
The Mirror Queen

Orphaned as an infant, Aspen grew up in an orphanage, working as soon as she was able trying to survive and stay alive in a dystopian kingdom. When she comes across a mysterious stranger, her world is turned upside down putting herself and those she cares about in danger. To discover the truth to a terrible past, she must sacrifice everything she swore to not let go. Will this be the end of her and those she loves or will she climb to the top and rain hell on those who were sworn to end her life?

TeeTotter · Fantasy
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7 Chs

The Mirror Queen: Chapter 3


I slowly start to wake to the sound of chains being rattled. The first thing that came to my mind is the pain I am experiencing from the back of my head. It is a throbbing dull ache. I go to lift my hand to rub my head and find that I can't move them. I feel chains tightly wrapped around my wrists. I start to panic. I did not fall asleep, I was hit.

Terror started to creep up my spine. I am chained up, only god knows where to what feels like a mattress. I open my eyes, greeted by torch light inside an abandoned building. Oh shit, I am in the building me and Alger uses as a place to train. I remember scouting it out the first time we started to train. The only thing we found was a dirty mattress and some old clothes.

The stench fills my nose of the room I am in. Pain shoots through my head again as I close my eyes and grit my teeth. Then I hear someone else in the room.

"Well, well, sleeping beauty." Came a croak from the other side of the room. I open my eyes again and turn my head, straining against the chains. They start to bite into my skin, so I relax them a little. The bald guard from the pub, Remmy, Alger called him, fills my view. He has a sarcastic smile on his face. "Glad you finally came to. It isn't enjoyable when they are asleep." He says, spitting on the ground next to me.

Bile starts to climb my throat. He is going to rape me, take away one thing that is mine to control.

"You stay the hell away from me." I spat at him, wriggling around on the mattress, trying to loosen the chains from my wrists. My legs are free, so I am trying to use them as leverage, but nothing is working. I can't find the source of what I am chained to.

"Oh, you won't get free." He laughs, slowly starting to unbuckle his belt, coming around to the end of the mattress. "The chains are attached to the ground beneath the mattress. You get free when I let you free." He smiles, greedily. l start to struggle again but then my whole body goes lax. I can move a single muscle. I try and push my body off the mattress, but I get nothing. Fortunately, I can move my mouth.

"What did you do to me? Why can't I move?!" I scream at him. I am using every ounce of my energy to move my body, but the damned thing won't move.

"Scream all you want, my buddies left you here with me a while ago. No one is coming for you. As for WHY you can't move, that's my specialty little lady. Like I said before, you get free, when I let you free." He drops the belt on the ground and starts to unbutton his pants, kneeling on the edge of the bed. "Now, you say all the mean, hateful things you want, that'll just help this process along."

This bastard has paralyzed me. This pig has an ability that can paralyze whatever he wishes. What a shit time to be a normie. I close my eyes, digging deep inside, trying to find a way to break free of his hold. I will not be raped today.

I look around me, trying to find something to focus on. I can feel him pulling down on my pants, my digust and fear rising as they slip off my feet. Unable to stop him, I focus my thoughts on Alger. God please, if I ever did need saving, this is the one time I would gladly accept your help. Jesus Christ. Closing my eyes again, tears start to well, dripping from the corners. He finishes sliding off my underwear, and lifts my legs up, scooting closer. I start to scream at the top of my lungs.

"NO! HELP! SOMEONE PLEASE! NO! DON'T DO THIS!" I scream over and over again, trying to move, trying everything inside of me to thrash around and kick him off. This is it. I won't win this one.

Without a moment to spare, it feels like a dam breaks inside of me. Just seconds before he can accomplish his goal, I find myself able to kick my leg up and nail him in the gut, knocking him over. I look down at where he fell, and he is still. I cross my legs quickly and maneuver myself so that I am half sitting, my wrists still bound by chains. At least I can move now but why isn't he getting up, not that I am not grateful for more time to get free. I didn't hit him that hard and how am I able to move? Usually abilities don't break while being used on someone unless the person decides to.

