
The Mirror Queen

Orphaned as an infant, Aspen grew up in an orphanage, working as soon as she was able trying to survive and stay alive in a dystopian kingdom. When she comes across a mysterious stranger, her world is turned upside down putting herself and those she cares about in danger. To discover the truth to a terrible past, she must sacrifice everything she swore to not let go. Will this be the end of her and those she loves or will she climb to the top and rain hell on those who were sworn to end her life?

TeeTotter · Fantasy
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The Mirror Queen: Chapter 5

Finally, almost to the pub I think back to my brief talk with Alger. It went well. After we got back to his home, I had grabbed my staff and we went over the plans again. I would get some rest and he would contact his sources about more information. Good enough for me.

Walking into the pub, it was almost noon. Serena was getting everything set up but had not opened yet.

"Where did you disappear off to last night? I waited but eventually couldn't stay any longer so I closed up. I figured you'd be fine." She spoke as if she had been slightly worried or maybe even nosey.

"Yeah lost track of time. Sorry. Did some extra training." I shrugged, not in the overly sharing type of mood.

"Well, glad you are safe. I'll be opening up soon, will you be here for the shift?" she asked, cleaning off mugs and setting them aside in a row, ready to be used.

"I am going to be some rest, it probably won't be till later tonight." She nodded, not worried. She would probably bring in one of the backups in case the owner asked for more help or someone quit. They are the loose type that's always looking for money.

I continued up to my room, unlocking my door and ushering inside quickly, shutting and locking it back again. It was great to be in my sanctuary again. It isn't much but it was enough to put me at ease when I was here.

I head towards the bathroom to change when I notice something feeling off about the room. I look around through the darkness. I had yet to turn on the lights. Focusing my eyes, I try and fixate on anything foreign in the shadows. Suddenly I hear a smooth, deep chuckle come from behind me, where the front door is. I whip around to see a figure leaning against the wall, arms crossed and hood up, shrouding the rest of his identity.

"Who are you and what do you want?" I take a defensive stance, aiming the tip of my staff in the stranger's direction, not amused by the intrusion.

The figure pushes off from the wall, taking a few steps towards me, bringing his hands up from his torso to the sides of his head, giving off the impression of surrender.

"I come to talk, only. I figure if I would try anywhere else you wouldn't give me the time of day." The huskiness of his voice gave off a familiarity. He pulled his hood down as he reached and turned on the light revealing the blonde stranger who rescued me. Twice. "My name is Demir and I have a lot of questions for you. Aspen." He raised his eyebrow inquisitively even though his voice was demanding.

He knows my name. I wonder if he was the one who looked into my files at the orphanage. "What questions?" I retorted, slight frustrated that not even 24hours of being almost defiled that my home had also been invaded. "You have no right to be in this space." I continued, angrily.

"What a way to say thanks." He rolled his eyes and walked around me, assessing the room as he plopped into my only chair. "Again, I have some questions."

Seeing that he was not going to let this go, I lowered my staff slightly and turned towards him. He didn't seem like much of a threat, yet. He did save me twice, but his stalker abilities were bordering on super creepy.

"Okay, start asking." I stayed standing, walking over towards the kitchen, making sure I had a clear line to the front door if needed. He could make himself comfortable, but I wanted to be ready if he decided to do anything stupid. "You know my name, where I live, where I work, and what I look like half naked. What more could you desire?"

He chuckled slightly, with a slight unease. "The last part wasn't intentional. I assure you I did not see anything that I should have not been looking at." He gave me a small smile, like something to ease me. His teeth were very straight and white, something that isn't quite normal around these parts.

"Why did you lie?" He asked unexpectedly.

Lie? I have barely spoken to the man, let alone given a chance to lie to him. "What do you mean, lie? I don't even know you." I replied.

"It is true that you do not know me but you did lie to me. The last thing you said to me before you left me alone to deal with the ogre by myself. You lied about using your ability." He crossed his arms, staring at me with those blue daggers of his.

Crap. I guess I did technically lie. But I didn't know it at the time. I need to be careful around him. He seems like a clever person and he could start trouble if he knows the truth about my ability. "The last thing I wanted to do was sit there and have a conversation with you, let alone give him the ability to walk away free. So, excuse me for not caring." I snapped.

"Woah, hey. No need to get that angry. I am just wondering why you lied is all. Now that you have confirmed your ability, there are other things we need to discuss." He stood, pacing back and forth from my bed to the front door. He was making me uneasy. I could see the tension rolling off of him. He seemed subtly nice but underneath there was an air about him that seemed deadly and untrustworthy.

I gripped my staff harder, preparing for some sort of fight. I felt a shift in the air and did not like it.

"You are an anomaly, Aspen." It was not a question, more like he read it directly from a book. "Nothing in our history has ever told of something happening like what happened with you." He stopped pacing and looked up at me. "According to your files from the orphanage, your mother is a normal and your father is unknown."

