance next to me.

I turned my face toward the creature. Its features were reminiscent of the goblin we've seen in that video, but rather than a grotesque-looking head, it was instead a wolf with saber teeth.


Sensing our guard was up the creature howled for its pack and soon a group of 11 armed kobolds stood behind it.


Miya was frightened as she saw the creatures begin snarling toward us.

Their gaze seemed more towards them as they licked their lips maliciously while a smile formed on their faces, seemingly confident that they'd already won.

Watching them looking at my women that way… pissed me off.

"Girls… stand back."

A growl escaped my lips as I commanded everyone to stay behind me. I looked at Scarlett and Seph, their faces worried. Despite their hesitance, they listened and stood in front of everybody else protecting them if need be.

"Wait! I can help."

Laura yelled out in worry, fear evident in her voice.

I kept my eyes on the kobolds, with their posture prepared to lunge toward us. I turned my head slightly to the side, letting me see them from behind.

"Are you confident…"




"Laura, I know you want to help. But if it's you or me, I'd rather die than let them do anything to any of you."

I said what needed to be said. I've known Laura since she was a kid, she has always been the hard-headed type. No matter what, she always pushes through regardless of whether she gets hurt or not. Right now is not the best time to let her be. I know how strong she is, I've seen her stats and I've sparred with her before.

But… knowing that something bad can happen, even worse, someone can die. I won't allow it.

No matter what.

Holding my head high I prepared myself once more as I took a martial stance. I quickly surveyed my surroundings, to make sure nothing could get in my way.

As I did, the kobolds began to separate individually. Each one stands in position forming a semi-circle surrounding us.


"Guhehehe graarr*"


Weird sounds came out of their snouts as saliva poured down their lips. Watching them slowly coming closer, their intent obvious, I quickly glanced at my skills.

[Innate abilities: Will of the Monarch (1/5), Blade of Entropy (1/10), Skin of Eternity (1/10)]

[Skills: Soul link, Mana control, Enhanced senses, Anti-Mana.]

[Blade of entropy]

[Rating: Primordial (Potential+)

Durability: infinite

Attack power: 420 (Corresponds to user's strength)

{Locked} ! Reach level 100 to unlock

{Locked} ! Reach level 200 to unlock

{Locked} ! Reach level 300 to unlock

{Locked} ! Reach level 400 to unlock

{Locked} ! Certain requirements must be met

{Locked} ! Certain requirements must be met

{Locked} ! Certain requirements must be met

A sword made by ****** from *******. It possesses every soul it has ever slain. Its darkness will overshadow the light of its enemies.]

[Skin of eternity]

[Rating: Primordial (Potential+)

Durability: infinite

Defense: 530 (Correspond to user's health)

{Locked} ! Reach level 100 to unlock

{Locked} ! Reach level 200 to unlock

{Locked} ! Reach level 300 to unlock

{Locked} ! Reach level 400 to unlock

{Locked} ! Certain requirements must be met

{Locked} ! Certain requirements must be met

{Locked} ! Certain requirements must be met

A thin layer of ****** covers the individual's body. Nigh impenetrable and all-encompassing. The intent to keep the user safe from all types of harm was embedded by a goddess who wished for his eternal safety.]

Ignoring the absurd number of locked abilities, I immediately activated the armor and the sword, and as soon as I did a dark orange mist reminiscent of the soldiers I'd seen before, came out of my mouth as it traveled all over me.

I can feel myself feeling lighter and more energetic as if I drank a potent energy drink.

Soon it completely covered my body forming a weird black and orange armor around me.

The way it constructed itself was like thousands of little pieces of metal converging into one, while streams of orange light began carving strange markings covering my upper torso as armor braces formed on my arms and greaves for my legs.

Although a layer wrapped around me entirely, you can't really call it armor as the rest of my body was left unprotected.

But something is better than nothing.

As soon as I finished assessing the armor, an orb of orange light came out of my chest as it floated in front of me.