That feeling though. It was unlike anything I had felt before. It felt like a rubber band snapped inside of my head or that pressure inside of a balloon right before it pops. The release was intense and then I was free and able to defend myself.

I heard someone burst through the front door of the building and a few seconds later a hooded figure with a bow and arrow approached the room. The figure looked up, his light blue eyes traveling up to me, going wide. It was the stranger from earlier in the night in the corner of the pub.

He came over to me, assessing the chains and the mattress. "Can you get up?" He asked. His voice was deep and husky. I shook my head, pulling on the chains. "No, he said they were under the mattress in the floor." I said quietly. He looked at me again, then started to search the floor, picking up my pants from the edge of the mattress and tossing them onto my lap.

"I'm going to lift up the mattress slightly and see if I can get you unhooked." He stated, waiting for my answer. I nodded quickly and moved as far to my left that I could. He lifted the mattress and I heard the chains rustling and then the chains went lax. I pulled them up towards me and wriggled my hand out of the loops. Quickly sliding on my pants, I didn't even worry about my shoes, bolting up and aiming for the door to leave.

"Before you go, I need you to let him go." the stranger demanded. "I can't take him to the village and put him in a cell if he is nothing but dead weight." He looked back at me as he kneeled beside the guard. He had a slender frame but resembled a dedicated athlete. His face was a light tanned color. His muscles wrapping his arms, I could see a slight strain against his leather jacket. He had a strong jaw and his blonde hair was cut short, close to his scalp with the top a little longer. He had the presence of a top general, maybe even a Royal, but something just felt off about him.

"I don't know what you are talking about, I'm not doing anything to him. You think if I could, I would have been chained up in this abandoned building?" I replied, confused. Looking from my rescuer to Remmy. He seemed tense and stiff. I could barely see him breathing but nothing else was moving on his body.

He shook his head. "Well he seems paralyzed. He is awake but not moving." He answered back, assessing him. I rolled my eyes and turned away, done with this situation. I didn't owe anyone any help. He wants to lock him up, he can deal with whatever is happening.

A cold feeling came over me. It felt like I was dunked into a cold bath, kind of like a shock to my system. A short moment and it was gone, my body left feeling sluggish and drained. A thought creeped into my mind. It is not possible. Is this.. an ability? Did I do that to the guard? Is that how I managed to defend myself? I have never felt anything like this before.

I hear a sigh behind me and a struggle. Before I stepped out the front door, I look back. Remmy was limp, and the blonde stranger was trying to lift him up onto his shoulders. Fortunately, it seemed he was unable to lift the fat pig up high enough. I laughed quietly to myself and walked out, leaving the building behind me. I needed to get home and get changed and sort out this mess.

An hour later I was finally sitting in my room. Daylight had just broken through my small window. The room I lived in was small with only one wall that separated the bathroom and the rest of the living space.

With a small kitchen area about the size of two doors laying side by side, the space was cluttered with books from on the counters to an old desk that was here when I moved in and a pile of my clothes on a chair. I didn't own a tv, so more books piled on top of a table by the entrance. These books where my only education.

I never went to school so I taught myself through books I could find or steal. When I met Alger, he helped teach me what he knew as well. He went to a special training school for those meant for the Guard. Not as good as school but it was more than enough for him to teach me.

I put my head in my hands, sitting on the edge of my bed. My mind still trailing back to the almost rape and how I survived. How do I have an ability? The last 18 years nothing has ever reared its head before and they labled me as a normie after testing my blood for both genes and threw me in an orphanage, so it couldn't be possible. But that feeling, what else could it have been? In all of my 18 years, I have not had a feeling come over me that even resembled that.

Alger. Maybe I can talk to him about this. He is the only one I can trust with this. He could help me figure it out. He may be able to help.

With a renewed purpose, I stand. I had already changed into black form fitting pants and a long green cotton shirt. I throw on a sleeveless leather vest. Unfortunately, my leathers will be burned. I don't think I will ever feel the same in those that I once did. I leave the room and head out of the pub, ready to get to the bottom of things.

I have really got to figure this out.