
Chapter 2: The Dream

As I put my bunny slippers on I made my way to the restroom while holding my bowl full of skincare items. I slipped on my headband then went from start to finish. In my water filled bowl I then dipped my face in and stay under the water for a few seconds. As I was doing this I couldn't help but wake up my brain in which triggered my curiosity. Something my curiosity won't leave me alone on is the dream I had so all I could do is wonder and think.... "what was my dream about? what was waiting for me? who was waiting for me behind the door? does it mean anything?" I had all these questions and yet no response to my curiosity. Then I heard my phone ringing so I dramatically opened the bathroom door violently (it woke my whole family up) and headed towards my bed where my phone was to see Tifton calling me. Ugh after that embarrassing moment yesterday I'm embarrassed to even talk to him but here we go another day in society. So I picked up and answer with a threatening voice "Ehem what do you want you little nasty booger-". "Oh hi Lyr... did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed?" ("crap, no way... it was Rifton who answered. My life is over!" I said as I sobbed inside my head) "N.O, I'm sorry I thought you were Tifton..." I said and through the other end of the phone it went silent then I heard it- his iconic loud laughter, even louder than yesterday's. "Match made in heaven am I right" said Rifton as he tried to catch his breath. Then I heard a second voice go "Rifton have you seen my favorite boxers, I left them in the dryer" and then a forth voice say "Honey, I left them in your room". "Mom I could've gotten them, wait... Rifton- why do you have my phone in your hand?" "Who are you talking to?" (WAIT NO WAY. DID I JUST HEAR TIFTON THE LITTLE BOOGER JUST ASK WHERE HIS BOXERS WERE?!. I CAN'T THIS IS TO FUNNY TO NOT USE IT AS BLACKMAIL NEXT TIME I SEE HIM!). "Give me my phone... hello who is this?" that's it... I can't hold back my... laughter "PFFT PLEASE HAHAHAHAHA AAAAAH TIFF DID YOU FIND YOUR BOXERS. OH NO HE HUNG UP WHICH MAKES IT TEN TIMES FUNNIER. OH MY- I CAN'T BREATHE- AAH AAH AGH Aah- breathe in breathe out calm and collected. Hah, ok I calmed down but I'll definitely be using that for future purposes". After that great wake up call I got changed and headed outside to go for a walk with my dog, it was a beautiful day after all. Before that I made sure to tell my mother where I was going for safety reasons. As I was quite far from my house I felt eyes on me so I turned around to see if someone was staring at me. But no one was there then I suddenly felt a burning sensation in my chest. I was in so much pain I fell to the ground and my dog started barking... growling... then whimpering. Not just any whimpering... not from pain but from... fear... great fear. Then it suddenly stopped and my dog licked my face to try and get a response from me. "it's ok Cid, I'm ok it's ok it's ok" I said reassuring this little soft hearted golder retriever to help calm her while also gathering my strength to hold up my hand and pet her pretty little head. After that unfortunate event we took a short cut home. While heading home I couldn't help but wonder what that was... or who that was. But what's important is that we're both ok! yes me and Cid are ok, yes? YES!. We finally made it home safely safe and sound. I wanted to tell my mom about what happened but the last thing I wanna do is put more on their plate. So I stayed silent and kept it to myself, who knows if I was doing the right thing but I did what felt right to me. "Well your here early, how was your walk with Cid?" said mom. "Oh it was great, we just decided to cut it short since it's so hot outside it may have caused hallucinations." (yes... that's probably all it was) "Hey mom?" "Yes sweetie?" "Since it's hot... can you... drive me and Cid to Starbucks later?" "I mean I don't see why not?" "LET'S GOOO!" "Ok ok don't yell or I won't take you" "Let's goooo" I said in a more silent voice. I went upstairs towards my room and cleaned it which took me a few hours. After that long cleaning session mixed with the heat from the sun outside I fell asleep with my window open. "Wait is this... a dream?" "wow it feels so realistic, it's happening again... my body is moving on its own towards the door. I'm almost there... I'll finally get to see who's behind. I'm twisting the door nob as I'm slowly pushing the bright door when suddenly I heard that familiar soft bell go off as I try to open the door when I wake up to a burning sensation on my hand. There was a slightly big cut on my hand in which I don't remember how I got and it's dark outside "WAIT IT'S SEVEN IN THE AFTERNOON?!. OH THAT'S RIGHT! MOM LET'S GO GET STARBUCKS BEFORE THEY CLOSE!" if-... if only I knew my life was going to spiral into pure chaos from there just kidding we'll get to that later.