
The Might Of A True Uchiha {Completed}

A weeb, the best of the best regarding Naruto, dies when he goes to watch The Last: Naruto the Movie for the 697th time. On his way to this friends house, he crosses the steet and by the time he is in the middle part of the road, a truck materialised right infront of the Weeb and kills him. He is given a 3 wishes and a 2 perks from god for making his son drop his toy truck, and he is then reincarnated into the world of Naruto. What awaits the master of Naruto IN Naruto? But, is he really who he seems to be? The Cover is not mine, so if it belongs to you and you dont want it up, I will take it down. It is completed, if you haven’t read the title.

SomeSpookyGuy · Anime & Comics
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125 Chs

Chapter 50

This chapter contains Manga spoilers, so if you don't want them, tune in for the next chapter. In fact, pretty much every chapter will have Manga spoilers, so I would suggest going to read the AoT manga, or simply wait until the AoT arc is finished and skip straight to the next ark. Also, I will be using the translation "Yeager" instead of "Jaeger", "Ackerman" instead of "Ackermann", and so on If you dont like it, fuck off. I do it my style. Also, I finally have a revolt against people who said that Alex was weird in Naruto. What about Dan, the lover of Tsunade? So you should go fuck yourself if you hate the name. Other than that, enjoy.

(For those who want to know a place where you can read the manga, I'll drop a link, in a place I personally use. It also has other mangas like Dr. Stone, Solo Leveling, DBS, and others. The chapter that its gonna be on is the start of season 4 of AoT.


I'll put a paragraph comment on it.)

Also, the mass release is because the publish timer actually works. And I'm already in the third world, so the mass release is because of that. Also, I promised a fan that if I am past this world, AoT world when everyone else is still in Naruto world, I will mass release the Naruto world. I'm just keeping my promise.

{1786 words}


*3rd Pov*

Alex looked around, and saw himself and Kaguya floating in the air, both intangible and see-through. 2 bodies suddenly appear out of nowhere in front of them, resembling themselves, except at the tender age of 10. Alex goes into his body, while Kaguya enters hers. After 2 seconds, the two wake up and start to stretch their bodies.

[Let me explain a bit of information about this world. First, we are on what is called Paradis Island. Here, subjects of Ymir, live daily lives. This world is ruled by Titan's, at least in the Paradis Island. On Paradis Island, Titan's vary from around 5 meters to 50 meters. Ymir is the ancestor of these Titan's, as she gained the power to control them first. In total, there are 9 people that can shift into Titans. These are the Founding Titan, the Attack Titan, the Armoured Titan, the Colossal Titan, the Warhammer titan, The jaw's titan, the female titan, the Beast Titan, and lastly the cart titan. Each has unique abilities. For now, someone called Grisha Yeager will come here in a hurry. We will use him as a means to get inside wall Rose, Trost district. I'll explain everything to you later, but don't use your Chakra, or else you will likely explode since these bodies don't have Chakra coils.] said Alex. Kaguya seemed to understand the situation and followed Alex onto a path.

[Ive already thought of our backgrounds. We are a family of four living in the woods until Titans ate our parents. We narrowly escaped and found Grisha, who took us to Wall Sina. Ah, to make it believable, make it so that you just lost everything, on your expression.] said Alex. Kaguya nodded, and her eyes seem to have suddenly died. Alex did the same, and after waiting for several minutes, a carriage arrives.

[What are you kids doing on the road?! Hurry up, I need to go!] screamed out the man

[.. Titan's ate our parents.] said Alex while looking into Grisha's eyes. He was stunned at the expression, on both Kaguya's and Alex's faces. He clicked his tongue while letting both of them go into the carriage behind him. They start to rapidly travel the forest and ride to Wall Sina.

[Now that that is finished, Ill explain more about the history of this place. Once upon a time, a little girl called Ymir, a slave had either freed a pig or had been framed doing so, which caused her to get hunted down. She fell down a tree, into water, and there she found the titan powers. From then, she cultivated the lands, built bridges, and so on. Eventually, she died, and her powers were split into 9 separate powers. These are the 9 titans that I mentioned before. Moving forward in history, the first king of the Paradis island built three walls, which are the names of the 3 daughters of Ymir. They are Maria, Rose, and Sina.

Each of them is built by 50-meter titans, in which society doesn't know about. The king of the walls erased the memories of everyone within these 3 walls, erasing all history. Some bloodlines were immune to this, thus they became the noble's. Outside of these walls is another human society, progressing much faster than here. They send prisoners here and make them titans that will wonder the island. They are lacking resources, so they needed the resources of Paradis Island, along with the founding titan. Anyways, this man, Grisha, originates from outside the walls. He has the Attack Titan and the Founding Titan that he just gained.