The kobolds winced at the light, their aggression now toward me as they find my sudden transformation startling.

Ignoring their sudden animosity, I watched the sword completely manifest itself. The light slowly dissipated revealing a beautiful obsidian-colored blade. A grayish wave-like pattern decorated both sides and the guard was a meticulous form of art, like geometrical shapes fused into a tsuba.

Yet a disappointed look was on my face as I grabbed the sword by the hilt.

Upon closer inspection, thousands of cracks covered the katana-like blade.

Although, despite it appearing damaged beyond repair, the way it stands firm and sharp, made it seem like it wasn't broken in the first place. As if its design was intentional from the beginning.

I quickly recollected my thought as I held the sword in front of me. My stance was well maintained as I have practiced with various weapons in the past. At the time I wasn't intending on using it for anything, more so like a hobby, but I'm grateful that I did.

Once I positioned myself appropriately the kobolds immediately lunged their miniature bodies toward me. I read their movements with ease upon activating another one of my skills.

[Enhanced senses]

Upon activation, the user will have heightened eyesight, hearing, smell, and intuition.

Duration: 10 minutes

Drawback: Mental overload]

Their bodies seemed like they were moving in slow motion. But I was still cautious about them considering that I know nothing about their biology.

I stared dead on, my eyesight never leaving any one of them.

One finally reached my proximity, its hands holding a crude spear made out of bones supposedly from its victims. It's muscles were well toned, telling me that these creatures were fully accustomed to fighting.

However without hesitation, I angled my body to point my sword down preparing to slice the kobold in two.

Once it reached close enough.


I swung my sword up, immediately cutting the kobold in half, all within less than a second.

The feeling of the blade going through its entire body was bone chilling, yet a feeling of satisfaction came along with it.

To kill another creature was an experience I've never felt before, yet right now it never felt so natural.

After I sliced the kobold in half I moved to the ones on the right, their movements a little disturbed seemingly surprised by what just happened.

But not letting them react I swung my sword a couple more times dismembering 3 kobolds instantly.

The power in my swings were relatively weak telling me that I'm somewhat over-levelled for these creatures.

But focusing my attention on the fight once more I dashed further back into their formation and delivered another killing blow to 4 more on the left.

Their heads rolled on the ground blood spurting everywhere their deaths relatively quick and easy. With 4 kobolds remaining, I quickened my pace to finish the job.

I darted towards the remaining kobolds, a slight trepidation in their eyes as they witnessed their comrades slaughtered mercilessly like cattle.

One seemed to react fast enough as it raised its weapon on its head, preparing to swing down at me.

My skill was still active with the duration barely used up leaving 8 whole minutes left to spare.

The movements of the creature were so slow I can probably run back to my girls, give them a kiss, then run back before it can even swing its arms.

But to end their pitiful lives, I brought my sword to my right, angling it horizontally as I gripped the handle with two hands.

I pulled and pushed, my arms moving correspondingly producing a quick slash dismembering the kobolds with ease.

Finally finished I swiped my blade ridding the metal of the creature's blood and watched their bodies fall to the ground.

Their eyes still having some life in them stared into mine. Like the abyss, I stared back at them, my eyes cold and emotionless as I watched theirs slowly become lifeless. Unbeknownst to me, a sliver of orange light came out of their bodies and flowed secretly into my sword.

I heaved a sigh of relief once I checked they were all completely dead and deactivated my armor and sword.

Immediately, they magically turned back into orange light as they floated back inside my body.

Afterwards I turned my skill off leaving me a little exhausted. Although, it seemed it didn't take much of a toll on me since I didn't use it for long. Might need to check up on the rest of my skills later.

Jolting me from my stupor, a surprised voice from Seph called out to me.

"Um… Luke."


"What was that?"

"Simple. With how they looked at you guys I justifiably gave them what they deserved."


"A bloodbath~"