
The Mirror Queen

Orphaned as an infant, Aspen grew up in an orphanage, working as soon as she was able trying to survive and stay alive in a dystopian kingdom. When she comes across a mysterious stranger, her world is turned upside down putting herself and those she cares about in danger. To discover the truth to a terrible past, she must sacrifice everything she swore to not let go. Will this be the end of her and those she loves or will she climb to the top and rain hell on those who were sworn to end her life?

TeeTotter · Fantasy
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7 Chs

The Mirror Queen: Chapter 2

As the sun sets, I slowly start to wake from my deep sleep. I can fill the grogginess start to leave my body as I stretch. The pub will be opening soon, I should get ready. Heaving my body out of bed, I head to the closet. Usually we have to wear something revealing, give the men a little show. Whatever. Letting my fire red hair fall down to my waist, I slide on a black leather tank and form fitting pants. I lucked into a good bargain with a leather merchant down at the Center Market and with some help from Serena, was able to make a decent piece of clothing that isn't too revealing. I also train in this sometimes because its perfect and won't catch on anything. Sliding on my boots, I head downstairs.

Already, there are a few customers here. Not ready for this evenings load of scumbags, I wave to Selene and start heading to tables, taking their orders. Between the bakery and the liquor, the owner makes good money. We only see him on two occasions, weekly for money pickup and payday.

As the night drones on, the pub fills up. Mostly the regulars but there are a few unfamiliar faces that begin to squeeze into the drunken mix. I head up to the bar and wait for Selene to finish the next round of orders when a foreign face comes in and takes a seat at a table alone. He doesn't seem too interested in everyone else but nods my way. I turn away and roll my eyes. After delivering the last table's order, avoiding some ass smacks as I leave, I head over to newbie's table.

"What can I get you?" I say, hands on my hips. He looks up and only offers a dispassionate expression. "Whatever beer you have in this slop." He says, looking back down at the table. Something about the man gives me a weird sensation at the back of my neck so I hurry off with his order. On my way up to the bar, a hand grasps my wrist pulling me back as another snakes up my backside, gripping my ass tightly.

"Where you going gorgeous. Let me get a feel of those assets." came a throaty, scratchy voice that was attached to the hands fondling me. I jerk away, smacking away his hands and tried to walk away. I look back as I walk away. Hes just a drunken soldier, one I am not too familiar with so he must also be new to the village. He reaches out again and grabs me. "Not so fast, i'm not done with you yet." he says, as he forces me down on his lap.

"Get the hell off me, im not interested." I say, pushing off of him. His meaty exterior and bald head definitely did nothing for me and I am not about to let some drunk bastard get handsy. Same as every other night, not happening.

Again, I try and walk away so I can continue to work and get this night over with. Mr. Baldy got up and tried to follow me. "Hey bitch, I said I wasn't done with you yet, now get over here and do your job." He grabs me by the back of my neck, squeezing and jerking me backwards. On instinct, I jab my elbow back into his gut, hoping it was hard enough to get through the soft fat squeezing his vital organs. He lets go with a gasp, trying to get in a breath of air. This guy will definitely be easier than the rest i've encountered. I turn raise my fist, slamming it into the side of his face. A grunt escapes his lips as he falls to his knees. I turn away again, leaving him on the ground and get up to the bar, giving her the customer's request. I hear in the background the guard slowly standing up, i look back and find him charging at me like he is going to take a bite out of my neck and stomp on my head.

As I gear up, turning around in a defensive stance, the newbie from the corner stands in my view, grabbing the man's wrist twisting it and gives him a hard headbutt. Blood gushed from the guard's nose. Newbie then kicked him in the gut, sending him tumbling to the ground.

"The lady said she wasn't interested. Leave it at that." He said sternly. A bit of an accent rolled off his tongue, something from far away and older. Maybe british? He adjusted his clothes and walked away, leaving the pub without another word. The guard's friends helped the poor bastard up and headed out the door as well.

Letting out the breath I didn't realize I was holding, I waved at Serena and headed to the bathroom. Closing my eyes, I shook my head. I felt like I was in a dream. Who was that guy? Being all heroic and why hadn't Alger been to the pub yet? Usually his nights ended there with the rest of his fellow men. I wash my face with cold water in the sink and dry it off with the towel hanging there. God, it smelled funny. I should have it replaced and washed.

Mentally preparing myself after that little showdown, I head back out to the bar. It was nearing midnight finally and it was almost time to shut her down. Most of the guards had left after the scene and the usual straggler were left. I should go see if I can find Alger and see what the hold up was. I told Serena I was going to take a walk and I would be back before she completely locked up.

Walking down the dirt street, I enjoy the soft summer breeze against my face. Early summer always felt nice here. Soon it would get hotter and it would be like Satan's ass, especially in the markets but for now I could enjoy it. Instead of turning at the corner and going through the center market, I keep straight, going towards the guard's quarters. A few of them down that usually keep watch at night are kind and hopefully will let me know if they've seen him.