We are heading to wall Rose, as the Colossal Titan and the Armoured titan breached the Shiganshina district, a small part outside Wall Maria. By the time we are speaking, they have already breached wall Rose. Only a small amount was able to escape. Soon, food shortages will happen, so the government will most likely send the Elderly to their graves, in an effort to 'reclaim' wall Maria. Any questions thus far?] questioned Alex

[What means does this place use to fight the Titans?] questioned Kaguya with interest.

[The ODM gear, or the Omni Directional Mobility gear. They use hooks that hook onto things to maneuver through the terrain while using the swords with them to kill titans. I forgot to mention this, but the titan's weakness is their napes. This is also the place where the Titan shifter will be. Any more questions before I continue?] questioned Alex. She shook her head. Alex continued to explain everything, every last bit of his knowledge of the AoT world.

[I understand everything.] said Kaguya. Coincidentally, they arrived at the Trost district, where Grisha parted ways with Kaguya and Alex. They walked up to a guard and started to talk with him.

[Names.] he said

[Alex, Kaguya.] said Alex

[Weird name, boy. Where do you come from?] he said

[We are a secluded family inside a forest of Shiganshina, so you probably haven't heard of us.] said Alex

[Shiganshina, good enough. Enter.] he said as he stepped aside. The two enter and Alex immediately recognize the main characters there.

'Kid Reiner, kid Bertolt, and kid Annie. I also spot Eren, Mikasa, and Armin.' Thought Alex

[You see the two blonds with the blackie? Those are the people who have invaded this island. That kid over there is the son of Grisha, and the girl there is adopted. She is part of the Ackerman that I told you about. They are like Titan's in human form, once they awaken their power. To awaken it, they must recognize someone as their master. The blonde next to those 2 is Armin, he is their childhood friend.] said Alex while pointing at various people. Alex walks up to Eren, Mikasa, and Armin and greets them.

[Nice to meet you guys. Could we be friends?] questioned Alex with a slight bow.

[Eh? Why would you want that in a time like this?] questioned Armin

[His eyes are one I can trust.] said Alex while pointing to Eren.

[Plus, its good to have a few connections.] said Alex

'Am I being too formal?' Questioned Alex

[Then, alright. What are your names?] questioned Armin again. Mikasa and Eren just stare at Alex and Kaguya.

[She is Kaguya Otsutsuki, my half-sister, and I'm Alex Uchiha. Yes, I know, weird name and all.] said Alex with a smile.

[Where did you come from?] questioned Armin

[Shiganshina. We live secluded in a forest, by ourselves. Until Titan's ate our parents.] said Alex. Mikasa gave a knowing look to living in the forest, while Eren's hatred grew ever so slightly.

[Anyways, I'll go get you guys some bread. I'll be back. Kaguya, get along with them.] said Alex while sprinting away at speeds that 'matched' Mikasa's, which surprised the three.

[He's fast.] said Mikasa

[How are you guys so calm after seeing those damn titans?] said Eren in anger, but still holding it down enough to not scream.

[We try our best, I guess. Its the only thing we can do to move forward.] said Kaguya. Her words resembled that of Eren when he is talking about freedom. Alex returned shortly after with 5 additional pieces of bread from the original 3 that Armin, Mikasa, and Eren had.

[I've got enough for everyone, so take your turn.] said Alex while handing one to everyone. Alex stole a glance at Kaguya and saw her just barely swallowing the bread. She seemed to be having a nightmare with the food. Alex whispers in her ear, lightening her mood ever so slightly.

[What's your names?] questioned Alex

[Im Armin Arlert. He is Eren Yeager, and that is Mikasa Ackerman.] said Armin

[Yeager? Do you know Grisha Yeager?] questioned Alex

[He's my father... Do you know where he is!] screamed out Eren while shaking Alex.

[I'm not sure. He brought us here.] said Alex

[*Sigh, it's hopeless.] said Armin while rubbing his temples.

[Anyways, let's go. I got a place we can stay.] said Alex while making them follow him.

'This world is going to be a rollercoaster of adventures..'



Name: Alex Uchiha

(New!) Age: 10

Bloodline(s): Zero Otsutsuki, Joestar, Pillarmen, God Animal

Stand(s): Killer Queen, Kraft Work, Star Platinum

(New!) Titan(s): None

Technique(s) : 3 Million

SP: 0

Debt: 100 billion SP

(A/N: Decided to get rid of Chakra for now, since he can't use it in this world. Let me explain why. A world weaker than another one cannot be used for powers. For example, if Alex started in the Titan world and went to the Naruto world, he would have the powers he got in the AoT world, but if he came from the Naruto world to the AoT world, they wouldn't work, as they are too strong. However, in my opinion, his Stand's are acceptable, so he can use them. This is by no mean's a nerf, but a trial to see if he can overcome being weak again. Once he goes to a world like DBS where in my opinion, is stronger than both Naruto and AoT, he will be able to use both powers. But that is IF he ever goes to DBS.)