
The Mirror Queen

Orphaned as an infant, Aspen grew up in an orphanage, working as soon as she was able trying to survive and stay alive in a dystopian kingdom. When she comes across a mysterious stranger, her world is turned upside down putting herself and those she cares about in danger. To discover the truth to a terrible past, she must sacrifice everything she swore to not let go. Will this be the end of her and those she loves or will she climb to the top and rain hell on those who were sworn to end her life?

TeeTotter · Fantasy
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7 Chs

The Mirror Queen: Chapter 6

A few hours had passed since we first boarded the plane. Lift off was terrifying for me. I think a few of the Guards laughed at me but I ignored them, easily. I was too busy trying to keep my heart from beating out of my chest. The Guard next to me, Gil. kept throwing his humor at me, using it to try help keep my mind off of the take off. Even though his humor was exhaustively lame, it did help.

We had passed over territory I had never seen before. A lot of forests and I could see peaking out of the small windows along the plane. I had never traveled far outside of the village of Fisker besides only to train with Alger or to walk to take my mind off of things. The usual in and out of the village were planes and supply trucks. The planes would usher in more guards or guard supplies and the trucks brought in goods from other villages, cities, and maybe even countries.

"Hey, you feeling okay?" I hear from Demir as he approaches to sit next to me. Gil had gotten up long ago. The guards were used to planes and could walk around once we were in the air but I decided to keep buckled in. I don't want to test my fate today since nothing was going my way.

"Yeah, I am fine" I grunt, feeling the heaviness in my stomach rolling. The pressure all around me was very unpleasant, but I was not going to let that be known to those I don't trust.

"You look a little pale. We will be there soon. Flying isn't for everyone, but you get used to it. Flynn was the worst of us. He would vomit every time we took off and would stay sick the whole ride." he chuckled, looking over to a short, lean man with ash blond hair. He was the only of the guards sitting and he seemed to be busy rummaging through his sack. Not busy enough though to overhear Demir and toss an insult over his way.

"Aye, I even tossed over your pretty shoes once, didn't I, Snow White." he boomed back, having a laugh at Demir's misfortune in the memory. Demir scowled and rolled his eyes.

"Call me that again and I'll throw you from this plane." he said harshly. It seemed the nickname wasn't a welcomed one. The whole crew laughed and then went on to their business. Flynn blanched slightly and went silently back to rummaging.

Looking back out the window, I see blue seas ahead and more land, after. It seems we are flying over water now. Thinking back to Gil's comment about being more worried about the sharks than the plane, my stomach rolled even harder while bile started its climb up my esophagus.

I will not vomit, I kept thinking to myself over and over. Though, my body was not listening. It kept climbing higher until I couldn't hold it in. I covered my mouth with my hands, trying to keep it from spilling out. My throat felt as if it was burning and my mouth felt hot. Demir seemed to notice my panic and grabbed a nearby bag, dumping its contents and shoving it in my face as vomit exploded from my mouth into the bag. Great, another thing to make this day worse.

Awhile later, after I emptied my entire stomach and possibly the rest of my body into that bag, the plane lands and I am sucking down my third bottle of water. My stomach felt loads better and I am unbelievably grateful to not feel like I am being weighed down. I stumbled slightly while trying to get out of the plane but catch my footing and my boots find grass.

Oh sweet love of all that is holy, ground felt magnificent! My joy seemed to seep through my face because I catch Demir, smiling at me. His face looked soft for a moment, his perfectly formed lips touching the corners of dimples.

I looked away quickly, my red hair surrounding my face as it slides over my shoulder. This guy is obviously part of the enemy. He may be nice but I can sense something in him that I am not ready to see. He brought me here on orders so he is on the side of the wolves that eat us sheep if we even blink wrong, I can not forget that.

The group takes off walking and I follow in tow, Gil trailing behind me, obviously making sure I don't run off. My earlier escape plan was demolished when we entered the plane. I figured we would head there on foot or in a truck but a plane? My brain did not factor in jumping out of planes.

We come up to a large stone wall, it seems to surround whatever large landscape is inside. Two large lookout towers stand on either side of a huge door. It feels like a scene straight out of a medieval book but much more daunting. Demir whistles up and waves and seconds later the door begins to open. Beyond the wall appears a bustling city. Homes and businesses of every sort flowing in a neat straight pattern. Everyone looks happy. Nothing looks run down and the streets are made of clean brick and stone.

"Welcome to Delvia, Aspen." He smiles out at the city. It looks so nice here and welcoming. You wouldn't think that all the bad things that happen outside of this city actually exist.

"Do they all have abilities?" I asked curiously. From the books I have read and the rumors i've been told, its said that only those with abilities or pure bloodlines are allowed here. Those without abilities do not reside in the city of Delvia.

"Yes, they do. I do believe we have those who do not have abilities here as well but they are few." He says without so much as a pitiful expression. His face seems blank as he answers my questions. I ask about the businesses and merchants. The homes. Apparently there is only one pub in the entire city because there are businesses that sell liquor for you to take home. This I like. If I want to get drunk, I would rather do that behind closed doors, which I have done frequently.

We travel further up the road and stop at a smooth stone building. One door resides. No windows and no other entry.

"Why are we here? I thought I was summoned by the King? Isn't he at the mansion?" I asked confused. Demir leads the group into the building and Gil shuts the door behind us.