"I never knew either of them, so you can spare me from the history lesson." I tried to sound like I didn't care. Separating myself from the past may be something that can help me survive whatever is bound to happen.

"Well, whether you care or not, it is a special circumstance. No one in our history has been born with a special ability from someone with the suppressor gene. Because of that, you have to come with me." He walked towards the door, opening it.

"I'm not coming with you." I scoffed. The last thing I want is to be surrounded by people with just abilities. I have not yet gotten mine figured out and I would be completely vulnerable.

"You don't have a choice. Your circumstance has already been reported back to the King. Your choices are to come without force, or I use force." He looked slightly ashamed, like maybe he wasn't given an option to take me in or not.

I stood there for a moment, thinking of how I could get out of this. There was one window, but I might break an ankle from jumping out of it. I don't even know what his ability is so he could prevent me from doing that. I could fight him off but again, unsure of what his ability is. I could try to use my ability but then I would be truly found out.

I am not ready for the world to know what I can do. My last option is to go with them and wait for an opportunity to escape before we get to the capitol.

After the moment passed, I made up my mind to go with and try and escape later. It is the best choice right now and I can get away quickly as soon as I am given a moment to. I nod silently.

"I'll go with you under one condition. I need to leave something with a friend, and you need to tell me who you are." He chuckled.

"Apologies. My name is Demir. I am the Commander of the King's guard." he replied. "Now, lets get going. I would like to get back soon." He motioned towards the door, waiting for me to accompany him.

I turned and grabbed a pencil and tore a page of the closest book. Oh, it is from an old math book. I won't need that. I laugh quietly to myself. I scribble a quick note to Alger letting him know what was happening and wrapped my key up with the note.

With my staff alright in hand, I stroll out the door ahead of Demir. Being Commander of the King's guard makes me flutter inside a little. It isn't something I am fond of. Alger, among a few friendly acquaintances, are the only ones I really wish to know. With the Guard comes more oppression and that comes with harder times on those who truly don't deserve it.

The King rules unjustly and I don't even want to be close to him. Fortunately, I know my way around the border of the town and my plan to escape would be easy.

I let Serena know I won't be back for a few days, but Alger will have the key to my room if she needs anything. She waves hesitantly. I lead Demir towards Alger's, having him wait as I push the note under Alger's front door. Hoping he sees it.

"Okay, now where to?" I question. I still have regular black tight, fitting pants and a green cotton shirt on, hoping these suffice where we will go.

"Now, we meet with the rest of the Guard that are supposed to head back to the capitol." He leads the way. "So why were you hiding here? Your ability could come to use with the Guard. We have several women who kick plenty of ass without help." He looked towards me while continuing forward.

"I wasn't hiding. I was living out in the open. Plus, if you truly wish to know." I said hesitantly. "I just found out." I murmured. He already knows I am an anomaly. He may not know my ability, but he can at least know the rest.

Shock stunned him. "You just found out? Wait, but you're 18. You should have known about this since you were a child." He seemed unable to understand the information.

"I know about as much as you do." I replied. We came upon a group of guards. They were gathering items and heading for a small plane just outside of the town's walls.

"Alright everyone! You have already been briefed but this is Aspen. She will be accompanying us back to the capitol." He stated. He ushered me forward.

Moments later, we arrived at a cleared area with a metallic gray plane sitting dead in the middle. Shit. I can't escape this. I would be wishing for death to try and jump out, with this size of plane, I am sure I won't be able to make a move without everyone on top of me in a second.

Demir sees me looking at the plane in shock, as we climb the short staircase, entering the main part of the plane. "This is a C23 and completely safe. We have used it many times and it is completely reliable." He said, patting at a spot on the bench for me to sit down on.

"Just because you use it a lot doesn't mean its dependable. More wear and tear." I replied, rolling my eyes, still in disbelief that my plan to escape is completely extinguished. A new fear of flight started to bubble up gripping my chest. I have never been on a plane. "I can use my door hundreds of times but one day it could just fall off from being used so much." I said, pointedly.

"Maybe but you should know it is about to fall off because it will show signs first, right?" He retorted back. He has a point.

"Do you think I truly want to be on a plane when it decides to show signs of non-reliability?" I jabbed back. He shrugged and went towards the front of the plane, speaking to the pilots.

Another guard came and sat down next to me. He held his hand out towards me, offering an introduction. "Hey, I am Gil." I shook his hand and he continued. "If there are any questions you can ask me. I can also provide comic relief in the meantime. Like if we do crash land, the worst thing about the crash will be the sharks, not the plane." He smiled wide.

"Uhh, I guess we aren't on the same level of humor." I smiled back, looking away. The plane started humming and vibrating, coming to life.

I gripped the seat tightly. Before squeezing my eyes shut, I glimpse Demir at the front opposite bench, staring at me. My heart starts to hammer in my chest. I have never been on a plane before and I think I might have a heart attack.

This is not going to be fun.