"Hey Pat." I call out, coming up to the entrance and waving at the first guard. Pat was slim and lean but was pretty clever. Probably in his mid 30s, he always treated the villagers nice and tried to help when he could, unlike some of the guards. "Have you seen Alger? Usually he comes down to the pub at night but I haven't seen him." I asked. Hoping he knows something so I know things were good.

"Oh yeah, he is still at the guard tower at the entrance of the village. I think its double duty tonight. Careful, Miss. The new guards are making things pretty strict around here." He tipped his head towards me.

"Thanks Pat, I'll try and stay out of trouble." I wink and head off towards the entrance to the village. Keeping to the shadows, I stay down alleyways and keep close to buildings and homes until I finally reach the entrance. I see a light in the guard tower and see a faint outline of Alger. Letting out a sigh of relief, I head up the stairs to the top. I knock on the door that opens into the top of the watch tower and poke my head through. Alger turns and his eyes go wide, shushing me and closing the door quickly, putting my back to the rest of the village so no one can tell who I am.

"Aspen, what are you doing here? You shouldn't be up here, its late and the others will have my ass if they find you up here." He looks down at me as I look around the tower. Its small, big enough for one person to sleep up here if necessary. It seems crowded now that I am up here.

"You didn't come to the pub, so I came looking to make sure things were okay. I figured after everyone left the pub drunk, no one would be out walking around the village." I reply. He would do the same for me, so he can't be all that mad.

Nodding his head for a moment, he walks over beside me, leaning against the tower's half wall. "Yeah they stuck me with double duty so the others could sleep since the new guards arrived. Most of them arrived on foot. I guess they were close and didn't need a plane or boat." He shrugged. He looked kind of tense but I wasn't going to ask yet.

"There was an incident at the pub. One of the guards tried to persuade me into sticking around with him. Someone stepped in and knocked him a good one so I didn't have to do much." I said quickly. He would hear about it soon enough and know that it was me. I was the only one who usually got harassed. Serena would ban them from the pub if they got nasty with her. "Bald, pudgy guy. Didn't know when to quit until he was bleeding from the nose." I added.

"Sounds like Remmy. He is a nasty asshole. Grimey and slimey. Sorry I wasn't there but seems like someone didn't like what he was doing to you." He seemed pleased. Thankful that it didn't end with me in cuffs. "Just be careful. If he went after you once, he may come again. Keep away from him if you can."

"Yeah i'll try. Hard to do that in a pub." I laugh slightly. "Well I'll get going. I just wanted to see things were okay." I said, punching him lightly in the arm. He grabbed my wrist softly and hesitated for a moment.

"Hey I need to talk to you about something before you head off." He looked down at his feet as I sat back down. "Aspen, I've been wanting to say something for awhile but with us being so busy and in a good routine, I haven't found a way to come out with it." He paused again. I took a deep breath. My stomach felt like it was going to explode for a moment. I don't know if I am ready for what he is about to tell me.

"Aspen, I just wanted to say that I like you. We have known each other for so long, I think you are an amaing person, even when you are stubborn and hard headed." he said. It seemed like he was having a hard time talking through it. Not like I was paying much attention. I was starting to feel dizzy with this new information. He slowly slid his hand over, grabbing my hand and squeezing it. "I know its dangerous and by law we aren't supposed to be together but I couldn't go another day without you knowing." My heart was drumming loudly in my ears. I wasn't exactly sure what to say back.

I looked up at him. Just taking in his whole appearance. He was a great looking guy. He had shoulder length brown brown hair, honey colored eyes with caramel colored skin. He face was stern with a square jaw and stood at probably 6'5. Ripped beyond belief and a very stout body. Appearance wise, he was a dream boat. Every bit a warrior. His looks and personality definitely didn't frighten me. I just don't know if I am ready or if this is even a good idea.

Suddenly, he leaned over, brushed the hair out of my face and brushed his lips against mine softly. I sucked in a breath as a strange feeling ignited inside of my body. Heat erupted from my core. His opposite hand rose, softly cupping the side of my face. I wasn't sure what to do. He pressed his lips a little more firmly against mine. As quick as it happened, it was gone. Just the faint feeling of his lips against mine.

"Uhm.. I-I think I need to go. I should be getting some rest. I'll talk to you tomorrow Alger." I said quickly and bolted. I hurried down the steps and ran towards the pub. I didn't even try staying in the shadows. My main goal was to run out this weird feeling in my body and put distance between me and whatever that was. I needed time to think. I couldn't handle that right now. It was too much.

As I rounded the corner and the pub was in my sights, I started to hear guys yelling into the air. It sounded like they were cheering someone on. I stop and see four men coming out of the shadows. It looks like they are circling me, with snide expressions on their face. Then the same asshole from earlier in the pub makes an appearance, smiling like he is standing over a hot feast, ready to dig in.

"I told you, bitch, I wasn't done with you. We were just getting started. Get her boys." he shouted. Before I could turn I heard a thud and a sharp pain erupted from the back of my head. My vision blurred and I could feel my legs giving out. I tried to raise my hands to catch myself but the next thing I know i am face first in the ground and im losing conciousness.

Well shit.