"You were summoned. We are going a different route. We usually don't travel through the city while on a mission." Demir explains, walking towards a door and sliding open a small panel. Entering in a code, the panel slides shut on its own and the wall in front of Demir slides open to a dark black space. Everyone plunges into the darkness, leaving me behind.

"Anytime now, princess." Gil whispers behind me, urging me forward. I scowl.

"My name is not princess." I growl softly. I feel like Gil means well but he is sure irritating. I hesitantly start forward, when I step passed the door, I can see lights on the wall, leading down a staircase. It instantly feels cool in this space. I head down the stairs, seeing everyone else at the bottom. Joining them, I drink in the scene. The area is about the size of a small bakery. On the smooth concrete, two benches sit against the wall on my right and straight ahead there sits an electric train car. Its metal and sleek, with a small opening, giving you entrance into the belly of the beast.

"Wow, I have only read about these, I have never seen one." I gasped. I was thoroughly impressed. This must cut down travel time and be very efficient especially when you need to get to the palace quickly. You could get away with almost anything with one of these.

We all climbed aboard and opposite of the plane ride, we lurch forward, making our way to the palace. The ride was short and quick and I barely felt that I was moving. Being led off of the train car and onto a platform, we head up another set of stairs and enter a doorway through to a large room filled with computers and monitors.

This must be the security room. Everyone was busy typing away and looking at screens and communicating through walkie talkies.

"Gil, you and the rest of the crew go get washed up and rested. We will reconvene tomorrow and discuss our next trip." Demir stated, he light grabbed my arm, turning away and guiding me through the room to another door. We walk down a small hallway. The floors were a beautiful dark brown wood and the walls were a creamy milk color. It seemed very simple.

"You are going to be shown to your room and once you are settled, you will meet with our physician. Tomorrow morning the King and Queen will address your presence and we will go from there." Demir stated, blandly. It seemed he was just naming off a boring list of items.

The fact that he is actually listing off everything that is about to happen to me, whether it turns out good or bad, doesn't seem to bother him. Here I am, the last place I want to be, around the last people I want to be in the presence of.

My stomach sinks. What have I gotten myself into? Why couldn't I have just stayed inside. I could have met Alger at any other time. Why in the hell did I make myself go look for him when the grown man can take care of himself. Stupid, Stupid!

Now I am inside the enemy's walls and I have no idea what they are going to do to me. I don't know the place to escape and I don't know anyone here enough to be able to find a way out.

Fear started to creep up my spine. I could feel it intertwining with my muscles and into my bloodstream, making my heart pump faster and my head spin a little. Deep breaths, Aspen. Get it together. Remember all of your training with Alger. Remember that you have an ability and they only think its to immobilize others.

Calming down, we arrive into a large room, ten times the size of the pub. There are paintings and portraits all around, surrounded by large windows and red flowy curtains. There are chairs and stools all around and shelves overflowing with books. I think it is a library?

"Your room is this way." He looks at me, as I stay standing. Raising his eyebrow at me, he waits.

"This place is absolutely amazing." I say quietly, taking it all in. More books than I ever owned. The walls are lined with shelves up to the ceiling on the left furthest side of the wall. There are tables stacked with books. I walk to the shelves, running my fingers over the spines. Some are very old, they feel brittle and others are new, with titles I have never heard of.

"Be careful, some of those are ancient." He cautions. He is standing next to me, watching my every move.

"I grew up reading books. That is how I learned. Between me and my... uhh.. friend, that is where my education came from. The stories are what kept me sane. The math and history made me challenge myself." I continued. "Being a normie wasn't always the best, especially being an orphaned normie. But anytime I got my hand on a book, it helped me push on."

What was I saying? Why was I telling him something so personal? I turned to look at him and find him just mere inches from me. I suck in a breath as I stare into his eyes. It felt as if I was staring into the depths of the sea. Changing and flowing and vastly infinite.

He stares back, he brow furrowed, as if he is trying to solve a puzzle. He holds his hand out to me though and his face softens. "You ready to head to your room?" I nod, slowly accepting his hand. He pulls me along and moves his grip to my arm, softly. He stops in front of a light wooden door, gesturing for me to open it.

I open the door slowly and walk into a beautifully decorated room. It's all creams and yellows with soft pinks. I mean, it isn't my favorite color but it is fantastically put together. The bed seems to go for miles and the floor is the same dark wood that was in the hallway. The walls are creamy with soft yellow curtains covering the windows and classic paintings. There was a shag white rug that filled the entire center of the room.

"One of the maids will be in here shortly to show you everything you need for tonight. Your guard will arrive soon and escort you to the physician." Demir stated. "I will return tomorrow and you will be the King and Queen." he finished. I nodded and he smiled softly again, turning and leaving the room. The door shuts behind him and I am left utterly alone in this draining but beautiful room.

I could feel something. Something off. I fear that I will never see my home again. This thought will haunt me every moment longer I stay here.

What will happen to me? What are they going to do? I sit in a chair across the room, my mind buzzing with questions. I already believe that there will be many hurdles for me to cross. I am far away from any allies. I hang my head in my hands as I wait for the next task ahead of me.

This will not be easy.

Whew! Aspen is now in the hands of what the normies believe is their enemies! What does she have in store? We will find out soon!

Thank you SO MUCH for bearing with me! I am going to start releasing a chapter every few days! My schedule has become hectic but I am still working on the story as much as possible! Please leave a gift, vote, or review! I am blessed to have you all accompany me on this Journey!

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